(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Jul, u might O on CD17. continue testing until no line and try to do alt BD. If u BD everyday hor might be tired also la, then HB might not perform well or have Commandor troops also.



for ur case it is possible to strike 3 days later becos usu we O 12-24hrs after +ve OPK n egg can stay alive for 24-36 hrs n spermie can stay alive for 3-5days so they can still meet...

but hor only 3 days diff at most u 5.5wk mah how u compute to 6wk +?


I got this off the web. Hopefully it's useful.

Stages of Cervical Fluid: Post Menses

Stage 1: Lasting 2 - 3 days CM is Sticky or Gummy (S)

Stage 2: Lasting 2- 4 days: CM is Creamy, Milky, Lotion Like - Beginning of your fertile period (C)

Stage 3: Lasting 1-5 days: Egg white Cervical Fluid - At this time you are very fertile. (E)

Stage 4: Dry, Moist or Sticky (Infertile)

Peak fertile cervical mucus is thin and stretchy. After ovulation, progesterone abruptly suppresses the peak mucus and the mucus pattern continues with sticky mucus for a day or two, and then returns to dryness.

Egg White Cervical Fluid

How Long do you have it: Typically women in their mid twenties have it for approximately 5 days, by mid-thirties, only 1-2 days, but this is not the rule. Many women have several days of EWCM late into their thirties.

Look and Feel: The Cervical Mucus will look and have the consistency of egg whites. It is slippery to the touch and if pulled between the fingertips will stretch 1 - 10 inches.

Color: The color can be clear or iridescent and extremely wet. If your CM has an unusual odor, consult your physician, this may be a sign of infection. If your CM has the consistency of cottage cheese, this may be a sign of a yeast infection, also consult your physician.

There are natural ways to improve cervical mucus. Some women have have what is called Hostile Cervical Mucus.

After ovulation and under the effect of progesterone, the mucus becomes thick and sticky. Sperm cannot penetrate it. Once the sperm are in the mucus, they can stay there for a few days acting as a sperm reservoir. It can also be highly acidic and can kill the sperm.

If you are unable to naturally improve hostile cervical mucus, you can opt for Intra-Uterine-Insemination (IUI). The semen is injected into the uterus bypassing hostile cervical mucus.


Cut back on caffeine and don't smoke!

Drinking at least ten 6oz glasses of water a day.

Evening Primrose Oil: 1,000 IU per day should be taken

from Cycle Day 1 to Ovulation.

Flax Seed Oil: 2,000 mg per day from Ovulation to AF.

Red Raspberry: 1,000 mg daily: Start anytime in cycle.

Can be taken during pregnancy until a month prior to labor/delivery.

Strengthens the uterine lining which in turn lengthens luteal phase

Grapefruit Juice


i have EWCM be4 O... actually this cycle i depend on my EWCM leh cos on n off saw EWCM so we continue to BD den on CD15 i got a lot EWCM but i din BD only BD on CD 16 so i suspect i O on CD15/16 but FF say CD17 ...

hi ladies, talking abt OPK, it is good to test OPK using the 1st urine of the day, that mean when i wake up?


I drink milk as water for the whole morning. Later after lunch then go fill up my water bottle.

Okie, chat later.. lunch time.

piggytoh, what u mean by mid stream? urine during the middle of the day? or discard the 1st part of the urine and collect the middle part one?


if u gt friend gg bk to sg i tink u can try askin them buy but i normaly dun tompang unless v close friend cos they themselves gt alot to buy HAHA...

if u get dhl over i tink u must rem dun label them as food cos i tink they dun allow food.. jus say person effect/items will do.


Today drink 1L milk lar. But usually 2 small packets of HL milk daily, which I dunno how much is it.


I also use midstream to test on all tests that I do. Be it OPK, HPT or other lab test.

i tink mid stream is also good when we do urine test for uti or watever cos sometimes the 1st few ml of pee might be dirtier cos nearer to the ext part of the body ...

may i aso v sleepy

i pick dh at 1 plus slept at 3 ..yawnz...

i eating wanton mee.. tink tis wantan mee is nice.. i can fin whole portion haha.. must ask dh where he buy from...


this yr he 'recall' mi the earliest and also the worsT! i nvr see him puke in car before LOL... yesterday was 1st time heng i got MS.. so car gt plastic bag LOL

he KO in car leh.. nvr ever happened before.. dine ven ask mi where i went or wat i ate last evening... came bk bath n went to lala land

tis morn he went bk to work... he say many ppl ko thr LOL

i tink nxt year will b as bad if not worse... cos his buttday will fall on a friday.. and normal this event is on a friday one.. so hor... haiz... better start plannin for a holiday tat week of dec LOL

Cos I thot I O from 11th to 12 Nov ma, So I count from 11th Nov I think.

Anyway Gynae did not ask me when I O or when my LMP is until the 3rd scan...

MayWong, naive & piggytoh & ladies,

Tks for adv, yesterday was my 1st time reading this tread.. after reading u guys posts, milions of question marks flying above my head..

20,22,24,25,26,28,30 Dec.

why skip day in between? for resting? normally how many ovum in 1 ovulation? how long is the ovum life span?

omg, i really know nothing.. so paisei


really Envy u.. i eye r closin...

Ethan mum,

usu we will BD 1-2time be4 O to discharge our HB old troop.. n if u dunno when O best is to alt BD as not to miss the O...

if BD everyday will reduce troop quantity n will be v v tired....usu only 1-2 follicle will mature n release after O will survive for 12-24hr...


oh tks so much, read fm website, now only i know i was very lucky when i trying my 1st baby, coz i anyhow try...

in order not to waste time, i better follow steps and plot charts for my ovulation... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ethan mum,

sometime u anyhow try better cos less stressfull.. y not u jus try for 2-3 cycle w/o OPK n BBt first? maybe wil jus strike..

Ethan mum,

Ya, Agree with piggytoh. Just use it as a guide, if die die follow, very stress one.


Oh dear, he MS in car. hehe.. but at least better than u need to carry him back to house.


Wow.. BBQ. Hope the person that marinate got skills. Then can eat alot. hehehe..Enjoy ur BBQ ah.

Hello gals,

Talking abt EWCM in earlier posts, I recall I have some stretchy egg-white look EWCM yest evening. But dunno which day tis EWCM started without me notice it earlier or probably just started, I also dunno lei..

I tink dun care la. Continue to alt-BD till end of nex week n keep testing OPK in case e O come again.


My eyes suddenly *blink* when I see the word STINGRAY!!

Urgh.. just now tell my colleagues I got craving for Zinger Burger. Then now go Stingray. Oh ya.. stingray abit LIANG.. eat moderate ok?

btw, I used preseed yest nite. But b4 i put it in, I saw my V hole covered wif whitish/creamy colour liquid. Is tat consider EWCM too?

I dun care la. I continue to put in e preseed yest nite in case it really helps for successful TTC.

