(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

muddypaws: Liz is marvellous! she is a super fast learner.

i think you just have to turn a deaf ear for now and monitor loh. else you will ki siaoz!



Mine can be converted to a tod rocker so it's ok for my 10kg..

My boy still like conventional rocker.. Coz he wan pp to rock him..

Now the swing is favorite among my other 2

hello mummies,

was at home y'day 'cos my mum fell sick the night before. diarrheoa and vomitting whole night. went to see the doc but still did not get better so night time went to see another doc and got a jab. this morning i woke up to see my dad still in bed, and he also kena the same ailment! worse still, he couldn't walk 'cos once he sits up he'll feel faint. wow, really gave me such a shock early morning. i had to call ambulance to transfer both of them to TTSH... lucky my sis was able to meet them there. found out it's stomach flu and it's airborne, so i was told to take my gal and go back to in-laws. just put my gal to bed and going to disinfect the whole house before leaving. drama drama early in the morning!

anyway, muddypaws, i think what Roz said makes sense. do have a talk with your maid and let her know that u r taking your dad's comments seriously so that at least she won't think she's "safe" from wrongdoings and get slacken in her responsibilities. i know you are grateful for her help, but don't let this become her weapon. it might also sow discord between you & your parents. oh, and also, dun share your opinions of your parents with your helper. otherwise she might take advantage of your views. just my 2cents worth.

stefie, thanks for your posted advice on nighttime soothing for babies! i'm also guilty of attending to my gal when she makes noise at night. now i know to try to let her self-soothe.

on GE, i'm also very excited! i'm still registered under my family home, so am in the Aljunied GRC. want to kpoh at the rallies too, it's gonna be a tough fight between WP and PAP! and yes, this morning i brought my gal for a walk and saw all the PAP banners put up. they really have the resources to print all those banners and flyers and posters lor! KNS! i also miss the good old days when they'll take lorries and loudhailers and call for support. hehehehe...

juliana, hope that irritating uncle goes back to canada soon. what a brat!

yvaine, glad to hear your helper is working out well for you!

btw my gal still can't crawl... i wonder why??

dewdew: oh mine! terrible. hope your parents recover soon. so you are back to your in-laws?

dont need to wonder why, my dear... im sure she will soon. mine is worse, cant flip yet. mine is really taking her own sweet time.. wahaha... my gal just wana spend her effort torturing her mummy, i.e me! keke

dewdew: hope your parents get better... you take care too okie?

Don't worry about Gwen not crawling. I'm sure she will soon...

dew/eon: I would have a talk with my maid this weekend... but at the same time, i'm trying to ignore my parents' ra-ra for now as it's driving me nuts. My mum is the kind who would call me every night to gossip about my auntie's maid!


Liz is so fast!! Mine tried to crawl but then 'stuck' still.. Cant get the motion rite, i guess.. Hahah.. Must haf melted both urs n HB's heart when she crawled rite... Feels like yday my #1 jus completed the milestones.. Hhahahhaha.. Heartwarming... =)

As for ur maid & parents issues, as i dun haf a maid, i cant comment much. But i can guess as much if i employ a maid to 'replace' my grandma, sure same situation as u and even worse if the maid turns out to be so 'good'!!!


I dun care lo. And i dun intend to chng today either.. So tiring and gonna do on sat instead when i dun haf to rush to get my gal for PG in the morning.. Hee =)


Poor u.. Must haf been a hectic morning.. Jia You!! Hope ur parents recovet fast n ur gal dun catch the virus..

Next gathering

Was thinking of a small gathering at the pool once our lil ones turns 6M?? We can haf water fun and at the same time gather??? Hehehhe.. Can make into a family day gathering for HBs to join too..

mummies, any of ur babies hv sweaty feet?

My boy hv and I am concern cos his sister dun hv...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This year GE os exciting!

Haa this AM on the way to childcare, one PAP candidate walked towards us smiling and said you hv 2 adorable kids! As usual my gal smile and say hi and byebye, then he pass her a leaflet and tell us to watch the rally tonite. after he left, i suddenly forgot to complain: why taking NPL to take care kids at hm need to pay more subsidy!?? My hb nt happy that how come SAHM took NPL still need to pay even more subsidy for childcare??...

