(2011/01) Jan 2011

Speaking of "liang" stuff... Anyone intending to take young coconut juice in the last month? I heard that can take once a week in the last month prior to delivery - baby will come out clean and not bloody as well as not too "heaty". Any 2nd time mummies care to share if true?


i have been trying to sneak a cup or two occasionally. hehe.. seem to be true as my niece and nephew came out nice and fair... not reddish/heaty..

this is advocate by my other mummies colleagues also, both chinese and malay.

hi, mummies....

long time no see... how r u?

time flies... still have about 1 mth plus to see our bb... i belive all mummies are very happy and can't wait to hold bb in our arms...

me too... but still feeling a bit sad.... i went for check up last week and my gynae told me i have to go for c-sec. 2 reasons: low placenta & bb's head never turn yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

actually i was prepare go for natural delivery... so when i heard this new, suddenly feel down & sad, dont know what to do so that i can avoid for c-sec? which date to choose for c-sec....? my gynae advise either end dec or very first of jan... haiz.... just see how when go for next gynae visit...


I had quite a fair bit of coconut juice prior to delivering my 1st. Its true, she turned out pretty clean, not bloody or greenish etc...

HI Evlin,

Dont be sad lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me too will be c sec as my baby head big..and my date clashes with my son's p1 ..cheer up! so long as the baby is healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chabby,

THe coconut rite is which type those NTUC type can? young coconut or must be those local bigger version coconut?

Labour anxiety - Hahaha.. i guess the after feeling after the labour is like u have just had a dream.... before that is like oh finally D day has come :p

Yes there will be times where u really wish u're still preg...

Breathlessness - Not so much for me now.. but anyone experience like me? I have difficulty sleeping once I wake up in the middle of the night to go toilet. Sometimes my #1 cries or my hb goes to toilet I will disturbed by it and after that hard to fall asleep.... and when u finally dozes off... the one in the tummy will give u a knee jerk kick and starts all over again.

@Smurf, i have piles too, but I guess my bleeding not as much... unless I have serious constipation.. but show shld be like menses - abit muscous-like.

For FM, u make want to get some samples from the hospitals first before buying, usually hospitals will carry some brands they tie with manufacturers. Generally I think most are the same, except for some special babies with allergy or reflux requires special FM like HA or for reflux as advise by PD.....

@Bethel, for bouncer that could last u longer shld be FP infant to toddler. It's true that the netted ones might be abit dangerous once BB can flip. U mind 2nd hand ones? Can search thru forums to get preloved or else can request that as a BB shower gift.Im askin for an exersaucer ($300+) from my colleagues...hehehe

@Cookiefleur, yesi had coconut for my no1. It's true that my boy came out quite "clean" and less of zits.... so that ans the heaty part.For my no2 will do the same too.

@Evlin, dont be too sad. At least u go for C-sec u can be more prepared for the day and wont be

"kalang kabo" as those going for natural will be anxiously waiting for D day..Good thing is that u can choose an auspicious day for yr child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cheer up!

@LilyH, I drink young coconuts.

Hi Ladies, How 've you been? me into 3rd tri le. begin to feel very tired. heart burn, breathless, giddy and cramp around tummy area also. wonder is it all pregnancy symptoms or 've kana virus. i also notice stretch marks occurs on lower part of my tummy. sian.

cookiefleur, i also got hear abt the effect for the coconut juice. i didn take it when i have my first child. my child came out with lots of sticky things on her skin lor. think i shall try abit this time :p

Lina & Poor Mummy>>> for the coconuts, can advise the amount to drink and frequency? start drinking 1 month before, once a week is ok? I scared too liang...

Evlin>>> Dun be upset, think of it this way, the decision is made so that its the safest for you and for baby. And nothing is more important than that right? I'm also waiting for my appt tomorrow to see if placenta has moved up and if need to go c-sec... As for which date to choose, you can discuss with hubby lor... some people will check fengshui to see which is a good date, some people just choose the date that is most convenient for them. Its up to you and most important is that you're comfortable with it. =) *huggies* Don't feel sad!

smurf, i hear pple say some bb can't take some fm. need to try them out yourself and observe. usually diarrhea will occurs if bb reject the fomula. most of my friends recommended similac. they said the formula is good but too heaty. many also said mailgold formula maybe more suitable for asia bb. i think all are hear say wan lor. u need to try them out yourself. i guess also difficult for PD to recommend cos every bb are different. for me, my daughter can't take Enfa. rashes will occurs around her lip area. i tried drinking similac, NAN,Enfa and mailgold before. they taste stink. so try to get sample and let your bb try out. if they ok with the fm then buy. if not u end up with tins of milk powder wasted. those fm not cheap lor. likely you also won't want to drink them.

there are 3 source to get samples (which i can think of :p)

1) Hospital. some nurses quite generous. they gave away whole carton of the fm. but my time i only get 2 bottles of similac .... haiz...

