(2011/01) Jan 2011

Good morning mummies,

Time really flies.. Seems like some mummies are already counting down.

My EDD is end of Jan.. guess I'll be one of the later ones.. Will wait patiently while you mummies pop one by one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chelleybaby - How far is yr home to hospital??

If you are not experiencing v v painful contractions, after yr waterbag burst think call for cab can still do. After yr waterbag burst u can put a pad on yr underwear so it doesnt soak up yr panty.

Signs of delivery including show too.....


morning ladies,

wow so fast many posts on delivery liao!


its kinda good tat ur gynae has planned when u deliver etc...it gets u more prepared...whereas the rest of us are on the waiting game ;p


did your gynae gave you any advise on what u shld do and expect when nearing ur EDD? my gynae (for #1) for eg. only gave me instructions to go straight to hospi if either my waterbag burst or when contractions come in every 5 mins...even show also no need to check in yet... abit diff from poormummy descriptions...diff gynae diff practice i guess.


me too EDD also later part of Jan.

Morning mummies


i received the pic. will try later to see if i can put it up.


you're welcome. hope the simple list will make things easier as the items is covers the basic to tide you thro.

as for car seat n stroller, mine cost me $109 (0-18kg) and RM$129 respectively. the detachable type are good but costly and bulky. so after some tot, we jus buy and see how on a trial and error basis.

how often are you going to bring the baby out? if you dun see yourself bring the baby out so often, u can put on hold the stroller and get a baby sling instead.

to cut cost, you can try asking for either hand-me down, buy a preloved or list that as a present you'd like to received from frens n family.


everything will be fine. my gynae say my placenta a bit low also but didn't say if i will do c-sec a not. so jus wait n see. both dates are good. decided not to go for x'mas baby le?


i agree w Poormummy. u see how are you coping and then decide which is better for you. cab or ambulance. if taking cab, try to have company to go w u.

signs of delivery/need to go hospital

waterbag burst, contraction (you can no longer walk/talk and contraction is 5 min or so.), greenish-brown discharge (bb in distress!), bloody discharge (particularly bright red)

just call to ask the hospital to ask before heading down. take note of the amniotic fluid. colour.

hi ladies

Anyone of you spotted stretch marks on ur tummy? i spotted some on my tummy this morning, i only gain 7.5kg so far and have been dilligently applying clarins oil but they STILL appear.... so upset!


confinement meal pic from Babykoh


i see some part of the skin reddish. dunno if it is stretch mark. dun wan to think so much (me being self-denial or delusional). hur hur..

then shld be already la. sigh~

i was thinking tummy to big.. out of sight, out of mind. can't even see my feet when i'm standing these days.

thanks chabby, you manage to upload the pics.

from top left

braised pork with yellow beans and mushroom

herbal black chicken soup

red dates and ginger confinement tea

golden mushroom with carrots in yellow wine

fried rice with egg, ginger and chicken bits

out of sight out of mine, you very good la chabby but sometimes it makes u happier.

I cant see also i used a hand mirror to see bottom part of my tummy hahaha

Those mummies who have not paid, Please make payment by tonight, or else BebeLounge cant proceed to place order. Thanks.


BRAVADO orders:

1)Kikapo (PAID)

2)Darienna (PAID)

3) Miaiko (PAID) top-up 3 pcs

4)Luckymummy11 (PAID)

5) Smurf (PAID)

6) Nimkulut

7)Cookiefleur (PAID)

8) Esthert (PAID)

9) jass1408 (PAID)

10) LilyH

Baby Ktan Orders:

1)Apple79 (Paid)

2) Miaiko (Paid)


Previously you ordered bravado nursing Bras. But you did not respond there after. Do you still want to order? You can still do so now, since we are waiting for 2 other mummies to pay.

Thanks for yr advice ladies.. Gynae says to call her once waterbag burst or contractions come in and she will advise me frm there. I pray so hard that my hubby will be ard when the baby decides to come out!!

My tummy is very low, everyone says baby sure arrive early one. Wah I really must pack my hospital bag soon!!


I would think might be stretch marks cos mine is also reddish skin and my hubby took close up pic and there were really stretch marks!!

