(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


no la cos i woke up v early today meet my friend for BF so i feel like dozin off anytime.... but i tried Dr tan sleeping pill last night dun work v well for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


really ah.. nvm new cycle = new hope.. toking abt 4D me n my HB strike consolation last sun leh first time in my life i strike but hor tt HB of mine go buy ibet worse he buy $1 nia i almost fainted when i found out he buy so "big"... lol~~ hope i can strike this time round...


You already in how many weeks? Really hope everything will be better when going into 2nd trimester. Still got another week to go.

Qin Yi

Although abit disappointed but continue to Jia you. Give lotsa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1662548.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1662549.gif]\popgif {1662544,} to you and all the ladies here.

Thanks Kome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


becos i usu dun sleep well on SUn so i tot better take n try but not workin.. tt time i went Jap got buy 1 sleep pill my aunt say gd but dun dare to use esp now..


i dun drink water be4 i sleep 1... cant sleep if i consume something be4 i sleep..

ya i dun tt y till now i haven try the pill:p

Morning gals! Finally can log on...any news or updates? Havent read the past 2 days forum keke.

Qinyi...new cycle = new hope! We jia you together. Today me CD4.

piggytoh, mabbe u gt the Monday blues ahead la...last time I also lidat...cannot slp on Sun nites...now I try to watch TV with the controller on hand...I try to watch the boring ones...so in no time I will fall asleep pretty soon..


haha dunno leh maybe too active during wkend so Sun mind active also keke...

i was telling my HB our luck start to change maybe will strike this time round as per Cutie predict lol~


Yup sure no pro.That time I check my egg Cd11 egg was 15mm. Than on CD 18 I went again it was like 20mm. By rite egg should grow 1-2mm per day. So it seem like my egg not growing well or slow still haven release on cd18. I suppose to go back cd22 .But kind of lose hope so din go back to scan.Who noes my next app with gynae is to check on little wan le even gynae was like suprise wow so fast haha.I still thinking hard if AF arrive should I go back to scan for my egg next cycle cos so ex.But my gynae has got package on scanning the egg wan.There is a lady I noe from here through my intro she went to Dr ong also now she found out everything on her is normal no pcos egg is growing well so Dr ask her to try for another 4 months see how it goes.She also say that Dr Ong is a very nice gynae very detail.


Ya feeling much better.But sometime felt useless as I say cos no income I feel so insecure.But Dh keep saying its ok just pray hard everything faster be over.


Jiayu New cycle= New HOpe.

Baby dust to u.


Than u got to be careful urself lor.For me is maybe like dh say I too pampered le so cant endure at all.I hate the feeling of like squeezing into the bus no seats plus like cant breathe like that.NOw even go downstairs I also lazy.So sian.Felt like no strength wan lor everyday.When I have my gal dun remember its like that.Maybe OLD le ba haha.


how much is the scanning egg package huh? Dr Ong located at where?

i tink u feel tt y becos ur hormone is changin n u feel depress.. dun worry like wat ur HB say all this will be over soon..


The package is around $300.Its unlimited scan till u find the egg and see the egg release ba.Unless u got to go for any blood test or o than U got to pay extra.And will suggest u if wan to sigh up sigh up oce AF clear than can start scanning think CD10 onwards.

Dr Douglas Ong

Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre #03-06/07

Tel : 67338880 / 67376855

Bt Panjang Clinic Ten Mile Junction.

Tel : 67628066


me also suddenly feel so old. Whole body like tearing apart liao. I am pulling myself to do things everyday. If dun pull, I am like a vegetable, lie on bed so restless. Can't even attend to my gal.

Luckily she still guai, she saw me lying, she take her toys sit beside me to play while I rest. When she saw me sleeping, she will carry all her toys out to living room and tell my mum "Mummy sleep, dun disturb huh." Then she will want my mum to play with her.


Yes he if a very nice Gynae.Plus he does not ask u to take clomid straight away cos I think he reali think of the wellbeen for his paitients.My pervious gynae without saying anything just say I din O than ask me to take clomid which I dun noe the side effect lor. Now that I see Dr Ong he is reali nice plus very detail.Nurse ther are also very nice.Oh also to add Dr Ong also noes I seeing DR Tan for acu and he say its ok to take tcm he does not discourage u to stop cos tcm and western.He is quite supportive.


Wow so good le ur gal.My gal sometime when she cranky still will still call me.But if not sometime she will call my Mil to help her so still nt too bad.She is also quite a good gal.Ya everytime when I start to nuo on my bed I dun feel like getting up le so restless lor.


U can go see him for 1 time than from there see wat he say than consider how lor.


I also not too sure I think its for every month ba.Cos myself I din sigh up its other lady form forum told me.Maybe u can call out to check.Sorry

piggytoh, yr turn will come v soon..since u r the potential spot on by Cutie...heee...

caca....oic...cos my last scan in Jun also shows my egg is growing slowly...bt at the end of the day one egg is being released, bt not sure it ruptures or not? I am still tinking of going to yr gynae or not cos I still gotta pay the 1st time more exp fee...So I tinking to stick back to mine since I already wif him for 2 times...and its nearer to my place too...

caca, thanks for the info...I tink I will cal up and ask abt the scanning egg package...unlimited leh...bt if for 1 cycle, a bit exp...




ya i tink for 1 cycle it ex also cos usu i only scan 2-3 times per mth n wun exceed $300 ok maybe u ask n post it here cos this cycle too late for me also:p

thanks gals... will jia you! jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was trying to retrieve wat i missed out over the weekends. heheee... looks like cutie banana cake got very good review huh?

i actually was planning to make the banana muffin over last weekend. af came, no mood lah so nvr make. hahahaaa... nvr mind lah, i buy more bananas and make both muffin and cake together one shot!

piggytoh! u so lucky, strike 4D! aiya, little bit still is strike mah!

babychloe, dun worry too much abt ur bbt. opk +ve ok liao... maybe u din take bbt correctly?

wisq.... since HL not joinin us, are we still buying the shoes? i will be very sad if we are not proceeding wor... *sob sob*. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I think if u go to ur gynae he will still be able to tell u did egg ruptures ant cos if its does there will be something like empty egg shell there if nvr conceive that is wat my gynae told me.So seeing him its to make sure ur egg is growing and release and eveything is normal to be able to conceive.

Welcome piggy.Dust to u all


ya lor although only win $3 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1662767.gif] but it my first time striking 4D lor cos all along our car no. we buy dun strike we dun buy it open so my HB jus play play buy $1 for fun lor dun expect really strike so happi lor hopefully it a sign for me tt i be able to strike also lol~~~~

4th cycle? nvm maybe ur egg wan to join us in Sept prefer to be born in May la.. keke...


yes so we work hard this cycle keke.. tt day i boliao go check if i conceive this mth wat the due date it 22nd May n pp alway say usually 1st bb will come out 10-14days earlier so i was dreaming if my bb come out 10days earlier will be same Bday as me n if born 15 days earlier will be

same as my HB lol~ i dream too much liao hahaha...

me goin for lunch too:p

May ahh if u hav sppare leave n want to rest pls rest ok. leave is entitilement mah =) unless u feel ok then go to work lar...

caca, the scanning part v good hor...Dr Tan also ask me dun go do any BT to waste $, just head straight to scan the egg if I wan to make sure I O...

QinYi, I now telling myself, af faster come, so tt I can monitor again...I am trying to stay neutral now..haha...bt today oni my CD16 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggytoh, I also wan a May baby..hee...

