(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Naive, wat brand is the quilt cover?

Tt time u bot dresses still say cannot wear rite? Now preggie liao can wear.

U bot any books? Any books also 3 for the price of 2? I love book, well, maybe onli recipe books....lol.

Oh yeah girls, anybody keen on adopting a female red poodle 4 yrs old? Asking on behalf of a fren.

Hi Jandew,

Will try to post it up tomorrow when in office. Hmm....as for temp, I do have dip after O but not such big dip. I slept at 1am and took temp at 7am got more than 5hrs sleep leh....will see how's my temp tomorrow.

Jul_04: Hhahaha, thanks for answering that tricky question on the mucus. But I still quite blur. Hahhahaa. Never mind, just bd, dun care liao.

Naivesg: Yah ... gotta keep BD-ing alt lor. No choice, coz hard to differentiate mucus. But this month, I'll try not to use any lubricant. Maybe last mth didn't succeed coz used lubricant. Plus I don't have preseed.

sashamama: Yah, more mummies than regular ttc-ers here. That's one of the reason why i haven't been posting much here. Nothing much to contribute to the mommy chats. Still looking around for fellow ttc-ers. But maybe all busy BD-ing. :p

naivesg: I have some OPK strips tt my friend passed to me recently, so I'll try to use them this month. Also, I am tracking my temperatures via FF. My temperature has been really low ever since my AF ended. Low consistently, like 36.1 to 36.3. Is there anything wrong?

Yeah raincloud, my bbt oso quite similar to yours...I noticed that when my AF just comes, the BBT still ok, but once it finishes it would drop too. Until after O, it would become higher. U CD wat today?

Mi tinking of making my own kaya using the bread machine. Long time ago I made on stove, tasted ok except got many lumps...din koe tt can use blender to blend to make it smooth.

Sashamama, where did u go for supper eventually?

Jenn, mi oso planning to make pineapple tarts tomolo. I alr told dh today, dun go outside to buy pineapple tarts during CNY period, ex and not so nice. Kekeke....

But I am lazy, din make my own pineapple filling...maybe try to do abit of modifications to the store bought pineapple filling....coz usu abit dry or too sweet.

How was ur filling?


All da best to u.. hope u strike this mth.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do email or contact me when the strips are in.. n let me know how much do i owe u.. Will be out of town from 22nd-26th Dec. Going to Taiwan with Dh.. Yeah!! CAn consider a honeymoon trip ba since we have not had any since our wedding in early Apr. AF now over le.. So now just waiting for the O period.. most prob will be in Taiwan then.. haha.. Made in Taiwan? lol...

Jul.. btw.. when should i start using the test strips ah? CD10 onwards? Really hope to strike this mth since its our belated honeymoon trip n both of us are in the relaxed mood..

Dh want to go to the hot springs.. but i worry tt it might affect us TTC? Will it?

cow_dewbb: My temp went up a bit today. 36.4. But I should O any time soon. Think will be testing my OPK for these few days. Today is CD11 for me. You mean can use bread machine to make kaya? I very suaku, don't even know what a bread machine looks like. Maybe later go google. I would love to have more appliances but my kitchen simply cannot store anymore. Sometimes, I wish I have kitchens like the americans. So huge and can even have a table inside for breakfast with the family.

Ling: You know what they say about striking during honeymoon right? The chances are much higher. Coz more often than not ... you're in a more relaxed environment mah. DH and I made a pact to enjoy ourselves to the fullest during our bd sessions. :p

Gals, got something to ask. How safe issit to go on a plane when only a few weeks preggie? I haven't striked lah, but just wondering. Coz' CNY round the corner and we wanna go back to Singapore next month. But what if strike this huh, can still take plane?


We are only not allowed to take plane during the last trimester of pregnancy. For early pregnancy should be ok bah. Just that u must rest as much as u can on the plane. If u are worried, check with the doc first.

