(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

ribena: thats madness!!! seafood soup! how can an infant drink that?!

candy: thats a lot to pay for tax! think like what the rest of the mummies suggested, if can return and refund, will be ideal!

dewdew: you saying dry comfort? The red pack right? NTUC having promo? serious? Jovan is using this for IFC cuz cheapest since IFC change his diapers every 2 hours.. issit why u gg bedok later to grab the huggies? hehe..

candy: $400+++ madness!! can the seller split the costs with u? do u know why issit withheld?

Mummies, need yr advise.. If i were to give my boy sweet potato or pumpkin, do i need to add milk in it? Will itbe very dry if i dun add?

Lovebyte, i wan a blue jar... :D

Is there a mini bowl attached cos i know tiger brand has.. At least no nd to bring additional bowl out.

rainbow: for pumpkin, i didnt add anything. just pure pumpkin.. cuz when u steam, there will be water.. so i use the water and mash with pumpkin.. if still thick, then add water.. cuz pumpkin is very sweet liao.. sweet potato also the same.. add water to it..

Pauline: Was checking online from the Thermos website. For Fogoos range like only got the 10z. Got other thermos that is 16oz.

Was looking out for the designs that they sell at OG but doesn't seem to be on the Thermos website. Any one has any idea why? They have all the others like Mickey, Hello Kitty, Toy Story funtainers.

rainbow: we used the blender cum steamer.. didn't add water for pumpkin, should be ok.. pumpkin very sweet, baby R will love it to bits!

dewdew/crystal/dec mum/bubbly/PSH/Eon,

it's insane lor, she 'asked' for my opinion during my ML. Now looking at what she secretly fed Leah, I'm afraid she might go ahead with it even I said no. It's really driving me nuts la, at the edge of breaking down... and I don't think hub asked MIL to explain the carrot poo this morning.

Rainbow: I don't think got the small cup cos the size of the Foodjar is only 10z = 295ml. Which is about one bowl of porridge. So feed directly then no need to pour lo. =)

Let me know if still interested

stefie, PSH, dewdew, Melissa, Eoneon, Crystal

Re: Bunnies

Our orders had went thru with the seller at Vivo! I prob will be collecting them this weekend! =)

they have sent me the authorise letter to let Singpost act on my behalf. However they wan me to provide: Commercial invoice or proof of purchase to show contents and value. I paid through paypal. so i can only printscreen the payment advice from paypal website to fax to them...

rachel: can mix with carrot, i will mix with carrot or even mix with cereal/porridge.

rainbow: i never add milk cause will be too sweet. most if too thick will add water.

Dec mum,

Ohhhh she SMS u ah. Yeah was supposed to meet up with her but her kids develop fever overnight so meet up cancelled [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bubbly, I'm looking at My First Skool near my hse...

Mommies with IFC,

what activities they do with the infant? How's the timing and schedule like? How many times they bath the infant and what time? What's the penalty like if you pick up your baby late?


Can consider the one Stefie put Alexis in since her review not bad. Oh I think there is another one near the 308 food court.




my girl is in infant care. bath twice a day (morning b4 10am,afternoon ard 2pm).Every 3 to 4 hours they'll change their diapers.

Teachers are quite alright cos i have 5 teachers to 7 infants now(last time 6 teachers: 10 infants)

penalty for late pick up is give $$ lor...haha..count by per min. cant rem how much. $5/min?? cannot rem. Hope that helps

bbribena: Stefie will be able to share more about IFC.. jia you ya!

Any mummy interested in getting iphone4 bumper? My ex boss texted me yesterday, they designed and produced a bumper, clear PC overmoulded by TPU color top and bottom to have good shock damping impact, high wear and tear resistance. Those in the market all using either PVC, Silicone or full PC. Retail price: S$18, he can give me $13. Let me know if any of you interested :)


Bbribena, I read with horror that your geh-kiang MIL wanna feed seafood soup to Leah. My fren's 1yr+ baby was fed abit of prawn & 15mins later immediately broke out in rashes n swells. Some babies may get allergic for many years if fed inappropriate foods too early. And also poo doesn't lie, the orange bits may be things your MIL (again) fed Leah without your knowledge. I see you are exploring IFC options, good for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If not everyday you go to work will worry alot.

