(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

hmm... actually when i wake up i got 2 name in my mind leh...... but i am not too sure better dun anyhow say wait gave false hope... keke..

bbchloe, i also hope so. Early morning having cramps again at both side of the tubes but strangely it's only happens when i'm in aircon place. wonder is it i got a cold womb.


Both sides ah? Me also not sure leh...mabbe the eggs are flowing thru the tube and u can feel it? My cramps stop le...mabbe will O soon..


mayb he noe he's hving a didi or meimei to play w soon...


icic, is ok... u still hv us here to keep u

accompany [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1798967.gif]


my next appt is on 8th next mth, hopefully bb guai guai let me see his/her gender...


keke ya lor...


wahah i tink it Naivesg n u leh keke but i cant remember who exactly but the 2 of u come to my mind keke..


Dun worry..actually the #1 got abit cranky it is abit of the sign already. Ur BBT is very nice, I am sure u are 90% pregnant already lar.


Sure.. u all will soon strike. I think first time mummy is more anxious to see the heartbeat than gender. Cos I cried during my first. For 2nd one, I just wanna know the gender.


Actually I am abit stress.. cos last night gynae say legs blocking and it is closed so cannot see. I can still rem my gal also similar case. Was telling my hb.. same case, what if it's a gal again. My hb just give a smile and say try for 3rd one. My heart sink.. I wanted to hear him saying "Girl or boy no difference." Why he same as his parents, why all want boys ??!! I still can rem I cried buckets when I know the gender of my gal. Now really very stress.


I tink u tink of us too much la...mabbe I always tell u hw I wan a baby badly...tts y u tink of me la...kekekeke...

Cutie predict Naivesg before..so I tink tis will come true instead...


sure... but provided bb cooperative w me lor... keke

looks like u gg to O... must BD BD BD hor, increase conceive chances!!! JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!


May, don't be stressed. Maybe he was under the impression you want a boy, that's why he assures you by saying try for 3rd one.

Morning MOrning!


I hate waking up on Friday Morning, hope to stay in bed longer...

I see my name, Yar Babychole, hope I will strike this cycle. June/July 09 Babies here I come!


aiya have more confident in urself lar...


maybe ur HB wun like to have both gender lar like most parent they yearn for 1 gal n 1 boy? dun feel sad ok:p


my hb oso same tot as yr hb... he said if 1st is boi then no need to stress over 2nd one... cannot ta han...


Dun be stressed la...I am sure yr dh is joking abt trying for a 3rd one...i am sure he will equally dote on her if it happens to be really a her...

Tel him girls are more filial...

bbchloe, ya can feel the cooling/burning sensation at both sides but not as bad as ytd afternoon.

May, me too same as u, can understand how u feel. When I preg with #1 and know that it's a gal, i cry like hell and my sisters and parents will almotst every nite bring me out for walk lor..cos whenever i at hme i will start thinking and cry and somemore my hb work shift so somtimes i alone at hme after work.


dun be discourage lar. Piggytoh dream of u could be true leh? Was thinking hor.. when u deliver, will u be doing confinement at ur mum's place? Then I can pop by ur mum's house to visit u. hahaha.. me think very far already hor.


No lar, hb knows I wanted another girl cos I have been hoping to spite my MIL. They are very biased against gender of baby one. I think his parents give him stress. Cos they once say before, no matter what must have one son. If this one still girl, must try until have.


I will...bt will adopt the alternate days strategy la...if everyday dun tink dh's troops gt sufficient time to replenish...kekekeke


kekekeke...i am a practical person...will only hv confidence when I c results...Me Xi Guan le..


don't be sad. Altho I've a boy, I'm now pressured to have a kid, pref a gal. So i think it's not so much as want a boy kind of thing. It's they just want a 'hao'. I'm sure if you have boy 1st, your hb will also want a gal this time round.


No la..if I do confinement, I wld prefer to do it at my place...kekekeke...not used to do it there...bt u r still welcome to come my place la...

morn ladies....FRIDAY!!!!!...yipee!!

bbchole ...orr okie ...had a talk with dh last nite ...hehe ...he say will take the supplement even if SA is normal ..so bit relieved now ...keke

Morning everyone!

Don know why today feel so tire and see piles of work on my desk can't perks me up thou is Friday. =(

Cutie..so last nite u BD? I BD yesterday morning cos deteck OPK positive on wednesday evening. So am i consider BDing the 12-36hrs fertile timing?

may ..dun be stressed out lah ...as long as bb is healthy ..that is the most impt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun...looking forward to your annoucement of yr bb gender ...hope things are going well for u too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i hope it me ah not no leh confirm not me... it 1 of the gal here keke..

tokin abt mango i miss the Xu Liu San in HK keke..

good morn gals.

today dpo13 and temp dipped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Think tom AF coming already.

Ladies, if we wake up before the BBT taking time to pee and then went back to sleep, will the BBT end up higher or lower? Should be higher rite?

I think usually the excitment comes in the morning and become more quiet aft that de....=p

me got tonnes of work to do also...kambatee ne

