(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

karen, ya i agree with liz, i suppose gynae should determine whether you should continue clomid? check your lining and determine. did your gynae did a scan at abt CD12?


bb dust, ya of coz.. hahaha.. can claim all best.. so much money in medisave dont use very wasted. haha.. you planning 2 bedder or 1 bedder?

bb dust sometimes the babies are with the mothers in the ward.

those in nursery is went back to feed or change or bath only.

or just nice alot of pple just discharged.

I had my girl with me ALL the time immed next day when i could walk few steps. she only left us when doctor checkup, bath - we even wanted to change diaper & feed her ourselves. I see many parents -oh baby Pooped - ok push back to the nurse.

bb dust, can suka suka go for tour? hmmm... cannot be lah.. my friend also give birth there..

aw, ya! very happening leh..

Alicia, how are you? is everything ok?


bo lah they got fix timing de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so since i was there yest might as well go loh.. but very paiseh lah cause everyone tum tum so big mine is so tiny sobs, then everyone is staring at me..sobs again


orh okie, anyway hor i want to ask u smething leh before i forget. how many milk bottles to buy ah? buy what type? cause got so many teats and so many sizes of bottles???

yes, for the first rd i went back for the scan but not on the CD12 cos i took it on CD8 and went back 12days later for the check

Hi Rabbit...

Saw that u planning to give birth at Mt A. I am considering of TMC... But the hospital bill like very confusing leh.. How much to standby for delivery ah? Can anyone enlighten me?

Xinyi: eh how...I havent deflowered leh. U knw ah...yest I shower then I think abt this...wah...I think 2 mths + never BD le. I cannot foresee I will do it anytime soon also...jia lat....


cause my appt always on tues mah yest one on monday so i just go loh dont want to make another trip down cause its every monday, 4pm me still working leh dont want to purposely take leave to go.

yes, i have 2 big eggs.. that why she suggested to take the jab to make it brust. but at the moment i worry so i didnt.

i guess the eggs didnt manage to release out.

Alicia, yaya.. gynae prefer there.. and they pro in BF and got include 1 free lesson.. haha.. ya lor very confusing.. i suppose you in 7-8 weeks liao? i everyday also feeling bloating.. until i immune liao..

AW, this i also know.. see your pattern.. now got 2 babies at home..

BB dust

I would recommend around 2 bottles at most 3 - smaller ones.

cos if the baby rejects - u just wasted 2-3 bottles & the teats will come along with it so dont buy extra teats.

I bot pigeon wide neck peris something -which means harder to suck -so that bb wont reject direct latching. cos 1st latching is hard to suck - if bottle easier to suck (i leave the holes small too!! dont K kiang listen MILs or mums say poke make hole bigger in teat)

wide neck - so that its like breast - wide & harder to suck so bb wont reject breast feeding directly.

I dont know why pple must change bottles or teats I just kept giving my girl the pigeon i bot she didnt reject thankfully.

teats u change every 3-4 mths once the silicon turns cloudy -so no hurry to get spares too (incase u change bottle brand mah)

one things are settled & u ahve infant care or care giver then i plan to buy more bottles same brand & type for putting here & there lor.

I bot the pigeon steraliser set came with started pigeon bottle set 3 tall bottles & 2 short ones.

i only used the short ones more. Tall ones only recently then started to use since i have alternate with teh Pigeon CPA free ones.

U might want to get the pigeon BPA free bottles - its same perististic wide neck teats (hard to suck + my spelling wrong) can go with them.

note about BPA free bottles - they are softer so no direct HOT HOT Water on the bottle direct.

just 2-3 bottles & 1 teat each can already - u want get 1 set Small size KIV spare teats - in even u dont need can still poke holes make slightly bigger if u use it few mths down the road & BB needs M by then.


wahhh gam sia man... u are my saviour liao loh.. my relatives all say buy bigger teats so bb can suck easier or make the holes bigger. faints..

there is not much difference in bottle brands right just get the BPA one can liao hor? i intend to get a steriliser also

yes i cannot imagine buying normal bottles now when there is BPA free ones around.

I will just buy 2 more for new baby -its not cheap lor BPA bottles $18-19/each!

Vicky has 2 B free (1 was broken) then i bot another 2 more pigeon BPA free ones later.

