(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Halow Ladies....


came in to congrats u..... Gong xi for the little prince... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

low placenta now never mind one.. will move up.. my cousin also got low placenta then it move up only ard 7+,8months... she suppose to due last sunday but bb still comfortable inside... then end up last nite went in to induce and baby still dun wan to come out... keke

morning AWBB... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so yest got ur jab or today gg for ur jab? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning GM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] muacks muacks miss u wor....

Good Morning Aw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


super busy.... haizz poor me... workin like a labour.... whahahahaha

tat day was my cousin's wife... then ytd is my cousin.. they are both siblings wor.... keke... power rite..... kekekekeke


thanks for missin me.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i seldom post but sometimes got come in and read when i can in the office.. hehe

How's baby doing?


bb is doing fine but got to wait for anther 3 more weeks to see him/her wor... so long... me and Woofy are tearing our hair outs liao ahahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GM: wah! Then their mum confirm sehz~ mwhahahahhaha! run 2 places same time...or 2 of them stay over the mum's hse??? wahh...2 bb crying think can faint *LOL*

So busy ah...earning big bucks wor~~~ xP


keke can understand the wait.... 3 weeks like very long.. especially u wanna know the well-being of the bb inside... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


keke ya lor.. end up my girl cousin one employ CL then the boy cousin who lives with the mother employ maid.... keke

company earnin but not me.... sob sob... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Wa.. 4th!!! So your 1st 3 are boys or girls? Best!! My DH also wants 4.. BUt I think maybe 3 can le.. But now even 2nd one got prob conceiving.. Sigh!

But anyway, I'm trying to be very positive now.. Since I just took my HCG jab yday.. I shall work harder these few days. Hopefully, I'll be able to see something soon.

Thanks awbb and GM. Finally dream cme true for me. And i hoped it really moves up by then, dun really wish to end up csection when this is the last and previous all natural. The look my doctor gave can b alarming while scanning.

GM: very interesting leh...only few days apart. later going to call my CL again...scared she fly me aeroplane. Yesterday called her cannot get thru wor~!!


my 3 are girls. Dun depress, cos who knws after ur 2nd, work harder since after give birth woman fertile, and u will end up 3 times birth with 4 bb. One of them maybe a twin? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u are right.


dun worry okie.. u will have ur 4th natural birth... hehe.. when's ur due date?


interesting rite.. keke remember tat day i tell u my guy cousin one due date should be near to end sept.. end up run #1.. while my girl cousin one should be last sunday yet dun wan to come out... whahahahha

huh... better call her up and remind her leh.. hehe


as he scan he displayed a am-i-looking-correct face ... and really very serious n commented we may have csection this time, and u may even have painless bleeding, by then got to take bb out. Thats scary, plus he said, how cme the detail scan report din mention alot very low instead just low?


Thats why I told DH. If I did manage to conceive this time round, after giving birth, maybe rest 3months, then we will start to TTC again.. Dun care le.. Just do it..Fatster settle #3.. Then if really finance can, can try for #4..

That day DH told my MIL that we seems to be having probs with #2.. Difficult to conceive, then surprising she tell DH that no need to stress, if really dun have also nvm, only 1 grand daughter she is already happy.. But duno if she really meant it or she is just consoling DH..

GM: I am soooooooooooo F**ked!!! yesterday I call cannot get thru...today also the same. I call the M'sia line n it said all lines engaged. But cannot be 2 days on the phone nonstop right???? *sobz*

That guy cousin, the bb suddenly wan to pop out one ah?? ehh I scared liao...until I call the cot ppl to deliver tmr hahaha! I told my dh, I will start preparing liao...cos I realised my contractions are more frequent than previous...but still...HE BETTER STAY INSIDE TILL 36 WEEKS!


good good!

Build up the mood also hor. then BD more enjoyable, instead of routine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmmm correct me hor... how come is ovulated liao then BD huh?? keke....


ai yeo... how come ur gynae like tat say... keke sounds so insecure....

FN: dun worry k. Rest more...if really need to Csect also bo pian le....as long as bb healthy thats most impt !! =)


hmmm i tink u better standby one.. just in case... or maybe CL now got biz so busy??

ya... cousin's wife waterbag burst and got spottin... i tell my cousin tat his bb sure love him a lot.. came out the day before his daddy's birthday.. cause wan to celebrate daddy's birthday....

just send and dun set up first la... better to play safe.... keke


i guess he is thinking aloud.


yeah, bo pian, no pt insisting on natural.

hoped ur boy will stay till at least 36. But is good to prepare early since u are 30ish wks liao.

Thanks Pinky, they are very happy, I am the most happiest.


ur mil is very nice, even is consoling she is nice to package what she is saying. Most would just say what they are thinking adding on to stress.

GM: ohh?? got pantang one ah?? I dun knw leh...so just ask them to put aside or??? I dun knw who else to standby for my CL liao...how wor??? For the birth hor...can the gynae "predict" frm the scanning ah???

FN: then u confirm close factory liao wor! ehh u the saame like my aunt. She gave birth 3 daughters n the last one pop out is a boy. hehehee!


no la... keke.. u open up to collect dust ah... hehe..... wait till u go labour then after delivery liao ur dh sure will go back home mah.. then set up and get ur maid to clean lor.. then bb go back can sleep there le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FN: your bb bonus very swee also xP I "booked" CL 2 mths ago n she say when come to spore end aug to beginning sep will call me to meet up wor. But then she seemed to MIA. I called her yesterday n today also cannot get thru....

jas, i think your mil is nice.. i agree with bb dust, whether or not she meant what she said, at least its a nicer way of saying.. at least not adding oil into fire.. even your gyane also so +ve!

GM: OHHHH!! I thought pantang! chey! No la...everyday will sterilise with dettol. The bedsheet everything will only be placed on the day when I am coming back. I need to see my sheets fit anot...cos cot abit big la. If dun fit, I go tailor lengthen abit.


i think no bonus nothing.

My girl is next year enrolment, not going to make myself head big, just go for bao-go-in sch. Its my boy that I will big head bah.


dun no my boy next time will be a bit girlish since has 3 sis.


I have been BDing before that le.. Since CD10..But that day when I visited the doc to scan egg, she fixed me up for a HCG jab. Then say after the jab, tell me when to BD.. But then before that she already ask me to BD le..

FN, Hsien, Xinyi, bbdust,

Yalor.. In a way, she really quite understanding.. Sometimes when I am sick, she'll offer to take care of my DD and say that DD can slp in her room for the night so that she will not disturb us. Then when she is free, she will offer to bring DD out so that me and DH can have some couple time, or I can meet up with my frens.. Thats why I always say I dun mind staying with my ILs cos they very understanding and modern.. But then cos DH is the only son in the family, so I really hope to have a boy lor.. Even if no boy, I hope to have more kids cos my ILs really likes kiddos.. I see their face always brightens up when they see my DD..

morning pinkie!


guess will be good to stockup some biscuits or light snacks.

so as and when hungry can eat ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya... impt for both side to be understanding, in order to stay together in harmony way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