BabyKOh : Yeah I have afew just appear last week .. hope it won't spread ....

Chabby : I will be ordering the trial meal with pig trotter ... anyway is their food nice?

Today I been for my scan ... bb is doing good weighing 1.4kg at 30 weeks 2 days ... so far so good. Bb has already turn head downwards ...good chance of normal delivery

BabyKOh : I just use normal moisturizer ... cos i have frds tt uses clarin which claims to be the best still there's stretch mark .. and I am not those beri faithful in applying sort hahaha


Haa....u r dec baby...Both date sounds good..hard to decide.


Since induce, may be u can ask to induce on xmas eve. few days seems no big diff but better check with doctor :)


Yalor...I ask my hubby if he prepare to be a father..he gave me weird look.


No more xmas baby...hahah...and hor, deliver on xmas will have to pay big extra according to my doctor cos is a public holiday which fall on weekend. I'm fine with it so long as baby healthy and my water bag dun burst by itself..

Baby weight,

some mummy's baby weight less than 2kg at 32weeks, how come my baby weight at 2.3kg. look like my baby is too big :-S..can see her chubby face yesterday, doctor say head so round, face fat fat.

Stretchmark cream,

Yes, I apply twice a day. Morning and evening without fail. So far so good, doctor say mine is like a model belly. Hope it gonna stay like tat..no *woods*

I have stretch marks too. I was applying normal moisturiser on the whole tummy EXCEPT the blind spot around the bikini line and at the bottom of my bump. Of course the stretch marks appeared there about a week ago. Now desperately applying cream there as well but I think it's too late. I can see it when I stand in front of a full length mirror and now I check it out obsessively after every bath.


What did your gynae say about baby weight? If he/she didn't comment then should be fine.

I've been feeling extra heavy and it seems more difficult to 'haul' my stomach around these days. Feels like I suddenly put on a lot more weight in the past week and everyone has been commenting that my tummy just suddenly ballooned.


Gynae say weight gained is ok leh..and she also expect abt 2.2kg..My baby weight was low compare to many mummies here during 2nd trim, always worried if baby too small, but now seems like my baby's weight is catching up in 3rd trim. I always knock into table, cant predict the size of my belly. poor baby...But im happy that I only gain 1.4kg in 4 weeks, doctor say will gain another 4kg, but mainly cos of the water retention

Got meeting at 430pm later, really pray hard for a smooth one...Dun wan to have another round of madness rush


stretch mark is unavoidable. it depends on the elasticity of our skin. as long as it dun itch and make things worse, i'm fine w it. it's not as if i wear mid-drift/sari/bikini all the time. keep applying the moisturiser.. a few weeks left only. Jia you.


woah! i tot mine is big..2.1kg.. your is even bigger..! remember you say u r petite wor..so looks like c-sec is it for u..since baby chubby chubby. the head will also come out nice nice round round de.

be careful dun knock into things.. i got this fear also. close to bumping into things these days. not use to tummy size.


i dunno le. it's babykoh who ordered. Jass is getting hers on dec 3rd. i'm thinking of getting the trial meal also. it works out to be around $27 per meal for 2 dish 1 soup for 4 weeks lunch n dinner.

oh wow, everyone talking abt the delivery already... i still dunno if will be going for c-sec or normal... if placenta move up and baby not overwt, then i guess i will opt of normal.

re stretch marks:

one of my friends say if your mother has stretch marks during pregnancy, then likely you will have too. if not, then you will be one of those lucky few that won't get it too. so far, amongst my friends, it seems to be quite true. hahaha... ladies, maybe you can check with ur moms too. heehee.


it is true on the stretch marks. if yr mum got them most likely u'll get them too.

it's the kind of skin u inherited.

unfortunately no amt of creams and religious applying can change that fact!


my mum dun have. my sis have very bad ones which is still visible today.. theory dun seem to hold leh.. guess i din inherit mum nice nice elastic skin. hur hur..*sob.


ya...if baby big also nvm cos I will be c-sec. yalor, now gotto be extra careful since already knock a few times...

tummy is heavy to move around too..but recently I will turn and sleep on my right without knowing in the middle of the night..wondering why...


isn't that good? means u r sound asleep. i keep lying on my back. but worry i'll have that dream of being punch in the tummy again.

it's so big that i can balance bowl n mug on tummy already. hur hur. colleagues even take pic of me doing that n post it on FB.


