(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Mangogal, oh dear.. no wonder you becomin panda.. takin care of no 1 n no 2 at nite is reali no joke if they dun slp back immediately after feed... Mi jus no 1 only can i officially become panda now liao... Hope your no 1 phrase will pass soon...

Ya mummies, mi too need cream for dark circles, got good one muz intro ya.. haha



my parents can't come over cos they taking care of my nephew who lives in the same block as them... so the only choice is for my maid and gal to go over there..

my elder one will be taken care of by my in laws.. both sisters gotta be separated cos the grandparents can't handle 2 at the same time, even with a helper...


i would be as annoyed w my hub too if he behaved like tat.. go shop more, spend his money too! keke...

Lena, my hb take care my boy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yalor hopefully my #1 phrase will go off soo


I dun haf tt prb cos #1 co-slp with my grandma now. Though now n then, she mighy say she wan slp with me or HB.. On occasions when she's really tired, she will fall asleep on her own for her afternoon naps...

I admire amuro and those mummies who train their BBs frm young to slp on own. I gt a mummy from #1 thread slp on own since birth for naps and night..

To rant

So angry.. I recvd my man u romper for my boy. Did a quick rinse so tt he can wear tml. Turns out the red edges of the romper, colour runs... Jus feedback to the seller....

Dbaby> which rally r u going to, to wear red? Haha...

But yah, it's almost always red clothing tt runs in the wash, zzz. Can try to rewash quickly to try to remove the staining.

Mango, my mum helps me out during daytime and I will take over at night. During weekends, I will look after Bb on my own. I'm so exhausted!

Osh gosh, yah, was thinking of buying clothes to make myself happy but in the end didn't buy any cuz no chance to try! I was lugging little one in my manduca carrier.

Hmm... How come my shoulders still hurt though I'm using a ergonomic carrier? Wondering if I'm using it correctly...


Nt goin rally but buy cos HB is Man U fan.. Wording is 'me & daddy support man u' so he can 'fight' with my liverpool cuzzie... Hahaha...

Seller wan to refund instead of replace as worried tis batch is like tt.. Luckily the other 2 tee did nt run though gt a red heart!!

Stefie: my first time voting. Dunno who to vote yet. Haha~

Rachel: do u try pacifier and rock him to sleep?

Neko: ur hubby always gt to travel ar? If he sick also bo bian lei. Usually hw long he stays in SG? I guess maybe u write an email to him lo. He so busy and lock himself in the room, email him he sure will check ba. I totally understand hw u feel. Jiayou, k? Many hugs for u~~

the 6mth bash sounds great. Maybe during weekend better. So everyone will be free to go.

hello mommies.... arghghgghgh... i was typing a long post to the different mommies, and my house decides to SHORT CIRCUIT.... all wiped out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

can't really remember what i wrote liao, sob.

Dbaby, Roz, dec mom - thanks for the reply regarding BP purchase defects. it's only a dollar but i guess for me, it's a matter of principle as to whether the seller is honorable and reliable or not. still waiting for her reply.

Mango, Amuro - SAME..... my elder girl has been VERY manja lately.... sigh.... feeding time is a battle, naptime also a battle... buay tahan. with my mom, she very cooperative, but with me, SUPER MANJA.... so tiring sometimes.

thank God my no.2 is very good. i'm so grateful.she can sleep on her own and entertain self in cot til she falls asleep (thanks too to the FP cot mobile that never fails to fascinate her). such a different ballgame from her jiejie. i recall with no.1 when she was young, also need to be rocked, carried, pat, etc to sleep.

honestly, i find 2 of the most sensitive issues with babycare are SLEEPING and FEEDING... (ops i seem to be using cap too often hor).

feeding was not a big issue for my no.1, but sleep was. she cannot fall asleep on her own and i remember that time i kept blaming myself for being a lousy mother, cannot train my baby to sleep well, self-soothe etc etc. really had issues with my mothering ability and worried that my baby couldn't so-called 'self-soothe'. and especially when my friends who seem to have babies who would fall asleep at the drop of a pin. made me feel lousy lousy lousy.

