(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Here's my info.

Nick: Shirley

#BB: 2

Gender: Boy #1

TTC #Months: 7

Previous #M/Cs if any: N

Alternate Day BD: Y

Lift Butt after BD: Y (did it only last cycle)

Used Preseed: Y

Did HSG: N

Tracked BBT: Y (only did it last cycle, but using the ear thermometer -.-“)

Used OPK: Y

Visited TCM: N

Ate Multi Vitamins: Vit. C

me finished my hsg liao. Wan to wait to collect the report but was told tt they w send to Dr Woo. Duno why wor, they asked whether I m sending him straight after tis, I said no. So they said they w send. Is tis standard procedure?

I relaxed, so was not painful at all. Thanks gals for telling mi to relax. According to wat the radiologist said,everyting seemed to look fine.

But duno why I ended up paying not 160 but 197.75 after Gst.

I dun wan go back see Dr Woo leh, how huh? Will the gynae clinic just call to inform results? I dun wan to spend unneccessary money on consultation, as I find Dr Woo beri pushy n insincere leh.


the doctor by right will be in a better position to read the x ray. the radiologist can onli agar agar tell u ok anot.

anyway dun go bk to dr woo 1st lar.. ttc this mth n see how...

i din get to see my result until i strike LOL

so when u strike no need go see liao HAHA

oic..thanks Anna. Ask u hor, is Sun Lik in house brand flour nice, or Prima flour beta? Coz i am now at city hall having lunch at Jack's Place.

Hi gals,

What a quiet Saturday today. Everyone busy pat-tor must be. I have a silly question that I wanna ask. What's the difference between a sticky and creamy EWCM huh?

Yar Kitty, I hope to see baby's heart beat soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks.

Thanks cow cow woofmeow. Hope u get a little cow cow woofmeow soon.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Regarding ur question.. I think sticky is like the wet sticky feeling of juice on fingers after u eat fruits? Then creamy is like texture of semen?


U were saying that u haven't chosen ur gynae? But u said something also abt being gd to have gynae at SGH coz u're also visiting SGH for something else?

I wonder how to choose gynae, what're the factors to consider? I guess I may be getting ahead of myself a bit, but since I got nothing to do anyway.. haha

Raincloud, erm...actually aft 5 more of TTCs I also dun really know...I think on the 6mth, i realise is just some discharge that is creamy, longish and can stretch?

I think u base on hunch ba, if u still dunno wat is it...cos I myself also not sure at that time, not I think I might figure out that is the one la.


Hehe sorry lah, but trying hard to describe accurately mah. Sorry for being so graphic *blush*

Nah, a bit tired after this week's work. DH also been doing OT this week. In fact, he's at work right now.

Hhaha Jul.

This kind of thing is trial and error. Most impt u must be comfortable. Actually this is like chosing bridal shop. Cos hor, there certian will be alot of gd one, but also those gd one that alot of pple rave abt, does not mean u will like them or find them uncomfortable.

Then also proximity is another impt factor la.

Cannot be if u got emergency or even weekly or monthly schedule check up u stay one end but go the other end to find gynae.

Also, if u have preference for male or female gynae.

For me, i took many things into consideration lor....so erm, actually now, I also dun wan tothink liao, cos I got more troublesome thing to think abt. Which u may have guess la. Dun wish to talk more liao...


Ok, sure, I understand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah, DH called & said he's on the way home tho. So I wun be alone for v long more.

Actually I've been zorbo-ing & watching a lot of tv tdy haha. So unproductive.

How abt u? Not doing anything tdy?

hi gals, i finally finished baking my pineapple tarts. So tired and going to take a nap now. Me today dpo 5 dunno why temp suddenly dropped from 36.7 to 36.4. My coverline is 36.39. Dun tell me af reporting so early? Haiz.

Bye Jul.

Hahah....I am so tired and procrasting, reading posts and replying email. Finally finish reading.

I am a tv addict, so I will always watch tv kekek...

Jenn, Implantation dip! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U will grad soon, and hope u will become Aug or Sept 09 mami!

Hahaha....jenn, share ur pineapple tart picts...I wan to see....:p

Usu u got any drop in bbt during 2ww? Or did u wake up middle of the nite or someting?

cow_dewbb, sorry i forgot were u the one who asked who my gynae is earlier on? Hee... anyway, my gynae is dr Madeleine Tan fr TMC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Gals..


thw bbq is great din know my GM is such a great cook! he even make us rib eye steak i greedy wanna took 1 bite den i realise it 50% well done chiam ..... dunno how hope wun affect my bb:p

Hi Ladies!


dun worry.. ok de.

Just worry raw food got contamination that will cause tummyache. No effect on baby. U got Anna's power dust... no worries.


waahhhaha u funnie lar.... actually yesterday nite a lot of food also dunno can eat anot i jus eat lol~~~

i ate a lot of sotong n taiwan sausauge n prawn wahahah they pput the stingray in front of me lor irritatin keke...

Now more mummies than TTC regulars here! Good good! Soon will be the rest of us lo!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now waiting for oxidised to come collect her OPK then going dinner/supper with HB. HUNGRYY!!! Dunno where to go le, any suggestions? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ethan_mum,

Date of Last AF is the 1st day of your last menses AF = Aunt Flo. When was yours?

Dear all,

My 1st cycle after my D&C came 40 days later.

(Dunno when i O-ed.)

2nd cycle 36 days later.

(Most prob O-ed CD23-24, I was frustrated and stopped testing on CD22 morning & stopped trying too)

3rd cycle 34 days later.

(O-ed CD20-22)

This cycle, today CD15, OPK test line darker than control line, which means I'm almost back t my usual 30-day cycle. Yippee!!!

Luckily DH reservist ended today. Have informed him to BD tonight, tmr night and the night after. Wish me luck, gals!!! hehehe...

Gd luck Sashamama...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babydust to u:


Alot of shop open....V crowded, like erm, like many many pple...I dunno how to describe.

Now alot of sales...v cheap. I bought quilt cover for $10 only.

Harris got book sales, price of 3books for 2 books

