(2011/01) Jan 2011


need letter ah? i tot only board plane and check into hotel need letter.

hubby and i jus drive in and back all the time. so far no issue. think maybe i always use a shawl to cover my legs or i just look fat la..hur hur..


Hi all,

Just went to see my Gynae on Tuesday. I am

at my 32 weeks now and bb weighs 1.9 kg. I have actually lost 1kg from my last checkup but to date total weight gain is around 8 kg.

My Gynae is telling me to watch out for the signs of labour and to get everyting ready as we might not be giving birth on

our due date. Wondering whether is he trying to tell me that

my due date could be earlier?

Wow now all of us are on a countdown to delivery . Feeling nervous n scared.


I do have the same feeling as you where my v area is heavy n sngsng,i tink this is due to the bb is pressing down


not NEED lah, but i carry one just as precaution lor. i dun want to kenna stuck at customs for nothing. but nobody checked or asked also anyway


BRAVADO orders:

1)Kikapo (PAID)

2)Darienna (PAID)

3) Miaiko (PAID) top-up 3 pcs

4)Luckymummy11 (PAID)

5) Smurf (PAID)

6) Nimkulut

7)Cookiefleur (PAID)

8) Esthert (PAID)

9) jass1408 (PAID)

10) LilyH

Baby Ktan Orders:

1)Apple79 (Paid)

2) Miaiko (Paid)

jass, which one u trying for the confinement food? I tried newbaby last week quite impressed by it.

i paid $6 for the trial only.

Quite bland but mum says confinement food are usually bland, the herbal soup very strong taste.


Think custom officer won't check at all cos we are sitting in the car all the time and they can't even see us. Been going to jb every week but it's ok so far

Yeah, I just went into JB yesterday as well and it never occurred to me to bring the letter along! Guess going to JB doesn't feel like I'm going abroad.

hi morning

I've been a passive reader and into my 31 wk nw..

bb was 1.3 kg at 28 wks...not sure what will be the wt in my nxt visit nxt wk...mmm..

Juz to check, when r u mommies starting ur ML?

hi blessedone,

am starting my ML beginning 3rd Jan although my EDD is 21st...gynae says may deliver 1-2 wks earlier so i better get myself prepared ;p

Hi blessedone,

Am gonna start ML a week before delivery. My fren started ML early but she didn't dilate at all on due date and waited for abt 10 days before gynae sent her for c section. Kind of wasted almost 1 month of ML


Yeah... gonna try the same one. Signed up at the previous baby fair and got the 6 bucks deal too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did you get the lunch or dinner portion? How is the portion? Enough to eat for 2 meals? I wanted to order lunch and eat it for both lunch and dinner.


I wish to save my ML a little so intend to start it when I deliver. Did so for #1 too.. think its quite feasible. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sigh... just scalded my tummy. Was blending hot soup for #1 when the soup splashed out. Ouch!!!

hi shycloud,

oh good good. i'm also starting mine early, on 27 Dec. My EDD falls on 19 Jan but will be scheduled for csection on 14 Jan.

Hi Mag,

Oh one wk to prepare urself is good.

Think we better rest our bodies first before the arrival of our bbs and taking ML is advance is a good way to prep ourselves for the labour as well as the child minding after birth.

hi jass

the portion is quite big, i ordered the weekend dinner cos fried rice instead of plain rice so more worth it ma hahaha and its only $6.

portion quite big but if eat 2 meals i think will go crazy hahaha cos its not nice, to me la cos i don like to eat those herbal things but no choice, give me ur email i email the pic to u, tried posting here but its too big

Anybody wearing contact lens 1-day Acuvue Moist at -7.50 degree? I have 44pcs to let go. Done LASIK and thus contact lens not needed anymore. Selling at $40 for 44pcs. Price negotiable.

Please email [email protected] if interested. Thanks!



PMed you my email address [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huh... the food is too plain ya, erm... hahah maybe I'll consider other caterer like chili padi if its bad. Thats why thinking of catering 2 weeks rather than to take full month package. Haha at least can change caterer if really cannot tahan. Chose lunch as I would like to know if the portion for lunch can allow me to eat for 2 meals.


Felt raw. Haha applied some toothpaste to cool the skin. Now its back to normal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Probably woke my tigress from her sweet dreams and she is creating Kallang waves in my tummy. So cute to see the tummy moving and little bumps poking out at weird angles. Haha.

Chabby & Pooh:

Will keep you posted on the confinement food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Since you will not have much help for confinement, it may be a good idea to cater so that you will not be overly taxed with the baby care, household chores and of coz restinf your body. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chabby

Thks for the info. Hope the food will b gd. I am quite a fussy eater ...:p

Hi Jass

Likely to cater bah. Cos Im currently staying wif my in laws who stay in landed prop. My room is at 3rd storey so very "lei-chey" to go up and down to cook. My hubby doesnt know how to cook.

If my hubby can take leave for 2weeks, I think i shld be fine. Ask him to deliver food to my room. My brother in law was jokingly saying I can lower my basket then my hubby will put the food in from downstairs. haha

Thanks babykoh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I didn't know the meal comes with red date tea. Thought that was a nice touch.

