(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


wah shiok loh... have chix wings... tonight i am going orchard for dinner dont know eat what.


orh if its angeline then she is not in my FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jus woke up... hair super messy... DH is pigging. So online to check some things out lo. Miss u all ma.

I sad la... I think this mth no O hope liao... Dun wan to tell DH to wet his happy mood. hai.


so on 30th u know how to go marche boh? or u want me to go pick u up ah?


cannot like that, piak piak ur buttocks, u are on honeymoon ah cannot keep thinking abt O and stuff. just enjoy urself lah dear. oh by the way 30th cfmed at marche ah. me, hsien and your highness meeting 6pm at somerset mrt hor


aiyo.. u shld be enjoying urself @ bkk, not keep thinking got hope, no hope.

its not up to u to determine de.

jus enjoy shopping, enjoy BD-ing.. rest dun think so much!

dont think u so far i cant whip u hor..

had standby xzz's whip le.

wait i give u virtual whip then u know ah.

Oh... by the way, I bought the gathering pressie liao. Haha... suitable for EVERYONE... Preggie or not... so happy of myself. =p

ytd shop until DH throw is white flag at me... haha.


keke things there are cheaper mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tell ur DH u are saving money leh by shopping there


she better le... still has cough la.

will take a while to recover coz her body more heaty type (yet cannot too liang wor)

btw, she dreamt of u the day before.

but she cant recall y.

now she busy with work.. see if she free to pop in later anot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah still having cough ah ask her not to drink too much cold drinks leh. she dreamt of me ah haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i must be scaring her in my dream keke


ya having xmas party later on....at least something to look forward to...


tink positive...tink positive.

go holiday dun keep tinking abt O


in orpit ah ur x'mas party? wah not bad hor at least can past time like that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thinking abt food makes me hungry


Ha...yes i think she must have dreamt abt that loh since she keep saying it hahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or maybe ah boi kick her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh yah hor i forgot keke paiseh okie loh if u ban gang early then we can go gai gai 1st while waiting for the rest or we go chope seats. that side need to make reservation or not since its 30th?


she dun drink cold drinks de.

but guess too much heaty stuffs? :p

hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah she daring ah...ask her not to eat liao ah


mai stress ah... this is a time for u to relag leh holiday mood girl... dont get urself upset ah


aiyoh no need lah u in BKK still think abt such things, i see if can make reservation or not.


anther 1/2 hr to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ho ho ho... merry christmas to all the sweeties here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] YOu all remember me or not? hahahahahahaha

bbdust... hahahaha.... i a bit no mood for work today... so come in here to "eat snake" lor.... anyway, most customers & suppliers also not working liao.... hahahahaha

no, working full day today..... we dont hv such half day practice on xmas eve and NY eve.... maybe later mgt will announce early release at 3 or 4... depends on mgt de.... ;p

Yoz ladies..


someone missed me huh? hahha...

me oso busy.. but read what u all wrote until i dun feel like working liao..

Regulars email me to confirm mail out by today. others payment in by 12pm for mail out today.

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices [email protected]

Hope PACKS $3.80 – available (1units)

5 hpts

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25 opks

5 hpts

HUAT PACKS $19 – available (limited time offer 5 US opks extra FOC) (5 units)

25 new US opks

5 hpts

Extra US opks whist stocks last.

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hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.


keke.. me need to rush work.. last week MC for 4 days.. lots of things i need to rush out.. sianz.. then deadline next week.. siao lor...

but xmas mood leh..


yah.. better.. but still coughing like siao.. first time i ever cough until like that.. last sunday is cough until whatever i eat i just puke lor.. then the phlegm stuck in my throat.. very xin ku...

Mei LI CHristmas EVeryone! May you have Blessed New Year Ahead too!





bbdust mummy!!!

haha.. i dun take heaty stuffs de.. i dun like oily, fried and deep fried food one.. who tell u i eat heaty stuffs de? hahaha.. bring that woman out i piak her.. hahaahaha... Ooppsss...

neh.. my body very difficult to tiao one.. too liang cannot.. too heaty cannot.. thats y i always drink water only.. cos dunno what i shld take and what i shldnt take lor.. if today take fried food.. tmr heaty liao.. if today take liang teh.. tmr will cough.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