2) PD's clinic. but not all brands are available. Need to ask from them.

3) get sample online. below are some brands i tried.




Good luck!

for the young coconut juice is it those young thai coconut juice? how often can we drink that? dont mind drinking tat taste nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

evlin, don't b sad la. sometime things are really not up to us lor. as what the others said. bb come out safe is most important.

me also hope to experience normal delivery but Gynae said the risk is high. so bo bian lor.

but anyway every methods got their good and bad lor. hmm...for c-sect we don't have to tahan long delivery time, can go ask for the best date for delivery and also our pelvic bone won't expand as much. i read that most celebrity actually opt for c-sect so that they wno't goes too out of shape :p

@Ting, hmmm young coconuts - those thai young coconuts that we always ordered in hawkers? I always buy from fairprice and if i remember correctly, they will label "Thai young coconuts" haha

Also just sharing what I heard: during last month try not to eat "yellow" stuff such as carrot/papaya/yellow noodle and malay food etc etc as they contain "huang jiang" Heard that they tend to cause jaundice in BBs. I know scientifically it is not true as jaundice as got to do with the the bilirium level and liver functioning.... but just listen loh, pregnancy is all abt hearing and debating old wives tales :p

Hi everyone......

Anyone got leg cramps?

Both my calves are taking turns to give me cramps leh. aching aching now also.

I finally recovered from being unwell (sore throat & cough.) after 2.5 long weeks.

Coconut juice

- I drank when preggy wif no.1 and she's born with such clean n nice skin! i duno how miracle the coconut juice actually helps though. keke. Anyway, Im still continuing to drink coconut juice now. Weather so hot, feels so good to drink it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


- I started my no.1 with S26. only coz I drank tat when I was young. So I trusted it. But then ppl were saying.. "OH.. no wonder your girl so chubby lah!" *faint*. Yup, my girl is born quite big and she's very chubby.

After she turned 1yr, I change to Enfa for her.. and she's still chubby. Enfa made her very constipated. My poor girl cried and teared so hard trying to poo. imagaine that. THe hard stools juz wont come out, and we have to manually remove her stools for her to ease her pain. *cry*

So we change her to drinking Gain IQ now (SImilac) and she has no problem with it.

Baby movement

- I think everyone's bb all moving quite alot now and stronger movements now rite? Mine definitely is. Making me painful sometimes from all her punching, kicking, nudging, turning. omg. But so cute to see my belly wobbling and trembling with bb's movements. LOL

If bb head not turn down now.. means muz c-sect ah?? Oh dear. Im scared of c-sect leh! I know most ppl scared of natural birth, but weird me scared of c-sect.

Gonna visit my gynea this saturday and see how's my lil one doing. hopefully she head turn down already.

Hi Miaiko so how often can we drink that? daily? alternate day? please enlighten me as i nvr drink at all before [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Miaiko,

Yes. me got leg cramp too. always happen at nite. the sharp cramp works me up in midst of my sleep. outch!!

Hi PM, Thanks. Will go find the young coconut and try out. and also will take note and cut down on the 'huang jiang' intake. i am also worry abt the jaundice cos my #1 got quite high level of it during her 1st month. really hope my #2 won't have it.

Hi Mummies,

Apologize that i disturb your thread, I am a mother of two and just started my small business to sell confinement wine.

My mum is making traditional Hakka red rice wine n grape wine for sale. Small quantity readily available or made to order that guarantee freshness.

I used my mum's wine for my 2 confinements, the wine is sweet with the natural rice or grape smell. No artificial coloring, flavoring or sugar added, all made from 100% glutinous rice or raisin. The rice wine mix with grape wine to cook Ginger chicken is very delicious. 750ml per bottle selling at $12 for rice wine & $18 per bottle for grape, recipe is giving away together with wine purchase.

