(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Webby: Yup! I remembered your hello kitty. Dont worry, I will go to the market within the next few days. Been busy trying to settle on the moving company and will be having ppl comin over to see our rented apt. Hehe! My landlord very quick in finding people.

Jandew: I saw the PM liao..thank u! Wah, not bad got wireless at TCM place. Not so bored hor.

*Yawn* Fell asleep just now on the sofa. So tired!! DH not home...sianz....



thanks, juz pm me ba... or post here also ok for me... but need to convince my hubby to let him hv human food... let me know what human food u gace sunny k...


bought a toilet drip for him, but he dont take the smell... try again ba... later going to pet shop to c what is nice for him... need to get another toilet spray and treat for him... haha...

pinkie, just saw the website about essense of chicken. wah not easy to cook that sia. But some of the dishes i can learn from here. Today i first attempt pork chop end up the pork chop too hard and not really tasty.

i m urs,

so I will collect the cookie from jandew on your behalf okie.

there after we will arrange to meet up then I pass to u ok?

Hahaha. try again. must have patience. its easier to train them while they are young.

Hi bbp and aw-bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TTC updates

Jess Yew 16/02/2009

AW-BB 31st Jan 2009 #1 Beijing/Bedok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/new.gif]

Jolene 10 Feb 09 #1 Thomson/Bishan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/new.gif]

Bamboo_Shoot #1 18/02/09

taregal 17 Feb 2009

Strawberryz 18 Feb #1 Pasir Ris

woofmeow 27/2/09

Elyna_Tiffani – 23 Feb 09 --- #1 – Woodlands

Girls_mummy 24 Feb 09

Serene 27 Feb 09

bbp (babypheonix) 26/2


my mil teach me to use the knife to "chop" the meat before i marinate. just like making mince pork but not really chop. I marinate i think about 30 min.

i m urs, yes, I give Sunny supplements...meant for humans. Hahaha... I can Pm wat I feed him. Costs abt $90 a mth, but after he is on the supplements, his fur is so nice n soft, like floor rug. Hahaha... Other dog owners like to sayng him.

Most imptly, save vet fees wic burn a huge hole in our pockets. So the supplements wprk out to more economical den seeing the vet.

my dog was fr Pasir Ris pet farm, so resistance beri weak. But now after changing his diet to human grade food, it improves alr.

Pinkie me surf using hp, wireless wic is foc. Keke...

i think u marinate too short le..i marinate overnite one...erm did u add corn flour? make de meat tender...

kacang puteh?

erm i bought raw peanuts den sock overnite den boil in water add salt and sugar den tada~~!!!

wah all log off left me leh

hubby went for fren rom...

me feeling lerthagic so dun feel like doing anything

now raining also cannot wash clothes...

head so heavy cos sleep too much



oic.maybe lor. i never put corn flour. i just put abalone sauce, sait and chinese wine. Your kacang puteh use boiling water to boil the peanuts ah?

helooooooooooooo ladies~~~ ..rainy weather now at my place....

jandew...yr dh also went to TCM with you earlier?

im tinking of going TCM but duno if it helps to tiao my body leh

Hi Pinkie

I always throw away the kampong chicken after making the essence... abit wasteful hor... u mean after making the essence also can make soup?? what you put inside the soup beside carrot and mushroom? need to put any soy sauce or what?? is it still tasty since the chicken already squeeze out all the essence beforehand??

Kindly give me some advise and will like to make full use of the chicken...

Hi ladies,

How come all of your place raining?? my place only can hear lightning sound... no rain at all.. sian.. as i like rain.. more cooling. btw, I am staying at sembawang/yishun area...


cornflour is de one ple use to make starch and yah i use boiling water to boil but must soak de peanuts overnite den when u boil u will see purple bubbles den scoop them out...


i dun find it tasty leh i think next time i cook i wun use de chicken..maybe try using it cook porridge..haha

hi pinkie..

thank you thank you...u mean no taste huh... alamak... then very wasteful to just throw the chicken away.. keke...I also drink one bowl of chicken essence made by my mum last night... am making one more bowl myself tomorrow..

Hi jandew

Why chicken essence is only for after o then drink? u mean it does help in implantation??

hi woofmeow and ladies

My place no droplets of rain at all... sianz...

hi candice,

my clothes never ever hang outside at all so no impact to me even if rain... keke... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/2203034.gif]


First time try upload cute icon... can send me some of your cuteeee icon especially abt the bd and baby one... i like the sperm and egg one too.. keke... so that the forum can become more lively with more cute icon...a million kam sia...

candice...oh yeah hor ..hehe im not using much of my brain to tink properly cos today is NUA day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..


starch is like erm when u wana make ur gravy sticky u put that???


yah no taste so mst throw away i think..was thinking of making one more tml for my colleagues..haha..everyone so bz so must bu....


HI 5~!!! its my nua day also..having heaache somemore..sianz

Hi Pinkie,

So nice of you to make for your collegues too??

Hi QT,

No need the icon liao.. i go dig past post and got it... heehee.. thk u thk u..

HEHE...yup pinkie...NUA day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

ok i go cook dinner liao...log in later if i can

Yeah dh went with me juz now. Tis time we spent more than normal...coz its really ttc med. Previously was onli med for my heatiness. Keke...

Costs $58 for both of our med. I got BFW to eat for nez mth too. Gosh...I gota swallow it. Its big rite? Tink 6 tablets inside 1 small pong pong tingy.

Tried the Indoesian food beside the TCM. Tink its overpriced! The fish costs $8 and the chicken $6. Not gtg back there in future coz the serving is small, and it tastes juz ordinary.

Oh the TCM said my dh's sperms is weak, wic I alr tot so....n was told cun BD after O aka implantation. Coz he says assuming the egg is implanted hor, if have sex, the egg would 'explode' liao. I din koe got such ting wor! Wic means whether got spotting or not, still beta dun BD until the foetus is more stable. So gota take note of tis for future mths.

Hi jandew

Tonite is v.quiet.. R u saying that after o,we shouldnt bd at all? No bd during the 2ww? But sometime, we will still bd another 1 or 2 days after o as we r unsure when we o and worry may miss the o period so tend to do another 2 days.. Like that how? Sigh.. Wah, how ur tcm doctor able to tell that ur dh sperm not so gd?

Hows the medicine like?need to brew or jus mix water and can eat? Eys bfw is in hundreds of small pills.. Jus like 宝剂丸。 .$58 is consider cheap compare to my 2wk eys medicine which cost $160min. How many days r ur medicine?


hi all, juz came back from my mum's place in katong... rain like mad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh... dog owners... i feel so cheated by the breeder... sold me 'regal' dry food for august... which the pet shop i went to told me its been taken off coz of will cause kidney stones... bought new stuff for august... food, supplements, accessories and also a sleeping pen... haha...


ur post v v cheim... dont understand abt the bd n o stuff... thanks, received ur pm on the supplements for august... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for helping me collect the stuff from jandew... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