Jenny, hope ur parents will recover soon!

Dun worry ur gal still too young to crawl, my gal start crawling after 6 mths..

My boy just flipped 2 days ago which is slower compare to his sis

Muddypaws, Liz is very fast in crawling for her stage, think she will walk early too!

Some babies start walking as early as 9 mths, n as late as 17 mths...so diff bb diff pace..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes I was thinking of this 6 mths bash too!! Cos my march thread we had 6 mths bash, 1 yr old bash where all the parents and babies meet togethere, it will be INTERESTING!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, poor mine. Hope your parents will get well soon. Now you must be super busy taking care of Gwen. Sayang Sayang[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No guilty lah, any mommies will attend to their little ones when they make noise at night. Just that we also need our sleep mah, so lazy parents like me and hubby, we will just ignore and get back to our sleep. So our rule is No cry=No milk. Noise for attention we will just ignore. Personally, I am against cry-it-out methods. I just go along the flow with Alexis, blend in with her needs, patterns and comfort. So if you are okay with taking care of her needs at night, then why not. Just do what you are comfortable with. No stress about it. Just enjoy our motherhood.

Don't worry about crawling lah, the sooner the more tired you will be. Now flipping already keep us busy, when they start crawling and walking, ha!!! ha!!! We will miss the time they are not mobile[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ha!! ha!! My hubby said PAP are super well prepared months or even years ago liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you can see where have rally from this web


Enjoy the GE, this time seems much more interesting before before[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, haha yr girl so cute!

mine was like that once, she will flip and if her head suddenly come up she will cry, like she cant control hahaha!

dewdew, hope yr parents get well soon, and to u and baby gwen, take care, airborne quite scary..

btw my girl cant exactly crawl, she moves are like a worm haha! very funny to see :p

anw give gwen time, u will see the progress hehe

hope nt only my boy gt sweaty feet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and how come will get sweaty feet ah?

dbaby: sigh, i really hate the situation I'm in... the existing maid is really good cos she packs my lunch box, my water bottle, my breast pump in the morning, then she cleans the house, does laundry, prepares our dinner, does all the marketing (she plans our menu, goes to the market to get them, buys the cleaning liquids and household stuff, keeps stock of the toilet paper, diapers etc), sterilises all of liz' stuff, irons our laundry (including bedsheets, which she changes every 2 weeks) and feeds and bathes liz. What more can I ask for? I dunno what to do if my parents ask me to change maid...

Yes, a 6mth bash sounds good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry dewdew, I forget to add this.

There is no right or wrong methods when taking care of our little ones, just what suits you the best. So jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy: liz does the worm squirm too... she moves her butt up and down, and before you know it, she has moved the length of the bed!

muddypaws u r one of e few lucky one that has such reliable maids. My mom has a maid that is with us for 6yrs before we had kid. The last 4yrs really close one eye. And previous few helpers before her were really terrible , one ran away.... so i guess i choose to jus bite my nerve n go without maid.

re-baby flip.

my no1 doesnt flip on her tummy at all,e most its just left or right. no2 yes. flip all over the place,left right centre corner tummy down, whatever we can imagine it too. At night i do get awaken by her throbbing and thudding and she likes to scratch the side cot. I always awaken by her whine ,crying in her dream cos her sis do play with her and she gets all hype up and sometimes will talk,cry in her sleep,or when her pacifier drop out from her mouth.

Rachel, why did urs sleep so late?

being a 2nd time mom, i wished my no2 will not eat solid so early,not flip,not crawl so early,not to mention walk. And i dont want teething so early too, cos i have been through the stage,i am not looking foward to mashing,pureeing food,and nor running after her when she crawls and grab stuff. Its really tiring cos you cant have a decent peaceful meal. Not to mentioned when you train them to eat themselves.

I train my no1 to eat by herself at 12mths and that few mths ,eating is like warzone, as the food is on her hair,floor,wall,everywhere we have to put a big canvas below to clean the mess.

I dread it when its fish in the menu,as her hair stinks and have to take extra effort to wash em.