Rice wine is a must for confinement but delicious confinement food is also important during confinement for your appetizing. No more boring food!

Please pm if anyone of you are interested, 1 bottle tryout is welcome too!

Lily H,

eh... i was pretty strict during first pregnancy. I limit to 1-2 coconut juice every week. And only started drinking in 3rd trimester. I don't drink on rainy days. Plus I ate bird nest once a week also.

But for this 2nd pregnancy, I started drinking in late 2nd trimester. coz I feel so hot, plus I had chicken pox, then sore throat.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I drink very frequently now.. 2-3 coconut wkly. I google on coconut juice and it's actually a very healthy low sugar, low calorie drink for our body. Preggy Ladies in some countries drink coconut juice everyday.

Just that chinese have weird believes that drink too much will have negative effects of this and that.

Coconut juice is considered cooling "liang". the flesh is considered as mildly heaty "re". So sometimes i eat abit it the flesh to balance lor.

Fisher Price Infant to Toddler rocker

- I got that for my no.1. It's really good and practical. Practical coz can really use from infant to toddler. N it's study. I like the wide base legs.. and they are study plastic. Unlike other rocker with thin metal legs. worry the metal will rust.

The seat cover of this rocker can also be removed and put to wash (i put in laundry bag). [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Other parts of the rocker is easy to wipe clean also. (im a cleanliness freak)

Thanks Miaiko for the info. I will head off to buy from NTUC the young coconut juice heheh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Am drinkin honey daily now and follow by bird nest weekly ...try to take different types of fruits everyday so now will add in coconut juice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wan my gal to hav fair and nice skin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Miaiko, Thanks for reminding. I think i need a rocker at home also. will go check out.

any advice on anything essential that we need to get ready? me now suddenly feel very lost. like many things haven do.

Thanks Ting, for my first one i eat apple daily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but this gal like to eat more mixture rather than apple [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]so mix mix lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cant remember but fair skin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i never drink coconut juice and my boy fussy eater tat time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Heard that can only start drinking coconut juice from week 36 onwards coz it's considered quite 'liang'... and can only drink 1-2 times per week....

I only managed to drink once when preggie with no.1 before I delivered. BB came out clean and nice... not sure if it's due to coconut though.. no harm drinking since it's so nice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

thanks a lots for your concern!

as long as bb is healhty & safe then should be happy already...

Miaiko - i do have leg cramp but normally will happen after i shopping, walk too much or take more cold drinks during daytime... if your leg cramp is same with me, maybe just try to avoid walk too much/ cold drinks... but normally i will do some leg exercise before go bed. it may help and reduce water retention...

ting - i remember i ate apple daily and my 1st son got rosy cheek till now (he is 22 mths old now). i am not sure whether is because of applet but i also heard some ppl say it before... unfortunately, this time i am not taken apple everyday, not sure whether he will also got rosy cheek or not...?!

Hi mummies,

Can I ask whether we can eat confinement food now? I know some mummies tried out the trial confinement delivery for one meal so presumably ok, the herbs, ginger etc won't cause harm to baby? Because I'm thinking I should start teaching my maid how to cook confinement food but that would mean we would have to eat it. Maybe just one dish per meal so its not overkill?


i order the trial meal but i don dare to eat much, only eat few mouth cos i scared too heaty liao with all the soup and ginger. i ate a bit i perspire a lot liao

Hi Ting,

Thanks for the link. Will request the free samples.

I do feel leg cramp at times as well. But will try to relax before the cramp start.

For the coconut, it sound so delicious I will start to buy them from ntuc as well.


thank you for sharing the links and info for FM.


what matter most is that you and the baby is healthy and safe..doesn't matter which way the baby arrives. gynae say my placenta is a little low.. so may end up c-sec also. if need so, it has to be done.


think i'll invest in the FP infant to toddler rocker. was hesitant as it cost alot more than other brands. cheapest i've seen so far is $149.


woah.. u've a good diet plan..baby sure come out nice and beautiful!


shld be safe to eat confinement food bah. maybe 1 dish on alternate days? cuz these food are heaty and design to help u sweat out the water in our bodies.

