(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Cindy, it ia always like that Baby girl will be daddy's girl, baby boy would be mommy's boy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I don't mind Alexis is daddy's girl.

instinctive84, I don't mind ULU place, alot of shipping can be done on internet, there are lots of web based shopping which only delivers to USA. Even the nearest mall is 1 hr away, some shopping still can be done on internet. Lucky you, I love Old Navy, Coach stuff, very cheap to get from outlets.

We have already formed a FB group, maybe you can check with Milo, cos me not in fb group[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Stefie, Cindy

Agree it's like that.

Now my gal really stick to her daddy.

Play with daddy and want daddy to tab her to sleep.

Only bathing, change diapers or feeding, my job.

Of coz, she does need my attention at certain time.

But I don't mind. Coz when gal play with daddy, I can rest and watch TV. Heehee...

stefie: At first i also dun mind coz i just laze ard all day with my boy... but as time pass i really feel like im goin crazy... overly bored... haizz... always oni look forward to weekends then i can go shopping... i miss my family badly too...

I have no other complains actually, coz its really a good break frm sg and i can devote all my time to my babies... but i just feel dat its a duration too long... i'll be away for almost 3yrs... i still have 2 yrs to go till date =(

Cool... i will go find out n join... =)

am very happy today becos my bestie just get to know that shes preggy! and she just went to the gynae, 9wks preggy liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats and welcome to the club

Welcome instinctive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun feel lonely, we are al lhere to support one another!

How old is ur #1? In any playgrp or sch?

instinctive84, just take it as a long holiday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do eat more Domino pizza, Carl's Jr for me hoh, Singapore's Domino sucks big time, I really miss Domino, pepperoni and philly cheese steak pizza, wow the cheese is really alot. We had that when we went to LAX in Feb this year. Yummy, still hot when delivered to our motel. Now we still thinking about it.

When you come back to SIN, you will start to miss USA liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea, congrates, you can go shopping with your bestie liao. I wonder why govt still said this year the babies born rate is low??

Mommies: Princess got scolding from me last night as she jammed her foot on my bladder while I was driving. It was so hard that I almost pee-ed in the car! With the scolding, she eased up... phew! This morning, she decided to be lazy and didn't kick. Made me panic big time! Guess many of us are going through the roller-coaster of emotions now right? Kick=Happy, No Kick=Worry???

Muddypaws, no worries lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your princess is sleeping? Later in the evening will be active again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

instinctive, i dun mind being in USA also, my internet shopping can help kill time hehe

everyday wait for my parcel to arrive nia :p

u dun go back to SIN often?

jiahui, maybe i have to think like u liao, let daddy tab her to slp haha!! good idea leh!

muddypaws, i went thru that emotional roller coaster yesterdy when i felt nthg for almost 5hrs plus stretch...until at night when hubby was back, baby partied like noone's business..

Welcome instinctive..

OPs i must have missed alot.. havent had time to log in... just went for m last biz trip.. no more biz trip until my little boy comes out.. Hurrie!!

I also feel that Bb is especially active at night.. the movement is so huge that my hubby just lightly put his palm on my tummy he can also feel...

But I dun thk its kicks that we are feeling bec Bb's leg is so small but the somersault that he/she is doing inside..

Enjoy the feeling mummy.. to feel your baby move inside is an indescribable feeling.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Noon Mummies: Hope u guys enjoyed your lunch... I haven been getting good slp lately , not sure y... Just keep tossing and turning, cant get to deep slp until close to morning but it's time for work liao... Sianzzz... Any mummies experiencing this too?

Hi Cherrry: Thanks for the advice.. haha.. If that's the case, i wanna deliver at Mt A too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha... If we realli see each other at hospital as we deliver same time, then we reali got alot of 'yuan'... haha... But hope wont be exact same time, if not Adrian dunnoe who to attend to... lol

Hi Yue Ning: Yup yup, get free bath tubs and diaper bag rite? When is your EDD?

Hi BBribena: Haha... Mygirl do the same tin too... When hubby put his hand on my tummy, she stop moving... lol...

Hi Stefie: Although it's scary to BD now cos worry abt BB but i read tht it helps in deliver if do it near EDD date, what do you tin abt it? But i reali wonder with such a big tummy by then, izzit reali still safe?

