(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

ya look for pa++ sun blocks pa means got uva protection also and the more plus the better. Sg unless you swimmer or work under the sun spf 15-20 minimum on face. If you can body too but i find it too sticky i dont use on body. Kind of regret shoulders darker than my face now.

Some skincase magazines say Too high waste money too ex no point cos you but ser de use enough . I tried spf50 recently. Gosh i broke out (5pimplesextra ) too pore clogging. Sian. I tot want to try see how ks want more protection.


my hb excited new show on mio just finished a while ago now my girl restless too excited with the music from the show. Now not sleeping.its why i say motherhood is a lonely path for me. First i sleep late now i cannot sleep cos kid is not sleeping. Left breast must pinch right one cos scared nei nei run away. The more i dont let her touch she gets angry. But its pain one lor pinching away. What my dh doing. Sleeping away. His duty over liao once both of us changed her together. Remind me to consider exclusive pumping for next child.

gd morning gals

someone was asking for my dh fish... here u go...


hvnt got the time to read all the post...

i m urs,

english nane for this fish is arowana? is it? me not sue.

just been told by boss to that i must come back every sat to clear my work b4 I leave., So sian.


im very busy sianz last sat spent whole afternoon marking compo....jus finish 1 stack, today got to give 2 classes do new compo=62 compos to mark again... sick lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

this sat got duno wat cip, early morning 8am must reach school then go old folks home after tt got staff retreat to play team building game half a day gone arghhh come home still gotta mark compo.....horrible job....


oh ya...not forgetting EMPS!!


send me yr epms can?? old ones also can


we feed him live prawns, those small ones meant for feeding fish... 1 week abt 2x... when all his prawns no more le, will buy again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

used to feed him goldfish (small ones) but he bite them all n nv eat... so water v smelly n dirty...


not yet wor..I tink it will come these few days.keke

wat abt urs?


oic. dr foong has a clinic in paragon and tiong bahru

Angel, you are going v scan to check on your fibrod right?

Aw-bb, AF report anot....keke must update us ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggym, sometimes no symptoms may mean +ve also leh. I have colleagues who didnt know they are preg till they are a week late then they realise.

piggym: urs quite late liao leh. Ur last AF is 24 jan...when u O wor?

tingting: Actually I dun have a normal AF for very long time liao...so no idea wats the PMS leh. hehe!

Piggym: Ya lor. Sekali u preggy liao. Ehh, test already tell us. Must spread bbdust k! I need to shower myself in it =P hahahahaa!

hi ting thing,

Ok.. anyway I will wait for a wk later then test bah.. Dare not to test . afraid of disappointment


no lah. my last AF is 30 or 31 Jan. O on v day lor.


yesterdy i mention abt the spotting right?

It still havent stop leh... still have leh...although is bit bit lah. But already 1 day liao leh... still have. Alamak, how to BD.. chamz..

piggym: Oh? hahaha! saw the TTC list thought u are 24th hehe~ OOps! But u O on V day leh....also abit the late. Hmmnn...hopefully good news hor!

Aw-bb, yah! You know her too? Haha so qiao leh...shes my sec fren but we have not been keeping in contact liao.

Starrz, maybe you should call your doc and ask?

Piggym, i saw your post liao keke. Yah test next week if you feel more comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ting: My last induced AF is 31st Jan. Sama as piggym. My last natural AF....I cant even remember when liaoz...


cycle depends. 28-32 days on average.

Dont want to test so fast. cos Just had D&C last yr. AF may not be back to normal. Haha

hi starz,

ah you. is it a lot?

ting: Ya, I know her wor. Sometimes chat over msn. hahaha! Funny and crazy gal. Love extreme sports and always say I gu niang! *LOL*


nope not a lot..

but whenever i pee, when wipe off will have leh.

Gynae ask me to BD these few days.. but got spotting/bleeding how to bd...

Aw-bb, how do you know her? Work or through friends? Yah lor she is a crazy gal haha.....dont tell her you know me and im TTC hor! Hahaha!

ting: she my bro's ex. She very nice to me and we get along well. Thats y still in contact ba. No prob la my lips r SEALED! hehehee!

Oh! The world is so so small lor haha.

Piggym, wish you luck!

Starrz, I think you shld call your gynae leh since she ask you to BD these few days?

piggym: I read during early pregnancy alot of ppl got cramps as well. N well, PMS is very similar to preggy signs. So cross fingers hehehe!


but cramps happen in early stage too?

urs AF not reported yet?

today is raining again! so sian with the weather.

piggym: Nope, not yet report. How long has it been raining????

Wah sweat man! It took 45 mins to put my cat into the cage to bring for injection. Scratch me somemore urgh!!

i m urs,

sry dunno where.

kkh is at ?


opps! I forgot you are in beijing. Kkeee. its been raining almost everday in SIN. I tink the rain has stop.

Wah! ur cat scratch you? ah yo..


Piggym, yah lor the weather hasn't been good lately hor. Feel so gloomy looking at the sky leh. I am counting down to lunch haha.

Aw-bb, u not working today? or are you a tai tai? keke.