Hi mummies

I m going in JB with hubby tmrw by public transport. Don't know if will kena stop or not. Later travel all the way there and kena banned.

Those mummies go in no prob, think cos u guys enter via car.

How? Any mummies enter JB by bus?


all confinement catering provide red date tea with the meal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i confirmed mine with natal essentials already

the red date tea is nice but portion not enough have to brew more ourselves

Grumpus, how much u pay for natal essentials? i saw the menu only for 1 week, do they repeat for all 4 weeks?


definitely the red date is not enough. is enough only for that meal. still have to brew more for ourselves for drinking in between meals.

errr i paid whatever is quoted on their website + the early bird discount lor. natal essentials doesn't have any special offers.

the menu on the website is supposedly only a sample menu. they will adjust yr meals according to which confinement wk u r in. supposedly they maintain a list keeping track of each customer. e.g. 1st wk u will get more light food to clear the system then only 2nd wk onwards u'll get more herbs to 'bu' back.

they also cater to special requirements like c-sect dun eat chicken for the 1st wk. or some ppl request no innards etc...

oh i see, i tot they have only 1 week menu and repeat all the time but i wan to see what they serve leh cos i am a choosy eater hee hee.


hee i'm a choosy eater too. chose natal essentials cos their dishes (based on the one wk menu) looks more like what my mum would cook for confinement..hehehe

hey mummies,

jus came out from a day of workshop. hur hur..

confinement meal.

the price quite reasonable. save my parents the hassle to buy and cook also. but my mum wan me to print out their menu to show her to see if the food is suitable. i'll keep u inform what's my mum verdict of the menu.. whether if it's nourishing for confinement.

being a fussy eater myself, am quite concern if i dun like the food, how..

groin and v pain

being feeling that for a long time. even tossing in bed. shld be the weight of the baby pressing down. thus the discomfort.


going in by public transport may not be advisable espif you meet w a jam and all the evil creatures dun offer their seat to u. be extra careful. dun carry heavy stuff ok?

this weekend is the start of the school holidays. be prepared for a jam at the causeway.


can mail me the pic also? thank you. [email protected]


weight drop? do be careful. what i read it that usually the drop in weight only comes in when the placenta stop growing/producing amiotic fluid or in the last month of the due date. jus be prepared. my gynae also gave me admission letter and so on already. tell me to bring w me where ever i go.

Hi mummies

I read the website on confinement food. Wah. We must also pay for ERP charges. And one of them dun operate during 1st two days of CNY. I am so near to CNY. I will go hungry during the period wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Chabby

Oh ya. thanks for reminding me on the holi. And squeezing thru the crowds. Never tot of tat.

No choice leh.. Have to go cos bringing my maid in. Giving her 3 days off to go Malaysia. So I am going to 'pass' my maid to her cousin. If not, my blurr maid will lost her way one.


by the CNY is still your first 2 weeks of your delivery is it? or the last 2 weeks of your confinement? the last 2 weeks no need to be so cautious on food le.

you may try cooking bee hoon w lean pork and veg for some of your meals.


My edd is around 29 Jan. So 1st 2 weeks of my confinement is likely to stretch over CNY (cny is 3rd feb rite).

I likely to cater first 2 wks of my confinement. I don't think I can tahan to eat the boring food for 1 whole mth. haha. I hope I can recover from pain etc by 3rd week, so I can do the cooking myself.


if you are not a big eater, you can jus order lunch n then split over 2 meals. then the cost is the same. if you are doing c-sec, you may need to order for 1 full month. heard that it takes longer to recover from c-sec and it's more painful.

also, take into account that food prices goes up before and during CNY. may be more worth it to cater actually.


yup if u dun hv CL, definitely catering is more convenient. plus u dun hv to do marketing, stock up yr fridge etc.

my mum is also the picky one. i showed her the menu and she 'reluctantly' agree.

not sure which co. u r refering to but natal essentials does not deliver on eve of CNY, plus 1st 2 days of CNY.

i plan to ask my mum to cook a pot of vinegar pig trotters for me for those 3 days then i'll just steam a pc of fish and fry some vege to settle my meals.

anyway with a toddler and a bb i doubt i hv time to leisurely eat my meals anyway so just make do lor.

Hi Ladies,

like to check if you think is necessary to continue eating confinement food after our 30days confinement? i heard that there is food like yam, turkey meat which we can't take within the 100days/4months after we give birth. there might be other food which we need to avoid which i don't know. according to some old folks, yam will cause itch at our private area. while turkey meat will cause lump on face. m not sure. don't dare to verrify also. what is your opinion? m thinking to cater confinement food during CNY time when market close. not sure is necessary.

