(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

melissa, ya when i went for the detailed scan last week, they ask me for my choice of delivery suite liao haha! they say have to book me a room wor...then have to give them my ans by that day...so i made decision de...u chose yrs liao?

melissa, good leh if can book later in case change mind or something..duno y they ask me book during the detailed scan also haiz....btw is the detailed scan more expensive than the normal scans?

Thanks for all well wishes on having a princess! I'm so happy too. Now I'm oni worried bout the low lying placenta. But I guess I'm just too anxious bout it. Cos I just hav to b more careful. Heehee.

Briks- I always find that the padding is hard.. I just bought a pair of flip flops.. Very cheap.. I bought my old pair at 109 then my friend found this lobang and bought a pair at 70 .. Cheap cheap.. But she dun have men size if not will get a new pair for hb.. I like coz sole is steady and padding is firm and soft..


After using vanish with warm water and bb washing powder soak for 30-45 mins depending on how bad the stain or yellowness .. Remember to wash few times.. And do it 1 month before bb born .. The 1 time every 2 weeks .. With just bb powder then it will be ok for bb skin..;)


My first pregnancy I was careful coz same as stefie.. 2 m/c before.. No2 we did .. That is why my hb says my 2nd boy likes to poke our head.. Haha .., this time we did too but after crown's case and 1 of my friend who loss at 15 weeks.. We dun at all coz better be careful then sorry...


How nice to have girls coz knitting sounds fun..


I prefer the Korean playmat.. I bought the parklon mat .. Non toxic ,easy to clean and keep. Good for crawling and lying down.. My friends bought the Better quality one the LG material which is thicker but it is ex so I took the other ...

I think they call it bumper mat

Esquare, that's quite true. Not alot of ppl get used to the hard padding on briks, my hub and bro says it's painful for their feet. I think the hard padding is for the arch support. It took me a while to get used to it. I always walk with my feet bending inwards, very bad posture for my knees.

yo yo mummies, im back =)

Cindy/sunshine/Jiahui: im in my wk 22 also dunno baby's gender until next gynae check net wk,but 90% princess accordin 2 e previous scan, baby's position not gd, cannot see..

Esquare: Bumper mat huh... Hmm.. parklon mat.. okie, i like e idea of easy washin=D eh.. wat is LG material?? Low Grade? but more ex right.. hahaS sorrie i gongong 1..

oh!! now i get it! Baby Dance = make love hahaS.. aiyo now readin e previous thread kinda makes all sense to me le, hahaS..

hi milo,

have made the transfer. the transaction details are as follows:

To Account: POSB Savings 004-43186-3 Milo

Amount S$8.45

Transaction Reference 3040514092


hi yuening,

you might wanna check out small small world under bulk purchase. i ordered mine from there.

tantan: small small world under bulk purchase..?? eh buy thing huh? buy baby stuff u mean?? heheh sorrie, i alittle gongong 1.. heh

rainbow: no la,i wish i cld shop this long like B4 man.. i went 2watch Xiao Zhu's entertainment show la, then i realise i need 2come in 2 get Milo's acct no.. i forgotten bout it again..hahas eh Y u say i cute? i'L get shy 1 k.. hahaS i also wanna haf a 2nd baby once this baby is out, but.. hmm.. don think i can cope leh..

good evening mummies ^_^

these few days i will be super busy and wont be online. will catch up on the posts at night.

stefie: nope, but mil called my hubby to ascertain that i was going to my mum's place. wahaha..

i just read through the crochet instructions and i cant understand leh. so cannot commence on my mary janes yet. need your help.

woolsley & candy: congrats on knowing your babies' gender.

esquare: do take care. caring for a sick child is not easy and you have to care about your health too.

milo: we can always arrange another meet up.

nateM: drink more water and take care.

tantan: oh mine. though gynae said wont affect baby but still have to take care hor. rest more. dont think about work.

athena: congrats on knowing your baby's gender.

lena: okok, maybe i can drop by the amk cheap cheap store when hubby is back. i will get the address when you when i need. just look see look see.. hehe

muddypaws: your furniture is not boring lah. nice nicey.. my "nursery" still full of bags of stuff for princess plus my ironing board, iron and vacuum cleaner, cleaner. wahaha.. need to clear the room for the nursery soon. hehe

xue: congrats on knowing your baby's gender.


i just realised that i transferred the money to my hub instead of ur acct, so here u go:

To Account POSB Savings

004-43186-3 Milo Karen

Amount S$8.45

Transaction Reference 3040770707

sorry hor =P

hi yuening,

forgot to mention that i'm talking abt the purchase of the bumper mat.

hi eon eon,

thanks. would like to take more days to rest but really have a lot of things to complete within these 2 weeks so a bit worried. will try to take things slow and easy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo , transferred $$ to you liao, pl check ;)

Talking about BD, I am also one of those taking a holiday since I am preggy, gyane's orders no BD for first 3 months and now 4 months plus ald still taking holiday, ask hubby he ok with it, he is ok so we are getting by quite fine without it ;)

Will ask my mum whether she know how to cook the cordycep soup for me or not cos I dun have slow cooker at home...

