(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

alicia, yes.. i feel cold very easily.. 2 weeks ago there are some days keep raining.. i was wear sweater at home.. now i will try to bring my shawl everywhere i go..



sounds nice!

i had wanna get cold drinks too.

love 100plus.. but feel so sinful, though 100plus quite healthy hor.


tigerbb, hmm... i find H2O nicer leh.. maybe because is chilled and less gassy.. i wanted to get 100plus one.. need some burping action.

Rabbit, Me too... Was telling DH that pregnant mummies should be feeling hot, how come i have been feeling cold... So I am normal. Thanks for the reply.

Rabbit, I have fixed appointment to see Dr Kee from TMC this sat. Read from forum he had a clinic at Jurong Pt so tout that doc visit will be easy for me cos I stay near Jurong Pt. But when call TMC clinic for appointment was told clinic at Jurong Pt was closed temporarily so first appointment at TMC & hopefully his Jurong Pt clinic will be open soon...


ya, h2o not gassy enough.. drink not shiok.

100plus jus nice.. unlike coke or sprite, so gassy!


btw, u start to feel cold the moment u know preggy or during 2ww already feel cold le?


wahahaha... :p


mm.. i think should be just a normal gyna hehe..

not specialise in fertility.

i think i will skip this cycle..

today weather is super hot.. i drinking bubble tea too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tigerbb, i feel my endurance to coldness drops these few weeks.. hot flashes and heartburn no come and find me..

alicia, okok.. all the best to on your gynae visit.. my next visit is 3 weeks later.

Posting on behalf of my fren: If mens cycle is 30 days, so the ovulating period is Day 14-Day 19 right?

If she BD during this Day 14-Day 19, can she check for preg on Day26 or must miss mens then check?

Easier to say: Can she check for early preg?? If can, how early?


so its from the moment u know bfp then feel more cold ah?


by default, 14days before 1st day of cycle..

so, will be CD16 ba.

some can test for +ve from DPO10 (in this case, if CD16 O, CD26 might be able to test la)

but some only get +ve late.. so depends on individual wor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur mom caring for her now?

think ur mom will know hw to bring down the temp de.

my collg mention her mom often feed her son with barley water, which will help.

can try try..



coz i see, some will feel hot.. (coz body temp higher

some feel cold which i will presume, as body taking more heat for the fetus, thus feel cold on outside but hot on inside?

my collg mention his wifey, during 2WW will shiver at a designated time.. hee..


DPO is Days Per Ovulation.

Easier to know abt DPO if uses BBT or O-kit la.

else u wont be able to know for sure when u O wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haa.. prob is i dun know much wor.

thus pple ask/says, i go google to find out more..

though each individual has different symptoms wor..


ZZ i went thru the ibrufen & normal panadol every 4-6 hrs cycle alternate until i got so tired.

My GP last round gave those inserts -& he told me cos my girl older liao can take every 4 hrs just QUICKILY bring temp down - if tonight still doing the 39 u might want to ask for it lor. its not very ex i paid $12 for 8 pcs he charged me $10 for a service fee la I brought to Japan lor I scared my girl fall sick again lor.

within 30 mins the fever will subside one that anus insert. but the fever will/might come back after 4 hrs. then insert again. but need monitoring lor.

BBP told me about this & so happen before our trip my girl was sick & my GP happen to give this meds BBP was talking about.

i felt weird giving anus inserts initially - but it works like a dream - I am converted liao.


haaa.. nvm.. here not sians! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee.. interesting to know more.

thou know more not good at times? hee..

megg, wah.. your question very difficult.. because my cycle is irregular one..

ok.. i went and count.. CD36 i tested +ve which i am in early 4th week.

zz, my ds is only 22 months. I went to PD and his fever was 39 degree. PD say too high liao. So that's y she gave him. Suppositories works instantly. Brings down the fever quite fast. U can try ask yr PD about it.

megg, i just pick a date to test.. CD36 leh.. is like 5 weeks since my last AF. why i can say i am in 4th week is because of the blood test results.

i used clearblue.

hee, u make me so tempted to buy a clearblue kit to test again? sighs, today is my cd 38 liao, menses still nt here n -ve, reali dunno wat hapen to my body?

i wish i am preggie

my girl's 30 months this mth so was 29 mths old she was given inserts.

i think its diff pd's preference too. I trust my GP more cos my PD really play me out - always on MC until i sacked her before she quit. now hougang mall the padetric centre is dark & cOLD she stopped work liao. before that NO warning will go for 2-4 weeks leave on & off.

BB dust can drink but its quite ex & not very beneficial to drink now so Blurlet advised la last we asked her.

might be more beneficial to start birds nest now! hah!

prefer u to take more DIY chick essence for now le.

similar to the inserts, the alternating btw the ibufen and the paracetomal works for my dd.

her fever will subside and go up but not hitting 39degC since this mrg


me dont intend to take birds nest leh but my SIL asked me to drink cordecypes. last tri drink okie? my mum wants to get some for me if can drink.

chix essence ah.. okie i see if my mum can cook for me haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


bbdust, mebe i shld listen to u and stay positive! hopefully, miracle happens [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, u in second trimester, shdl take some tonics, bird nest, cordecypes, chicken essence..all can take but moderate, ok?

