(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Piggy: Same here, happy to hear that you can rest more. I also prefer to stay at home nowsadays. Best is on air-con, rest on bed and watch hk drama online. Heehee.. one of my favourite wkend activity when hb is away at work.

My breast feel fuller compared to pre-preggy. Initial weeks, I felt sore nips but nowsadays no more sore nips. These few nights, I felt abit of pain at the sides of the breast. Don't know if its the milk ducts developing.

BTW I realised i have been getting a headache or feeling giddy whenever I put on my specs or wear contacts. Checked with a fren who is an optometrist. She said it's normal for eye sight to fluctuate throughout pregnancy esp during 3rd Tri. So weird!

No long weekend for me as i need to work on Singapore holidays. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. I'm only off on Australia Holidays as i'm handling the Australia Market...

Wow.. most of the TMC Gynae away in Dec?? I'll should check with my Gynae next week just in case..

I am feeling better, the cramps i beleive was uterus stretching. And also maybe caused by bloatedness due to indigestion .

Now a days appetite really has good days and bad days. On good day can eat 3 decent meals, on bad maybe just one meal and 2 snacks. I beleive many mom do experience such situation too.

I drink cold milk too stefie. Magnolia milk. With my daughter around, i tend to eat more healhty food this time round, salad,yogurt and fruits since she is also eating and must set good example.

Piggy, my 1st pregnancy was like you,itchy and heavy and my itchy feeling stretch throught my back and stomach. Have to use non soapy base body wash. This one, my aerola area has darken and abit of dry skin flakes around the nipple area.

So mums, has ms throughout their whole pregnancy, so dont be surprise some might have it till the end,finger cross.

Piggy: No worries, good to have this forum to share around. Hee.. I tried to massage my breast when I felt abit pain. Then it will be slightly better. During my 1st visit to gynae, he check on my breast too, so I think should be fine.

Amuro: I also heard about some having ms throughout, so scary. Crossing my finger on it too. I was asking my gynea, when will mine ends.. he told me some will last til 16th weeks. I hope mine end by then.

Those moms whom feel giddy or bad headache, you can try to put on those cooling pad on your head for a while, or even those eye cover that has aromatheraphy in them.

I used to do that when i am feeling tired and lethargic.

crystal, don't think so. I just take off my specs and rest my eyes. Another reason for me to hate working! haha

hihi morning all:

Sharon/Oshgosh...i dub take cold drink...cos i think wht my mum and hubby say is truw...they say if drink/eat cold stuff....bb will tend to be so weak...than we will hv a hard time to take care of them...so jie mei just bear with it ba althou quite difficult in this kind of hot weather

Oshgosh...wow ur gyne chg very exp lah..i will feel heartpain 2

Crystal...hmm sound abit formal but think shld loh...cos hubby really kae the effort for us..make me also feel to get something for him...cos he really wake up earlier than me to make breakfirst

Stefie..yup yup super hot this few days...remember jie mei men must drink more water

Lena...is better to stay at ur own house...ask ur bf to come over too...u will feel more comfortable loh

i know how u feel, i was in ur shoes 2... we pay for our own wedding package and banquet, our 5rm flat and my mum also nv take any cent from him (the pin jin)..so worry tht will make a lost...but lucky still able to make a profit....hehehe actually really depend who u invite...but ur PIL really not gg to help??? still wnt u and bf to hold wedding dinner

wah... but now i have the feeling to drink cold drinks and ice-cream... i am controlling myself...

last night i ate abit of ice-cream... wah i nvr puke out my food

is it becos my bb like ice cream? ;p

tenq, hahah good excuse to tkae leave/mc? haha

chris, ya... i also tink so hehe maybe later today la go out jalan with him see wat i can get.. small small also good ma hor haha

hi mommies,

not sure if u all noe wat is 100 family blanket. the thing is my MIL has given me a lot of pieces of ready cut clothes pieces which can be used to make into 100 family blanket. if anyone is keen i can give it to you cos i have alot. but u need someone who can sew to put them together ahha

ya loh...crystal...go jalan with hubby...buy something at least let him know we do appreciate their effort

till now i also nv feel anything yet...my mum say still early...but sometime will be quite worry cs dun know how bb is...counting down for my appt next wed

chris, me too ahhaha.. feel nothing but i do find that my tummy is bigger at nite anyone feel the same? its like hard and bigger as well.. and i look very preggie then ahha

