(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

thank ladies for the 'push' but I tell myself this time round not to be too 'haste' on myself. Still got hope wo.


YEAH can ban gang on the dot liao...found the mistake so no need to redo... *dancing around*


yeah relag relag... once the path is clear u will feel better de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HOORAY kekeke i am so happy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] today u must go jogging ah..nice weather


shop shop and eat and eat ah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dui diao dui diao ba fan nan dui diao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


then how? need to do IVF liao right?

But hor, that day he sick... the nurse say will affect his result le.


let me go home see my hb SA test result i let u knw...also not very good result i tink...


ya i tink will go jog lor ..then later will ask my mum bring my gal to the playground then i meet her there to have a little play time before go home rest...


sick will affect de... is there a range for u to see whether his normal form is within the normal range? if its within then okie lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my DH was out of the normal range.. but i think diff hosp got diff ranges leh?

no need IVF, SO-IUI can liao. but hor u ask Dr Fong whether he needs to eat some vits to improve his sperm motility, quality etc.. my DH eat vitamins prescribed from gynae wor.

Liz, then how? redo SA? if not good try building up now.. my friend also not good.. he took multi vit given by doc, then wear loose undies like boxers, when bathing can try using cooler water.. and drag him to exercises.. then after 3 mths.. he strike..


if highest is 5%, 3% consider avg?

ya, sick might affected.

hmm.. soldiers are re-gen every 3mths or so.

so even if sick, will only affect those to be created, not those already created? :p

then again, sick will affect performance la so ... :p

do another SA test?

i agree with bb dust..

liz, dont rush into IVF or IUI 1st.. this is what i feel lah.. is like health you know.. needs time to build up.. you say he always sick.. then sick will affect.. so start building up his health..


yah if highest is 5% then 3% is considered okay liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] only motility got to improve, volume wise okay? in cases like this, u need high volume so that u got more motile troops to strike

oh and u say he dont sleep regular hours, i think u shld ask him to eat more fruits, sleep regular hours liao.

My dh says to redo the test. He going to take chix essence this time -_-"

Hsien, I think my dh prob is more on the mobility. normal form 3% is only average.

Hi all

I called the clinic again...

the volume is normal! Heng arh!

only the mobility is the issue and it is at 50% might be due to my dh's flu tat day.

tmr, I will call clinic again to see what doc hs to say cos he hasnt seen the result yet.


see.. u scare urself la.

3% is consider normal, or rather, quite good wor. :p

ya, so volume coz sick, didn't manage to get all out.


talking abt volume, lately my hub think too tired, only manage to get abit out.. Hmm...



I share the result for everyone reference... wahaha.

in case in the future anyone's dh needs to do SA test ma.


haa.. no la.

jus saying, coz quantity is little, means less soldiers inside.. means chances are lower wor.

usually his output quite alot (till need to wipe a fair bit, but now dun have wor.. guess he too tired..


i toasted 2 slices of ham & alot to cherry tomatoes -NTUC selling big pack for $1.90.

then i tot 1 sandwich cannot put everything in -so made 2!

i got the idea from my SIL who bot guardina fociccia (sp) & toasted with nice ham & cherry tomatoes & cheese spread! lOOked so good.

My replica is a cheaper version wo cheese & simplier high fibre bread & just shoulder ham (also NTUC having sale on this)

this is so aunty hor everything also buy cheaper!


I think so do... i did some google and it say that as long the motility it is above 40% is consider normal.

the best is 60% and above lo.

Hai... I dun wan to think too much. I will just ask dh to do another round of test and see how.

He say this time, he wan to do it at hme... wahaha.


aiyah maybe he psychologically also dont feel comfy lah doing it there so affect his results [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mai gia lah.. he okay


haha. ok.


I googling on food good for sperm... anyone got ideas to contribute?

I cooking and stuffing my dh with it..wahaha.


brazil nuts.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

okie me ban gang liao bye bye ladies ttyt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

liz u can get from NUT section of NTUC where they sell roasted nuts OR beer nuts.

now Xmas round the corner there are FULL nuts on sale -esp Cold storage kind of supermarkets will sell but u need to buy a nut cracker.



someone reminded me Mega man multi vit from GNC.

its easier than these foods - just drink more water la since its a supplement.

its also recommended by someone's gynae too to this lady's HB to help them TTC..

ya mega man sounds like HE MAN masters of the universe haha!

