(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Starrz: your gynae never ask u go blood test etc? or is it too early ah?

For mine, I did the scan, urine culture and blood test.



no leh.. didnt do any test at all... only did the scan and ask me eat duphaston.

haha still thinking shld change gynae or not...

btw, u got constipation mah? or got the keep going toilet put put feeling?

starrz: Yeah, seeing gynae these days not cheap. Maybe during later stage of the pregnancy, you can get package. Think it works out to be cheaper.


i also had constipation but since yesterday got the urge to keep going toilet.

Duno isit i drink more milk now..

eh gynae also didnt tell me my EDD leh.


i only used 3 times see my update.


it was $20.90 from $29.90 from carrefour last weekend 10% rebates/discounts i bot lor. there are other scubs to go with it to i didnt buy la & a cellulite cream as well.

The box itself has even bigger claims like 1/2 inch loss in 7 days, 1-2 inch loss in 28 days, helps with stretch marks as well.

Bioessence Inch Loss Cream Started:- 22nd, Tum Thighs Butt, Hips

Very hot within 5 mins – heat went off within 1 hr – I think cos aircon room so it was cool didn’t sweat – so the effects went off.

23rd morning Tum Thighs Butt, Hips, Arms

Daytime till evening – butt still warm warm

Nite still had burning effects after bath.

24th morning Tum Thighs Butt, Hips, Arms

Waist loss 4 cm

BUt i think its also cos i didnt measure same timing 1st measurement was at night after dinner.

vic_mama. all these products will make u lose water retention, but not the actual mass. It is better to start doing more workout and change of diet.

RC: Actually thinking to go waxing later. But all depends on weather n whether I feel well anot. Yesterday one whole day feel nauseous. Then later evening maybe go maid agency to pass documents again.

Starrz: Which gynae u go to???

i'm here..but no one talk to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

furry: oh? thought u concentrating on work leh hehe...I was thinking why u so quiet wor...come come, talk talk!

Starrz: From which hospital ah??


Y cannot carry nephew? Izzit will affect ttc? Coz its so "nan de" that he wants me to carry him so its a gd sign that I can get BFP soon! Hahahaha! Self-consolation...


Its too early to tell the EDD yet. I only got to know my EDD during my 2nd visit at 7 weeks.

hi starrz,

dun worry ok!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for my last two pregnancy can only see sac at 6weeks + de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am sure when u see gyane 2weeks can see !!

u noe wat..just now i call dr Tan clinic just to book for april /May slots ( agar agar the dates as wat JT advised!) all fully booked so on waitlist!

u working rite? where are u working? so u have been taking leave on n off to see Dr Tan??


Pls take good care of yrself!!! If u still not feeling too well pls go see Dr straight away ok!! Good health is very important!!!

furry and awbb:

she will deliver at East Shore.


haha think i too gan jiong liao ..

Starz - u can estimate your EDD from EDD calculators, check our www.babycenter.com for one. Just know that all EDDs are estimates la...

AW-BB - doing a bit of both la..haha

blurlet - i get alot of exercise carrying & chasing my little one - might want to bring her for more walks as well soon. The cream is just a Fetish for fun.

Some mothers tell me they want to seriously exercise on their own - i cannot jog flat footed & not my cup of tea anyway, rather walk more & push the stroller bring my girl with me sing to her. I get very breathless at times - we reach some very dark place i sing louder cos she doesnt face me scared she will feel frightened. Dunno why some places in teh estate where i go for walks dont have much lights or those particular lamps always spoilt.


ya working... very far from Dr Tan.

had been taking 1/2 leave to see him leh.

ya i also booked till may slots... then yesterday go and cancel cancel cancel.

purple... tell u something, not sure u know or not.

Dr Tan clinic is open on 1st May leh..although is a holiday.


hehe u so cute =cancel, cancel ,cancel..

hope i can be like u very soon!!!

is it he open on 1st May??!!! anyone wan see him pls call n book him!!

but 1st May my DH birthday plus tink also in O period liao...hehe

I am back.. hehe managed to clear some of the work... *grinz*


haha not much ppl ard then no mood to work lor.. sian.. :p


oh.. icic...


hahaha just now 10+ go test OPK and got the following result.. like same as ytd.....


whahaha rape him... he very sian one.. i told him if tis cycle din strike gotta take tabs liao.. and i told him the cut off date of ox bb and fan er he like bochap.. and for the past few weeks we only BD on sat nite lor.. boh liao... haizz

2 weeks ago OPK


Last night OPK


Today OPK



that time i book him on 1st of may.. then i think think and ask the Miss tan say holiday no open hor..Miss tan say got... specially open for me lor..i tot she joking.. but she say really open.