Everyday I'll pray dun puke, of course I oso wish the naeseous will go away. After puking, my whole body will sweat & weaken. Ytd, cmi to reach my mum's place .. puke until face green green at the lift lobby. Lucky got plastic bag to cover my face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Today still no appetite & super bloated *sigh*

crystal: yes thanks .. ya hope we'll reach the light soon. I read some mums had MS throughout .. ok cross my fingers & toes *_*

mummies, enjoy your lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies,

din log in for the past few days cos went back to work. too busy. all the complaints abt mil. mine was pretty bad to me at the beginning of the marriage. she's staying with me but things get better as we get to know each other. of course, there are still things that we disagree with cos of our lifestyles and upbringing. i let hb do all the talking. poor poor hubby...


my previous gynae was Dr Judy Wong. She's good and patient. Like her a lot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi crytal...me me...tummy oni show at night... morning time very flat dun really hv tummy...tht way i say my bb really know how to hide in the day time inorder not to let my boss find out...hehehe

chris, i wont say my tummy hide until flat during day time but its not as obvious as nite time ahha...

but i dun mind la haha i quite enjoy the current size ehehe... quite fun haha

hello mummies,

wow the thread moves really fast!

piggy, good thing u managed to convince, then u can rest over the long weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] also i agree with the other mummies, dun travel to JB for your confinement. this is the period to really take care of your body and to get it back to healthy status, so it's not good to go here go there during that time. mental health also very impt so if u already think u cannot take it, then better don't go.

stefie & lena, actually i pre-empt my MIL before she even thot of my confinement plans. i told her oh, my mum will do for me. and i gave valid reasons like because MIL is working, can't expect her to take leave or quit job, and how a CL won't work 'cos no space in our house for her to stay and our dogs won't accept also.

i think if we can give valid reasons for our plans, PIL also cannot say too much. eventually WE are the ones going thru the confinement so the comfort should be for us, not them. Lena, since your mum is not working, u can use that as a reason. also can say your mum already researched and knows what food to cook etc. sometimes have to tell a bit of white lie so as to get our way - it won't harm anyone and it's to you and baby's benefit also.

i've been feeling really tired this week, i dunno why. it's the start of the "honeymoon" 2nd trimester but i'm feeling more tired than the first!

Hi Lovebyte: I think you got the wrong idea... My bf is sharing room with his brother now but before the wedding, my bf will paint the room and his brother will shift to share room with his sister.... I do feel paisey too so i dun wanna request too much tins cos they already gif in in a way

Hi Stefie: Ya... my mum think that way so she ask me to keep quiet first.... I agree... Own mums is the best... Nowadays, I stay at home more often... tryin to spend more time with her too... But i did told her that even after married, i will come back to sleep at times too especially if they havne install aircon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Raspy... I dunnoe abt the aircon cos i think they probably want to wait till they reali tahan the hotness or got xtra cash den install... My bf did said they will help if we make alot of lost, but in my bf opinion, he feel that we should pay them back in they reali helps us with the dinner cost which i can also understand how he feel cos his parents' business hasn't been doin well lately....

I love to watch HK dramas too....

Hi Chris: You experience before huh... Will feel guilty towards own mum hor... My mum said that when they gif pin jin, will only return them abit since they did not helpout with the dinner... I think the pin jin will be given by his parents ba... I feel so guilty towards my mum at times and i told her, i dun feel like i'm married off at all so i will come home more often... haha.. You are lucky that you make a profit... My weddin dinner mainly invites relative so i tin it's impossible to make profit... Only prayin that wont make a big loss...

Hi Crystal: Ya.. i do know about that and i actuali like those design... haha.. But dun tin i will do it cos no time to do it...

Hi Dewdew: My mum will be lookin for job after my weddin so she also cannot confirm whether she can do for me anot...

True... Tin if i realli want, very easy to find valid reasons too cos my bf's parents are working too...

ya loh...lena..my mum return all the pin jin and nv take any table fr my hubby...she say she is not selling away her daughter...think if my is a gal...will also do so when she get marry...tht day still telling hubby if next time our gal is not happy with her PIL or her hubby dun treat her gd...our door r alway open big 4 her

Hi mommies, I just had another session of "wash" toilet. Me backside itchy, eat nasi berani. After eat go toilet and pee, then saw someone did big biz before me never flush properly, the whole toilet stink that also tiggers my puking. Once puke, i have to puke everything out then I feel better.

My baby really don't like spicy food and unhealthy food. Yesterday also puke after eating fish cracker after dinner.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My precious only like mee siam[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilsunshine, u r nt alone .. be strong few more weeks then MS will be gone .. some colleagues in my office says i look pale n greyish n nt healthy until i told them i m preg, then they r like "no wonder" ..

