(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Jhan, water is charged here and v ex, and diff timing charge different price, and heard tt they rarely use water...is SGporean who use alot, so rental keep increasing.......I was told my rental next yr will increase cos of the increase use of water......

Jandew, will upload the photos next mth...keke....

My HK MJ really cannot ar? Can ask CUtie order 1 for me, since she order 1 liao....I a bit thick skin leh. Like the Pau I made.

K....I really gtg liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Miss me okie.


Oh, Piggym, go home soon okie if u not go home yet....


Went for facial last nite… my beautician know I m/c did some massage for me… cannot tahan the massage pain… gave up…


Me stay in bedok north… used to put him in his little playpen… but dh and i feel like too small for him, so upgrade him to the kitchen… still need to look for a gate to block up my kitchen… now using his playpen and some of my furniture to block the kitchen… put newspaper in the toilet… still duno how to go into the toilet and use newspaper… when we are home, he move ard the kitchen and living room… haha… he is 6mth old shih tzu… rather smart and naughty… argh…


My august darling don’t really like salmon… duno isit becoz we put his medicine in the salmon can food… haha… smart boy… I nv want to starve August… and I get super paranoid when he don’t eat, and he don’t poo…

I want mooncake too… :p durians??


So cool… actually I wanted to go during the gd fri week… coz my co shutdown the whole week… but after I got August, dont think will b going… will ttc in sg…

hi gals, me at Tcm using free wireless. Last mth exceeded usage again. Grrrr!

Now raining cats n dogs!

I m urs, I like durians but not in mooncakes...other than ice cream durian mooncakes but bo hua leh. Coz super ex! May as well eat d real ting. Hahaha... I m super practical hor?

Btw u gals ok with beef in ur dog cookies. Coz they not supposed to get pork, n some r allergic to chicken, so beef is a beta choice. But I understand some gals due to religious reasons may not wan. Do let me know, I w try to tink of someting. Kie?

naive, I w help u ask Cutie but hor the set is super heavy....according to wat the seller stated in the listing, muz take taxi. So if cutie is to get 1 set for herself plus another for u, like super heavy lor!

Sashamama so u prefer big or small cookies? I w m making some dog cookies soon, w keep u posted.

Anybody gtg to Natas Fair? Long haul tours to Europe, US n such are really much cheaper now. If u wan to go, now its a gd time. If economy improves hard to find fares like these anymore.

Hello everyone!


Ya, the ghost storyline last nite not so gd...even DH also asking me what the show is all about....Hehe...


U got a BFP ah! Congrats to u!!!

naive, cutie says she dun mind buying for u but storing 2 yrs is a prob. Nobody koe wat w happen after 2 yrs!

Maybe u come back den buy ba...since price would remain or even drop?

I m urs,

Wow, ur co closes for a wk ah! If u have August to take care, then its abit difficult to go on hols liao...its OK, ttc in sg also ok! I will b ttc in sg after my trip. I guess my AF will come during my trip also....


Long q at the TCM anot? Feel like going there also leh...


ya... my co decided to close for the whole week... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] economy not gd... even my mum co... got 5% pay cut and shorter working hrs...

i m urs, dh reading New Paper...i read it. Scary sia!

N i tot Chin Leng is a gal...kekeke...

i m urs, I could do dog sitting for August. My dog is ok with dog or human company, he likes!

violetta, super crowded lor. If u r coming tomolo, gota come by 11.30am, they close at noon. Weekends r generally much more crowded. Lots of family. Weekdays its usu individuals or couples onli.

Been waiting for 1 hr, still gott many pple in front of me wor...tink another 1 hr?


..so long nvr see u..me also b lately cos CA1 coming...erm i try to post watever i have in my lappy cos i also have some updated list in my lapp in school..so sorry....

must see if Jandew has any in her records...hehe

TTC updates

Jess Yew 16/02/2009

AW-BB 31st Jan 2009 #1 Beijing/Bedok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/new.gif]

Jolene 10 Feb 09 #1 Thomson/Bishan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/new.gif]

Bamboo_Shoot #1 18/02/09

taregal 17 Feb 2009

Strawberryz 18 Feb #1 Pasir Ris


Supercrowded ah....otherwise, i will want to rush over n go c. What time it closes today? If i cant make it, maybe tomorrow if i can manage to wake up. Been very tired lately...

Pinkie, tink got more...like girl mummy, woofmeow n duno who. I din record after posting...*Faintz*...tink we got ask the gals to help see who we missed out?

Sashamama wan those whose Af came last week or tis week?

Me still at Tcm growing cow webs liao.... Boring.

Oh abt the handbags, I feel its a scam. Firstly if someting is too gd to b true, it cun be! Secondly charges r so cheap, den wat the organsier earns? Ex rate so low too. Hmmmm....lots of issues of doubts.


will be as forced leave lor... deduct from our annual leave... cny period took 3 days le... now gd friday week another 4 days... haiz...


oh u at tcm now?? happy waiting... chat with us in the mean time lor...

tot of pet hotel or pass to my dad place... but august just got used to our place... dont want him to get confused and readjust to another place... so decided not to go anywhere... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

violetta closed alr lor...at 3pm leh. I m 3rd last in Q. But got pple cheat, coz by rite 3pm or later cannot Q one. But if u dun ask, juz quietly can! Coz I see d pple do tt. Tink 5 more pple in front of me.