So moms, enjoy this stage,as they hit the gruelling crawling,wanna walk,wanna grab,teething stage, you ll be pulling out ur hair sometimes.

At well the list goes on.

Now adays i am scolding my older one more that sometimes i breakdown and cry after i scold her.

Enjoy the moment now.


My boy also haf, my gal dun too.. I realised after he starts sitting in walker. After i mopped the whole hse, i realised tt area, 1 small patch is sticky.. After observing, i realised frm my boy sweaty feet.. Is it jus a phase???

Ya, i tot of water play cos my boy really love to kick his feet during bath time. On some days so excited kicking til my whole shorts and legs are wet!!!


I wld haf nothing to ask for if i haf such a maid. But also make sure cannot let her slacken la.. Maybe jus let ur parents nag and turn 'deaf' temp while the 'radio' is on.. Sometimes old ppl jus nag. So long ur comfort level is ok, then trust ur instinct.. But do sometimes maybe can talk nicely tt u heard frm ur father so as she knws ur father has an eyes on her daily.. But do tell her tt so long she nvr do anything wrong, its ok..


U r doing great...

Hi Mummies!! Long time din log in le.. Seems like you all doin very well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i do come n read the threads once awhile but hard to chat cos busy n tired.. + our thread seems to move fast too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, poor gal.. Muz be so hectic just now.. Hopeur parents recover soon... my ger also cant crawl yet.. now rollin n movin ard the bed like worm only.. lol

Mangogal, my bb too have sweaty feet since she was borned... haha.. Will feel cold n sweaty de hor at times.. I tin it's the sweat gland and we cant do much abt it ba cos if you notice, it sweat when they keep kickin n movin rite? Jus like we sweat when doin exercise... hahaha

Muddypaws, ur liz is reali a fast learner n develop very fast hor.. she seems to do tins earlier than most babies here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ur maid sounds very good to mi.. Maybe just treat her as per normal ba.. Dun take ur parents' comments to heart too much... Unless you reali find sometin goin wrong.. very difficult to find good maid this days.. N maybe ur prarents dunnoe the lifestyle at ur place very well or liz's pattern so they just find the tins ur maid did is wrong in their own view..


This is my first time voting.. So i very blur about it.. They reali cant trace our details for voting unless by court order ah? Cos i thought they will still know somehow and scarli make our life difficult if we try to apply for sometin link to gov or wat....

6 months Bash

This sounds so good, i'm interested to join too if any.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amuro, yes me too drag the vicious cycle of feeding solid, teething crawling and walking too :p and self feeding.

Think teething is the nitemare :p

Think most 2nd time mums feel the same way[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW my #1 hv nt sleep thru eversince my boy born, she will wake up once or twice in middle of nite per week cos she is lseeping in her own room now n I am sleeping wif her. I lost my sleep becos of her nt my boy, cos he can sleep by himself w/o patting since 3 mths onwards frm 7am to 7pm.

Then my gal gt cough so often this yr! since feb CNY onwards until now, she will get cough and phelgm for 1 week[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Last time she wil get once every 2 or 3 mths.

I dunno why all these happen! Isit becos she sleeping in her room or her immunity is nt that good?

When will these end? hiaz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My health has nt been good becos ofd these, gt flu n cough on and off too so often since CNY too and my eye infection took 2/3 weeks to completely clear[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I need a good BREAK, my hb say he is taking next tues and wed off so he will stay at hm take care of my boy n ask me to go for shopping n beauty (facial/pedi ) break..

also tomr am really looking forward a dinner wif my close galfrens which I hv nt step out in the evening alone for months!

Dbaby, ya my boy love to splash water too, his kick are strong manz

Lena & Dbaby, oh so ur babies also hv sweaty feet? Cos i find it worrying cos #1 dun hv mah...i feel better now :p

Managogal. did you ask your ger's PD abt why she gettin cough very often? Cos sometimes asthma may have the problem too.. Or maybe she got it from school... You muz b so tired to handle so many tins...

Ya.. my ger got sweaty feet.. somemore she's a ger leh.. both urs n Dbaby r boy so not so bad... Hope will get better as she grow cos so far, i dun c any difference yet ...

