(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

tingting: she did on the 18th and said I O already. Eh I cannot tahan the wait every mth. Will go crazy. Actually the BD period is very nice cos full of hope. But the end of 2ww is the most torturing, cos u full of negative thoughts hehehhee!


webby: Gal, I tried your trick before, but still the item choose to go into hiding *LOL* Wah we 2 very RA.

strawberry: actually when your AF is going to be due, your heart will beat faster. Ya la, very exciting but then think my heart cannot tahan leh mwhahahahaha!

Aw-bb, totally understand. Haiz, we must jia you yah. keke. I hate 2WW but I think after sometime hor, me not as anxious. Coz to test BFP seems so unreal to me haha.

Gals, me gg to zzz liao....logging off. Continue the chat tml yah! NItez and sweet dreams!

aw-bb, it went into hiding ar? cannot find it anywhere? hahaha.. or tat item dun wan to wake up? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/crazy.gif]

webby: ehh dont make me laugh leh!!! maahahahaha!! Piangz! Ya la, the item dont wan to be awake, so sianz. Ehh, one time I even went to the extend of seducing liao. Wear sexy lingerie, but my dh see liao also no effect leh pui! hahahahaha!

I did leh...on sat. -ve. AF not due yet. So see how lor. Anyway good thing I check, cos now dun have high hope, N I finished crying liaoz...so no more tears for the month

hello everyone, have been super busy for the past few days, so din post anything.

check with u gals.. whether i'm abt the O based on my OPK attached? Still very new to OPK thingy heehee.. dunno hw to see.


strawberryz: No la, been very depress during weekend cos take HPT then see -ve, though know AF not due yet but itchy hand go test. Then see result liao sooooo sad. Sigh!

aw-bb, mayb u tested it too early last weekend la.. probably u try to test again tomolo morning wif yr 1st morning pee?

Bamboo_shoot, based on yr OPK, u haven O yet or oredi O-ed. Bec it is showing negative result. The test line will fade when u haven O or u oredi O-ed.

Test line shld b as dark or darker than e Control line. If tis happens, means u going to O in 24-36 hours time.

webby: dun dare to test liao la. 1 cry is enuff hehehe! Dun wan to cry too much leh. That day I cried till my eyes all red and swollen.

I will wait if I didnt come for days.

webby: either ways all very torturing leh mwhahahaa! TTC very torturing!!! urghh~ u see! The greatness of mother love

aw-bb, just try to keep happy thoughts in ur mind k.. having a baby shd not be such a stressful thing.. it's a product of the lov btw u and ur Dh

strawberryz: Ya, hopefully the love will blossom la. hehehe! Really wonder how our bb will look like. Scary leh hahahahaha!

ohh aw-bb, my gynae said when a lady got PCOS, means no ovulation. So u r given Clomid now, did u use OPK to test yr O?

webby: no leh. I just BD alternate. Me in Aussie last mth, thought got high hope. Cos stress free and happy mah. So funny leh. We really BD like siaoz! hahahahaa!

aw-bb, u mean in tis cycle, u all bd liao siao ar? Or tis happened in e previous cycle?

Last month u all bd like siao is it bec yr dh was on holiday tat time tats y stress free? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wonder where is our Jandew... busy making nutella ar? Naivesg shld b awake by now also.. where is everyone?

I going to zzz soon liao.... left u alone here, aw-bb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hmmn...I confuse liao hahaa

My last AF is 31st Jan. So after that we BD liao siao while on holiday in aussie...ahhh now more clear right?

webby: its ok la. I also going sleep liao. Today monday blue, everyone dun come in. so sadz. Anyway talk tmr la. Gd nitez!!!

Hello Ladies

One gd news to all to save $..

As this mth is my birthday mth so alot of things i buy got great discount.. If u need anything, i can help u buy then pass to u.. Since now times r hard, we shd try to save $.. Here r the list..

GNC - 35% discount on all products. (i.e. I will get more of the royal jelly n prenatal pack as it really can save alot.)

Eu Yan Sang - 20% discount on all products (i.e. Bai feng wang,bird nest etc)

Metro - 20% discount on blue tag only.

Jus let me know if u need anything within this mth..

oh ya, btw, i jus receive GNC letter, they say max can buy 6 bottles for the same product so if you want me to help you buy anything... do let me know soon... i am buying few bottles of royal jelly and prenatal pack this month to keep stock.. thinking of buying the GNC EPO too.. anyone try before? Is it good??

Webby, me finished with Nutella...now making cheese cookies for doggies. Muahahaha......

naive may not have Net access yet, tink she juz moved into her new place. Wonder whether would her sampan arrive, she would have lots of unpacking to do.

I tink today onli the few of us...everybody muz b bz, coz doing mth end closing?


My dog seems to know I m baking cookies for him. So smart? Hmmm.....

Yup, I would think so.

or else everybody is tired tonite cos its monday blues. Keke

that is becos he can smelll.. keke

what a smart boy!

Not yet started baking how to smell? But I let him sample cheese n he likes!

However my doggy beri greedy one, give him everyting he oso likes.

Oh I see. I thought you have already start baking liao? Hee HEe

dogs are v smart animals.

I guess all the dogs are the same bah. keke


never reply sms one leh u, send me yr last year emps ley really duno how to write leh kaoz

webby, thanks for ur explanation so much clearer. so it means i haven O cos today is CD12. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jan ya i pretending. And ys theory on skinny wrinkled women. My view is this. More sun exposure wo proper sun protection will cause premature skin aging. Be it spots or fine lines. Uva damages the internal layers of the skin causing fine lines appearing earlier while uvb causes spots burning or skin darkening. Its only in recent ten yrs or so then scientists found out the sun block we used to use only had uvb protection. So happily those who like sun bathing were getting uva radiation.

Apparently applying more moistuser wont help much if the damage is already done.


Bamboo, wic means u may not O so soon.

Vic Ma, u really funnie alot...pretending to be preggie. But so far in our ttc thread, those 2nd time mummies alr seem to have higher chance of striking wor. Kekeke....

So we shld apply sunblock?

