(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

klitz: Hi Klitz, can i bring my Mom along? cuz she joined us in e mommie's gathering @ E Royal Scotts of Plaza last time, and she really enjoyed it! Is it still okie to add 1 more person to e table?? =)


Hi mummies, where exactly will the high-tea in GWP be? I scared lost cos I don't have any of your nos.

my PM doesn't work and I don't think I 'll be able to receive Klitz's PM.

Klitz, I have msg you my contact no. thru FB. Alternatively, you can also email me at [email protected]

Yuening, sure. will count in ur mom as well.

Cherry, do try to come and join us. I'll just count u in first..

Pauline, my PD is from TMC. She's Dr Janice wong from the SBCC clinic. Btw, i did recieve ur payment. $33.60. My BB took her jab today, the PD gave us fever med to standby. had been giving her boiled apple water the past few days to drink as well. hopefully she'll be ok.

yurieve, the taka fair like got nothing much for us. prices are quite similar to the ones at expo. if u're buying the neccessities like bottom balm, laundry detergent etc. I think its only the toys tt are worth the trip down.

Juliana, i'm still unsure whtr to bring my gal or not. cos she got two jabs today, scared she'll be cranky or not feeling well. or where do u stay? mayb can come down tgt with mummies staying near u? I stay serangoon, do u stay near me? if ur BB's napping in the noon den it'll be easy to bring down ba.

littlemay, i was taught by my mom the traditional method is to feed a teaspoon of gripewater after the morning bath, to prevent the wind. u can also put ru yi oil at the tummy, back and soles of the feet. keep ur BB feet covered esp in aircon.

crystal, ur name was just above mine. did u go taka very early? i sported ur email add, followed by ethan's name.. haha.. didnt see u. did u buy anything at the fair?

Cherry, btw, did u trf money to me for the sacred tea under the nick CLOO?

Cherrry, just looking at the photos were enough to make me tear. Such a cute baby got to suffer so much...i just could not control my tears...

GWP High tea is at L'Espresso.

Pple coming:








8)Oshgosh BB

9)Rachel chong

10)Tan Tan


12)Evie 82





17)Rainbow (Kiv)

So i think i got to increase reservation to 18pax plus a kid for now.

I think i'll just leave my contact no here... haha.. too tired to PM individually.

81 28 29 39

Hi mummies

I just came back home emptied handed from mothercare harbourfront! The maclaren xt which was going at $399 (limited to 3 per day) was sold out. I guess I need to go and queue tomorrow morning hiaz.

Btw mummies who have intention to buy breast pump you can get it from KKH pharmacy. You can use your CDA account to pay.

GWP High tea is at L'Espresso.

Pple coming:








8)Oshgosh BB

9)Rachel chong

10)Tan Tan


12)Evie 82






18)Rainbow (Kiv)

Yup. Reservation under florence.

Btw, gals. do PM me your contact nos. i've got Dbaby, esquare, yuening, and eoneon

yalor, sharon, so sad.

klitz, i haven trf to u, cos will giv u cash tmr when i go down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tigger2010, u went Mothercare today? i went as well, wanted to get the Fisher Jumperoo for my son but limit to 5 sets also sold out =( No new toy for ma son le

Pls put me on KIV first. Will only go if my mum still ard. She still haven't made her decision, awhile say tom, then say mayb Monday. I'm staying sembawang, can drive there if bring bb but really scared la. Sometimes he can nap long but sometimes only short while, like 15-30mins he is up, have to carry him ard to try to make him slp again. Like this pm he slept short while only everytime we make him slp. Yst he slept for 5 hrs st8 in the afternoon! Mayb fr the jab.

Hi grumpus,

I am also silent reader in tis thread as my bb born in nov 10...I also go to jan08 thread as my 2nd boy is Dec 07 hehe

Hi cherry, u r more active here than nov thread...saw u going to be sahm...we can arrange for gathering then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] r u goin to

taka tmr? Am goin too with some of the nov 10 mummies...

Hello Roz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] remember me? U pass me the diapers wrappers but met ur hubby n din get a chance to meet u...

