(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

muddy, she is supposed to sleep at the latest 8pm. But lately, she has been sleeping at irregular hours, sometimes as late as 12 midnight... quite bad.


Ribena, this shop 同德堂 blk 735 pasir ris ST 72 #01-306 Singapore 510735. Stone throw away is Jun Tai Tang hoh, Must not goes to the wrong one. Tong De Tang is selling at Enfapro $36.70, cheapest liao leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Poor mine, tonight you sleep early okay, sayang sayang. Stupid boss, draw pigs and put their names really, buay zhi tong leh. Later have some good lunch okay. sayang sayang. Piggy bosses. Later use pen knife to cut your boss mini cabrio. Ha!! ha!! Ah Lian style hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, yes yes, brown sugar healthier. You try, really very nice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks littlemay, wow still cheaper than mine lah.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena: Maybe Leah played too much during the day? Perhaps you can try to let her 'wind down' by 7pm?

I passed by your office building... pretty cars downstairs!

bribena / muddy - mine too! She's been sleeping at 11pm nowadays! She's usually awake from 6.30pm onwards and till 11pm her eyes are still big and climbing/rolling around the bed.

Singing doesn't help for me. Need to carry her and rock her around.

muddy - haha mine also treat me like rock climbing wall. Likes to pull my hair also.

Muddy, hmm... yay I notice if we get her to bed by 7pm, she is more willing to sleep. But there are days she still refuses at 7pm, esp when she sees us back hm from work. She prob want to spend some time with her instead of sleep.

Nice cars right! The either owner or employee has very good driving skill, they can reverse into the showroom fairly quickly, showroom with full-length glass panels! Good sia!

Melissa, hope it's a phase that will quickly pass by!

stefie: its for my benefit too if no one is sick cause else i will be paranoid again. wahaha...

crystal: i see, hmm.. maybe Ethan prefers porridge to cereal. i know dewdew was saying her Gwen prefers porridge to cereal.

ribena: haha, Chey woke up to play on saturday at around 9+pm.. i was like "huh?!" luckily she wanted to be rocked back to sleep after half an hour, else i really ki siaoz. haha

mummies: wonder if you gals have tried before. i used Thermos vacuum insulated food jar to put Chey's porridge and a few hours later when i opened the jar, it was all watery porridge! i know condensation will happen when its super hot within but the porridge literally turned into water leh. was so upset about it cause i put in 4 cubes of pureed pumpkin & 3 big conpoy to make the porridge only to have to discard! should have just use my avent via cup to store! only drawback was the cold porridge loh. now i am wondering what i should do with that food jar! sianz...

Stefie, later gotta lunch in lor... sigh. Boss' mini cabrio is packed right outside the office and our office has full length transparent glass panel, can see everything nia. I crossing my fingers, hopefully can go home on the dot. He is still not in yet!! Crap.

bribena, u arh make me LOL like siao woman again... but ya i get wat u mean bot it sounding haunted haha lucky its not she like the song wo den zhe ni hui lai hahhaha i tink that one will be worse hahaha

melissa/muddypaws, you 2 so poor thing. kenna blue black? wow they must reallie ill treat u all le.

eoneon, ethan have not started on porridge yet le.. he's a full ceral bb so far.

O i noe bot that thermos flask thingee cos i watch a "science" prog before and apparently u can even use thermos flask to cook porridge as in put in rice and water and u will end up with porridge so i tink if u put in porrdige u will end up with water.

crystal, LOL!!! Wo Den Zhe Ni Hui Lai!! Good ah... can scare away the upstairs neighbour who washes their windows on bright sunny afternoon and drench my clothes.

Ribena, just wait for bad karma upon them. What goes around comes around. One day they becomes employees then they will know your ku. Remember what goes up must come down, nobody will be in their current status forever. Flower is not always red...... I am so bad right. Your Mini Cabrio boss is still sleeping from yesterday "happy hour" bah

Cyrstal, Ha!! ha!! So funny. Ha!! Ha!!!

crystal: I kena MAJOR bruises on my thighs and calves cos Liz likes to step on me, or grab my 'jelly-rolls' on my body as hand-holds! My maid prolly thought my hubs pinched me!

bbribena: You're prolly right... Leah may want to spend time with you guys. Maybe you can try to play with her till a certain time, then let her wind down? Does she sleep in your room?