Btw any of you mummies planning a holiday in 2nd trimester? Thinking if I should plan one since once baby pops will be a while b4 we can go on holiday...but dunno if travelling is good for our little one...

yuening, u not working ah? so free sia haha

melissa, my 1st tri also costs abt 500...abt 490 excluding the medications...

my detailed scan jus the scanning costs 200 leh..excluding colsultation and medicine..total abt 400 lor! becoz i asked for more scan pics hehe then my scan become 200...jus wanna check if the doc is charging me for the scanned pics LOL

sharon, i've been travelling quite abit since pregnancy..NP with travelling and i read that its actually good to travel in 2nd tri where most MS is gone and b4 u get too heavy in 3rd tri...its also advised to have a 2nd honeymoon b4 baby pops haha

cindy: i also wanna ask u whether r u workin.. u also look v free..wahahas, but yep, im not workin, so stayin @home,lobo-ing..heheh

melissa, my 1st tri was close 2 1K, as we did e Oscar test, so bld test + scans + meds + gg back 4once a mth scannin + consult = 1k..

klitz: im not attendin e seminar =)

Dear mommies, see u tmr k? im walkin down 2transfer $$$ 2Milo as i forgotten bout it juz now again.. heheh (juz cant stand myself..)Haf an early nyt rest ya? wish u all, baby sweet dreams.. =D


i just came back from a shorttrip to bintan.planning another one in sept.

My 1st daughter i went for 5days bali trip at 6mths plus.

hi Milo, I just tt to ur POSB acct, reference no.1008020048951203, it will reach to u 3 days later, pls drop me an email or PM if u didnt receive it, thks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bloom_may, all pms will go to your email address. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did u give milo yr email add?

Good morning mommies... it's one of those nights where I can't sleep anymore. Looks like you guys posted a lot after I left off yesterday. A few thoughts on the following topics:

BD: Hubby and I are still doing it (as doc gave the all clear). Think princess must be wondering the cause for the 'earthquake' :p But hubby would very likely go 'vegetarian' during my 3rd trime. Did I tell you that Princess was conceived because we were trying out an iPhone app called 'Ovulite'? Based on your last menstrual date, the app works out when it's safe/unsafe to do the BD, and when to have girl/boy. The app works! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Holiday during 2nd trime: Hubby was planning a trip to Bintan in Aug with me but my mum (being superstitious about the 7th lunar month) says no. Says it's not safe for pregnant women to travel during the 7th month. Sigh....... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

Im new to this thread... currently pregnant with 2nd bb at 22weeks. Its a boy! again... keke...

Im currently living in idaho,usa as my hubby working here... hope to find some mummy friend to chat and share!

Please add me at my fb is u dun mind: [email protected]

thanks all!! and congrats!!

Morn to all!

Tantan, Sharon & Andrea, received with thanks!

Mango, okie! Will keep a lookout and update u!

Bloom_may, i emailed u liao, see have or not hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bumper Mat: I highly recommend it! That time felt was too expensive so went minitoons and bought the cheaper one... aiyo the texture and material really is... *shake head*

I am still using the LG bumper mat! Love slping on it for naptime!

Muddypaw, my mum also forbid me to travel during 7 mths. She lagi kuazhang say i cannot be outside when its at night wor! Haha how possible? Was thinking of planning a hotel stay @ sentosa on my hub's birthday in Aug, think she will freak out if she know abt it :p

thanks for the washing tips. will try out and see how it goes.

muddypaws, that's a fantastic story you must share with your gal when she's older. the power of technology!

klitz, my husb and i decided to donate the cord blood just like for our no. 1 so won't be attending the talk.

have a good day everyone!

welcome instinctive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

idaho is a nice place! my hub was almost posted there too!

morning mummies and daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just had my brekkie, made sandwich myself with cheese and seafood tuna from ayam brand, not as nice as delifrance one though =PP


i think 75 = 34, 80 = 36 and so on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. bumper mat

i bought the LG one previously for my gal too. its good and lasting, can also learn ABC at the same time. rather colourful so it will attract young children.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills hoh and drink more water.