Naf> hihi...isit Dec 2010 thread v happening, that's why get so many visitors hahah!

Yah sorry for not meeting you myself...not say I antisocial, just lazy to put on clothes (proper ones, not say I don't wear clothes). Now I keep all my diaper wrappers, just in case. >.<

Tigger> seriously??! 6.30am queue already? Oh mans...I didn't even think the building would be open yet!

went to taka fair just now... huggies @ $13.70/pk..buy 4 pks and get a free toy ... spent $180+ .. buy huggies , sterilizer and some accessories... also thinking whether to buy avent blender... $177 or 179 ...cant remember .... thinking of buying only during their once a yr carnival fair ....

hi hi naf, haa.. im with the dec thread. but joined pilates with the nov mummies so go into the thread to chit chat too. tmr we having gathering too, not going to taka eh. ya, going to be a sahm, u too?

Grumpus, sahm since last jul...

Haha Roz, I read sep n Oct thread too...no worries la...ya me also keep now in case any offer...

Cherry, Oic...thought u going there...yup, sahm as mum can't handle my 2 elder boys and eldest going to pri 1 next yr plus he is soooo mischievous and playful! So no choice I got to take over to handle him...if leave him to my mil...I think I can washy hands off him liao...will spoilt him till duno wat..

Roz: I got a shock too. The lady wanted to purchase the maclaren xt (red color). She had gone there 3 times this week and left the store empty handed. So today she made the effort to go at 6.30am to queue and she purchased it.

Welcome to new mommies joining us here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dun dare to read the poor msian baby's story after seeing u all cried after reading it. I cant take this kind of sad stories... Later tap on alrdy, v hard to turn off...

Re: gathering

Mommies going for the GWP gathering, enjoy!! Hope to join in the next gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz, gd to hear tat the taka fair has gd offers on toys! Cos I was thinking of buying toys, musical cot mobile n play gym.

I'm so happy to see my boy finally poo after being constipated for 4 days! He poo twice today n both times were massive explosion. Previous week he was constipated for 7 days...

Klitz, thks for the yakult suggestion. I tried n it really worked! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya man, I reach at 10am lidat n already long queue omg... But tigger2010, when I inside at abt 10.45am still have 3 stroller leh, gt 2 red left bt no more black n gt a lady wan buy black n no more she damn pissed la

Maclaren xt stroller. I got mine at last year taka fair for $398 and no queue required. Plenty of stock. Includes 2 free comfort pack. I'm sure they have it this year at taka baby fair?

klitz, i was there earlier like 11.30 cos i was making use of my lunch time ahhaha so i can be back early. i was working from home that's y couldnt meet u all later to go together. i only bought some avent bottles cos ethan has "upgraded" to more volume and change the playtex bottle.

btw i cant go tomorrow, big boss coming down i cant take leave sorry le.. next time okie? or next tiem when u all have gathering at serangoon i take half day from work and join u all k? sorry le... sianz half.


I Have 3 boys.. Elder one next yr primary 1too.. Yay.. Hi 5

My elder boy is very clever but mischievous too.. And full of nonsense .. But due to the birth of 3rd child , he starts to be emotional .. I am stress over him too.. Different stress over different kids.. *wink*

E_square, I find my elder smart but too playful and spoilt by hb, mil and my dad la...sometimes really make my blood boil when testig my patience...

Hav u found school for him? Am staying at east and letting him enroll to hb old school which is red swastika...Also very near mil house...

Thanks Klitz for making the reservations! Will PM you my number. I don't think I'll bring BB cos since her jab she hasn't been easy to feed, gotta struggle and fight with her before she starts to drink..


my gal only 10.3 kg leh.. she just turned 23 months 2 days ago.. She cannot put on weight kind, she eats a lot but dunno all go where..

So many mummies keen to go taka fair.. i dunno why i don't have anything to buy.. maybe all hand me down from elder gal, so besides milk bottles, like nothing to buy.

Playtex bottles,

mummies using this, what teat are you using now? I only have slow and fast.. slow seems abit too slow, while fast is too fast (duh..) and my baby will choke and spit all the milk out.