Hi Chris: Wa.. your mum very steady sia... Tin if my mum got money, she also dun mind to do that... She's also not taking any tables (hongbao), but she said pin jin may take some as she has spent alot of money buyin my weddin things like quilt, bedsheet etc.... It's not easy for her too cos she hasn't been working for awhile already and due to my weddin, she cannot find a job yet in case hard to take leave... Tin she also prefer to stay home more as i'm stayin home most of the time now and at times, she cook dinner for me when i requests.. :p

Ya... if i got ger ger too, tin i will do that too... hehe... No matter what happens, they will still be our precious...

Hi Crystal: Do you mean we cant sew?

me too, tummy looks bigger in the evening. Face also pale pale de.

GSS starting, but I have no energy & motivation to shop. See pretty clothes also can't fit now.

Hi crystal, Yes, this week really peak. Just went for another round of "washing". My appetite is good, just that still puke[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks will take light stuff. Tonight asked mommy to cook porridge and cai xin minced meat for me for dinner.

Sunshine, My MS is also very bad. Now is All Day Sick, Jia you, end of the tunnel soon.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia, I also look pale and greyish, my hubby said all pregnant all like that one. For my baby I don't mind at all.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im back from lunch. Had claypot rice with salty veg soup, shared with a group of colleagues. Very nice and appetizing to smell the bits of salted fish in the rice. Hee..

Piggy: Im those not so 'guai' mtbs around. Have been drinking cold drinks daily. 1 can of soft drink dilute with 2 full cups of ice. Cause I cant take water. So I drink whatever I can take. But most of the time, I'll wait for half the ice to melt, then I start to drink.

Ice-cream wise, I just had the new magnolia gold over the wkend cause I cant stand its advs so kept bugging hb to buy for me. Hb finally bought for me after he asked gynae during the last visit whether I can take ice-cream & cold drink. My nice gynae reply was.. can, no problem. So happy with his reply. But we shared 1 stick together. Think so long as everything in moderation, not excessive then ok.

Stefie: Hope your puking get better. I try not to puke cause my throat burns after puking everytime. The burning was quite bad until I can feel it all the time and a slight bit of chillies will make it burned horribly. Now I only puke in the morning after brushing teeth and all the gastric juice will come out.

Lena: Maybe you want to bring up the aircon fixing before you shift cause during my reno, the aircon fixing is quite dusty. Not so good for you if you're already staying there. For the pin jin, my parents also didnt keep much, take abit and return most cause their thinkings were they not selling me off and its my happiness that matters. One of my good friend was telling my mum, they should take more and passed to me to keep as si fang qian. Hee.. My parents didnt thought of that.

Chris: Yah, my parents also told me the same. Their doors always open for me. So touched.

Dewdew: I read that you got a list for buying stuff. Can share with me also? I just pm you.

Crystal: My tummy is popping out, thats why my colleagues kept looking at me suspiciously. I think its the same size all the time for me.

Hi Raspy, Thanks. Now I feel like having sore throat and flu cos from 2 sessions of puking[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] To MS means my baby growing well. So I just take it easy, puke also must enjoy puking[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lena, my parents also took some ping jing. they say not sell but have to take cos its diaper money? hahhaha dunno wat it means hehe

i tink we cant sew this is old wives' tale lah.

stefie, its okie la at least u can still eat so bb will still have nutirents.

stefie, i told my hubby about your comment on MS.. he is so surprise that hv someone soooo optimistic about MS .. he asked me to learn that ' MS means baby is growing well"

today is the first time i hv oreo mcflurry after so long of stopping myself from ice-cream .. i cant it for no ice cream already ..

Crystal, baby is growing well, cos my belly getting very big[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks to the pre-natal vits also, at least round up the vits baby needed.

Amelia, ha!! ha!! have to be positive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This article is good, I read already also feel that MS means baby is growing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Stefie: You're really very optimistic with your puking. I cant, cause my throat burns badly and its not like sorethroat, its a burning sensation coming from the throat all the time. Hb suspect that those acid from the gastic actually burned the inner layer of my throat when coming through that area. So I got to try hard not to puke cause of this. I also cant puke at night cause I take my pill at night and absolutely hate my pills session. So if I puke the pill, I need to re-go through the pills taking which is a nightmare to me. So I try very hard not to puke. Heehee..

Any of you taking temperature? I bought a digital thermometre just before preggy. So I take my temperature for fun every night and we found that on those days that I felt terrible, the temperature is usually quite high. So we used this to sort-of guage that bb is well. Hee.. just our own logic.


Raspy, maybe some lemon + honey with warm water will help to soothe your throat.

I am taking MS as a good sign, cos my previous 2 pregnancies (both M/C at 1st trimester) I didn't have much MS at all, so with this pregnancy something different, I take it as a good sign. So I am taking MS more positive. MS means baby is growing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

