(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


ya lor ok will ask my MIL cook the black bean with peanut soupp for me keke... i really hope ur prediction for me works... today i CD9 liao n i going for odd day this mth.....


Cutie, instead of greasing the cake tin, can I just put baking paper in the tin instead?

Cutie...where r u?

Anna, if Cutie's recipe says grease n flour, can I put baking paper instead?

Gals, ya...tink the website is down...it was ok this afternoon...

jandew, click on the spa package...the package is call dimension 5 spa package.

pegsfur, any idea how much does the bungalow cost per nite...I hope to go in my next cycle...

piggy ...maybe i shld get BFW ...will tink abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..tks!

Gals, I finally detected +ve on OPK today, CD14! Yippee...luckily I BD tis morning....kekekekeke....I was not able to really detect +ve on OPK for the last 2 cycles...always faint lines...

Gals wif Dr Tan, can I ask normally u all take the an tai yao on the v next day once u detect +ve on OPK?


u lucky today Mrs tan jus advice me... she say dun take an tai yao immediately after O take on the third day when u notice a rise in ur temp....

maybe u can try BD again tml:p

piggytoh, try to drink DOM every nite before u slp....chix essence is also good..if u scared of the smell, heat it up first...then drink it...

piggytoh, Ya, indeed I am v happi...heee...tort of taking the an tai yao tml...okok...shall take it when I notice a rise of temp....anyway I am really happi to finally detect +ve today...though not +ve on HPT la...bt at least I am back to normal tis cycle...Thanks! Muacks Muacks!



hehe.. i tink tis mth many of us hormones high enuff to b detected on OPK hehe

hope u stirke this cycle

wats the drinking of Dom for??


keke u r welcome....

perhaps it a sign for u (wink wink)

i am really tryin hard to cut all cold drink liao but tough leh... i already cut a lot liao trust me.. nowaday i avoid drinkin during lunch n go back offic for plain water lor which is so unlike me...


ya its not easy to cut cold drinks completely cos cold drink can drink faster hehe... slowly la... mayb use a small bottle to put water then bring along w u

oh i tot for bu haha if bu then mayb i can drink also cos i got dom at home...

thurs shld b the day AF come no come then fri or sat then test =) but like i say i dun feel the heat in me anymore so mayb no need to test even.. haiz

Anna, I dunno leh..heard from my MIL tt DOM is actually good for woman, adviseable to drink every nite...bt like piggytoh, I also hate the smell of DOM...so wat I do is wheneva I cook the sesame liver + pork, I will add 2 tablespoon of DOM on it...will taste v nice and v bu for us too...

piggytoh, keke...bt tis cycle my dh is sick lo...tok panadol for 1 day...so dunno will affect or not and I nvr BD on even days tis mth cos of his stomach flu...we anyhow BD..hee...

Me too...already cut down a lot of cold drinks and just now drink a few sips of Coke while hving dinner and I was telling my dh I forgotten when was the last time I had gassy drinks liao...


it for bu also so u can consider taking for not sure abt durin 2WW..

dun gave up so fast wait for thurs remember no AF=got hope:p

i gtg le gd nite gals dun stay up too late no gd;)

nite piggy

bbchloe.. ya i try not to tink haha... i imagine is the clomide HAHAHAA

ya i like to add alcohol in my food de haa... the more the merrier

Ladies, gtg le....Good nitez and sweet dreams! Chat tml!


Hi Ladies,

Gone thru Aug issue of Mother & Baby..tot of typing on of the article out for u all. But I guessed most of u already know bah.. but just sharing info.


1) Targeting intercourse around ovulation can work provided you're familiar with your menstrual cycle.

2) To ensure the best sperm, have sex thrice a week.If you're trying to conceive,it's not ideal if ur husband abstains for long periods, or ejaculated every day, since it affects the sperm quality.

3) Quit smoking if you plan to have a baby, as smoking damages sperm and eggs. Also limit ur alcohol intake to no more thatn two units in a week. (one can of beer = one unit)

4) At most, drink just one cup of coffee a day - caffeine restricts blood flow to the womb.

5) Avoid eating too much meat - this raises the body's ammonia levels and inhibits the implantation of the egg on the uterus.

6) Men should take foods or supplements that contain zinc, as it is know to boost sperm production.

7) You may need to avoid herbs like dang gui (Chinese Angelica), yin yang (epimedium) and ba ji tian (morinda root).

Hope these are informative to you all.. =)

wow so many tips! thanks ladies! thanks May for typing out the info, i dont know cannot eat so much meat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i love to drink tea! plus coffee and cold drinks.

bbchole, thanks for the encouragement. we will jia you together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, me finally done with my banana cake...now baking in oven...smells heavenly.

Yeah eat less meat, eat more fruits and vegs. Gd for health.

where got fast, 1 hr + liao leh...hehehe....

2molo den can tell u coz bringing to church [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I beta make sure I get a slice before its all gone. They like my food alot. Everytime I make garlic bread, it would be gone in the twinkling of an eye. And my banana choc chip muffins, cheesecake etc....once they hear home-made by me, they would whack. Hahaha....

jan.. good stuff! haha

ya i took clomide tis cycle... wanted double combo since dh took the tribestan more than 1 month liao...

Wats tribestan?

Cake looks and smelle nice, but still abit wobbly...so turned off the oven, but still leave it inside. Colour is brown liao.

no side effect noted for this leh.. i ask ard every1 say no side effect including the pharmist...

mayb the only side effect is pocket burn a hole cos it cost about 100 bucks per box for a mth

Good evening ladies.

Wah May thanks very much for the list. I didn't realised coffee affects blood flow to the womb. I still drink during AF days. Oopz...

Anyway I had a few pieces of cucumber this afternoon and I was still thinking is this too cooling. Scalie late afternoon when I went toilet, I realised my pad has quite a few small pieces of blood clots. Was a bit puzzled. Then read Cutie's post then realised must be the cucumber.... so ladies, better steer clear of cucumbers!

