(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


so many of us have SA prob lor... i get my HB to see Dr Tan alt u can go buy those zinc supplement tt is suppose to increase sperm count n quality 1 i bott mine frm GNC....


i gtg liao gd nite...



U r experimenting wif OPKs....hahha...happi BD....and hope yr HPT will come in use soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My dh is currently under TCM's treatment and he gt improvement lo...sperm count increase triple...bt still below standard la... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chloe jie... when u r force to do it.. u can do it LOL.... i do thg v fast for a start lar haha.. imagien gotto run bk to bunk before lights off else every 1 will get punish

dn wan to b the black sheep so rush like mad.. but of cos got black sheep int hr hahaaa... but think bk.. its darn fun.. wan to shit also must find chance kind


i was just reading what u had for dinner...yummy.... but hor...if u test a [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1798408.gif] i dun think u can eat it anymore...cos shark has got very high mecury level... and it's not advisble to eat that...okie?? so guai guai... when u test +ve... cannot eat liao okie??? NO matter how yummy...


i'll take note...thks..


when i bathe fast my dh will always ask me.. ehh, clean or not?? :D

good nite gals...me going out for prata supper with dh...bye!

oh ok cutie i din know hee noted thank you


my dh use to take the 'msm' supplement for joint pain n etc everyday so he quite ok to take the rest as well.. i tink the pocket must b supportive cos i tink 1 mth supplement alone is about 150 or more... tsk tsk


Heard tt the mega men tablet also v good...can let yr dh try aft seeing the result? Mabbbe its not as bad...see wat the gynae says..normally they will prescribe yr dh supplements if required....

bbchole ..thats what i heard also ...but my dh super duper lazy at taking supplement one...so if really need, i also duno hw to make him take daily ..

woofmeow i tink shld b ok bah.. u can try hee

all the supplement are given by the gynae except the exsativa anf folic acid hehe

chloe jie.. i almost die in thr i tell u cos those girls super emotional one.. mentaly not strong enuff always take others as 出气桶

and they r v aggressive cannot stand u do well.. if u do better than them.. they take u as enemy... hw to enjoy? LOL.. but i enjoy shooting thou hehe very fun

xenice haa mayb cos u use to bathing for logn tiem suddenly so fast u not use to it.. but i tell u hor whn u gt kids.. u realy hav to learn hw to bath fast if u r aloen w the baby.. my sis use to bath like 40 mins? aft having her bb.. now she can take 20 mins hee


hehehe... the troops are now being trained...equiped with satelite device to track the egg down...hehe..


so today will be the last time u going to eat the yummy rice with shark soup...hehe...u got to wait for at least 1 yr b4 u can eat liaoz...hehehee...


Take to him la...like wat Wisq advises me...now I pack the tribestan together wif my home made bf to him and he guai guai take leh...so it works de lo...


haa u v funie u also call preseed oil.. my dh also call it oil leh hehe

cannto hav sunny side up.. cos ur egg must turn into SON LOL


hehehe..not time yet.... must wait until midnight... cos i tested +ve at noon today....hehehe...so 12 hrs - 36 hrs eggs will be released... want to make sure troops are strong enough...hehe...

opk is toothpick lor...hehe..and HPT is what ah??hehee..

oh..tonite i'm going to use preseed.... but i'm already super duper wet... still better to use preseed right??

Gals...happi chatting..me gtg le...tml nd to wait up super early to work to clear the pile before the weekend!

Good nitez..!


bbchole ..yeah will try for the sake of having a baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ...tks ...nw yr dh taking tribestan isit? one tablet a day kinda thing or?


Wah....still got timing somemore...best la u...

HPT ah...erh dunno leh..kekekeke...also toothpicks lo...bt premium ones la...use liao can get preggie...lolz...

Use preseed la...can aid the troops to swim up faster!


hehhe... preseed is oil mah..to me it is lor... hehe... can have sunny side up lah...if my egg and troops "bu zhen qi"....no form into a bb, i fry the egg up... become "za dan'

a lot of ladies dun eat those big fish...like shark...cos of the high mecury level which is very damaging to the development of bb's brain...i think tuna is another fish that we cannot eat... those deep sea fishes....

ok..hehe..i'm going to use the oil... so that the troops will be well-oiled to swim into the egg... but if too oily...wun the troops slip and fall??? but also good lah... slip and fall into the egg..then dun need to penetrate into the egg...hehe...

nite nite bbchole!!!

i think i really kuku...


hehe...ya...imagine all the troops with army helmet ..all charging..and all of sudden too oily..then slip and fall... and 1 of them acccidently fall into the egg...hehee... die lah...i really kukukutiekitty....hehe.. going to spread my kuku-ness here...hehe...

lynn ...DH refers to husband / hubby with a darling in front [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehehe... dh is darling hubby...

i play with urine..the OPK..ovulation test strip ... i need to collect my pee in a container and dip the OPK into the pee... so playing with urine...yucks right...hehee..

ok lah ladies...i'm gonig to log off liaoz...then study..and later on BD..hehe..so if at stroke of midnight u all feel earthquake...dun panic...it's just me, this baby elephant, BD-ing...hehee...


nite nite!!! i really siao liaoz...hheehee...

Hi Ladies

Lynn, I also am facing the same prob as you. AF late for 3 days - tomorrow will be 4 days. My cycle is very accurate - every 30 days. Tests all negative. Confused.....


dun worry 1st.. treat urself liek a preggy for now..

my friend's gf preggy for 17 weeks also duno.. she also went to test HPT but on result... 17 weeks leh....


cutie: u mean u OPK den if u will BD??? sorry ladies.. I really dun understand abt all this.. hope u all can teach me..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