Lena, I asked before but think her class also alot of kids having cough n flu too, my gal is taking supplements liao but think nt enough so I am gng to bring her for tuina next mth hiaz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now my issue is her sleeping thru.

Here mummies gt prob wif ur new babies, inlaws, family members, maids or husbands, for me is my #1 insecurity at nite.

We give her more attention more than #2 honestly, cos by evening, my #2 alrdy zz, we spent timr playing n taking care #1 when sghe is back frm childcare. Hiyo on weekend when she saw either one of us carry brother, she will demand us put didi down but she is alwayts so eager to help hold ing did bottle when we feed him, so puzzled?? We always give her encouraging words and praise her often ot boost her confidence. Of cos we scold her when she is notti too..

I hope it is just a phrase n will go off soon.


I tried to let my gal self soothe too... But her cries get louder and louder... Then eventually she becomes wide awake and I have to pat her all over again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dunno why babies like to spit out their pacifier and then cry?? I have to pick up the pacifier for my gal so many times and sometimes she spit so far I can't even find it. Haha!!

And crawling, that's fast!! My gal can't even flip yet, haha!

Lena, mayb e as what muddypaws suggest wear socks lor..my boy wear long pants wif socks at nite so hsi sweaty feet is during daytime

Oooo... Kids goin to school get sick very easily so reali bo bian ba.. last time when i worked in CC, i also always kanna flu virus from the kids... their virus very strong de lo... I heard tuina is good for children too.. If good muz intro k... keke

Oh dear, so she cant slp tru becos of insecured feeling? Maybe ger more manja and need more attention? Tin she'll get used to it and slowly learn to sayang the didi even more... Or maybe let her slp with you all for a period first so she wont feel so 'leftout'.. Maybe she's jus not used to the routine that she slp in her own room.. When i was young, i also very used to slp with parents and dun like slpin alone cos will feel scared for no reason...

Yup, i also let her wear socks at nite cos scared sweaty feet will feel cold faster in aircon room.. Cos sometimes in normal temp, her feet feel cold too when it's sweaty... But sometimes she will kick until her socks come out.. hahaha.. She's those BB who are very scared of hot n sweat easily de...

re: crawling

my maid and i always line up liz' toys in front of her, or dangle a toy in front of her... so she always squirms her way over to get those toys. Guess that formed the basis of her crawling...

lena, ya I hv been sleeping wif her after CNY, she start to sleep alone after my confinement n didnt like it cos will cry for attention frm us in next rm, until I buay tahan so I sleep wif her since Feb until now cos she only prefer me to pat her to sleep.

haa so cute ur gal kick until her socks come out..maybe u can buy those long pants wif socks type?

Hi mummies, want to rant here. My hubby just came home this morning after not seeing baby for 2 mths. He's down with very bad cough and can't go near Bb. He's now working on his laptop though he's on leave. Where's the chance to bond??? He bought snacks supposedly for me but it was something his mum likes, not me! So annoyed now.

I'm like boiling inside but can't do anything.

Muddy: lf I remember correctly, liz is not even 5 mths and she can do her slow crawls? That's fast!

6mths bash- I have not met the mummies here before, will love to join in if can.

mango, but it doesn't help though u slpin wif her? When she wake up, does she slp back easily or become awake?

Ya lo, my ger can b quite rough in some ways.. haha.. Yup, i'm lettin her wear those long pants wif sock at times cos limited + gettn smaller.. TIn i gotta go buy more liao.. In fact, i bought more of those normal long pants cos last time we stop lettin her wear booties/socks since 6 weeks until lately we start givin her socks again.. haha

Does your boy snore? Lately i caught my ger snorin durin slp and i recorded it down... haha.. not sure izzit becos she's too tired or wat... IF got chance i let you hear... wahahaha

Neko, wow... ur hubby seem to have reali little time for bb... Can discuss wif him n c if got solutions for this as in adjustin his work schedule etc...

