(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Hello gals,

I feel sian today, roughly knowing tat I could hv missed my O tis cycle.

I m at CD15 today. N my OPK test line like "almost invisible" oredi.

I only started to use e OPK on my CD11 n by then Test line oredi looks faded/lighter than Control line. My BBT had been very low since CD1. BBT 35+ till today.

We BD on CD11 and CD14 only.

I got my +ve OPK on CD14 in e last cycle. I am surprise if my O came earlier than CD11 (cd11 oredi light Test line) in tis cycle.

So sian... dunno still want to BD in the next few days or not... like not much hope for tis cycle oredi..


I just realised that we are on the same cycle! Think I am going crazy looking at calendar everyday and counting the number of CD to make sure that I didn't count wrongly. lol..

Babydust to youy and everyone here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

webby, I know it's easier said than done but try to relax. Cannot be stress when babymaking. Just enjoy the moments. Continue to test for your ovulation. You may not be ovulation on CD11-15 this mth. Good luck!

hbb, even my Fertility Monitor showed 1 bar (low fertility) since CD11 lei..

In the previous cycle, when my OPK show +ve on cd14, my Fertility Monitor showed 2 bars (High Fertility) fr cd16 - cd19 lei...

Now OPK oredi no more test line, Fertility Monitor also showed 1 bar (low fertility). I tink gone case liao la... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Mine is not char siew bao. I ate those hotdog bun. Big big one. Ate hotdog, otah and Bak Kwa flavour. Now feel like sleeping.

I hope i can detect +ve in OPK in e nex few days. Hopefully my O really delayed tis month. But very slim chance for tis to happen. Dun tink 1 lady can O more than 1 time in e same cycle. Never happen to me b4.

hbb, in tis cycle, i started to use my Fertility Monitor on cd11 only. N from cd11 - cd 15(today), all 1 bar only nia... so sad..

waah!!! may, sounds super tempting!!! i like bah kwa and otah!! hotdog I eat here til scared liaoz.hehe... how i wish i m in sg. no wonder the wives here say no gd to be preggy here, all de cravings all cun eat... =(

hbb, i not so li hai eh...dunoe hw to make char siew eh...hehe..but oriental market gt sell...but i heard the pau nt nice one, so I din buy...


if cravign jus buy n eat aft tat u wun tinkof it liao

dunc are nice anot.. i tink shld b ok cos too desperate liao anythg also can hahahaa

charsiew if u gt oven or even ons tove can make.. haa but need the ingredients

hbb, my Fertility Monitor prompt me to test since cd6 but i bo chap bec i was tinking my O wouldn't b so early ma (also partly bec i wan to save my Clearblue FM test strips ma).. sigh..

hbb, i think here no bah kwa wor...nt that i noe of...haikz...juz imagine all de cny goodies, I wun b able to eat...last time in sg never appreciate all the food.. =(

nvm may. =)

piggy, I haven O meh?

My OPK showed faint positive since cd11. Today cd15 oredi lor, no more faint positive. Test line oredi invisible liao lor... Isn't it showed oredi O and I missed my O?


if u read the instruction

u r not allow to skip any day of the testing. if u skip its not valid already and end up u waste the rest of the strips.

it could b v likely that u o on cd 11 or 12 (example onli)but the machine cant detect bcos u skip the 1st few days.

if u dun wan to follow the prompting i would suggest dun waste money on the test strip.. jus buy the cheap opk and test.

anyway fr the monitor test strip u can actualy see if u o-ing anot. cos aft u remove the thg fr the machine u can see the lines. jus tat its not 100% accurate

the month i strike.. i did not get 3 bar but the line was v v clear.

I also have OPK question :

I tested faint line from CD12-15. Then got slightly lighter than control line on CD16. CD17 got a darker than control line. When am I O-ing?


sos for ur mum HAHAA... ask her buy the vacumn pack kind n dhl to u w all the goodies u wan LOL

tat was what i did every mooncake fest n cny HAHAAA

hbb, tat means my FM cannot use for tis cycle liao. All data screwed up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi waves, how long is ur usu cycle? I tested opk for fun tis morn, of coz not +ve cos too early. Maybe w test opk on Mon again. Kekeke..


ye su r right

cannot use already

can stop testing on that.. wait new cycle then reset the thg

u spent alot of money on the monitor

no point save that 10% of the cost on the test kit in my opinion lar.

meanwhile jus keep bd-ing dun tink so much lor.

tt time i bought 2 new box of test kit for the FM haaa.. heart pain LOL

Aft the scan, I cld not sleep yest and went counting, then I realised I might have conceived 3 days aft I got no more double line on OPKs.

So hor, gd to cover ground and BD at least 3 days aft no see double line on OPKs.

HBB, piggy, bbpotato

Ok, thanks. I will try hard. Sometimes these scietific methods are meant to help, but seems to create more confusion?

hbb, dhl eh! nv tot of it, anyway can ask ppl to bring over if I wana eat cos awaes gt ppl go back for home trips..hehe...me already tinkin of wad to get le

Hi Jandew,

hahaha... you're so funny. Of course too early lah. I am very tempted to test too coz' afraid will miss the ovulation window but deep down I know it's way too early so didn't want to waste the OPK. lol.

My cycle is very irregular and are usually medically induced. I've been seeing a gynae a few mths ago adn was diagnosed with PCOS which explains my irregular cycles. However, since abt 4 mths ago, I've been taking the meds to induce my cycle on Day 30 so think we can take it as it's a 30day cycle hor?

I've just finished my 1st batch of Clomid and am also taking chinese meds. I am doing all I can to conceive, man! I will be going back to the TCM doc on Tues and will be going to the gynae on Wed to do a V-scan to see if I am ovulating or not. Keeping my fingers cross! What about u?



tt y i say dun rely too much on OPK.. for me i jus use as guide .. this cycle i started on CD12 den 1 day line 40% dark the nex day faint again on CD14 the line 40% dark again so i bo chap cos i cant detect +ve n my OPK used up... i also tot i not o-in n my BBT chart also not showin obvious O-ing.. so i din expect will strike...