Eon: I suspect it's the condensation from the heat. I normally don't bring the thermos out as we just put her porridge in the VIA cups. Haha, I'm super lazy....

bribena - I hope its a pharse too but doesn't seem like for me. Its been like that for more than 2 weeks. I try to get her to sleep by 9.30pm(already very late) but she won't!

eoneon - hmm didn't experience that b4. maybe don't store the porriage in the jar for too long? My mil uses a slow cooker to cook the porriage den store it in the thermos jar for maybe max 1/2hr-45mins. So far didn't turn watery for me.

crystal - mine on full porriage already. she doesn't like her cereals at all. Now we either give her porriage or vegetable purees.

crystal: i see.. hmm.. then its the way the nanny feed? must really trial and error and we get it de loh. wahaha...

i think next time i will try pouring in boiling water and uncook rice and see if i can get porridge out of it! super sianz leh. luckily Chey has her milk else she will go hungry! me also lh! stupid, never think! but the purpose is to let them have hot porridge mah. maybe next time i cook until the consistency is like those slightly moist rice then put into the flask while its still hot and see if it will turn into just nice consistency porridge too! must experiment liao. else the food jar will be wasted!

crystal & ribena: yes leh. the wo deng zhe ni hui lai is super creepy loh.

ribena: your upstairs neighbour is so inconsiderate! just like mine! can hang a dripping wet mop out the window! stupid pig brain!

hello mummies!

it's gonna be another crazy week for me (i hv no idea when this craziness will end, just heard from boss he's bidding for another 10 more systems, OMG!) anyway, will try to check in as much as possible.

melissa, u were missed!

bbribena, wahahaahhah! i thot about the song looping over and over, in the middle of the night - it really IS scary! lol! pls dun do that in the 7th month hor. hahahaha...

eon, i think u can cook the porridge with less water, so that when u put in the thermal flask and take out after a while, the water will be just right. i think that's what my MIL intended 'cos her porridge is always so dry, my gal doesn't like to eat. :p

i wanna complain! y'day evening brought my gal to my hb's grandma's house. aiyoh, she was TERRORISED! literally plucked from my arms to go here and there, perform this and that, everyone talked so loudly it was crazy. my gal was so terrified, she cried and cried until no voice. i hurriedly snatched her up to comfort her, and someone said, "wah, she very bad tempered hor?" WAH KAOZ! i complained big time to my hb, 'cos that comment came from an aunt-in-law's mum. hello? your grandchildren aren't any better, and they're school going children k??? i was so pissed but what to do? cannot show face.

then last nite my poor Gwen whined & cried so many times in her sleep, macam had nightmares. so i told my hb this morning, told him to tell his family to tone it down for the sake of the baby, please! soooo angry...

muddy, Liz could be trying to test the extend of boundaries, like what she can get away with. sometimes Gwen also like that. but yes, it's difficult to be angry when they plant kisses on us, so just let it be lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] discipline is a must, but cannot hold on to anger. jia you!

stefie, thanks for the info on the cheap milk powder! Gwen finishes 1 tin of Similac in about 2 weeks, so I hv to find a cheap place to buy the fm. heng it's near my office. hehehhehe...

muddypaws: yesterday was the first time i used the thermos loh. i used the via cup too! but was thinking hot porridge is nicer mah. and furthermore buy liao must use! sianz.. didnt know using a thermos must experiment too!

melissa: oh, i am still thinking can store porridge for her when we are out on long car trips leh. sianz liao loh. no piping hot porridge for her on car trips liao.

muddy, she sleeps in our room, very difficult to appt a time to play with her after we knock off. By the time we reach hm, it's ard the earliest is 7pm. =( Nd to shuffle the time alittle perhaps.... see what we can do.

Melissa, same here... it has been weeks! sigh.. so physically tiring.

stefie, LOL! I hope so manz... really sometimes it's things like these make me wanna think abt changing job all over again.

Eon, exactly! really pig brain lor! i always say 用屁股想都知道啦! Dripping water drench downstairs neighbours clothes! Inconsiderate pigs.

Dewdew, lol! very scary hor... must try it on my upstairs pig neighbors =P

dewdew: oh mine! hope the craziness will stop soon! else will go bonkers..haha

yah, will experiment with that loh. but wont "sacrifice" the whole lot of porridge this time round. test with a little and see how first. hehe

omg! not the first time this happened right? i remember something similar happened the last round. poor Gwen Gwen. i think must learn to tactfully tell them Gwen will be scare.

ribena: ya! pigs neighbours loh!!! sianz...

dewdew - omg, poor Gwen! I hate those gatherings too, where distant relatives whom I only meet once a year pass Kayleia around. Actually they should return poor Gwen once she start crying. Poor girl must be sooo terrified therefore get nightmares in the night.

eoneon - actually I also though its able to store porriage for road trips hehe. Didn't know it will became water..oh no! I think I should try to experiment this weekend also.

bribena - ya! Sometimes she wakes up at 5am standing in her cot wanting to play also. Omg! Their energy level very high now.

this one also

Fits 9-12mths bb. Sleeve elastic band abit tight.