Hubby pop-by to see us at my mom's when his plane turn-down. Alexis was very excited, keep kicking me.

I can't sleep the whole night till about 4am, cos indigestion and wind. Morning lau sai liao. Now eating more to replenish my energy.

Melissa, really no choice for little one. Things will gets better after we pop. Think positive okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, good night sleep is more important than BD. Cos after we pop we have to night feed liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now got chance just rest more.

Xue, don't worry too much about low lying placenta. Just be positive and don't walk too much. Rest as much as possible. Things will be fine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E Square, so you are on "Holiday" as well now. Baby gender doesn't matter, as long as baby healthy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Knitting is fun, even guy also can do, knitting is not female exclusive leh. In USA big man like truck driver also knit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuening, you really cute hoh. These terms like BD (Baby Dance), TTC(Trying To Concieve) , BFP(Big Fat Positive=pregnant), etc are used when we are trying for baby. If we keep saying make love, very pai say right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, thought you must be very busy, poor mine. Must remember to makan hoh. I will read thro your shoes instructions and simplied it, so you can understand better.

Sharon, now just enjoy our BD "holiday" lah, sleep more important cos by 3rd trimester would be back to square one, all the discomfort.

Actually cordyceps soup very easy to make. Just throw all the ingredients and chicken wither slow cooker or huge pot(with water with another smaller pot with ingredients. Just that for pot you have to look out on and off. Slow cooker, just put high for 1 hrs, then low for the next 2 hrs, before you want to drink, bring to high again for 10 mins, let it boil.

Can travel during 2nd trimester, but subject to your gynae's approval. If you are taking plane, you would need to prepare a letter when you check-in, cos Airlines would request for it. Do check their terms and conditions before booking. I am going to beijing during my 27nd week. My gynae and sinseh are okay with it. Just that with huge belly I may feel tired, so cannot walk too much.

Muddypaws, later must take longer nap okay. I am also like you, can't sleep very well now cos of my indigestion and stomach wind.

instinctive84, welcome to the club[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It is night time now in USA. Nice country with lots of good shopping, especially the outlets.

Milo, as long as no swimming bah. I will be going to Beijing on 7th month last day. Just hum hum, bring my small Buddha to protect me. This buddha has been with me before I am pregnant. It was a gift from a nice colleague. Since then I feel well at peace.

Good morning! Morning!!

Stefie, do you have any website that teach crochet or give clear instruction on how to read crochet patterns? I'm finally getting the hang of using Magic Loop! I tried Travelling Loop... but I only need 36 stitches hence I can't seems to get it to work. Finishing one mitten! Hopefully can finish up a pair soon, then I can take a photo of it and send to hubby! =))

I have alot of wind in system too... prob buying those 3-in-1 ginger tea and drink a pack tonight. So painful, even when I get up this morning, walking to the basin to brush my teeth takes forever... walking like ah ma with back bended over....

stefie, i cant swim! so die also wont jump into the water :p

was thinking of a universal studio trip for my boys and a night stay at festive hotel (for me to rest if too tired to walk with them :p)

anyone feet started to feel swollen? mine dun look swollen leh but when step onto the ground and walk, feel weird. i cant even wear my wedding band liao! but think its too fat rather than swollen fingers :p

hi good morning all!

yuening, i also rotting at home, very sian haha

muddypaws, how come cant slp?

try to catch a nap in the noon if possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

instinctive, so nice to be in USA, so many things to buy there! hehe

stefie, travelling at 27 weeks also need gynae's letter?

instinctive 84,

welcome to the thread. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope u r feeling better. must try to rest more. good that ur hubby's back. can spend more time with u and alexis.

Morning ribena, very happy for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I finish another hat already. Will start with Eon Eon's Maryjane, so can guide her along. Oh Travelling loop, I use 40cm circular knitting needles, cos the needles shorter, if uses 60 or 80cm circular would be hard on Travelling loop but easier on Magic loop.

Crochet instructions:-




I burped and farted like nobody business yesterday. Wau lau. If not I can't even sleep properly. Try not to drink Ginger tea at night, if not will be eye gim gim again for whole night.


hi milo,

i was thinking of that too. booking a room at Sentosa and going to Universal Studio this weekend for my boy's birthday but my hubby doesn't want.

is kaeden stickier compared to usual and more sensitive? my boy's teacher just told me yesterday that he's rather sensitive now. eyes will turn red and tear at times even though he is not reprimanded. she told me it could be because he's insecure or emotional over mei mei.