I never apply everyday only every few days. So now trying to use religiously but I think no hope already


moms n tots start only tmr and last till tues

hello mummies..

just went for my check up at 33w4d today.. baby weighing in at 2.2kg while i gained yet another 3kg over 4 weeks.. bleah.. nurse ask me to slow down my weight gain.. >.< so now in total i've gained close to 13kg.. fat fat.. approximately 7 weeks more to go..

gynae felt my painless contraction during ultrasound twice and told me to take the an-tai medication to relax my uterus so baby can stay in longer.. bleah..

stretch marks:

so far so good.. on my tummy is clear even though i dun apply the clarins moisturiser and oil daily.. but i have a lot of it on the outside of my upper thighs and bum and it's those reddish ones!!!! :'( gross.. i really hope it'll go away asap.. absolutely cannot stand the sight of it..

swollen ankles:

anyone suffering from severe water retention? on some days my feet can become pig trotters le..

hospital tour:

is it really necessary to go for it? i'm at gleneagles and the nurse pass me the info today..


anyone has been asked to do pre-admission for delivery? today i've been given a "booking slip" and have been asked to go settle my pre-admission during my next visit so facilitate the admission process during delivery..

2-bedded wards:

anyone's hubby has tried to stay overnight in a 2 bedded ward before?


i've swollen feet + ankles. try putting feet up and put in the toes separator (those u put for pedicure) to reduce. it's more effective than jus putting ur feet up. got that idea from Jap magazine on how to reduce water retention in legs.

i'm delivering at Glen-E also. here's what i was told/remember

i went for the hospital tour as part of some stemcord talk. not necessary la. they jus show u the room types and how the labour room looks like. where hubby wait n so on.

no lodger is allowed in 2 bedded ward. if hubby wan to stay over, have to opt for single bed. there's a sofa bed for lodger and cost $75 for the meals of the lodger.

pre-admission can be done when you are 34th week onwards. my gynae nurse asked me to do booking slip thing whereby u opt for room type and PD when i was in my 28th week. they even gave me a letter and say "die die bring this w u everywhere u go..in case u pop anytime. this letter contains every test u've done, etc"


i'm in a dilemma about the ward type actually.

i wanted 2 room cuz it's cheaper and wanted hubby to go back home to rest.

if you are doing c-sec, it'll be good to have hubby to stay w u. cuz u'll have to stay on bed for longer and the cut will hurt for quite a while.

our due date are very closed.. for all you know we may jus deliver on the same day. hur hur.


i'm crossing my fingers and praying really hard that baby will stay put until we past 1st jan.. i'd prefer a jan 2011 baby compared to dec 2010.. >.<

if we do deliver on the same day.. den we'll push each other on in the ward! hehe..

Hi Skycloud and poormummy

I also end Jan.


When is yr edd? I will be delivering at GlenE too. Went for a private tour with hubby last mth. Its free though. A lady named Sharon brought us around. Very nice lady.

We went to viewed the labour ward, rooms, resting areas for daddies, nursery room etc. We booked our room after the tour (w/o paying any deposit). cos if I am going to deliver. I do not need to go to the admission counter to register. Just go up straight to the labour ward and bring along the letter can liao

Hi Chabby & Pinky

So both of u will be delivering at GlenE also?

My hubby die die wants 1 bedded cos he wants to stay with me and he wants bb to be with us in the room.

So we booked 1 bedded at GlenE.


my EDD is 9 Jan. i think pinky is 3 Jan, there about. you sure you wan BB is room-in? think jus bring over as and when BB needs the feed and if there's visitors. try to rest.. like wat one of the mum said, it could be the last 2 good nite rest you can have in a long time.


we see how and when the babies wan to pop out. hur hur.. we can't control that. but one thing for sure is i'm trying to avoid having to take early ML.. dec hols..not worth it. keke


recently I can fall sleep fast provided that my lil princess din kick me hard...i laugh out when read abt resting a mug on your belly...I din try tat only resting my hands on it..haha