I got it from another mommy in the WTS Section

Interested can PM me!

selling for $10


Stefie: thanks! Gal is almost 7 mths and I'm still using the teat for mag mag, totally forgot to change to the spout!

Eon:wish u are my colleague, can make herbal tea for me. Hehe.

Bbribena: ur bosses too much le, come in late of cos they got to stay back. How can they impose the idea that their staff should stay late?

dewdew, poor Gwen, I hope she was not overly stimulated by my 2 dogs? Ren lah, people tends to be over excited when they see babies. And I can imagine, everyone see Gwen so cute, can't help it. Hope she is better today at your mom's -Ah ma will sayang her lah. Haiz... Poor thing.

I think it is at loyang point 2nd floor IIRC. Not sure cheaper or not.

All bosses want to make $$$ and never think for employee one lah. Jia you okay. Come in and take a breather[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, after your no. 2 then change okay. Ren and ren and ren and ren. Just come in an rant about your Piggy bosses.

Neko, You are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Maybe can change to the straw and skip the spout, if not she has only 1 months plus to use the spout then have to change to straw again.

Neko, now see why i can still chat now... coz he's still not in yet! And I can't proceed without his approval.

Stefie, I just hope my marketing degree don't expires by then... now they still holding me back, asking me do design work, refuses to let go the copy writing and marketing stuff for me to do. one coz i know all the stuff need for designing and print and even web, holding me back coz i know the stuff, and it's easier for them coz no need to train the other two designers. christina can do.

Ribena, it will not expires, but you also need some experience to back up your degree. They are so selfish. Just hold back, when 1 fine day you resign, then they are at your mercy. Ha!! ha!! Lets wait for the good show, prepare pop corn okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am so twisted[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!!

Stefie: I bought the mag mag as a set which has the 3 stages, so going to use stage 2 since I already have it. My gal loves to drink water with her mag mag.

Btw mummies, I was at isetan Shaw centre yesterday and benetton is having 50% storewide. if you buy 3 pieces, you get additional 15% off with dbs/posb card. Bought two tops and a shorts for my gal.

Neko, your girl so guai ah! Mine refuses to drink, she just likes to use the spout as teether. =D I tried letting her use the straw, as usual likes to use it as teether.

Dew, hiyo! So horrible! If you show black face, they prob going to say Gwen's bad temper comes from you ah... There's definitely more to come lor... esp during Xmas and CNY! Carry the baby around, machiam some kinda show like that. Then relatives will give cookies to our babies, I m sure that will happen! Must prep our hubbies about it, tell them not to give cookies to our babies!

Littlemay: thanks for the link. Will check it out.

Dewdew: I think no use telling some old pple abt asking them to lower their tone. They will say baby need to get use of it. My MIL said last time all her sons sleep well when she was using the sewing machine. Even nw my hub sneeze still like thunder after telling him. But gt abit of improvement le.

Bbribena: she loves water! My mum feeds her water when young, so she is used to drinking water. You don't give up! Maybe try giving water when she's having her cereal? My gal tends to drink more when eating cereal. I haven't start her on porridge yet, lazy mummy...

Crystal: Maybe he is bored of cereal? Try feeding something else?

EonEon: My porridge for Baby R is ok. For hot piping porridge to last abt 5 hours right. Pour hot water into the thermos for about 5 mins so it warms the pot up. Then pour away water and put in your porridge.

DewDew: Poor Gwen. Baby R gets easily startled too. All these old people ah sometimes so inconsiderate I tell you.


Thanks =) I had found their number online.

I currently buy from sengkang de medical hall (Jin Tai Group Pte Ltd).

Enfa Stage 2 - $38.80 for 900g (Buy 3tins off $1)

Friso Stage 2 - $29.00 for 900g (Price keep increasing)

Lining, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If have good lobangs must share[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] FM and diapers not cheap hoh, every little bit savings counts[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pasir Ris West Plaza has Jin Tai Tang also. So I am surprised this Tong Tai Tang is selling much cheaper than Jin Tai Tang[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Last time I always wondered why Jin Tai Tang there biz is not as good as Tong Tai Tang. Now I know why, Enfapro stage 2 already $2.10 cheaper liao


I think I will still go Jin Tai(I take lrt from Rangguang 1 stop nia)to buy the FM. Cos it's much nearer to my hse than Tong Tai.

I had called up Tong Tai their other outlet is at loyang point.

LiLing, maybe if I am stocking up the FM, I let you know? Since we live quite near right? I live in Anchorvale Link, you leh? I will PM you my no.


I stay at compassvale Bow =)

Very glad that you offer to help me when u do stock up. But it will be to heavy for you to carr the FM.