HI Cindy: it's better to wear loose clothings so you and BB feel more comfortable... I'm also still wearing some pre-preg clothings but mainly tops or flare dress, as long it's not tite, should be ok ba.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I maybe a Nov mum too cos i got 2 dates for EDD, one is 4/12, the other is 30/11... haha

cindy, i wish to be in usa when hub told me abt his posting. but now as i think abt it, i am praying tat he wont get it cos too disruptive to my boy's studies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

instinctive, u are at MHAFB right? ulu ah? the pic in ur FB look so nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think i saw ur pic before in my hub FB.

lena, i have difficulties sleeping also.. feel like every position also not comfy, kept tossing and turning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so every morn like a panda coming to work

lena, i dun have much flare clothes pre pregnancy haiz..recently bought a few bigger tops, then realise my pants all going to outgrow soon T_T

now change my wardrobe to dresses (i dun wear dress previously) haha

how come u got 2 EDD de?

milo, go USA yr son can still do his studies there..he will jus miss his friends hehe...if its jus for short time not so bad i guess...

cindy, its gonna be a period of 2 years so will be back in time for his P1. the school there are too relax for our ks system in singapore. afraid he cannot catch up lor. we have leave it to God to decide and so far the news is dunno have or dun have. scare to think abt it so jus let it be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi cheryl and stefie,

thanks. just back. the nurse said it's vaginal infection. have to use the pessary for a week.


do u have bleeding from polyp? i have it a few times liao. seriously thinking of removing it but dunno safe or not for baby. it's causing me a lot of inconvenience.

milo, oh ya i forget abt the diff systems hahahaha!!

when the news finally come, haha u sure gonna have a BIG HEADACHE liao! for yr no.2 still no worries...kaeden will be a problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo: Me too! once in a while i have problems wearing my wedding band or taking it off.

Stefie: When i had wind in my tummy during the first trimester, i made my own ginger tea. No caffine kind. Slice ginger, put gula melaka and wolfberries. Helps with getting rid of wind. Warm warm on the tummy feels very nice after drinking. No caffine so can sleep at night.

Re: Baby Movement

My baby tends to kick more bewtween 7-9pm. Nowadays in the day time very quiet.

Milo: Can always have home school. =)

Hi Milo: Ya... I'm feeling that too and at times, the mind like so awake in the middle of the night... Now i also like panda when going to work, feel so draggy in the morning to go work... But during weekends when there's no work, i will wake up at 8+ or 9+ too for no reason... I used to slp like a pig last time! Nowadays, my sleepy mood attack ard noon or afternoon.... OMG

Hi Cindy, I already cant wear my pants for quite some time liao... Tin it's best to buy some maternity shorts or pants if you need so you feel alot more comfortable... I have bought 2 shorts, 1 knee length and 1 long pants (all maternity) liao... No choice... Reali cant squeeze in old ones... haha... n sure feel alot more comfy compared to non maternity ones...

cindy, u got it 101% right! if it happen some years back, i will 2 hands 2 legs w/o hesistation and GO lor... now hor... need to think think think!

lovebyte, tat is one option i tot abt. trying to teach him more advanced phonic now and almost vomit blood... really admire teachers manz!

lena, me starting to feel sleepy at weird hrs also... time to slp, dun slp... time to wake up wanna slp??? arghhh naughty girl!

lovebyte, my baby parties late at night leh, yesterday until 1.41AM still moving ard haha

lena, i can still wear ONE pants now haha...but shorts left 2, so i been shuffling between those..quite pathetic leh..dun really wanna buy from maternity stores unless no choice coz its pricey and wun use for long leh...i'm now still quite small in the tummy, jus that hips bigger..haiz

Had a bad morning... screamed at my junior... MUST remind myself not to do that again for my little one.

