(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


ya lor... a lot of ups and downs..that's why... also dun know how to read my chart...but i think can't be CD16 then O cos the biggest dip is on cd11...dun know why lor...so many ups and downs...worse than stock market now...



so u O on CD11.. cos i din see a sudden increase only increase by 0.1deg so i tot CD16...

hope u can strike la.. hope mine is also implantation dip:p


remember our another slogan?? No AF equals to hope.... so dun give up yet... who knows...maybe u will test for a [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1613199.gif] before me???

cos i've been trying for 6 mths... this mth officially 6th month... a little tired... also...hubby not exactly young... somemore his blood sugar on the high side... so taking medication... so his [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1613200.gif] is not exactly the commando type one lor... just hoping that they will be able to find my egg...cos i think i can confirm this month I O...


that is what is puzzling...cos my previous mth chart...after i O...my temp just shoot up...but this mth...after I O, my temp remains low...and just slowly climbing up... so sianz lor...

ok ladies...lunchtime...going out to shopping..get my mind off this chart...hehe...


this mth seems like a lot of us the chart lot of up n down keke.... hope u bring us gd news soon so our graduates no. will be up n up..


keke hope we all strike :p


yes... hopefully we all strike this mth..then aug list will be long long long...hehe...

July Graduates!!! August graduates need help here...please use ur combine powers and sprinkle ur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1613215.gif] on us!!!

Ladies ah...please lend me all ur bbdusts when I test on this friday...I promise I'll built a spa-like bbdusts pool for all too... *lies on floor with doublesided tape suit, bucket and pails.... ready to receive bbdusts*


me too v slow this mth.. be4 O my temp can sudden dropn increase by 0.4deg.... den after O i expect a sudden increase by at least 0.4 but only 0.2 if i din check OPK i might be unsure also.....

Cutie and all ladies. Quick catch the bbdust now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1613222.gif]

wahahah... thanks Kome.. catching now...

Cutie i tink ur chance high high after u test n get BFP remember to sprinkle on me k.. i hope u strike cos our chart lots of up n down lol~~

Come Come... Join the Aug list...


haa cutie u beri cute... may bb will get coax toa ppear on screen soon..

may have a gd rest while on leave ok.. all will b fine


For the gynae thing u might wan try my gynae.He is Dr Douglas Ong.He is very nice. His clinic is at 10 mile.He does have nite clinic.

His number is :67628066

Me just back from lunch and now catching all the babydust...."ha chew'....sneezing...kekeke...

Thanks for all the generous babydust!

Caca, good to see u here!

Cutie, hw old is yr dh? My dh is coming 32 tis year le...also old le...hopefully his troops got new blood wif Dr Tan's medi and acu...kekeke...

Gals, finally have time to log in.

May, my sis went to Dr Ong for pre natal check...think not too bad leh. So you can visit him if you want.

Wow alot of you gals 2WW hor keke. Good luck!

Gals, me tested +ve yesterday on OPK leh. Shld i BD today or stick to my alternate BD plan huh? A little bit confused...


u _ve yesterday did u bd? anyway today bd again no harm since already tested positive.. in case egg release late

ya bd today as well if u r oki with it... jus in case test +ve yesterday and today egg then come.. since diff ppl release egg time is diff.. fr 12 to 36 hours

Hi Ladies

Hope can post offen too sometime just too tired to do so. Babychole How things getting hope u can catch dust too.

BBDust to all ladies.


i onli cd9 but yesterdayi feel the bloat in tummy area liao.. move then pain leh..weird tat it came so early. so scarei miss the O ... must religiously bd alt day hehe

Babychole, yah lor will keke...wish me luck...a little anxious coz gg into 2WW...keke. Maybe your bbt will go up? Must be +ve gal.

Anna, did you use OPK to test? You intend to BD until which CD huh?


yes i did test every morning.

i tink i will bd till cd 22 at least jus in case unless i can get a positive in opk.. so far my opk dun realy giv positive.. i onli got it once haha


i using the claer plan fertility monitor... but starting from tomolo nite i will test with additonal opk strips at nite as well jus in case... call it kiasu hehe


ya lor hehe.. lets all b kiasu ok!

today is v hot leh i dun feel like moving my butt fr the chair haha... still say wan do house work.. grrr

keke.. now only got 1 graduates for Aug we must all strike n break July record..

this morning the morning i go toilet the first i do is check got spotting anot lol~ although i know not every1 have but at least an indication mah... right bo... hahaha..


Jia yu dun too stress urself. When is ur AF due just pray hard for u it dun come.Hope all of u gra than sure break records.


keke ya lor today DPO7 liao hope temp wil go up up up..


no la not stress jus hope to see some indication... was telling the gals i dun realy like aries so this mth if strike gd lor tired of trying if no strike den go for taurus keke...

