(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


whahaha i know why...

so guys had a hard time finding their way!!!

like army or ppl lost in the forest like tat lor.........



purplelace, when you are going to O i think the temp will dip till 36 or 35.8-9 mah. that is my trend. So i think you have to wait a few more days to see the temp come down.

jandew: But chinese herbs must eat periodically one mah ... you referring to those the Dr. Tan prescribed to you one? Cannot one shot eat ... wait heaty ah. Why you keep having weird dreams lately? Heheh.

GM: You know huh, last time, I quite boh liao leh. I actually keep all my OPK strips, even write dates on them, so I can detect when I O. Coz' I have the fade-in effect. So that means hor, my lines will get darker by the day and then after O, will get lighter by the day. So I scared cannot detect, then I'll write CD what and CD what on the strip. And then leh ... I'll compare. But quite silly lah. Coz' there'll come a point in time whereby my line is really dark lor. Eh, don't care liao, you already got stretchy stretchy CM ... go and BD tonite and have some fun! LOL.


aiyo....i also blur abt this bbt ting...tonite i show Dr Tan see wat he say [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


At least u got two firm lines leh...at least someting..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just BD BD BD!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun talk abt my OPK.i tested cd15 got faint line..cd 16 got faint line.,cd 17 no line!!cd18 got faint line again..cd 19 i gave up!!!!

Hi Starrz,

This is the 2nd time Dr Tan did the acupuncture on my ears. 1st time was only 1 needle per ear, now 2 needles per ear. Not sure whether the acupuncture cause my giddiness but it's so bad that i can't even move my head. Had to lie in bed for 2 days.

Raincloud, no lah...its my own herbs wic I used to brew chicken soup, or to make dessert tingy ma...kekeke....

Coz I suspect I m too heaty. Heaty would get nitemares.

Do u tink tahu telor is using egg tofu, silken tofu or firm tofu? I got 3 diff recipes, each uses diff tofu.

Or maybe Aw-Bb knows?


hahahahaha not boh liao la... hehe

hmmm dh like not really in mood for BD lately... dunno why.... no go lesson and everyday knock off at the same time still like tat.. hahaha...


furryfurry: PhD some more? No wonder you'll be confused. Don't think it's something that laymen understand man. But good to have passion in what he does.

GM: Hhahahahahah. Guys these days very smart one lah ... they not so gong gong ... take long time to find their way man. But I think having a bush there is very ma fun! And very embarrassing whenever I go for my pap smear! Lucky my gynae is woman.

i always dream of cannibalism when i was young - dead bodies & all. Used to haunt me. now as adult it still happens but maybe 1-2 times a yr only la.

when i was young i had this dream. I have to cross a tight room small ledge to the end to hit a switch, blocking me is a row of dead horses' heads - kept getting freaked out of the horses will wake & scare the shit out of me.

GM, opk is just an indication. At least urs have a gradual darkening. Just googled something about estrogen and progesterone.

Some gals will tend to produce more estrogen than normal, or they consume food with estrogen in them, will always tend to have a slight line on sensitive opk. Usually those with higher estrogen will have more PMS problems.

If u wanna be sure, go organic and eat mainly non estrogenic food and test. But a very slight pink on a sensitive opk over 1 month till AF come may indicate that there may not be inuff estrogen to ovulate. Which means measures have to be taken too.

Side note, when no ovulation occurs no rise in bbt as no progesterone is produced.

Jan u see GM's OPK - 2 weeks ago & last nite & today like all no diff all faint pink left line & ok control line. what u think she needs higher or lower sensitivity OPKS?

Vic Ma, tink u super heaty like me.

According to Chinese TCM, when my heartbeat is beri fast, I feel restless...dun sleep well...As a result nitetime sleeping oso cun sleep properly, get alot of nitemares wic is true.

purplelace: Your OPK strip is what sensitivity? Maybe same problem as GM? Sometimes, drinking too much water will affect also one.

jandew: Heaty will get nitemares? Never knew that leh. Then all the more cannot anyhow drink herbs. Must make sure they non-heaty based.

GM: My DH will not be in the mood when he's sick. Like that time fell sick, wanna force him also cannot. The gals ask me to 'rape' him. I say how to 'rape' when something else can't even function??? I think my DH was very traumatized then. He said he didn't know that ttc-ing can turn his wife into a sex monster. LOL. Hmmmm ... maybe try something like you never try before? That might get him into the mood?

Hmmm...I dun rem GM's OPK 2 weeks ago leh???