If you don't mind, u can let me noe when u go stock up and we can go together =) heehee

I had PM you my number le.

Liling okay sure[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can really save alot of $$$, haiz, the FM is forever so ex.

melissa: yah, i think we gotta experiment a bit with the thermos if we have intentions of letting babies have piping hot porridge on road trips. i think must really cut down the amount of water in the porridge. start with slightly moist rice and see if it will becomes just nice consistency porridge. hehe

neko: haha, easy! pull me into your company! wahaha...

lovebyte: my problem with my thermos is that it turned my porridge into water! how come yours is ok hor. haiz... headache!

Afternoon to mummies and daddies.. I guess i also have lesser time to log in.. cuz really bz.. Boss gave me more work to do now.. dunno good or bad..

melissa: welcome back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: Thanks for the sticker recommendations [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i went east point yesterday and made it on the spot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your two dogs are realllly cute!! I understand why u say shin tzu is the granny.. my gf's shin tzu also like that.. hehe.. they will sit and watch quietly.. I have a maltese.. super active!! but when its raining.. gosh!! its like a timid rat!

ribena: jiayou jiayou!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte/dew: poor babies... must tell these old people to tone down. Liz gets upset when carried by men she doesn't know, but when in loud environment, she blabbers even louder in frustration! Sometimes so loud everyone shuts up.

re: cookies

liz is becoming a cookie monster. I got her baby cookies/puffs/wafers, and she loves them!

Re: Cereal

liz got sick of these too, and went on to porridge. Now we are giving her cereal for breakfast.

stefie, no lah, Gwen where got scared of ebi & ginger... hahaha... i'm more worried of her scaring them!

bbribena, u r so right. if i show black face they sure say she got her temper from me. what to do? stuck in between. that's y i get my hb to run interference between Gwen and his relatives, i dowan to get bad rep amongst them as overprotective, then they sure hv a lot to gossip abt. oh well!

as for feeding gwen stuff... i hv no idea what my MIL gives her when i'm not looking. sometimes i'm also very scared, but haiz, just hv to let it go. whatever it is, i can't protect Gwen from "well-intentioned" ppl all the time, so just do what i can, otherwise i won't be able to sleep/rest at all over the weekends. lol!

lovebyte, yah, i think they all too enthusiastic about baby, that's why didn't really think about how baby will feel when they get startled. really leh, i think back on how badly my gal cried, i heart pain again. i literally sprang up and grabbed her when i saw her crying with such agony. some more is the old grandma who scared her. haizzz... lagi cannot show black face. :p

Hi mummies, i am back. I went USS last fri, stayed a nite at Hard rock hotel.. Luckily my girl is well-behave, didnt shout or cry in the hotel room. But few hours in USS is too hot and she wanted to sleep. So at 2pm after check-in hotel, my mum in law help me look after her, while me and my hubby continue playing in USS.. My girl super love the hard rock hotel, the moment she enter the room, she keep on smiling..... very happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just back from lunch from westmall. I got myself a free pot. There is a company doing promotion. Any one with kids below 18yr old, can get a pot FOC, provided you must let them go your house to do the cleaning for pests & dust mice...

Re: skincare, i also never really bother my face ever since i get pregnant, no time to take care... only use make-up remover after work, facial wash clean it and toner...

dewdew, when there are alot of relatives and friends, sure have gossip. I totally agree! Black face sure kenna more from these gossipy ppl. Everyone has something to say. Nothing becomes something.

LOL! "Well-intentioned" well said! We always tell MIL and my parents if anything wrong with Leah, it's us, her and Leah who are going to suffer coz we are the caregiver. I'm just glad that someone (my SIL) already made the 'path' easier for me, coz she ultra strict with her daughters, be it food, communication, things they do, etc. So alot of relatives kenna her 'style' liao, so it's easier for me. XD

Last week, meetup with bro for dinner then went shopping alittle, back home v late still have to re-wash all Leah's teats and bottles, puree her food, minced her porridge ingredients, then give her last feed, pat her to sleep, didn't even get to sit down for hours. Then hub very tired, happily went to sleep, didn't even show some appreciation like a goodnight kiss. =S Sigh... I hv to go to Leah for some appreciation like a smile or something. *sad*

Moon sky, use to visit her once or twice a mth but nw started work, lesser le?

Eon, my porridge dun turn watery lei... I'll normally pour into e thermos jar than put inside a thermal bag (philips brand, act is meant for milk bottles), from 11am plus last till 6plus evening still warm...

Stefie, u really good in sourcing!


rainbow: i also dont know! i only know when i pour into the thermos, it was boiling hot loh.. dont know if thats the contributing factor or its just a one off.. will try again! @.@"