Swollen ankle,

me too...i got swollen finger too especially when I use chopstick to eat...can feel the pain..i eat half way then rest and massage a bit, then only continue my meal..


nurse pass me the slip to fill in already, she need it during my next visit, as well as the PD contact so that they know who to inform after we deliver.


at least ur hubby plan to stay over with you. My hubby same lor, die die wan single bed but he din plan to stay over with me..lousy husband..


yup.. chabby and i delivering at gleneagles..

my edd is 3rd jan..

chabby.. in the booklet given, it's written that baby is encouraged to room in with mummy unless we request or sth like that.. and yes.. i'm avoiding taking early ML.. gonna ask for MC for the last 2 weeks if possible.. and will start my ML latest on 4th jan since 3rd jan is a holiday.. provided baby is still swimming in my tummy.. lol..


I went and it's worse than baby fair. It's just some stores selling some baby stuff. Checked some strollers out and the price is quite ex. Eg. Combi urban walker was selling for $259 at bb fair but today I saw it selling at $389!!

Yoohoo! Paging for Nimkulut & LilyH... BebeLounge is still awaiting your payment before making the order for the Bravado bras... Thk U!


sorry was too busy with all the stuff going on and too tired will pay tmr can use cross bank? If not I can only pay tmr thousand apologies...

Went for orientation ytd son going p1 on 4 Jan parents are only allow on 1st and 2nd day had a busy day queuing for books and uniform till I am utterly exhausted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

went for check up today am at week 32 2 days but my gal already wk34day2 and her head is big hence my decision of c sec was rite and I still duno my weight of my baby but my little gal looks chubby with double chin and all so my gynae say c sec should be done at week 38 so my baby by then is week 40 :-0 so he mentioned unless baby wan to be Xmas baby if not askin me to choose either 30,31 dec or 1,2 Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] clashes with my son p1 first day laio [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oh man so now quite paranoid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]( [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]( hav to rely on hubby and maid

Chabby & Babykoh:

Sigh... I have just spotted comprehensive network of mrt tracks running through my tummy area (near the bellybutton) and the top of my thighs too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very ugly. Been faithfully apply the oil but... sigh. Probably my girl love my bellybutton area too much. No idea why she is always stretching and kicking that area. Somemore the skin (or maybe fats) at the area is thinner so its quite sensitive.


Wow... model tummy? So envy. Haha baby big head good ma, the brain must be developing well.


Babyfair not worth going huh. Thought of dropping by as hub is going to collection the Std Chart package.


Oh no... dates given doesn't sound too good as they meant you can't be there for your boy to school. Have you decided on the day yet? Can delay a couple of days so that at least you can settle your boy down?

Mag, thanks for the review on the baby fair. Looks like i will give it a miss. And try to go for next week's fair.

I was actually planning to go to the fair yesterday afternoon. But came down with a fever so couldn't go out.

Anyone experienced fever during ur pregnancy?

I had fever & slight nausea with no other pain/symptoms.

I got quite worried that it will affect baby.

Whole day no apetite to eat & felt nausea, so i hardly ate anything yesterday. Fever is now gone after 3 panadols last nite. Not sure what happened to me.


u might hv gotten a mild virus.

i just recovered from viral gastritis. was vomitting and having fever. took panadol and anti-nausea meds prescribed by GP.

the 1st 2 day i also hardly ate anything cos of the nausea and vomitting.

make sure u drink lots and lots of water. as long as u feel bb moving as usual, it shd be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



take care ok? i had a mild fever when i was in my 5th month. no other symptoms. but it's the runny nose that's bugging me now. it has been near a week and i'm reluctant to see doc for medication.


i know what u mean. i find 2 spots being sensitive to baby attacks, belly button and bladder. argh! dun think too much about the stretchmarks anymore. jus continue to apply and hope that it won't worsen. my priority is a happy and healthy baby.


dun worry too much. the norm for P1 is that the parents to come is max the first 3 days. let hubby/grandparent handle it. the idea is to get the children to be independent eventually. but do prepared your son that you may not be able to accompany him for the first day of school. we do what we can, dun stress.


discuss w hubby that we decide to be lazy and get the most rest we can while we r in hospital. will go get the baby from the nursery on-off rather then room-in. keke..