Nez time when I come, I surf using Wireless, maybe its fr Parkway one.

i m urs, beta dun put at pet hotel coz dogs alw get lots of probs like diahorrea, vommitting n tick probs. They r usu not well taken care of.

At least can keep ur job not bad alr....company makes u go on leave, can cut some costs ma. Rather than the big R word. Tis is wat I feel lah.

I m urs,

Ya i heard alot of companies forcing the staff to take leave due to the bad economy...nvm, u can take some time to rest...


Closed le ah...then i go tmr then. I now thinking whether wanna go back Expo to see the Modern Living...wanna check out on the ID quotes n designs. Yst went to late n didnt bring floor plan, cant do much. Dunno if DH wants anot. He said wanna go Mohd Sultan eat Bak Kut Teh....siao hor?

Hi I m urs,

Hee Hee. We live v near each other. Yup, u have to make a gate at the kitchen if you want to keep August there. It takes time for puppy to toilet train. Gotta to be patient. Keke.

Do you mind I pick up the cookies from Jandew and pass it to you?


Yeah....holidays!!! Can BD lah but cannot shoot. Will shoot when TCM said OK...Kekeke... My DH abit siao recently leh, really high sex drive, kept wanting to BD but of coz not ready to make bb yet lah.... *blush*

violetta yeah come tomolo...need to wait, so u beta bring some magazines, newspapers or games to keep urself occupied.

Pinkie, its nez to an Indonesian eatery called Waroeng Penyet. Wic I desparately wan to eat, dh told me he not hungry. Told I dun dare, I m hungry n would eat. He not hungry he drinks water enuff....muahahaha...

Its blk 81 Marine Parade Central.

Ok, i decided...my blog would mkt my bakeries for both humans n dogs. Muz quickly bake n post nice pics up soon....kekeke...

TTC updates

Jess Yew 16/02/2009

AW-BB 31st Jan 2009 #1 Beijing/Bedok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/new.gif]

Jolene 10 Feb 09 #1 Thomson/Bishan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/new.gif]

Bamboo_Shoot #1 18/02/09

taregal 17 Feb 2009

Strawberryz 18 Feb #1 Pasir Ris

woofmeow 27/2/09

Elyna_Tiffani – 23 Feb 09 --- #1 – Woodlands

Girls_mummy 24 Feb 09

Serene 27 Feb 09

piggym, cannot add beef for ur dog...maybe abit of bacon wic is made fr pig? Juz abit for d smell....dogs sniff their food before eating so muz attract them if not they wun like lor.


can . will do. Thanks! appreciate that.


Hahaha! ya can BD lah but cannot shoot in. hahah

So you going to how many places in taiwan?

do u give ur dogs supplements?? any tips on puppy toilet training... tried to bring him to the toilet, he dont want to pee, after that he is out he will pee... faint...


no prob... can pick it up for me then we c where to meet lor... :p


u still got bake wat stuff?? human cookies?? hee...

i tot pet hotel sld b like a luxury for them?? but ya, pass by pasir ris pet hotel/farm there... all like juz put the pets there and they do their stuff...

got rumor that there might b R in my company... i m only worried wat if my dh and i kena R together... haiz...


ya.. its actually forced leave... put it nicely is production shutdown... faint...

piggym, i duno leh...u koe? But i suspect dun need ba...so many pple do home baking. I read somewhere cannot b a nuisance to neighbours, wic I wun...however the smells they get may annoy them? Lolx.

1 more couple before our turn. Wow, 2 hrs wait sia!

Stomache hungry alot liao. Kekeke.....


Hehehe, ya lor....BD BD BD!

Going to quite a few places...Taipei, Kaoshiung and Hualien, bla bla...Got go Sun Moon Lake n hot spring too!

I m urs,

Its like that de..think alot of companies also doing that now...


Update us on ur TCM visit tonite!

Ladies, i going out now....chat tonite! Bye!

i m urs, yes, I give Sunny supplements...meant for humans. Hahaha... I can Pm wat I feed him. Costs abt $90 a mth, but after he is on the supplements, his fur is so nice n soft, like floor rug. Hahaha... Other dog owners like to sayng him.

Most imptly, save vet fees wic burn a huge hole in our pockets. So the supplements wprk out to more economical den seeing the vet.

my dog was fr Pasir Ris pet farm, so resistance beri weak. But now after changing his diet to human grade food, it improves alr.

Pinkie me surf using hp, wireless wic is foc. Keke...



Is it a lot of ppl do home baking? me not sure. Jsut that I thought may need to.

There is a nice steamboat at the parkway parade foodcout leh. have u tried b4?

I m urs,

it takes time to train a puppy. Try to get those toliet training liquid (dunno what is that called). Sprayed on the newspapers in the toilet and let him smell and tell him to pee there.

Last time I did that too. And also whenever he pee outside, wipe it with tissue. After that , u can leave the wet tissue with urine on the papers in the toilet. At least he knows his smell is there, he will go there to pee.