That fella made me almost boiled this morning. He's

说了又不听 听了又不懂 不懂又不问 问了又不做 做了又做错 错了又不认 认了又不服 不服又不说

milo, haha but if opportunity given now also can go la! b4 yr boy reach pri 1 come back can le if worried abt the diff systems...cannot deprive yr hubby of it also ma...

dun vomit blood with yr son la!

have patience, soon u have one more to teach liao! once u teach yr son successful, he can teach mei mei, NP hehe

bbribena, dun get yrself too worked up over work le..u can start counting down to ML la...make yrself and baby stress over work not worth it de! like stefie say, work is jus for milk powder money :p

Thanks girls!!

stef: awww... i miss bar chor mee, laksa, lor mee more leh... i tink i wont miss food coz i tink ang moh food sucks. but i tink i will miss shopping definitely...

milo: hello! yeah very very ulu here in MHAFB... not like my friends in arizona such a big city... how come in the end ur hubby not posted here?

mangogal: mine #1 just turn 2. hes goin to dayschool in aug after the summer holidays... not very familiar with the education system here in USA, but according to my friends its way behind sg standard... if in sg i wld have send him to sch aldy... =(

cindy: after here for awhile u will miss home very much... =((((((

thats the reason i decided to come here n find some "SG" company... =((((((

yes Lena, me too... cant really sleep well at night. darling keeps waking me up ard 2plus and 5plus. by 5am when im awake, so hard to fall asleep again and when i wanna sleep, same as u, gotta go work! lol... ya... we two really alot of 'yuan' hahha... as long as we push at different timing can liao. kekekeke!!

bbribena.. relax... i also trained to the limit where everything at work is into my ears and out immediately!

Cindy & Cherry, this morning incident is hard to avoid, coz I asked questions about his work, all I get is excuses. Still have two meetings in a while with the rest of coworkers. Darn sian. Nd to pop my dark chocolates now!

instinctive, so far past 1 yr u havent gone back to SIN? haha

and how come u're not yet asleep/ should be night time at yr side le!

cindy, i hope so LOL shall leave it to fate liao... hehe

instinctive, u know gabriel? he was applying for the post to replace him. then dunno is have or dun have, now hanging in mid air... wait until neck long le. my friend jus came back from tuscon, sounded so fun with gymboree and outlet being so near! i didnt know MHAFB is so ulu leh, tot its quite accessible.

Lena, I also don't sleep really well, maybe at my mom's now.

Ribena, yes leh, for Milk powder $$$ is it worth it to be so stress and angry.

Wow I had 1 hrs conversation with my MIL, she called me. Guess she didn't realised that I was hurt by her remarks. She said next time should tell her, and she apologised. She didn't blame me for the 2 M/C. Now we are okay terms and she wants to do confinement for me, I guess she also want to take care of our baby. Guess things is going on very well. She actually likes me better than her own daughter. Glad I had undo one knot. I also want Alexis to have grandparents to sayang.

stefie, i am so happy for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its good that u iron things out...

having a baby in the family will either worsen ties or make bond closer and i believe Alexis has help to gel both of u up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ribena, dun play liao la.. play for leah better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, maybe u should be less responsible hehe...coz u gg on ML soon, the new person can be choked by yr leftover work for him la hehe

dark choc seems like yr remedy to make yrself calm down huh? hehe

milo, i always hear mums say teach yr mei mei or di di lor...so u can try it with kaeden also LOL though i duno how times have changed :p

wa stefie, yr MIL so understanding lor, still will call n apologise....how can she blame u for M/C...as though u wanted it leh, so mean of her!

Stefie, wow! That's great news! It's not easy to be open in a in-law relationship. Congrats! That's so good and so touching!

I usually let that fella do whatever he wants, I monitor his work and deadline. Boss likes to micromanage him, so I let her do that. I only 'have a good talk' with him as and when boss says need to, I don't want to stress myself over him. But this morning his attitude really too much. I'm not going to say anything later during the meeting, I'll just listen and give comments only when asked. All along I know he doesn't like me to lead him or question him, if that's the case, I'll have to throw him into the jungle and let the bosses and the rest to 'eat him up alive'. Why shld I even bother to prep him for the real world manz! It's his first job here in Singapore, so let him be lor.

Milo, LOL! I've been playing music for Leah almost every night! She's very active and responsive lately!

Cindy, they haven't even find a temp replacement! Don't care la. Now I just focus whatever I have on hand.

instinctive, yah lor you should be sleeping liao, why still awake? Maybe I was there for only 2 weeks, if like you, I will not like ang mo food and Americans really like sweet stuff like chocolate and soda, that's why they are so fat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, eat more chocolate today okay. Need to have happy hormones[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just enjoy free show lah, cool down.