Lena, my boy also very scared hot and sweat very easily. But he doesn't have sweaty or cold feet. My nephew has cold feet when he was about 3 to 6 months. What we did is we just keep wearing socks for him to keep his feet warm. Sometimes even wear double layer of socks. My SIL says it's cos they are young and their internal organs are still developing so may have tis problem. But after a while as they are older they won't have cold feet so much.

mangogal, hang on there! i think it's just a phase. Some toddlers just feel more insecure. My nephew also feels this way about his younger brother and he's very cranky at times and cry a lot when he sees his parents carrying his little brother. And last time due to his insecurity, he also woke up in the middle of the night for milk and his parents buay tahan very tired. But now ok already. It's a phase. Things will get better so Jiayou! I think what you're doing by spending time with her in the evening is good already.

lena: Liz also very chor-lor... we used to let her wear mittens at night (in case she scratches her face) and she would pull them away in her sleep. Maid says one mitten has gone MIA, and we still can't find it!

neko: liz is turning 5mths tmrw...

maybe you can ask hubby to wear mask? anyway, guys are very blur when it comes to buying things. But I've learnt to show 'appreciation' even if it's something i don't like cos if i grumble, hubby won't get anything anymore! :p

Crystal, I made him wear mask liao. But he has no time to play with Bb at all! Work work and work!

Lena, no chance to discuss. He is on leave and is now having phone conference and locked the door in study room. He is flying off in couple of days. Dunno when is his next trip back home to see Bb.

So pissed with him!!!!!

Muddy, I got angry that he bought snacks which his family likes so I asked him to give all to them! I always get things he likes to eat but he just doesn't do it right when it comes to things for me.

I specially took leave since he is back but now he is working in his room!! Hmmph

amuro> bb just refuse to sleep after his 11pm feed... n will tong till 2am feed and then still need to coax him to sleep .... i think his clock jam liao... sleep longer dur daytime n nighttime sleep less...

Hi Mommies, How r u?!

ive Been sick,Hubby sick, then Baby sick, then busy w baby, busy w housing and stuff, hahaS

Finally got e time to chat w ur here=0)


Hi Lena long time no see ya,miss u too=)


Hi Cindy,when we change baby's sleepin place frm my place to in-laws,Chloe also cried every nyt, for bout 3wks then she finally get used to e environment.. but yesday nyt she went cranky again cuz our aircon spoil.. she feels very hot, she's e type who's afraid of being very hot n will perspires alot kind..haiZ.. still waitin for e man to come fix it..=)


my hub also like tat when it comes to buyin thngs for me, he still sucks big time..mayB can try to email him remind him tat he still haf u and a baby? =) But he's also sick la,so cut him some slack,haf a gd tok w him when he's betta? Jia You k? =)

Sigh~ my BM supply is gg lower especially when baby's sick and doesn't wanna suckle, plus my bad flu, supply is even lower... so no choice haf to start supplementin w FM cuz it pains my heart to see Chloe gettin thinner... but can i chek w mommies here, how long can e bottle of FM last if e baby cannot finish e bottle? like for e.g, BM aftr warmed up can only lasy for 2hrs then haf to throw away le, wat bout FM? another thng is do i haf to change e brand of FM if baby is not takin in well, say only 50mls out of 120ml?? has been like tat since last Sat when i started her on FM... how how? sigh~~

So many posts i've missed too, wah.. busily catchin up posts man.. eh but i also must comment CHEERIOS TO ALL 2ND TIME MOMMIES here.. really im a 1st-time mommy and i really learnt alot frm 2nd-time mommies here especially Mangogal.. i almost cried when she gave me a hug when we met up for gtahering 2 GWP aftr she knew bout wat happened to my baby & wat we haf went thru e past 3mths aftr my baby's Op.. thnkin bout tat,i still had tears when i had many many encouragements frm mommies here Mangogal..


thnkQ for all ur tips..B it big or small.. im learnin frm u n now,when im startin FM for Chloe,i also remembr u sayin tat Enfalac series has e best DHA n stuff.. aiyo, don't B discouraged k? i really appreciates u alot =)Huggs~

okie catchin up posts again, =)

muddypaws, haha! ya mine does the butt exercise too, so cute!

i didnt manage to video it coz seems like she only does it mainly at night zzz

and with that little movement, she can actually move herself out of the playmat, my gosh! really have to keep an eye on her now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yuening, when change of environment their cries really very bad de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i have to let her cry until she gets tired, normally 1-1.5hrs, coz nthg i do will help haiz...

will u be bringing Chloe back to your place? coz when she goes back think the crying will start again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha mine also very scared of hot :p

jialat hor, so young they get used to aircon liao haha

btw i also experience lower supply when Clarice was sick plus my own sickness zzz

after shes well, it will go back, dun worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yuening: Maybe you can pump to maintain the supply? Don't change the FM yet... give Chloe sometime. Maybe it's cos your BM is sweeter? Enfalac can taste quite yucky, makes me wonder how Liz can drink it!