Hi Smurf, me seen Gynae on Monday also. my weight also drop slightly. unless your weight loss is alot, else i think could be due to our Gynae move his clinic, his weighing machine lost calibration lei. cos i remember that time when i took my weight at Mt E and 10-Mile at one week apart, i also had weight gain by few Kg and after 2 weeks or so went back to 10-Mile, my weight remains but of cos bb got gain weight. think as long as our baby development is along the the pregnancy curve should be alright. my bb weigh 1.7Kg at 31week. so i think urs shud be alright also. no worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Grumpus

Ya. My MIL also cooking vinegar pig trotter for me. She was learning how to cook last week. She is rather a modern woman. My MIL very chin-chai one.

I hope I won't be picky during those confinement days. I always eat what I want to eat. So I will b sad if I eat what I dun like. Sigh.

You are not getting a CL too?

Hi Ting

Ya. I heard that we cannot eat yam too. Cos of our v part will b itch.


Oh... I didnt know all come with red dates tea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, you are coping w your toddler and bb alone?


I think I'll be quite chin chye after the confinement. Think will be binging on all the forbidden food coz I'm quite a foodie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Very good... can use pulley system to get your food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup not getting a CL for various reasons.


during confinement mth my hb and MIL will be home. but my MIL is also those very modern type one, very chin chai and dunno much abt confinement. so she'll mainly be helping with the washing, cleaning, bathing bb, carry bb if i'm occupied etc.

hoping my hb can handle our toddler but she's much more sticky to me cos i'm a SAHM so i foresee that i will still hv to do quite a bit at home.

I am back from jb! Went in a car and immigration officer did not look at my tummy at all as I m behind windows. Got huggies. Dunno cheap or not. Huggies new born 30myr,s$12

Small 66pc 43myr,s$17.20


Those mummies who have not paid, Please make payment by tonight. Thanks.


BRAVADO orders:

1)Kikapo (PAID)

2)Darienna (PAID)

3) Miaiko (PAID) top-up 3 pcs

4)Luckymummy11 (PAID)

5) Smurf (PAID)

6) Nimkulut

7)Cookiefleur (PAID)

8) Esthert (PAID)

9) jass1408 (PAID)

10) LilyH

Baby Ktan Orders:

1)Apple79 (Paid)

2) Miaiko (Paid)

Hi mummies...been missing for few days due to the last minute work..sob sob...

When for gynae check up today. 32weeks2days, gained 1.3kg in 4 weeks, baby weight 2.3kg. yawning a lot in my stomach.she is boring. Confirm no natural delivery for me as my placenta is low at the birth canal and it doesn't migrate at all and my baby's head is lying on it as her own pillow. Previously was concern about the low lying placenta and baby might play with cord easily but doctor say my placenta is low low type and low chance for the baby to play the cord till accidentally tangle herself. It's dangerous for me if water bag burst by itself cos placenta is blocking, doctor advise to deliver at week37 to prevent bleeding. 5 weeks to go..anxious

Next appointment will be in 2 weeks time, and doctor will start to do CTG to check the contraction...etc.

time flies..

Jimmy dun worry. I will be c-sec as well. Everything will be ok. I am 31wk5d. Chkup next fri. Date for c-sect should be post Xmas. Our progress rather close. 5-6wk to go.

Hi ladies,

I am selling away the spare parts for the Avent Duo electric pump.

It consists of 2 funnels, 1 tubing set and the control handle. Totally brand new. gotten it from the philips service centre in sept. am selling it away as my hubby got me the medela freestyle instead. original price was $170. willing to let it go at $160. collection at tanjong pagar MRT station on weekdays.

Interested parties, pls sms me at 98635226.

Thank you!

Thanks ivftwins.

Any mommy here deliver before me? I need to decide the date, either 21 Dec / 22 Dec



Both date are nice...hahha


Yeah, sounds quite logical when u mentioned about bb's drinking pattern that's linked to wide necked bottles.


Thanks for the list! The items r even nicely sorted into categories!


Thanks for the link on the medela bottles. I'm still taking my time considering which kind of bottle to use. Hai......

Anybody has any experience with buying strollers and bb car seats? We need to get car seat and stroller for bb, but there r so many different kinds... We were thinking of buying combo set where bb car seat can be detached fr stroller, but the bb car seat most likely can only last till bb is 1 yr old, then we'll hv to spend $$$ to buy a bigger car seat. Or shd we just do away with the stroller first n get a reclinable car seat? I heard some bbs might not like being put in stroller? What good brands are there?

Hi ladies,

Just went for my 32wk check up today, baby 1.6KG, doctor say is below average but not underweight anymore. Heng ar! For the past month I've been drinking so much milk to gain weight for the baby!

Also, baby turned down already, so it's gg to be a natural birth for me (though I was secretly hoping my baby wont turn then can c-sec!).

I've got a silly question. As my hubby flies very frequently, I'm worried he might not be around when my water bag burst or contractions come. So am I supposed to call a cab or call an ambulance to take me to the hospital??? My hubby say call cab, but won't the uncle reject me??? Pls advise..


Hi kimmy

You and me same fate gonna be induced at 37 weeks. Currently I am 31 weeks 2 days tml gg for my growth scan ... I am hopefully if Bb can come out on christmas eve ... But I doubt so lah cos by then I am onli 36 wks plus....