Coconut juice

i think any type can do.. the weather is humid and i've begin to sweat alot more (i'm the no sweat type prior to pregnancy)..my parents also say that the cononut juice is cool and flesh is not so. so take some flesh to help counter the liang effect if you are worried.

leg cramps

i'm suffering from calf cramps these days. worsen when i'm inactive, quite the opposite to Evlin and Miako. read in a book to do ankle rotation before sleep. it's supposed to help ease the calf cramp.


is proven to reduce asthma and lungs problems if you eat 4x a week. i've been eating apples faithfully. avoid peanuts as it may cause allergies.

HI mommies, actually we pregnant so naturally heaty. Drinking coconut once a week would be fine.

I drink every now and then.

Worried about bb jaundice, you can also try to drink some green bean soup in the last couple of months.

Eating apples regularly prevent baby from asthma. =)

lily...what i know is that pregnant better dun drink too much honey. Heaty and will cause bb to be phlemy. Prone to allergy.

Oops tot I read here that honey is gd that y I go and buy and drink it daily >_< and I bot the Manuka honey with the umf 5+ to prevent myself from gettin flu

Oops I better stop taking then so how will affect my baby??!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oh no

re: milk powder samples

To add on to what Ting mentioned, all milk powder co will give samples. So can try to register with all of them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] - Similac, Mamil, Nan, Enfa, Friso... BUT please note that as we are encouraged to bf, most co dont give samples for 0-6 month (stage 1) FM. Thus... probably have to buy.

re: Apples

Thanks for sharing this. I'll start to include this into the diet as I have childhood asthma.


Don't feel disappointed. A smooth delivery for you and your baby is more important then anything else. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Understand your gynae's concern and advice at the next check up k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: Coconut:

Yes, drank that for #1 and he came out clean and nice looking. I'm not sure what is considered young coconut thou... those $1.20 kind we can get from NTUC or those smaller ones we get at pasar malam? Does all kind work?

Fisher Price Infant-To-Toddler Rocker

If you want to buy cheaper.. can go Kiddy Palace to buy. If Im not wrong, they sell like $20 cheaper than outside.

Or if some of you don't mind buy 2nd hand items, can check our WTS section in SMH forum.


i think any coconut will do bah.. juz ensure it's a full coconut n the person help u open does not add sugar will do.

young coconut juice not as sweet as old ones.. so if the flesh is thick, juice is sweet, it's an old one.


i've been monitoring.. remember it's 149 at kiddy palace..john little same price also..so waitin for sale to buy.


not sure about honey..but below 1 year old cannot take honey.

Oh yah..

Have you all prepared baby's diaper cream?

I use Desitin creamy (blue color) for my girl and is good. The Desitin Origin (purple color) has very strong unpleasant smell and difficult to wash off.

I got the 4oz tubes and 1 tube can last about 4mths for my girl. Boys need to use less.

If you are using cloth diaper, don't use Desitin coz once stain on the cloth diaper, it's difficult to wash off. And result in the cloth diaper being less absorbent. Then you will have to do 'stripping' on your clothe diapers.

But anyway, i think most SG mummies use disposables.

wow, thanks for all the advice on coconut juice and flesh! think we can start eating now, esp when the weather is so humid!! =)

Ya I finish one jus now been talkin abt it the whole day till my saliva drip.. As for my honey consumption I will not tale it daily Liao scare Liao but anyway I nvr take alot I take one teaspoon mix with water

Diaper cream yes swear by desitin I buy 2 tubes of blue color to stand by [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fm agreed we need to trial and error my son tried few brands las time till fixed on enfa than mamil nite feed than pediasure now

wow..thanks for the good reviews on the FP rocker..now must look out for the cheapest price.

If anyone sees it at 20% off, pls let me know!

I dun hv leg cramps but my groin area very sng/pain..esp after i get up from my seat and when i get up from bed. feels terrible and makes me look like a old woman getting up from her seat.

Anyone hv such pain? How to relief it?



honey is fine during pregnancy.

this website even says that it is a natural remedy for some problems. your intake seems fine. but dun use metalware, cup or spoon, when diluting honey w water. will spoil the honey quality



can't solve your problem, cuz mine is equally bad. it's so bad that even tossing and turning on bed is painful for me. sigh~

yup, correct. it is the second one. the box looks like this.


