(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

nowadays youngsters willing to spend all.. we shall see if ah bengs and ah sengs will use angbao money to buy flowers or not..

*sob* V day still have to work..


got $ dont earn that is more poor thing ar!!!!!!

rest can be other days hor reiko?

I always believe its best young dating couples to sell flowers on VD instead & from the earnings! then go another day when the restaurants dont have those cut throat VD set meals & then they spend happily!

put aloe vera gel - if can dont scratch so much lor.

i wont put any thick nipple cream or what as it would clog the milk ducts further. & if u moisturise even - its just around the nipples not directly on them.

nipple cream later when we breast feed - also jsut pea size rub between thumb & 1st finger & touch both nipples abit can liao -overloading - is milk duct clogging lor.

reiko got $$ CNY can buy better ones! can even buy home made healthier ones! less sugar less fat! haha!

eat 1 abalone instead maybe even more shiok!

oh ya 1st trimester & last trimester - if u anal whole pregnancy - try not to massage boob much - this can stimulate it & give brain false impression "make milk now!"

it can trigger mc in early mths. & later mths - it can trigger premature birth - all not gdd.

aw-bb why talk about breasts then u will appear one ar?


DNN also!


just put abit at a time lor - no need to rub too much in.

or can ask your gynae for cream recommendations.

when u buy bust serums & creams for use during pregnancy -please confirm if they are preg safe -some are not meant to be used during preg & bf so must take note.

Flowers....hmmnn...my dh say flowers super ex in spore...I agree...in Beijing one BIG bouquet can buy for SGD 20 nia....

bb dust


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i paid dylanmummy cos Khaw got some emergency overseas KL family matters. after post, PM dylan mummy too for faster response if the stock is available then proceed to pay after she OK.

then dylanmummy will eamil Khaw to mail u the stuff.

Khaw just replied me today mailing out soon.


shoot that lady hor - dont apply on boobs. Clarins oil is a controversial oil. but it helps with stretch marks - dont put on boobs I feel (did u say u want to use during pregnancy?)

i rahter u get a boob specific serum as oils are way too thick for the breasts. least u clog up your milke duct pores & have a hard time breast feeding in 1st mth & give up bfing wait.

Vic ma

Yeah. I told liao. And ask her if I should start now (1st tri). She say yes... -_-

Say can use on boob, tummy, butt and thighs wo.

u can ask clarins -but it will be for firming purposes.

u can get aloe vera gel from pharmacy the clear tube one - that's more natural.

ME IN [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] MUahahhaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning my jie mei mens [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


what time is ur flight tmrow?? wah happy happy happy ~~

Morning Rabbit...


I feel lousy today... Morning brush teeth halfway, MS hit me. lucky only puke out water i drank few hours ago.

Woke up at 2.30am and 4.30am but i forced myself to slp. Then at 5am, wake up, cannot slp liao. So go and prepare ingredients for tonight's dinner... and put soup ingredient into my slow cooker.

Tell u hor, the min I hit the bed at 6am (thinking to laze abit), I got so tired that I dun wan to come to work!


Haha. Today I quite lucky. Colleague made pasta salad and I took a small potion as breakfast... yummy. And that make me feel better too.


if u are really tired, maybe u shld just take 1/2 day and go home to rest ah

pasta salad? i like yums ~ i like salads healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning rabbit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


DH oso said that when he dropped me at office. But I dun feel like taking half day as tmr I already applied half day to see Gync liao.

Hope can see bb heartbeat.



LOL aiyoh so i assume of the emails r CC to you but no need action de loh.. cause the sender must make sure that the whole world is being CC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