Lena, don't BD I even happier, now on "holiday" leh. Should be okay to BD anytime, but now sleeping more important. And hubby is the one suggested not to BD mah.

Lovebyte, thanks alot. Your ginger tea sound like that kind we drink in spa, will do it when I go back to sengkang[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah Stefie, sooo happy for u n ur MIL! Resolve issues and to think she actually apologise to you, remember I mention there wil lbe miracle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let the past goes and start afresh and happy reunion wif ur ILs family and the cute adorable Alexis will bring alot of laughter and joy to them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Instinctive, oh I see..well let him hv a relax learning there most impt is to njoy his childhood[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie/cindy: have sleep prob since pregnant... duno y i just cant sleep early... at least 2-3am or later... becoming panda liao... havent gone back at all, i tink i have to wait until after i gave birth then see how liao... coz my mum coming to help me in Nov...

milo: yeah i noe him, he went back early so i tink someone should be coming to replace him? i love his daughter... super cute... haa... Uh oh... then just be prepared if u really coming, but who knows u might like it here... coz i do some who really dun mind the "peace & serenity" here in nicer words!! arghh... keke

Thanks Milo, Cindy, Ribena, yes I am happy cos at least my hubby would not be sandwich in between and me and his mom. And I even dream of my PILs and I cried in my dreams. I guess I need their support more than I thought. And some more she called me, it shows she really care alot for me. I was even asking hubby what was his mom reaction when he told her I am pregnant, I was hoping for her to show more concerns. I guess things are going much better than I thought[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also don't know how to patch things back, heng she call me.

Cindy, I overheard my hubby and MIL conversation, saying is it cos I never eat this and that that's why our 2nd baby not healthy. Maybe it is more concern than blaming and I am very sensitive kind, even my mom can't stand me for being so sensitive. Once I upset, I can rememeber it for long long time.

Now I have more options who to take care of Alexis liao. Later will sms hubby and let him know. I think he would sayang me more since my relationship with his mom has improve.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha talk abt BD, we stop it since 2008 when I got pregnant!

After give birth to my gal, we do it less than 15 times for 1 yr,cos she sleeping wif us and I am so deprive of sleep plus I am bfing so very dry dwn there :p

So when I preggie now so happy cos dun need to bd again!

bbribena, dun so stress liao la

after u go on ML, all not yr problem liao...they find or not will be their problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jus look forward to yr ML and wait for yr darling to be out...SMILE la!!

ribena, me too! am playing mozart for ashlyn every night. hope she enjoy it cos i fell asleep almost immediately!

mangogal: yeah... my friend already told me dun compare n expect them to learn alot... i just hope he starts to talk more, and learn to share as i find him a lil slower than his peers... until now oni 1 word 1 word... hurhur

Stefie, sure do! I just had milo, later pop in more happy hormones! Machiam DU SHEN (赌神)... kakakakaka

Lovebytes, what is gula melaka?

stefie, agree tat sometime becos mil not our own mother so we tend to take watever they say, alittle too hard. they may meant it well but somehow dun come across as tat to us.

ur hub will surely love alexis more becos she help to sooth the tension! daddy's baobei girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

instinctive, yeah his girl is super cute! gabriel is my hub's buddy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think i would love it there if not worrying abt my boy's education. its definitely a very nice place and esp it gave us and our babies a chance at a totally different experience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if i really do come over, will surely look for u there! we will have so much to talk abt our kids!


instinctive, wat time is it at yr side now? haha

nvm la even if u slp late, u can wake up late and slp anytime in the noon also

jus dun overtire can le...

stefie, sorry abt yr MIL, but things sure are looking good now!

i'm same as u, sensitive type...and once mean things are said whether or not its meant that way, i also will remember de...

most impt is that yr hubby standing by u, wun make things difficult for u 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis will bring u joy for sure! hehe..now u can really think thru yr options liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, u seem very happy to be on 'holiday' hor haha!!!

milo, mozart seems to be playing for u...to sleep! hehe so cute!

bbribena, gula melaka if i'm not wrong is those brown sugar type...