now with no.2, either i've learnt my lesson and am doing it better, or simply because baby's temperament is different, or both, no.2 easier to manage. thinking back, all those times of self-blame was really unnecessary, although it's hard to eradicate. even now, sometimes i still struggle with no.2's sleeping. not because she cannot self soothe or sleep on own, but because she chooses to manja with me around. so mommies, pls don't worry about all these "self-soothing" business. your child will eventually learn to do so. and every child's sleep patterns are also different. don't compare and as a result feel bad about it, ok? must remind oneself to relax and chill, and enjoy those moments while they last. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haloo mummies! hb went for rally and bb asleep. tv spoilt and im so bored now. lucky there's one thing for me - internet!

eoneon: v funny right, bb likes to slam legs. mine loves to do it when she's especially excited!

stefie, yes, lorry pass by today at Bedok. argh! i'm jus one street away to aljunied! alyssa also needs her thumb to sleep. lol

muddypaws, liz is progressing v well! after tat day at oshgosh house, my girl seldom do her leopard crawl. but she moves all over the place at the mat and almost hit the wall. u gonna be busy catching liz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, hugs! hope everything will be in place for u ya. you take care too oh. so fun! u r under aljunied. think tmr they be having their rally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i went for WP rally last round. super high! dont worry abt gwen not crawling, it takes time for them.

Dbaby, hope things will work out for u too. oooh.. 6mths bash sounds great! Alyssa sure be there!

yuening, u finally log in again! giv ur bb some time to adjust to fm. discard after 1hr if bb cannot finish the milk, same as bm. i will text u to chat ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, different bb act differently. dont feel lousy okay~! glad tat u feel so this way with ur no2 now. u r a great mummy!

baby flip, sleeping on tummy:

those mummies who seen it, my girl is one great flipper! she will sure flip the moment she's been put down. gosh! even in her stroller! and yes, she will want to sleep on her tummy too. i got so worried too and hav let her sleep with me since then and easier for me to latch during midnight. now thinking its about time to move her back to cot. when i was sick those 2 nights, she has no problem sleeping in her cot while daddy take over the night shift as i sleep in another room. but my hb says she makes alot of noise when she's at her half awake mode to find tat she cant flip as she has hit the bumper wall. cos when she's on our bed, she will roll till she can fall off bed if i wasnt there to block. Ahhh! but will she sleep till she slam her face on the bumper and cant breathe well?

Pauline, he is stationed overseas. Only comes back for few days every 1.5-2mths. Everytime comes back will hide in room to work. Dun even want to talk to him now. I'm the one buying her necessities, toys, clothes , can't he just concentrate on Bb when he's back???

thanks cherrry! heehhh now so much better oredi. as first time mommy with no.1, so impressionable, cause dunno what the standards are. with no.2 more relaxed liao.

muddy - so much input from the other mommies oredi. i also wrote a paragraph about maids but wiped out by the power trip. i'm sure you'll be able to sort out a balance somehow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i'd also say, maintain the current status but do be guarded still. she's an outsider after all, and like some of the mommmies share, the maids 'chu pattern' way later, sometimes a year down the road then you see the true colours. apprecate her for her help certainly, at the same time she also must know her place in the household.

Neko - you only see your hubby once in a while then? must be hard on you. you're a very independent mommy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

6 months bash sounds like it's going to be real fun! where where?? when?? May? let's 'vote' for a date ! kekekek


Thanks... I also hope so.. In another aspect, i hope time flies faster so tt BB grow up to be more independent.. but thing is, i also cannot 'ask/tell' my grandma dun stay with me, but rather i can no need to be reliant on her at times..


poor thing.. my HB also flies often but not like urs outstation. sumtimes when he nvr help, i also pissed. not to mention he's only back for tt short period after being away for 1-2months..

6 months bash

activity: water play, gather at someone's hse/condo function rm

date: 1 of the sunday in june?

time: 1pm on? if water play, maybe 10am or 3pm?


came across tis BP, very reasonable pricing n interesting toys..