Gm how many times do u test per day?


actualli the 2 weeks ago one hor.. u see the test line is light than the control line... but today one is almost the same... tio boh.. hehe or i thinkin too much?? :p


ur 'I say how to 'rape' when something else can't even function??? ' make me laugh... like tat time i was tellin awbb tat sometimes already stand liao still not turn on.. kaozz so maddening.. whahahah


the very top one is 2 weeks ago one... i test ah.. once a day lor....

blurlet: Think there's some truth in it leh. I do experience PMS like sore boobies and cramps and bloatedness sometimes but not for all months. And I will always have a line on my OPK no matter what. My OPK sensitivity is 25miu ... which is not that high actually. So does that mean I produce a lot of estrogen?

GM when it is not our O timing and nearer to the AF, if we get high opk reading and no hpt reading then it is estrogen. Cos if we have inuff progesterone opk also turn dark, but hpt will turn dark also.. ^^;;

GM, when u see dark line(abt 60% or more), its best to step up intervals to 2-3 times per day. If not u may tink u can never get dark lines...coz ur time interval gap is too BIG. U get my point?


really ah... test a few times ah.. hmm just now i test ard 10+.. maybe tonight i test again.. hehe so i bring morning tat OPK home..hehe then make a comparison..hehe


oh.... so tat's the diff ah..... hmmm understand a little liao..hehe

GM, shld test ard 2-3pm...den nite say 9pm test again. I do tt when I koe I may O anytime. So u dun miss it lor.

Coz for me, when I get 70% dark lines, within 6-24 hr or so later, I shld be getting 100% dark lines liao.


hahaha what i mean is.... his 'bro' is already hard liao.. yet he ignore me and carrying on with his sleep.... so tired meh............ :p

rainy, i dunno.. was reading about it. Estrogen inhibits pregnancy. Was reading that some food are used as natural contraception are tested with high estrogen by product phytoestrogen or soemthing like tat.

One thing they did mention, meat like lamb and fish has lesser hormones injected and food like milk helps in progesterone.


mine is 15MIU leh...kinda pek chey testing so leave them aside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but like wat u said no positive in HPT so must see positive in OPK!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jandew: ooooh ... sorry sorry, I didn't see. I'm suspecting it could be egg tofu, due to the texture.

GM: Oh, so it probably means he's super tired, I suppose? Or could it be he's thinking have to do it in front of DD means cannot make noise and be like 'wild sheep' so that's why he xien? Maybe try to change environment? Would it be better?

Blurlet - it depends on where you are to start with on your estrogen levels. For e.g. for me, I need to take estrogen supplements when I am on clomid as my lining will not be thick enough. But you are right in saying that having a too-thick lining may also inhibit pregnancy, so really quite individual

Best is to get some blood work done if someone really thinks that their hormone level is not at the right levels.

Bryest, timing not confirmed...but shld be ard 6.30-7pm or so, at Bugis. Pls PM me ur hp number. Thx!

Me gtg NTUC...flour running low...chat later. Tata!

Blurlet: Really??? I enjoy eating lamb and fish. So what does progesterone do again? It aids conception?

purplelace: hmmmmmm ... then maybe go get the really expensive ones to test? Or did you check your EWCM?

Good afternoon ladies!

Wow! the thread is moving so fast.. Just finish reading.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jandew, as in opk darker lines may not be as dark but did tell u there is a pretty good level of estrogen or progesterone. That is y we need to test for hpt to confirm it is which hormones..

rainny, estrogen is for ovulating, progesterone is to support the pregnancy to prevent our body from aborting the pregnancy. What Starrz gynae did was to give her progesterone hormone pill to suppliment her body hormones to support the pregnancy.

Jandew - if you really want to talk about being chemical free etc, it'll take a lot of effort to get rid of stuff and change our lifestyles. Another board that I am on has a lot of organically driven mothers and they are doing things like using vingear and water for cleaning and using soap nuts for laundry, buying only organic meats and vegs and eradicating all mainstream products for bath and body etc. While I admire their dedication, I feel that its an impossible task for me to undertake..not to mention expensive!

fast&furry, it is an indication for everything. Estrogen is needed in the beginning before ovulation. So if u have added estrogen is okie. But not at after O. Btw, becareful of estrogen jab. They are known to encourage cancer cells to be produced.


whahaha i tink he not in the mood bah.. rememeber i told u all last nite he can even wan to BD when DD is watchin tv... hehe

Hihi piggym


u are cool.. hehe i like ur explanation and u really know a lot..hehehe let me digest and what i dunno i ask u again..hehe

RC =

There is some ongoing debate as to "how thin is too thin", as well as to "how thick is too thick". In general, 8-13 mm is good, less than 6 is potentially a problem, and greater than 15 or so might possibly reduce chances for a successful pregnancy.