Whisp, I am also totally clueless when it comes to weaning baby cos I myself dun cook. Can you believe I dunno what is 'puree' or the meaning of steaming? Idiotic right? I only know how to eat. But I must say the Avent steamer n blender is really helpful & very easy to use, please take a look at this video. I just follow EXACTLY. http://youtu.be/NIYdwCYsm0w


Erin, thanks for your tip about using the slow cooker. But I am not so patient to cook for 2-3hrs, nor so experimentative yet. Maybe in future... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, Debbie. Agree that some old pp dislike helpers n even make things difficult for them. Cos they are so set in their old ancient way of doing things. My MIL 'chased away' my confinement lady after 2 weeks of taking care of me, cos she managed to find fault with everything the lady did. Bubbly, just treat your maid nicer, I am sure she can tell who is the nice one and who is the evil one.

bbribena: so far what i view from the paper which IFC writes daily, their activities are like play gym, listening to music, playing with toys and see if bb knows how to grab, etc etc.. i actually ask IFC to provide me the games/ activities but they say alot so didnt give me a list..

Ng: bath twice? so good ar? mine got lots of infants.. say abt 15 infants leh.. say maybe 5 teachers.. but i know one teacher is to max to 5 infants (accordingly to law).. penalty is $5 per 10mins for mine.. what's your IFC?


my girl is in infant care. bath twice a day (morning b4 10am,afternoon ard 2pm).Every 3 to 4 hours they'll change their diapers.

Teachers are quite alright cos i have 5 teachers to 7 infants now(last time 6 teachers: 10 infants)

penalty for late pick up is give $$ lor...haha..count by per min. cant rem how much. $5/min?? cannot rem. Hope that helps


my gal aso @ IFC. e ratio there is 1 teacher : 3 bbs. so far e teachers there r ok, bath once onli, gt activities for diff mths bb to play n everyting recorded in a book, we can bring hm e book to see wat hv they done for e day.

mine aso gt penalty if late but dun remember hw much.

Foogo jar,

doesnt come with bowl.. and i think the size jus nice.. or maybe my 2 yr doesnt eat much but the full jar seems quite a lot to eat liao.

i usually bring out an extra bowl so i'll scoop some out first, in case she can't finish, dun want to contaminate the food.

also cos the food is usually v hot, so if i scoop out in bowl will cool down faster, easier to feed.


tats the problem when MIL taking care of ur baby, very hard to monitor tat she doesnt do things u dun like her to do.

so either u really close both eyes and let her feed her all kinds of strange things or find an alternative.

i think older generation has strange ideas of wat to feed baby.. maybe last time they really feed us seafood soup and what nots so they think its ok..


suddenly i dun feel too comfortable w my no 1's childcare, so was also spending the morning looking ard..

the worse part is this childcare is considered one of those premium kind, paying $1k a mth after subsidy..

My First skool only abt $500 a mth, so much cheaper!

but then again, i have frens who say that the curriculum at My First skool not as good as those 'brand' names one, i dunno how true.

My concern now is tat my girl has been falling sick too frequently already, so wondering if the class size is too big although they are within MCYS guideline, sigh

Chercat: ^5 my MIL also chased the CL away.. but much shorter, CL wanted to go back after 2 days.. hahaha, she managed to do 1 week.. my confinement was a total screw up

mummies n daddies: i accidentally order one more " We're Going on a Bear Hunt " . Brand new from bookdepository cost US$6.47. Anybody want?

Thank you mummies for your opinions on online shops. I am contemplating whether to setup one or just simply setup a foc blogshop will do.

Extracted the following from Babycenter newsletter:

"The truth about teething

If your baby has started teething, you can expect his first teeth to appear about now. His lower front teeth will probably break through first. But a few babies start with their top teeth and others don't produce any teeth at all until their first birthday, so if yours is one of them, don't worry. In the meantime, though, don't forget that baby teeth need brushing as soon as they appear."

Even though my baby stil bo ge... but curious to know if we need to use toothpaste for brushing?

oshgosh - my son is in my first skool infant care. His infant care teacher told me that when she covered the K1 teacher one morning, she discovered that the kids don't even know basic ABC. When she checked the curriculum, she found out that the teacher just let them play the whole day, didn't teach them properly. So maybe you need to get more reviews on My First Skool before u decide.

