(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Klitz, that Sat I went don't have durian dessert for the English High-Tea. Maybe the coffee Lounge has? The chinese dim sum looks not bad too, So all depends on what you ladies like? Ah mo or chinese kind[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, the Dr 's Talk will end at 9pm.

Crystal, no worries. I was reading on What to expect that book, even if our waterbag breaks, it will not be gusting all over cos our babies heads like cork, stop more water to flow out. But if at night laying down, the water flow will be much more. I am actually worried also, but feel much better after reading about it. No stress ok. Just take the ang baos and pressies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yuening and bubbly

Really feel so sad for her.

She is still young, along way to go. And she love kids.

They had enjoyed couple honeymoon for two years, about to plan for baby next year.

Her dream of having a baby just smashed like that.. haiz....

This is like a wake up call to me to cherish each and every moment with ur love one.


Congrate that u are going to graduate from prenancy soon =)

I believe u are feeling excited now.


hmm, ThkQ for sharin w us on wat u've read about our baby's head like cork which will smhow prevent e amniotic fluid to gush out.. will take note n observe =)


Don B sad, it'L probably B my last high tea B4 i deliver too,so let's enjoy together in each other's presence=) i'm okie w e coffee lounge also no prob,But pls B careful mayB i cum pick u? But is it on e way? oh u're takin bus?? where u stay? we share cab la? my place here weather looks gloomy leh, not sure ur side, wat if rain how? then i'L B worried cuz i thot or ur hub angry look, i scared leh, heheh


Yes, ur sharing bout ur fren's lost also reminded me,muz treasure loved ones ard me too,smhow thngs juz happen, we muz B happie n enjoy ur loved ones presence eevry moment..JiaYou k? Don B too upset le, go thnk bout ur delivery date =)

Klitz, i pick u or u pick me? which way is on e way to GWP Hotel? if i'm not wrong, i thnk frm ur place to mine then to Gwp is faster leh, wat say u?

i just called. the durian pastries for buffet is onli during the seasonal promotions. we can go for the high tea at coffee lounge which starts at 3-5.

shall we go earlier to shop before heading to GWP?


Dun worry.. Hb ask me just be careful..

Where shall we meet?? Can pm me your numbers?

So fast right we are all reaching the end of tunnel soon..

Klitz, the one I went is at L'espresso 67301743, don't know the same as your coffee lounge one? Sorry just kpo, cos there are 3 kind of high-tea in GWP.

joyfulbliss, my EDD is 1 Dec but my last scan ethan is not engaged yet and my gynae all along said i wont be early so i got 2 plus weeks more to go actually including this week.

stefie, yes yes i've read also hehehe hopefully le hahah last nite i started sleeping on the rubber mat cos i find that its big hahaha and i put a nappy over it and it doesnt slide around. Only downside is hahah wake up with a lot of squares on my hip areas ahhahaha


thkQ for callin=) its alright dear, i can ta bao e durian stuff home , no worries i can eat wateva is there, heehee, i'm okie w shoppin 1st=)But i nd to take a short nap B4 i go out latr, otherwise, i'L B a little giddy when i'm out latr so i'L go take a nap, wake up n prepare to go meet u.. wat time?

bubbly: My PH maid was very enthusiastic about putting up the Xmas tree (as it reminded her of Xmas at home), so I let her do it. If you've a tree at home, maybe you can ask her do it? Your helper is watching the filipino mega-drama serial "Two of us"? Haha, I remind my helper to watch it, and even teach her how to watch it in tagalog!

Milo: I'm the only kid too. Never had to share, and now the thought of giving everything to liz first? Hubby and parents are all laughing at me about KARMA!!!!!

Crysal: Thanks! Would go check out the Bodum mugs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiahui: Agree with you... it's important to cherish every minute with your loved ones. Always live life to the fullest, without regrets.

RE: Itchy tummies

Whatever you do, don't scratch. I've friends who had the tummy itch during pregnancy and scratch till there are scars. The scars never healed...

Mommies: I was up all night yday. Have a strange premonition that I would pop today, hence was up all night eating chocs, drinking milk etc. Hubby was kept up by me too. Hubby laughs saying that Liz really really need to come out!!!! Now, I'm monitoring to see if my premonition comes true!

jiahui: feel all out for ur fren.. sometimes, I wuliao, also thought of life without hb coz hb is 13 yrs older than me.. tat already made me feel sad enuf.. we really nd to treasure each moment with our loved ones..

muddypaw, ^5! ur hub and parents so naughty! but quite true la. when i first got married, am not used to life with hubby ard too! have to share my lappy and stuff inside the fridge are always missing! ended up everything at home is 2 of each :p

now with no 2 coming out, i need to stand further back :p


really ah?? wow, okie okie, in case im not ard ah, i wish u smooth delivery 1st! muz JiaYou n push okie? muz bring Chix essence to dink k? mommies here say it'L gives us extra strength =)

bubbly, thnk of positive thngs now k? if ur hubby ard w u now, or if u see him latr in e evenin, so go to him, gif him a big bear hug, n then look him into his eyes, eyeball to eyeball, and tell him sweetly,"I love you darling".. tat's 1 way he's reminded he's bein loved n treasured =D hahaS

good morning jiemeis ^_^

im getting more and more blurred! yesterday told hubby to bring me to marine parade cause i thought i remembered one of the mummies saying can get the raspberry leaf tea there so went and in the end, ended up making a wasted trip.