Ur no1 is not the only one.

My no1 loves her room,infact previously after she accepted sleeping on her own, i ll just need to dim the small light and says night and get out,she ll self sooth to sleep.

Recently when the sis was born, she wants either my husband or mostly me to sit beside her for "few mins" and when only she goes to deep sleep we ll then sneak out.Its like back to square 1 again!

But thankfully,nap time is as pernormal,ill just leave e room and she ll go to sleep on her own.

Everynight ill go through a war with her asking her to get to sleep if not i ll stomp out .

I dont recommend sleeping together as they wont be able to be independent completely. and they cry as they are afraid when they open their eyes, we ll be gone.

And guess what happened to my no1, she doesnt cry,only on occasion where she played too much,i told her that if you cry,there u go to the toilet,so she ll just go to our room, and crawl in between me and husband VERY quiet because she knows her sis is sleeping.

We are ok, as long as she doesnt cry,whine, and usually she does that early morng,so give and take.

Your daughter might do that sometime next yr .

i'm finally back at my ILs place. Busy morning cleaning the house and the laundry, settling baby's feeds and sleep... really hats off to all the SAHMs! just 2 days and i'm ready to throw in the towel. BUT i just realise i can fit into one of my skirts! wahahhahah... maybe being a SAHM can make me lose weight faster? lol...

yuening, hope u, hb and bb get well soon! don't worry abt supplementing with FM, it doesn't make u any less of a mother. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we all do what is best for our baby. as for how long FM can last once made, i usually use it within the hour. my MIL said FM that's been for too long will cause wind in babies. so we just throw whatever is unused after 1hr.

Lena, my gal also can kick her socks off! hahaha.. yr bb and mine very similar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lena, when my #1 woke up at nite, will take abt 30mins to 1 hours to go back sleep, if sick worse, wil take 1 to 2 hours!!

Amuro, her afternoon nap also gt problem, she will cry suddenly after 1 hour n inisist me to pat her back. then in childcare also need teacher to be at her side hiaz.., but nt everytime, hopefully will outgrow soon!

Any mummies here using eye cream for dark eye circles? I need a good one, help!

Yuening, aiyo dun say leh, u makes me want to cry also :p

I want to give u hug for encouragement and comfort[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good that Chloe is growing well n hopefully she will adjust well wif FM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my no 1 also had sweaty feet as a baby, i asked Dr Ong, he said normal.. now she doesnt have it anymore.. my no 2 also has it..

about ur no1 waking up at nite, join the club man.. mine started halfway thru my pregnancy when she realised something was not quite right, why mummy's tummy getting bigger.. she used to sleep thru the night till then.. maybe i PM u, we can share our "sorrows" offline, mummies here may not want to read about how horrible our no 1's sleeping habits are now, hahaha


ur hubby is based overseas? does he miss u and the baby? maybe cos our little one still kind of unresponsive (although by now i think they quite fun to play with liao), maybe tats why ur hub doesnt quite know how to play/bond w him.. Remind him that he needs to play a role of a father too..


i can sort of imagine wat u are going thru w your parents and maid... my parents do come over once awhile to help me with the kids when my hub is away... and i noticed everytime they are ard, they will comment on my maid, say she purposely do things slow la, say she doesn't listen to them, say she not good, etc...

While i dun think my maid is perfect, i'm ok with her so far.. To me, as long as they dun give me attitude, does what she is told to do, it doesn't matter if she does things slow or fast.

