(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Me drank lots of Yakult and water last nite, hope to cleanse off the bacteria. No more blood in urine. But bladder still hurts, not when urinating but when abt to finish...when its empty, its painful. Woke up many times b/w 1-3 am....den after tt I was too tired, probably fell asleep.

Cun sleep well last nite, but in the morn, managed to wake up so still drag myself to work. A couple of times had 6 winks at my desk.

Din wan take MC coz I juz started work onli, not tt nice. Today the pain has subsided compared to yesterday. Onli when full tank, cun control my bladder.

Yeah, eating some yoghurt later. Home made, using this yoghurt machine bot fr Tangs. Just add plain yoghurt and fresh milk, switch on the plug and you have yoghurt some hrs later. Much fresher den storebought, oso much more nutritious.

Cun take MC 2molo as I gota meet a customer in the afternoon.

Meanwhile drinking tonnes and tonnes of water to wash it all out. Realise that my body is beri weak, just receovered from flu not too long ago. Had flu for 1 mth. Duno izzit old liao, immune system not as good as before.

Now is my O period, but in order to make my condition worse, cun BD. Can save my preseed for nez mth. BD once on Sat, duno whether the troops can last till I O.

Realised that perhaps I ate too much antibotics, now my body does not react to them anymore.

May, congrats...prob now too early to see ur sac.

Anna, when did ur sis give birth?

U koe Mark Lee and his wife went to look for Zoe Tay when she just gave birth and ate mee sua soup on her bed. After tt she got preggie. They oso tried for 8 yrs if I am not wrong.


UTI can re occur if u got history of it. drink more cranberry juice ok.. i try to drink a small bottle evey other week.

my sis gave birth in march

Hi Piggy and Anna, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow ma you ji ah...dont know who have leh keke.


must take care wor even u dun wan to take MC also go c doctor.. i tink this mth rest la dun try build up ur body first...

hi tingting hehe

i got a friend giving birth in sept/oct i tink.. stay near mi somemore... but i dunno to do so anot leh haha

Anna, yes, I got UTI at least once or twice before. One time beri bad one somemore. Went to NTUC to buy cranberry juice but cun find, onli those concentrate. Where do u buy this?

March not tt long ago, maybe u be patient...I am sure ur bb would come along sooner or later.


i got mine fr spc petrol station those mart. ocean spray brand or sth like tat.

i phobia of UTI also cos my bladder v active. always need to go toilet one.. 1 hour can go 2 times w alot of output.

the last time i kenna it was so bad i got kidney infection got hosp for 2 nites... n did i mention it happen v accurately every 4 yr.. it always happen on new year day itself!!!!

ya i hope bb come soon haa...

tingting... ya hope by then all of us no need liao

bluberi - do you know the TCM at Hougang Ave 5. I am staying at serangoon so am thinking of going there to look see look see. heeh

sun - thanks for your tips. i will try to keep my legs up for 30 mins, and see if the troops can find their way to the egg. hahahaaaa..

maywong & sasa - jia you jia you jia you. Dont give up hope. I am sure everything is fine.

just to share some myths which i heard when i went facial recently:

1. never fix anything @ home when you are pregnant.

2. never go for eye brow embro/tattoo when pregnant.

3. if you want to get pregnant,try to hug a pregnant woman (tummy to tummy)

4. if you want to get pregnant,sit on a pregnant woman's(after birth) bed.

Hmm...bt my FSM say cannot go to a woman's rm during her confinement and also cannot go to visit her in hospital...can oni go visit after the baby full mth...

Even my mum forbids me to do so....another pantang case!

wah so many myth n grandma story sometime the less u know the better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh, I do hope so too...bt the plm is my mum warn me beforehand le...so I got no choice bt to follow...even the FSM whom audit my hse warn me once again...sigh!

Hi gals,

Thanks for the well wishes. My yesterday evening's blood test result is out, HCG 57000, it has been doubling every 48hours since the date of conception, me and dh counted backwards and around the date of conception was 0.02, about 22-24th June, then it has been doubling til now. Thu when i take blood test again, it must be more than 114000 (more than double 57000) or the bb is unhealthy. Will keep you gals updated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear May,

Am very happy for you. All will be well during your appt next week, no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sashamama...our prayers and well wishes are fulfilled...both u and May & the little ones are fine! O great! Keep on doubling....JIA YOU!

Sashamama, glad to hear that leh keke. You take care yah everything will be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1612264.gif] Bedtime for me....

Sweet dreams and good nite...hope more and more good news will be coming along the week!

HUAT ah! JIA YOU! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1612265.gif]


ya the les su knwo the better.. even i know.. i fake dunno... cosi am nto the pantang type of ppl. else i feel my life is being control by myth.


bobian lar.. then jus follow lor since she warn u liao hehe


glad u r fine!!! keep it up!

Anna, my bladder capacity beri big, 1.5l or so. Coz tt time I went for gynae check-up, pre-conception check-up, I measured the amt of water I drank. 1 cup of big lemon tea fr Long John, 2 bottles of 500ml lemon tea fr NTUC. Probably each day I onli go toilet once in the morn, before I go to work, sometimes I would go another time when I reach office. If not, it would be 1 time before and after lunch and another time before I go home.

Oh, u get UTI on New Year every 4 yrs? So its better after u take cranberry juice?

Sashamama, u would be fine....dun worry too much kie? Bb can feel ur emotions.

Duno izzit after BD I din wash my V or pass urine so kena UTI. Coz actually shld pass urine straight after BD, according to the doc, if not easily kena UTI....coz got bacteria ma.

Sun, finally u r back. Hope ur MS getting beta. Maybe u can eat some plain crackers, those type cheap cheap type. According to my frenz, she said eating small small meals help curb the morn sickness. Tt time when she was preggie, her bb cun stand ang moh food...anyting like hamburger, she got craving to eat. After eating she would throw up like merlion. The way she describes was beri funny. But if she eats Chinese food, she wun throw up. When she was in her 3rd trimster, den she found out. Strange but interesting hor?

sashamama, glad to hear dat ur bb is fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PiPi, mi nw seeing the TCM doc at hougang ave 5 lor.. seeing her since my D&C in jun.

juz nw checked with TCM doc if i can take clomid together with TCM and she said is fine. but she said clomid normally works for 3mths oni.. 1st time beri fast ovulate den 2nd time on it gets slower.. wonder izit true coz tis is my 2nd time on clomid n i haven gt BFP on OPK yet.. CD18 liao leh.

have been reading the threads.. conceiving doesnt seem that easy as i thought.... *feeling a little stress*


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1612732.gif] must take care n cannot carry heavy stuffs huh... =)


glad tat yr HCG level is gd... dun worry, yr bb will be fine... stay +ve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1612733.gif]

today my cd28. tested hcg -ve. temp @ 36.76. seem starting to drop...Mmmm..think AF coming soon...so sad..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


gd chance leh. Gt a drop yesterday, today rise again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hey all .. ask a questions....

should i be taking pre natal multivits now .. and if yes.. should i also take the folic acid.... as well?