6mths bash:

i'm all for it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] shd be fun, hehe! i agree, someone's condo so bb can swim will be good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrry, yr hb very on leh, which rally he went to? there's something on the rallies on tv tonight at 11:30pm, hope i'd still be awake then to watch it!

thanks all for your well wishes, my parents are now back at home after being on drip in the hospital. they said they are feeling better but i feel bad that i'm not at home to help them out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] to run away with my gal is so selfish of me...

dbaby, red clothes usually will run, hv to wash it in vinegar or something to prevent colours from running. not sure how it works but i know there are ways to it.

neko, u r really independent! kudos to u...

yvaine, sure FTM hav alot of concern here and there. i'm definitely one of them.

dbaby, understand ur situation. v tricky ya. u've been handling so good lo.

dewdew, he went to WP! at hougang. tmr he sure go to the one for aljuined. i went to WP rally last year too. so happening! showing on tv tonight?! argh!! stupid starhub losing its signal on me today!

cherrry, really happening ah? i've never been to one, tmrw is at aljunied? hehe, maybe tmrw i go with my gal and hb. lol!

toniht they are showing political broadcast, dun think it's the rally, dun worry! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: elections

I'm in aljunied too! Hubby n I thinking of who to vote for...

Just checked on liz who's sleeping in her cot... She has somehow wriggled her way to d corner of d cot, both legs dangling out of the cot, n sucking on a towel which she pulled off from d side of d cot...

dewdew, yeah v happening high! haa.. tmr is at serangoon stadium i think. for WP Aljunied.

muddypaws, did u put bumper for her cot?

6 months bash: my baby probably one of the youngest here but count me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have to be more harsh cos i am alone like u at home without help.

Act my no1 is a miracle to be sleeping on her own, i dont mind putting her to sleep ,cos she only slept on the cot till 3mths n rejected it violently ,i did the cry it out when she was around 12mths old, i tell you, if you ever come to my house you ll see her old toothmark in the cot railings. She bites herself up, she slammed her head onto the railings, my husb couldnt take the torment hence it failed.

Then when she was near to 3, she accepted it peacefully till now. But i was firm, and i tolerated no nonsense too when she whine. I just let her whine but she knows she has to go to sleep on her own bed and not mine.

Anyway yvaine, no2 unlike no1, dont mind cot,but also becos i am even MORE firm with no2, even when she whines,she whines in the cot and no where else. No2 is act more alert and "smarter' than no1, like cherrry's lil one, she flip towards the corner of e cot,front back, wherever so now her cot has got nothing, not even the bumpers as thats its act a danger not a saver. Baby will suffocate in there.

And now my no1 going to k1 nxt yr, i was just talking with the moms about the enrichment class to top up next yr, its scary but living in singapore we must do it. And with my no2 going to terrible 2 next yr, i m embracing yet again anth challenges.

But for now, fr no2, being a light sleeper is not a very good thing. sigh.

I have 2 different babies although they r sisters and looks alike.Thats it.

No2 can sit up for a few seconds now too. I m dreading it..

Amuro, just embrace it lah...and watch ur children grow. V fast, wait #1 will go pri, #2 to nursery...then #3,4? hahaha

Maybe coz I missed out on my girl's early days as I was working, I really am cherishing every moment spent wth my #2. I will really miss him a lot when I hv to to back to work :'(

My girl will also be in K1 next yr but am not considering any enrichment class for her...what kind of classes are you looking at?

6 months bash:please count me in although my boy might nt be 6 mth yet since he is nw 4 mth 2 weeks only

Flipping : my son is struggling hard to flip .he is super mang Zhang when he unable to. He is slamming his legs too


wah, your baby is really fast, 4.5mth can crawl already.


My supply also drop a lot after my period came. Nowadays, i can hardly pump 60ml for two sides. I am now more like my girl's 'pacifier' than her 'milk bottle'. Did you stop bf? Wondering if i shld stop...


My girl also leh. Always sleep after 1am. Though no issue for me lah, but my inlaw did complain that she sleep so late when she is in their place.


Yar i agree with you. I also don't understand y SAHM subsidy for childcare is lower. Since the family only single income, the subsidy shld be more or equal to working mummies. Isn't it encouraging more plp to use maid? Don't understand y govt want to encourage this 'maid culture'.


Wah, your hubby always not in singapore, you never consider living in his outstation country for a few mths? You are not working right? Isn't it a better solution?

re rally,

I wonder how is it like to join the rally? I never attend any before. This is the 1st time i can vote cos previously stay in cck, that area always walk over one.

By the way, i remember my mum fed my nieces and nephew cereal using bottles. I believe my mum will ask me to do the same method. I wonder is it not advisable to feed cereal using bottle? Better to spoon feed?

Though i am not a 2nd time mummy, but i also think starting solid food means more busy for us, i not keen to start until baby is 6mth old. Haha. I am a lazy mummy.