ONce breast feeding sun sun li li say after 1.5-2 mths u can change to bigger teats if your child drinks from milk bottle slow lor.

but gradually la -wait hole too big immed - gets a SHOCK!

my MIL also K kiang - I know how to make the hole bigger -& ruined 1 teat for my SIL as well -for me she didnt do that haha!


okie okie.. i will note down what u told me, if not wait i forget again haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so many things to buy so many things to learn *faints*

OK for the record -small bottles OK but if u can get at least 240ml min number of bottles its better.

boys tend usually to grow faster & some can migrate to BIG bottles 200-300ml/meal very fast in 6-8 mths. diff bb are different.

mine was Breast feed all the way & she didnt go onto 240ml will only after 18 mths old.

cos from breast milk to formula - 180ml was enough & very filling for her already lor.

Ya pigeon bottle with spoon dispenser -

i loved this gaget accidentily bot the big one cos small one out of stock -its very useful to give few sips of cooled boiled drinking water after milk. -cleans the mouth prevents mouth rash!

easy to use & bring out as well - put the spoon back in & recap & no spils along the way.

vs traditional cup la spoon la - & everytime feed must wash & prepare.

i wash & rinse this bottle after every 2 feeds initially -later older liao once a day.

bb dust feed water is 50-100ml or alot.

sips is cleaning mouth. u need to clean also with wet towel - mouth rash can be nasty. at its worse - pee pee part also gets infected & throat will have ulcers very painful for babies. + mouth rash/ulcers + pee pee part also rash - anybaby will suffer lor & lose wt.

my friend told me about wet face towel cleaning gums with our little finger for baby. she learnt the hard way. her bb was alreayd pre-matured & very small underweight & she went thru this extreme mouth rash problem.

i heard this - I gave water + damp cloth wipe after nearly every feed.

at nite sometimes hard to clean but i still do -cos u risk waking the bb again (sometimes they drink milk & will dose off towards the end - just nice at nite we can all rest - but its a dilemma so sometimes i just skip or do quickly)

ok to skip once a while la its not a hard & fast rule -just to prevent mouth rash.

wahh.. so much to read!


as long as AF not here, dun lose hope hor.


tot clomid usually pple start from CD2? u start @ Cd8 seems late wor.


haa.. u can feel the waterbag ah?

i think coz u slim, coz can feel better, thus now u feel tummy forming le wor.. :p


the KKH A & E doctor so nasty to me. at around maybe 10 mth my girl had a fall off my bed - KOK BLUE BLACK. she SCOLDED me for still breast feeding le! cos milk left in mouth & go sleep - will cause tooth decay.

Biang & gave me lengthly lecture I wanted to slap her.

SInce then my mattress still on the Floor until now. my bed frame dismantled.

BBdust, new borns do not need water at the very beginning. Cos as they are on breast milk, it's sufficient already.

But you can give a little bit of water to the bb. Like vic said, it's to clean the mouth. I gave as well as I am afraid that when they grow older they will reject water. It depends on individual bbs.

Also if bb have jaundice, drinking some water may help the bb to flush out the jaundice from their system.


i also feared about the reject water later. but my girl's drinks like a FISH! she can finish alot of water at one go! *phew.

but all children are different.


cos just happened that my first visit is on my CD8 so my gyna said i can start fm this cycle. Since my cycle is longer more then 30days. Shouldnt be any problem. I oso not very sure..

but my egg did grow on the CD19.


i see.

so try for the 2nd month n see how ba.

if gynae ask if wan jab, say Yes!


the jab is to ensure the egg will mature out and ovulate de i think.. :p

i still thinking leh.. if wan then i have to head down TMC to take it.. argh...

will there have any diff if i stop this cycle and try on next one?

The next try, YES i confirm will wan the jab.


tigerbb, somehow, i got a feelin i may be preggie, coz i dreamt of a bb 2 weeks before... and menses late this mth , quite sad to see the test strip no line n confirm not preggie

vic and bbp,

okie okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i copy and paste vic's advice so i will not forget [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmmm... not sure dreams opp of reality or not though.

good things, we will say its reality.

bad things, we say its opp! wahhaha.

as for test kit, for some, hormones might still be low thus cant pick up the +ve or not.

but test again in 3-4days time ba.

of coz, wan test everyday also can la. :p


hmm.. i never took that before so i'm not sure good to stop or better to continue wor..

u gals are realli sweet! it is great to have ur support here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

