(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

ribena: my stretch marks also underneath my belly. i got a shock when i was examining myself in the mirror! but i developed back stretch marks sometimes in the 2nd trimester liao.

im not so hardworking... hehe. just continuing my normal routine.

oh, how to massage that part to reduce the swelling? i also wana learn. my swelling quite bad!

klitz: your bestie's hubby kpo lah. he should just stand by the side to comfort the wifey mah. haha


Btw in regard to swelling, try to avoid 100plus or food/drink that's high in salt. I also notice that I get cramps easily on days I drank 100plus.

Ros was saying to minimise water retention, other than reduce salt intake, try to reduce white bread also woh..

For me, if I feel "swollen" that day, I'll wear travel socks to sleep.. so far it works.. but maybe coz I am not too far into 30+ weeks yet..

Not being able to 'STAND'

Hahahha.. U mummies very cute lo.. And the part abt HB fainting after watching the labour process.. For my HB, i also asked him cos he was with me the whole time for #1. Did ask if its digusting cos sure red & bloody.. But the reply was, 'no le.. Cos he really amazed at hw God does it. The BB comes out first then all the bloody mess. And u wont even look longer at the mess cos ur eyes are aldy fixed on the lil angel. Really a touching scene'.

He makes me wanna tear and he did 'cut' the umbilical cord after 2 tries cos he said something like the scissors is those 'blunt' type.. I guess nt tt gross after all.. But of cos, focus on the BB, nt the mess that follows after..

Indeed really sad tt some HB cant BD after seeing the process.. I bet the wife sure so sad rite..

Tommee Tipee

Didnt knw abt the col chng for the btl in terms of temp but heard before tt the teats is closest to our nipple.. I didnt try cos last time 'sua ku'.. Tot using Avent pump then must use their btls. I gt a lot of their 125ml btls cos i pump & store there last time.. Hahaha. So tis time round, wondering shld i get milkbags as well..

I use their pacifier though.. So far, theirs is the best, in my view. Cos wont haf the 'choking' effect cos some hor, the teats very long and some BB throat 'shallow' and will make them wan to vomit. (nt sure u all understand wat i meant ma)..


which store in east point selling the pjs? my colleague helping me buy from tpy market, she said its $6 each ^^

re. watching the labour process

i asked my hub not to watch too, just in case =PP

andrea, can't remember but just dun get those with collar cos very warm!!! and i had a few with collars. It's located at 2nd or 3rd level.. auntie selling one, got put a price tag very big 6.90. Those collar ones i bough from tpy pasar malam at 6 each... very warm man and can see my tummy.. east point type is collarless and e size is huge (might be too big for u)

aiyo... the labour process..

i tink i dun dare to watch also lei.. not to mention my hub...

ya.. just stay by my side ok le la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im so scared and excited lei..

got any tips from 2nd time mummy?

how to have a smooth natural delivery???

Never did i realise tat lao po pin can be so tasty!! Took 2 straight cos so chewy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrry, sorry for replying you so late as i was out. Mrs Wong didn't say what particular brand of stuff to buy or anything during yesterday's class. She said each company got their own good and bad. So she concentrate more on how to wash bottles clean, how to latch the baby on, the right way for different methods of sterilizing bottles etc. I think i'll still use Ros, i think she's rather experienced. 18 years. We just have to be careful of who we choose to do our massage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey mummies, may i know which milk powder brand would you be considering for your babies after you all stop breastfeeding?? I have no idea how to choose which brand of milk powder. Is it must compare the DHA content of each brand? Friso seems to have high DHA content.

rainbow, hee must be your baby want to eat the lao po bing so it taste delicious to you now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lao po bin... long time no eat le...

now tinking of wat to eat for dinner..

today no appetite...

lunch oni took afew mouthful of kolo mee...

now starting to be hungry le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie/Cheryl, I never like this kind of biscuit. Few days back told hubby i wanted to eat but must be chewy than he happened to past by yest so he buy... nice lei..

Cheryl, this afternoon i also no appetite, yee mian also cannot finished. Just now so hungry.. now looking forward to tonight's dinner with hubby and colleagues at "Ming Xiang Rest" Chinatown..


wow... all planned out le... enjoy yourself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me tink staying in cos feeling nauseas..

if hub comes bk early, mayb go jl expo aft dinner..

duno got bb stuff or not...

I will be having steamboat tonite with hub, bro and SIL..

Hope everyone will enjoy the weekend.. :)


I just confirmed the $68 Oct Promo photoshoot.. asked to bring botties/mittens/toys/milk bottle/pacifier if possible.. now scratch head.. duno wat to bring.. :-D

Cherrry, I got a medium to firm one. Don't get too soft one as there's a risk in bb suffocating esp when he/she is learning to flip over.

Bubbly: I also heard about the hb cant perform after watching the labour. I also told my hb not to look at that part. Hee..

Tratties: My gynae didnt tell me to count yet also. I read from the net to pick a time period which the bb is most active and then count whether bb got movement for at least 10times within 4hours. But it also says different doc got different practice.


Stefie: Wow.. those bottles look real cool. Will take a look at them if we go to any bb shop. Hee..

Ribena: Glad to hear that you're ok too. I also just got back from HL. For the pj, I got 3, button down all the way, think the brand is felancy. Quite nice and sweet looking, no cartoons and think cost is around 14 buck each. I got them from minshe and bhg (hee.. bought 1 to try 1st that time). I bought the pj early cause I got no clothes to wear at home after my tummy grew so I started wearing them since few weeks ago. Hehee..