May: Thanks ... coz I noticed planes have an effect on my cycle dates. So I wonder if strike, will it have effect on the little one.


normally while its ok to fly during first tri, bt depends on individual cos many ppl dn encourage due to e cabin pressure

if short trip I tink shld b fine

HBB: Yeah, the cabin pressure is what I'm worried about also ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Okay, don't think too much first, BD and strike first! Hhahahahha.


tt time my colig jus preggy but she dunno n she go BKK go ther den found out n she is fine... like wat Anna say short trip shd be ok bah...


no prob bbdust for u...


HBB: Yah, I did read somewhere before also. It's best not to fly during first and last trimester. But I know my DH wants to go back to celebrate CNY this year. But I won't dwell on it first until we strike! Kkeke.

piggytoh: Keeping all the bb dust from you. Thanks!



ya 1st trim best not to take plane but if no unusu sign shd be ok...

BTW for EWCM it transparent not creamy.... EWCM is like egg white v stretchy creamy is norm discharge...

Morning gals,

CNY falls on Feb 14 Valentine's Day in the year 2010. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh: So if it's creamy, it's not considered as EWCM, right? But what if it's watery?

Ling: Yah, let's work hard together. You CD what today? I am on CD11.

Morning ladies!

Good luck to raincloud, sashamama & all those who are ttcing. May everyone be dec graduates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Naivesg, when my workplace move to jp next yr. We can meet up easily liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Where's the jp extension? Near the lib? I dun even know whether the interchange is still under construction.

piggytoh: I see. I didn't have that last month. I don't know if it's becoz' it's inside and I didn't feel it. These days, I keep looking for EWCM. Hahaha, I think I'm going kookoo looking at the toilet paper all the time after i pee. By the way, issit too early to test OPK on CD11?

raincloud, if yours is a 28 day cycle then u can start testing on CD11 onwards. Faint test line compared agst the control line means your ovulation is arriving soon but not that strong enough yet. If kiasu, can start BD on that day itself lor and do OPK test again on CD12 and see if the colour gets darker. It should get darker as the pass goes by till the day your ovulation will take place 12-36hrs later.

Jandew, have u started testing with the OPK today? I am sooo tempted to try. LOL

Oh yah, ladies, for those who are interested to get Pre-seed, DH and I just bought ours from Guardian at Northpoint. They still have about 4-5 bottles left. It's S$32 something. FYI, if anyone wants to get it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] They placed it near the pharmacy counter so if u can't find it at the usual lubricant shelf then try it at the counter in front of the pharmacy area.

Hi Jandew,

My filling abit sweet...so next time i will put less sugar cos i'm using honey pineapple which is already sweet.

If you lazy to do the pineapple filling, maybe you can try do some pineapple filling and mix with those ready pineapple filling.

Waves: Yeah, we started BD-ing already. :p Expecting to O anytime soon. The faint line looks about 50% of the original line. SO I guess it's anytime soon. Does this also mean that once O is over, we won't get to see the line anymore? The preseed at guardian is by bottle issit?


usu after u detect +ve u will O 1-2day time so to play safe keep BD-ing few more days... usu after O the line will remain faint untill AF...


The Pre-seed comes in 6 pre-filled applications. Good luck to you for this cycle!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

waves, i tested yesterday opk, no line,but today din test. Maybe tomolo w test.

piggytoh: Oh, I see, so really gotta test everyday just to make sure I see the dark line then I'll know when I've O-ed I guess.

Waves: Thanks for the info. I find it super expensive leh.

cow_dewbb: How long is your cycle?


raincloud, my usu cycle is 29 days, but past 2 cycles is 27, oso duno why. Last time was 28. Did u ask me earlier? Duno who asked me, but forum was down,I kept posting replies but din show up. After tt I forgot to post again.

Watched 4 Christmases, got so many bb in d movie. Dh said I shld have enjoyed it coz of tt bb. Hahaha..