Me too drag the cycle.. Duno why I go thru this 3 times... Haiz..


How's bb? Must take care ya .. Lately weather not good so easily sick.. My bb sick every other week.. So sian..


Ya.. I knw of the vinegar thing. But grandma says womt work for clothings with multiple cols =(


Tks... =)

Dec mum/Mango

I also dun understand cos i also cant cope with 2 at hm.. Tot of half day childcare but our side mainly full. (reason due to demand? Then those minority le??) and also full day so ex, min $500... Argghhh...

E Sq

U r great to go thru 3 times... I dun think i can..

Dec mum: I'm working, so it's not possible to move overseas. Expenses are too high, so can't quit my job or take no pay, so I'll just have to hang on. I'm kind of used to it that my hub being not around now...not a very good sign though...he was also not with me during my period of pregnancy but I managed to 'survive'. My source of support is from my mum, really got to thank her.

yes Neko, u r strong. Guess if it's me, I will cry everyday. When my confinement nanny left, I take care baby alone. I cried for 2wks cos so stress and lonely during the daytime. Always hope hb can knock off earlier to accompany me. Take good care, k? U rant here will feel better. Recently I jus rant here and feel better as well.

Gahmen do not recognise the value of mothers who stay at home to raise their kids.

they want women to hv more kids AND still work.

tat's why childcare subsidy is higher for working mothers.

Pauline, it's true that it feels better to rant here, at least can pour out my thoughts instead of bottling inside, otherwise will have 内伤. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

neko and pauline both of you jia yew okie? i'm sure things will get better soon.

grumpus, i agree. Although i'm a FTWM, i dont understand y SAHM get lesser subsidy. i think SAHM are even more self sacrificial cos its not easy to look after bb 24/7 and they dun get off days either..

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The reason why govt don't support SAHM, cos SIN too small, human resources too little. It will contribute to unemployment %, don't look good. Not like Germany, Europe countries where they can take up to 3 years NPL. Anyway the subsidy also not really alot for FTWM, IFC only $600, still have to top up $700-$1000 depends on areas.

Dec mum, I read from a book, it is better to feed cereals in bowl cos it is new experience for them. If feeding thro bottle+FM, they may not feel the texture of the cereal. Just my 2 cents worth.


will be more interesting to join the happening one, but will be super crowded. Like Low Thia Khiang and Chaim See Tong one.

Like tonight one at Aljunied.

29 April 2011

Rally: Aljunied GRC

Party: WP

Venue: Serangoon Stadium, 33 Yio Chu Kang Road

Time: 07:00pm - 10:00pm

Yesterday the hougang rally was very crowded. My colleague said got traffic jam. I think some pic was taken, the whole field was full with people.

Dewdew, cherrry, go and join in, really fun[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See how the supporters cheer for them.

neko ((hugs))), men are not 'auto' by nature, so maybe you should just tell him squarely in the face HALLO HUSBAND NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN CAN YOU PLEASE TAKE US OUT TO DINNER AND PLAY WITH YOUR CHILD

SAHM & subsidies> this is coz SG is a 'meritocracy'...you only get what you work for..housewife is husband's responsibility, not gahmen's.

decmum> Yah my mum also gave my girl cereal in a bottle but actually not supposed to. Can cause choking and also their main food source at this age is still milk, cereal is just supplementary so they might not be getting the calories and nutrients they need from milk coz full from the cereal. That was what happened to my girl, she was a poor weight gainer in the early months. Also, if you give cereal in a bottle, they don't get to 'feel' the texture of semi-solids with their tongue. Anyways, it's quite fun to spoonfeed bah, and see the funny looks on their face :D

Pauline, Neko (Cat in Jap, right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], we are very blessed to have healthy babies in our arms. We will have strength to go thro all the hardship and difficulties. Cos our babies needs us, if we don't jia you, who will care for our babies. Be positive, bit the bullet, things will gets better. The best gift for us, is our babies smile and laughter. Any pain or hardship are worth it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do pop in more often[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i realli feel like divorcing my husband. talked to him yest afternoon abt my mil feeding bb food that shouldnt be fed. he ask me to move back to my mum's hse to stay...

from marriage to confinement so many things have happened in the family. lots of quarrels, but he never stood by my side.

sick of it!! i wished i nvr had married him.

Thanks mummies for the support! My hub is very LIKELY to continue his work once he wakes up.