Anyone knows if Playtex has Medium flow?


My elder is going to st Andrew..follow daddy lor.. So no need to think so much..

My no2 is same year as urs too.. Finally found someone whose kids are the same age..

Sahm gathering

Anyone keen to come over to Bishan?


I also haf the same prb. I checked with Kiddy, they dun carry the medium flow teat. But i saw frm Playtex webby gt Sz M. I wonder who in US can help us buy n send back..

E Sq

Depedin on which day, i might be able to join. Let me knw.. Tks..

OshGosh - my bb also difficult to feed noe so not bringing her tmr... feeding time is battle time :s

Mummies going for GWP hi-tea

see your tomoro! first time out for me-time after baby is born... and before i head back to civilisation ( work, that is )... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies I feel a bit sad, just now after helper give Darius wipe down and change to his pj, she brought him to me to say goodnite. Usually I don't but since will see less of him aft i go back work decided to carry him and give him a goodnite kiss before helper pat him to sleep. However when I carried him over, he cried! after that when I hand over back to helper, he quiet down...oh no...it s the first time he did this. does it mean that he is starting to prefer helper to me? Felt sad...

E_square, so qiao ah! See when is the gathering at Bishan, may be able to join[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E square,

dun mind meeting in Bishan. my mum's shop is in Bishan, i hang out there alot too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh & Dbab y, thks haa I am nt so worried liao after knowing ur gals are also eating alot and dunno where the weight goes to :p

BTW, are ur gals taken the chickenpox jab?

Well anyway, we yak tomr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So excited![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz, thks for reserving and organizing the hi tea[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW I want to buy those soft toy rattle sound that is wear on the wrist for the baby, anyone knows where to buy? So that my boy can wear on his wrist n let him exercise n curious looking his hands, hehe

Hi Sharon

I understand that feeling and it's not nice at all. My helper used to carry my gal and my gal will stop crying after that. I did not like it ( call me selfish) and from then, refuse to let her carry at all. She only help wash the bottles, change diapers. I try to do the rest myself unless if my gals feeding time coincide with my pumping time, I will let her feed. Other than that, I will ask her to leave the baby in the rocker . What I don't like is that when my gal cry and cry non stop, my helper will ask me to let her carry which I refuse. Thankfully after I go back to work, my mom will be taking care of my gal. I rather my gal be close to her grandma rather than the helper.

Hey Mummies, need your opinions here.

My wife and I went to Taka baby fair today looking for a baby carrier and stroller. After spending a couple of hours there, we zero in to the following two items.

1) Combi Magical Compact 4-way Carrier - S$189 (before 20% discount)

2) Quinny Zapp Xtra - S$583 (Usual price around S$728)

Any reviews on these two items?

We are also contemplating if we should get the stroller only instead of both items, considering stroller's usage life span is longer than carrier's.


Mainly because u let the helper handle personal chore with ur bb.. My maid dun touch the bb unless I am out or busy withe the elders and she only feed or change diaper only.. I am the one that wipe him and bath.. But now with 3 I more or less let go a bit.. I felt sad too when my no2 was closer to maid .. Even now coz after I gave birth to him , I went back to work so maid spent most time with him.. I really kick myself for that .. And no2 is more diffcult to handle coz he is so used to maid giving in all the time.. My hb was so upset and wanted me to quit immediately..

That was how I became sahm again..

Actually it's not that bb prefer maid , but it's the way they carry,. Maids thens to shake and carry or rocking them.. They love it.. So we have to correct it..

My maid likes to shake her legs when feeding bb .. Toake bb feel comfortable.. Me and hb scolded her so many times..


Where is ur mom's shop and what does she sell?

After I stop working.. I always have gathering at my place with the mummies in the forum .. I also have mummies who are MTb gathering as well.. For new MTb are mummies from church that need support..

My place not very big but it welcomes everyone..especially kids coz it's like a mini playground coz i used to be a nanny looking after 3 tots and teaching them.. But after daddy had cancer and pass away , I stopped..


E square,

My mum's shop is in blk 502, she's a beautician [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