Lyn55, oshgosh

Actually I feel we shld not over relies on teachers for education. Parents muz do their part of check their progress too. Branded or not branded school, we do teaching too. My opinion lah.

rac> maybe try a royal gala apples, those are usually v sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I mix sweet potato with apples, very nice, or mix with rice cereal

rainbow> yup will puree with the water from steaming. i think if you add milk, cannot freeze.

yugal> a shopping cart would be nice but i've seen some bad, user-unfriendly shopping carts.

btw, no teeth, no need toothpaste lah. just water will do.

pauline> that thermos looks v sexy...mmm..

dec mum - Totally agree. We must spend time with our own kids to nurture and develope them. Unfortunately, kids who are in child care/infant care spend most of their awake time with the teachers, so no matter what, have to choose the centres carefully. whether you have time to spend with your kid or not, at least must make the effort to communicate with the school to ensure you work hand in hand together to give the best for our children. Cannot totally rely on the teachers.. This is what I feel lah.


True true. Talking abt education, suddenly feel very stress 'what if my girl don't like to study'. Too much playtime like not too good for kid, too little like make them very kelian.... Hai

mummies and daddies doing online biz, may I know how u guys get the suppliers or hw u guys start? I'm interested to start one but dunno hw to go abt lei. Totally no experience at all. Hope to earn more $$ for my boi future.. =>

My first skool

Not sure, but apparently one of their learning sessions for n1 is......... Tearing paper! Objective: teach motor skill. My fren who was looking for a cc for her 2.5 yr old was shocked cos i'm sure there must be a more creative n fun way to learn tat skill? Tearing paper at home also can do, haha.. Anyway she quickly signed up for pat schoolhse after tat..

Ya i agree as parents its our responsibility to teach, but now tat kids start full daycare so early, really dun hv much time to teach outside of sch..

Anyway k1 dunno basic ABC quite bad leh...

Then again, my sil who teachers p1 in a not so good primary sch says some of her p1 kid cant read or write even though they are expected to.

bubbly, yes I usually log in only at night, but that day happen to have chance to log in during day time. Earlier at 4 plus, I also try to log in but got problem..luckily now ok. Yeah, think will try to search MCYC site again, yesterday did a quick search but couldn't find the list of courses. Actually why I am thinking of signing up for such courses is to hope to improve the relationship bet me and hubby...one thing is we both quick tempered and maybe used to ppl taking care of us. Early this week quarrelled twice and once was even in front of bb...Its bad I know but I cannot control myself when he speak to me like that.

ribena: my boy is gng to iFC in sept/oct same as his sister

basically, they will hv an activity book to record the feeding schedule, bath, poo, and zz time, is all black and white.

You can write down things for teacher to take note.

Usually bathing time is in morning and late afternoon, twice a day.


I am glad that you are trying to prep the puree for ur bb using Avent steamer/blender, keep the good job n storm up more dishes for ur bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All along before my 2 kiddos born, my hb is the one cooking and I am too lazy to learn and only know how to eat n request my hb cook my fav dishes :p

I myself dun cook at all until my #1 is born, I am a clueless cook until now being motivated to cook all meals 'ai4 xin1 chan1' for my #1 even I was pregnant wif #2, I cook all the way & I told my hb I will cook for them n he only cook for them less than 5 times unless I am sick.

Actually cooking porridge is very easy to learn, my mum teach me how to cook porridge with slow cooker.

you can cook too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

curricular in childcare:

My ger cc though is nt those atas type, they teach quite decent programme and sing alot of songs n doing artwork.

She loves colouring and always bring new songs and words to us everyday but but...

OMG guess wat?? Today my #1 just scold vulgarities (hokkien) and I was soo shocked! She must hv laern frm her peers n I wonder how come such parents dare to say vulgarities infront of them?? arghh brainless parents! so angry now! Tomr I am gng to complain to the teachers n ask them to take note...my gal is way too smart to pick up words, makes me laugh n frustrated with each conversation wif her, aiiii...:p

Lovebyte: can u include me as well? I want the blue thermo flask.. Thanks a million [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hmmm did not see anything about the weaning seminar on TMC website... Where did u get the info? However I won't be able to attend if it's tomorrow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

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