and not much ppl know yet!

so gals... pls... quick call and book if needed..

fast fast... timeslots limited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GM: Looks like both same color to me leh. Think can start to BD BD BD already. BTW, wanna BD dun need to think so much one lah ... ultimately, both enjoy right? Hhahahaha. Sometimes, I wonder why I buy OPK strips for ... coz O or not O, i still BD. LOL. Maybe just wanna give myself a peace of mind that I am O-ing lor. But then again, some of the gals here mentioned even though line darker doesn't mean egg will release. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So never mind lah ... since cannot see 2 lines on HPT, see 2 lines on OPK also shiok shiok a bit.

aw-bb: If not feeling well, keep it for another day. The waxing salon will always be there, so will your bush. Muahhahaha. I intend to trim mine first. Too foresty liao!

furryfurry: I chit chat with you lah ... I also bored. My nose feels blocked but yet I don't feel flu-ish. I wonder what's wrong.

vic ma: I was sharing with GM that maybe this OPK not sensitive enough for her and she might need a 15miu one. COz' she said she hasn't seen a positive yet.

Furry: hehehe, your boss never see your computer screen one ah? hahahaa, never notice u EAT SNAKe!?!?! =P

Starrz: East Shore hospital! Near my parents place hehehe!


me same as u loh...buy OPK to test if i O or not..

'mei2 xiang3 dao4'my stupid OPK cant make it ,make fun of me!!!!


I really envy u all leh..nice nice pic of +OPK!!

need yr advices esp those who take BBT

I have started taking BBT since CD5

Cd5 36.4

cd6 36.6

cd7 36.7

cd8 36.8

so how will my temp be if i am going to O and O already?? still not sure of the temp ting though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] TIA!

RC = dunno...brother says got difference and he studies viruses haha

AW-BB = no boss in this office for me hahaha...aiya, got la, but different reporting lines

Purplelace, by right O shld show jump of 0.3 at 1 shot, so its not tt obvious whether u have O alr or not leh...

Raincloud, yeah lor my fridge no space coz got some long term residents like the Chinese herbs for soup, cake deco stuff and duno alot of wu ah boh stuff inside.

2nd fridge? No space leh.....

I tink shld clear up the Chinese herbs asap that I got 1 empty shelf in my fridge liao.

Rugrat, most of my cakes n stuff, I would rather keep in fridge, dun wan ants to even dream abt invading them lor.

Woofmeow, noted...would let u koe when ready.


look the same as last nite hor.. but compare to the one 2 weeks ago can see the test line is darker.. hehe

i also a bit sian in using OPK liao.. hehe gonna use up the last batch tat i bought from vic and not goin to use le..hehehe cause always get the similar things a bit BBLL lor.. hehe :p


hehe dun envy la.. sometimes i feel if i din see anything still not so bad leh.. now i see tis kind of results than a bit pek cheh leh.. its like 到地是O了没有 or 要O了吗!! haha

Aw-Bb so fast u spotted me?

I tink daytime I tok abt TTC too much, last nite dreamt my mum was preggie n she decided to keep the bb...Guess wat? She has alr reached menopause liao.

Wat a dream!

purplelace: Huh? How come your OPK didn't work for you leh?

aw-bb: If only it's easy to just burn and it'll disappear hor? Sometimes I wonder why must there be hair there leh?

furryfurry: Phwoooooaaaaa ... your brother studies virology??? Very seldom hear of people studying that. So if there's an epidemic like SARS for eg, he'll be researching on that? Isn't it very dangerous to get exposed to virus???

I dream of mission like mission impossible one -cross river & went into building supposed to steal something but could not run away in time got caught hiaz -end up dived into the river - when i woke i remember looking at the river not sure what is in it man Crocodile??????

2 weeks ago worse i was at a rich man's manson - he does wrestling or boxing/fighting - if the people who fight him lose -they are left to die or are killed - he slices them into 2 with a chain saw. I got so scared wanted to run away but cannot - later decided to become his sex slave & hope he fall in love with me & wont kill me. silly & scarey dream.

GM, tink was Violetta lor...we keep talking abt ttc ma...end up dreaming our mums r preggie instead of ourselves....kekeke....


Jandew - maybe your mom = you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RC - yeah, he's currently doing a PhD in virology and I think yes, he plays with viruses in the lab daily. He enjoys it and is very passionate about it. Obviously he's the brainy one in the family hahaha. I think he's not researching SARS now but something else. Whenever I ask, I become even more confused so I just don't ask what exactly he's doing anymore