My appetite has also turn bad. Don't feel like eating and can feel heart burn at night. But I still try to eat cause think bb will gain most during this period. Hopefully our appetite will come back soon.

Eoneon: My feets also swell every day, and it goes away after I prop them up on bed at night.

Rainbow: You make me feel like eating laopobing. Where did your hb get them from? I also feel like buying some to eat. Hee.. I like those from HK, I hasn't try any nice ones locally. By the way, if not wrong, laopobing is made from wintermelon, so eat moderately hor.. hee..

bubbly: Where are you going for the photoshoot? Can share?

Debbie, think no need in bulk purchase. hehee.. hmm.. cold cabbage ah, i also dont knw hw tat works. but this type, can either warm it or cool it which i think hav 2 purpose for it. one is for pain relieve, one is for the engorgement pain use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raspy: the Cottony Photography.. they advertised here few days back.. :-D package includes:

- 20mins Maternity session (Studio)

- Hubby welcome

- 10 x selected images with touch-up (high res)

They'll also return all shots in low res. If need:

- additional 30mins studio time $30

- all shots in high res: S$30

For me, to take just as memento, not willing to part with too much money la..

raspy.. i very kiasu.. think i've 8 front button pj dress.. i scare not enough! i've started wearing too.. some too small to fit my tummy so when sitted will reveal my tummy but who cares... lol. Appetite no good still must eat a little. Or drink cereal or hot milo.. I personally find tat raking red bean soup helps in swelling cos mine so far so good!

He says he saw a van at borneo showroom (leng kee) selling tidbits yesterday than happen to hv e biscuit so he just buy... Otherwise, some confectionary do sell..

cherrry, oh ic.. i think i not getting it. Cold cabbage seems to work well with engorgement. Don't worry, Mrs Wong will explain how cold cabbage works during your make-up lesson [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly: Thanks! Was trying to catch up on posts and saw my name... bad flu and sorethroat now, so I kwai kwai take medicine.. was trying not to take any medicine to minimise risk but this time buay tahan liao...

Just wondering, if I carry baby in sling, will the baby be so used to carrying that she doesn't want to walk next time?


Dun worry.. At a bought 8 mths or so it will be tough to sling them coz of their weight and they will not want to be sling..

Red rice wine!!

I want !! I can't find too only white ones

Amelia J: you can try Citimap, pricing quite reasonable and they are fast too.. only thing is that i think most of them are ex-convicts hence tattooed bodies.. hahaha.. I just used them for my house shifting

raspy: u can try gaviscon from pharmacy for heartburns.. works for me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Got this paragraph while reading thru a blog... wao kaoz...

"During the contractions pain (if you are not taking epidural), you may get a visit to see hades before returning to mother earth. It is that pain and so, mummy-to-be reading this, take my advice opt for epidural."

I was told by gynae (I read that from somewhere too) that when our body in pain, our body will release stress hormones which delays the dilation or even not dilating at all. So if you know you can't bear the pain, best take the epidural. She also mentions that even if you can bear the contraction pain, but when our babies' head pass through the v. opening, there will be a tearing pain which is also extremely painful! EEEK!

Dewdew have you closed the order for little dreamers yet..? Can I get a bottle of warming bodywash.. On top on the shampoo I ordered earlier..thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not only different threshold, for my fren she say for her two kids. No contraction pain at all, so no epidural. so she tell mi no nid epidural.

Those who are attending Mrs Wong lesson, did she recommend full breastfeeding in hospital after delivery or partial breastfeeding (i.e. also feed formula via cup/syringe)? I worried that the colostrum doesn't come on the first day, then bb will be starving... or at night where they don't bring bb to your ward.


actually the tearing pain is nt really tt pain la.. i jus felt a hot gush of fluid out.. cos BB comes out and then the placenta & blood..

Speaking of epidural. Initially I wanted to gungho and go without but now, after speaking to 4 friends recently who are 2nd time mothers, all of them told me to go for epidural.

So I think I shall opt for epidural. I'm not so brave after all. Haha..

TenQ, Mrs Wong recommends full breastfeeding from the latching and she herself don't like to use bottles for the first month. If maybe got a lot of milk and the milk is pumped out, she prefer feeding using cup or syringe. Formula milk she always try not to use unless no choice when mother does not produce enough breastmilk.

TenQ. From what I read and heard, babies will not starve coz they will have "spares" in their body to last them afew days.

But my friends told me to bring the breast pump to the hospital. If baby can't latch on, then better to pump out.

esquare & wasabe, sure i will put u in for the shampoo and bodywash respectively.

Sorry wasn't able to reply to yr posts today cos it was another mad rush in the office. It's now coming 1 mth of mad rushing, so tiring!

I'll also be applying my ML tmrw. Will be from 29/11 to 20/3. Yippee! I can't wait!! Am telling Gwen to come out on 3/12. Dunno if she'll listen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

who else wants shampoo / bodywash / dry powder / bottom spray? Go Little Dreamers to see full list. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh.. Everyone got different views abt labour pain... Some say its like hell, some will tell u like lay eggs...

I am trying to keep my options open, just hope that by the time I want the epidural it will not be too late to take it..

I just applied my ML today too. 16weeks like only 3.5 months.


So sucks man.. Shldne haf been too happy tt tis time round lil boy very cooperative & stopped vomitting at wk 25.. I am starting the heartburns & nauseous feel tis few days.. Jus vomitted all my dinner!!! Arghhh..


ribena: thanks for the link. i will go see see look look.

cherrry: i bought firm mattress. think soft mattress will not be too good for baby's spine too.

raspy: i prop up at night too but the swelling wont go away. at most, improve a bit then start to swell again.

