(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Hello Piggy!!!

Yeah, been bz the whole morning today...U? I m so hungry now....Hehehe...

Can anyone advise me on my qns?


pegsfur: hEHEE! Your sisteres must have LOVE gals alot. But true leh, Gals tend to have more things to buy.

Violetta: sorry, I wan to help but I also no clue on this.

ya ya pegsfur!!!

PILs went last time they trying to seach this hotel to see how it is like..also cant find de!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they also walked alot yuan wang lu..

until this time we booked tis hotel so there was transfer fetch us right to doorstep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but next round go ,i dun want stay prudential..i noe very convenient but dun realy like

ya..u are rite.childhood dream.more for MIL to fulfill her wish..she kept say want bring my boy to disneyland since he was born.now finally fulfiled.next on her list is Tokyo disneyland.

Where is Jandew ah? Yesterday make dog cookies until wee hrs? Must still be in bed. Wah, I really feel that her dog very xingfu. ALways have nice food to eat. My cats only eat dry food.


Sobz sobz....


Where are U??????


I like boys! Boys can wear smart smart too...psycho ur sisters that! Hehehe..


Going for lunch soon....1pm lunchtime. So so hungry man!


Ya, muz ask Jandew jiejie to help me out. But I juz checked the ovulation calculator online. I should O the next few days so I will try use the OPK and c c....At least when next mth if can really ttc, i know when I O....


Ya lor, she is expert in all this things. Kekeke...


Yeah, I saw the stretchy EW discharge hanging at my V a few days ago (Hahaha!)..so I thought I O liao...but when test OPK, still negative leh...


Hahaha .. ya lor .. cos we r a female dominated family! We've got 4 females and only 1 male among us siblings. Somemore my eldest sis already popped 1 boy le .. so now they want a girl to 'play' around with.


Ya, i find prudential so-so only. Kowloon Hotel is not bad, rooms abit small but quite comfy & very accessible. If u have the budget, try Langham Place! Very nice room with see-thru bathroom ... hubby loves the bathroom most .. and he always purposely dun roll up the blinds cos he wants me to see him bathe! Crazy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggym: I also hungry, but nothing I feel like eating. U makan already?

Pegsfur: wah!! I want to have sisters too. I am the only gal, always get bullied by my brothers. sianz...

I love gals too, but will not mind if have a boy. Got BB can liao hehehee!


For me, i can't rely on the discharge ... cos sometimes it's present during fertile days, sometimes it doesn't.

I used the ovulation microscope but sometimes the results oso abit confusing. Then i decided to use the microscope together with opk to see how. So when the microscope & opk showed positive on the same day, i'll know i'm ovulating.


Hahaha .. its like dat de ... we always bully our brother oso, since he's the only male .. haha ...

Actually, girls are really better lor .. we bond quite alot and share things and advice from make-up to clothes.

pegsfur: ya lor, can share bags n clothes somemore right!?!??! If can, next time I wan 2 boys 2 gals hahahaha

Ok ladies .... knock off le .. chat later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals, me juz woke up. Yesterday was extremely bz & tired day. Churned out orh nee, Nutella chocolate spread and also 1 batch of dog cookies. More doggie bakes today.

Vio, wat CD r u at today? If u are using say 20 miu, either ur hormones may not be strong enuff to be picked up by the OPK or u may not have O yet.

Ur nez TCM visit is after nez AF rite? Coz he can tell whether u O alr or not. Like tt time I showed him my prev charts fr Aug-Jan, he can tell I O every mth but womb is too cold for pregnancy.

Today feeling beta fr my flu, but backache still there. N got diahorrea. Maybe ate the wrong stuff hor? But diahorrea gd, tum tum can slim down.

Aw-bb, sore breasts is a sympomth wor...coz some ladies had tt before testing BFP. Gd luck!

piggym: ya lor! hahahhaa...poor us!

Jandew: Aiyah, dont wan to think so much or else my AF come I depress again. My breast is on off pain one lor. Yesterday night so pain, I feel like cutting it off mwhhahahaha!

Ahhh! Just ordered Mcdonald for lunch YUMMY!!

Janet, usu we based on our cycle, divide by 2. Say u got 28 days cycle, we would test opk - ovulation predictor kit fr day 11 or 12 onwards. Once we detect positive lines, we would make love.

Hi there, I need some advice.

I been taking Sunolut medicine for 20 days to regulate my menses as mine is irregular cycle. The month before my cycle was 44 days.

Was wondering whther can i still get pregnant even though I took the meds for my menses? Cos i have finished the meds on sunday but my menses still has not 'report' yet. last friday there a few dots of blood and then it clear up till 2day. Been having cramps on-off...

she asked me to remove the fibroid as well. Got appt for blood test to check on progetrone (something like that). not sure worth to spend the $$$ or not.

Hi gals, me just back for lunch.

Pegsfur, congrats if you see my post later keke. Did you do anything special on the month you strike? Hee.

Purplelace, not yet leh. I did a blood test and vscan, gynae said my hormones and womb looks ok. So if another 2 mths dont strike, i will ask hb to go for check and i probably will go for hsg.

Angel, thats good news leh! Keke. So hmm did gynae say anythg abt fibrod?

Cheekiangel, i think best is to seek advice from ur gynae leh.

Angel, if temp dip on the day means you have O on the day. And you can only confirm you O if you see a consecutive rise in temp i think.

So are you going for the ops?

wah.. thats expensive angel..

seeing gynae is not cheap.

yesterday mine vist to gynae is $160..

Cheekiangel, sorrie din hear of tt med before...U may call ur doc/gynae to ask abt that.

N do a home pregnancy test to check whether u could be preggie.

Gd luck!

Agree. Gynae is never cheap. I think I contribute thousands to her clinic liao...sianz. When I have kid, ask him / her be gynae. Earn lots $$ hehehe!

I got 1-2 bottles of homemade Nutella chocolate spread, using the freshest Hazelnuts, and Hersheys cocoa powder, anybody keen?



I went to Raffles Woman Clinis this am for fast appt. The estimated bill is abt S$7000+. I'm thinking who to go for the opn. I will fix appt with my the other gynae & check out the cost.

I told her temp rised only this am thot I jus O but she said I have alrdy O.

I upset with a colleague - i request her to do things always counter challenge me no need to be done. then FINE i do myself.