Stefie, yup, neko=cat.

Hey mummies, I just created my FB account, haven't uploaded much photos. I have requested to join group. Can add me?


Thanks for the link, some friends posted some photos Gosh so many people went for the rally from far looked like ants.

CNA coverage rather biased though

klitz, what was your hb's reason for asking you to move back to your mum's house?

To calm things down, probably it will be good if you do that? Your hb may then start to appreciate you more once he starts to miss you and baby's presence in the house.

Pauline, Neko, Klitz

Jia you , gambatte, 'fighting'!!

This is the period when our hormone is hay wire, PND, so just rant here, things will get better..

Stay strong all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz: frankly I also have the idea of separation ever since little one is out since he is not giving me the support. He doesnt call me everyday to ask how baby and I are. Come back machiam not back. But at the end of the day, I just tell myself that such thoughts should not pop out at all in the first place. The little one is our strength!!!

You don't think too much ok? The more you think, the more negative it gets. That's how I feel...

Klitz, relax okay..... don't so kan cheong. Things may not be as bad as you think. Your hormones level maybe ki siao, so whatever things you will take it more negatively. Take a step back and relax okay. I think maybe you should calm dow, maybe moving back to your mom's place would do you good.

2mimi, you are the most welcome. I also find CNA biased, what to do? We are in Singapore[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, there are more thing than just cutting opp news. Somethings are just sub-standard. Good example, Hougang (certain areas) and Potong pasir. flats upgrades [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You know what I mean[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gals, before marriage he was already unfaithful. i only found out after we decided to get married. fine, think he'll change after getting married... no lor... less then a week of marriage he went to find prostitutes... even when i was pregnant he also did the same thing.

during my confinement, when bb was only 5days old, my MIL invited 20+ aunties around to disturb my bb. my bb like got nightmare, cannot slp properly. so i heartpain. told my hubby, didnt we agree with ur mum tt bb slping= no visitors? den evening time another auntie come to see bb, my MIL asked the maid to come up 3times to bring the bb down. i said "no" bb slping. she super no face lor. so when hubby came back, she called my hubby to go down and talked. i dunno wat she said, he came up and insisted tt we leave the bb downstairs for open public viewing and disturbance irregardless of whether the bb is slping or not. i so heartpain lor... den i c-sect cant climb up and down the 3flights of stairs to see my bb. so i dun agree.. den my hubby catch me and slam my head against the wardrobe and want to hit me.

not onli these, after tt my mil ask the confinement lady to go back i take care of the bb myself. so my mil say since no confinement lady i help u take care in the day lor. den morning 8+ she come up and bring my bb down, till at night my hubby come back den bring bb up. i'm so deprived of my bb time. den she just always intercom up, bb want to drink milk got milk or not. those who see my FB, u remember my post. im deprived of every bonding moment with my child. i'm like a surrogate mother. everyone just bother abt the bb, only time they talk to me is... bb need to drink milk. my c-sect wound haven recover split open nobody ask at all lor. even my hubby also dun bother...

yest i tell him nicely, ur mum feed bb orange will have phelgm. den feed bb coconut water, its liang. den she feed her wanton skin from those boiled soup, more or less got salt. den bb health is compromised. i take so much effort to take care of the bb and bf her. just bcos i want her to be in the pink of health. not like me, i got urinary tract blockage when i was borned. i was operated when i was onli a few months old to cut off my kidney and save my life. for 16years, every sch hols will be in hospital and poked with tubes and needles and drips just to check that my kidney function is normal. i dun wan the bb to go through wat i went through.

den preggy tt time already said my mum take care, now bb can play and laugh. his mum wanna take care 2days on wkday and on weekend. den i buy double stuff to put in both houses for wat? money can say never mind. his mum's way of taking care of bb is rock and pat the bb to slp. those who see me know i'm a bag of bones. from where do i have the energy to rock and pat the bb. every night after his mum take care, bb slp late at night, like 11-12pm. my mum take care she slp btwn 9-10pm. and the bb wants to be carried around and rock to slp. how tiring for me. if u were me, if there's a better solution wont u use that? he just dun want to anger the mum, so just throw temper at me.

now he say i want to change liao, bb take care by maids at home. both the maids nvr give birth before dun have children before. how to take care of the bb? just carry and rock everytime she whine a bit. become harder to take care of the bb lor.