But then again, my maid may really be behaving differently when i'm not around, so i can't completely write-off what my parents say.. So for now, i just continue to listen to what they have to say, but keep their comments to myself until i see for myself any indiscretions from the maid that i'm not happy with..

i'm going to leave her at my parent's house for a week when i go Sydney nxt mth, i'm so worried that both parties will clash and end up my maid quit!


hope u and chloe are better now... i think there is a bad flu virus going around, everyone seems to be falling sick...

About baby crying in a diff environment,

now i'm worried abt my Sydney trip.. going to leave no 2 with my parents, i think she won't be able to sleep in the new place! hope she doesn't give my parents too hard a time..

amuro, we've resigned ourselves to the fact that my kids are going to be sleeping with us for a long, long time. At least now I've been good about putting my boy in the cot but that's because I'm still on NPL, so sleep is not that vital. Dunno when I go back to work will I still be able to keep this up...

When I just delivered #2, my mum came to stay with us a few nights. The plan was for my girl to sleep with my mum, whom she is very attached to, btw. 30 mins after lights out..suddenly got this little girl bawling at our door, insisting to sleep with mummy and daddy. Then my mum win lah, she whole night ZZZZ, baby cry also she never stir. hahahaha! after 2 nights she gave up..she said no point to stay over, and I agreed.

Naptimes are OK, just give her a bottle, draw the curtains, turn on the fan, then she'll zzz on her own. So mango, just have a routine and keep it up for naptimes...it took a while for my girl to 'catch on', previously also insisted to have someone lie down next to her.

Osh_gosh, yup, he's based overseas. Dun know if he misses us a not. He's so busy that he seldom calls back, mostly SMS only...

I'm out in shopping center with little one now cuz so annoyed with him.

oshgosh: Your maid seems very nice and she seems to be quite 'kawan' with my maid! Instead of bringing all her barang to your parents place, maybe you can consider getting your parents to stay at your place? I left Liz at my FIL's house when I went Vietnam and it was a logistically nightmare! I moved her playpen over and Liz refused to sleep in it, she ended up sleepng on the bed with my maid, and she kicked my maid in the face!

Yup, sentiments exact on the maid issue. Seems like a universal trend that parents like to pick on our maids...

Debbie... Oh.. so from wat you said.. cold feet is not due to sweaty feet ah... Wearin sock whole day n nite will help? Cos all along i thought it feel cold due to sweat... :p But will it be too hot for BB to wear socks durin day.. Haha.. GUess nowadays babies r pampered and alot of scared of hot.. so need air con... lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If only S'pore weather can become cool type then we can save alot of electricity money...

Muddypaws... haha... so cute.. Maybe one day the mitten will jus pop out when you not lookin for it!! Next time when they learn how to play toys... all the more tins will go missin... hahaha...

Neko.. Seem like u cant even have a proper chat with hubby? Maybe you jus tell him straight that you reali need to have a talk wif him and not waiting for him to make time if he's so busy... Tin i will feel angry too if i'm you... Cos bonding is reali important between family...

Yue Ning... Haha.. i miss you too.. i reali long time din come in chat liao.. Hope you n ur family recover soon... Can feel for how touched and emo you felt when you mentioned that mangogal and alot mummies gif you engcouragement... Jia you k... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] N dun worry abt givin FM... I have been giving since BB almost 1 week... If you scared your BB gettin thinner, maybe try gettin those with higher fat level but also good one? That's wat my colleague did too... N for mi, I also dun keep FM for more than an hour cos old generation say will have wind and new generation said the nutrients will be lost... Clarissa also cried badly till voice hoarse initially when we slp at my mum's occassionally after i return back to work ... Cos she's not used to slpin there at nite... But now adapting n lesser cryin liao...

Dewdew, yea.. high 5!! Guess our bb character reali similar hor cos alot coincidences ever since they r born... wonder izzit becos their BD very close... or our character similar too cos my BB kinda follow my pattern more.. lol


oshgosh, haa yeah we discuss this on our own dun want to bored the new mummies here BUT I really drag teething stage :p

roz, ya afternoon we let her sleep aircon, close curtain n i pat her..

maybe i am so use to pat her to sleep since young until now, hard to kick off :p

Neko, ur hb outstatio, so u stay alone at hm wif bb? gt help?