muddypaws: oh, thanks.. i have already told hubby about it. so we will have to make a trip down to get the xmas tree soon. hehe.. so excited...

hehe, i also dont really like to take cab especially during peak hours.. cause the ticking of the meters are like a time bomb.. wahaha...

mangogal: congrats on your boy's healthy growth.

sharon: i think your chest pain is caused by air bah. cause some of the mummies have the same symptoms and were prescribed as air.

dont think too much... might be the sensitive hormones working again.

ribena: jia you wor. it will definitely be a smooth delivery. we will update ourselves via your facebook and twitter too. hehe..

melissa: no worries. my friend's baby is only 2.3kg when she was born. now also very healthy and growing steadily.

bubbly: where you got your binder from?

dewdew: you are making me drooled over the roasted duck at red star. the last i had them was during my birthday in april.

yuening: good ils are gems. but too bad, just not my luck to meet those nice ones.

andrea: gosh! take good care of yourself leh. sounds really terrible. hope you recover soon.

athena: oh, did gynae give you anything to stop the dilation?

cindy: i also had my ya kun toast but on friday after dinner. told hubby i cant feel the fullness so we went to eat some toast. but he refused to let me eat half boiled eggs yet. haha.. so just toast with tea.

but i will eat sashimi when hubby is not around. wahaha.. must behave in front of him.

esquare: oh no. do be more careful. hope the pain has subsided by now.

muddypaws: your hubby is so observant and sweet. haha, i think our best pressie for them now is the bundle of joy in our tum tum. i also headache over what to get for hubby.

crystal: haha, i think we are the same. im also having these feelings now. dont know why. but i hope it will go away soon.

milo: maybe your milo want some companionship bah. i can feel the swelling at my vagina too. but i think my Cheyenne hasnt engaged yet. cause my tum tum is still high up.

jiahui: congrats on baby's good weight.

gosh! life is so unpredictable. terrible. i wonder how your friend is coping now. and the worst thing is you cant be there for her. but she will definitely understand.

andrea: grapes cause phlegm leh.

yugal: congrats on baby's healthy growth.

crystal: your colleagues are so nice. they must have been really excited for you. hehe

muddypaws: hehe, lets see if your premonition is true. keep us posted.


ur soreness in e V area, mayB its doe to e position of ur baby's head, for mine, it is so painful tat im limpin,as its affectin my right V-groin area.. cuz my Dr says my baby's engaged le, and my pelvic bone is actually widenin, to prepare for birth.. so its a gd thing heheh

morning mummies!

wahh.. athena.. already 2cm dilated! must be v excited! start prepareur stuffs okie. for the chinese name calculation, i will go back to the same shifu who counted my wedding and house at Bugis Fu Lu Shou building 3rd level.

oooh stefie... im going to see dr woody later. thought of eating kaya toast only, 9mths of training of not eating the eggs liao, no more feeling le. lol~!!!

Lena, excited right when u hear his words. hehhee.. my gf already heard tat for nearly 3wks ago and now still waiting to pop! dr woody dont do any VE either. ahyooo...

We shall all wait for Bbribena post of her baby ba! wooots!

mummies, to update ur details:


To view the spreadsheet:


i've given mummies access to the spreadsheet of those i've the email address, those who didnt recv, PM me ur email add okay

Morning mummies!

Wow can feel excitement rising!

Congrats to Melissa and Bribena!

Just went for Gynae check .. Bb still not engaged as yet.. So I guess won't be that early too ..

Re stretchmarks: try not to scratch as I heard it will get worst.. Just moisturize your tummy more with oil or cream.. Personally find oil better seems more moisturizing Le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies doing squats ? Heard it helps Bb head to be lower for delivery.. Any experience with this?

bubbly, i agree with yuening... we shld appreciate everyday.. .dun tink negative things now.. its hard to say what will happen...

yuening, esquare, shall we mit at arnd 2pm at GWP? the english high tea is at L'espresso. It starts at 2pm, then we could probably hop over to isetan for sales after our high tea to digest a bit?

Ya.. bubbly

Agree with yuening.

That what me and hubby do every morning.

Never forget to say "I Love You" to each other, when he drop me off to work.

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, hehe i guessed happygal was u le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, i gg hg mall for yakun again LOL

like got deprived of it for so long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, is it when baby engaged then will feel soreness? i been feeling it sometime, but doc nv say baby is engaged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yuening, haha my swell not healed yet, pain to walk zzz

hope i dun waste hubby's leave, end up i stay home LOL

enjoy yr high tea!

crystal, haha u were lying on the rubber mat meant for ethan? hehe

i also scared the water breaks at night and wet my bed T_T

i havent done any 'precautions' yet :p

last night when i woke up to go toilet, had to sit in bed awhile to adjust to the dark, hubby tot baby's coming, LOL...wake up so excited...siao!

eoneon, so paiseh. msg u yesterday till i fell asleep. I wanted to reply you that i've found the identical one selling online at 7.50. cheaper den buying at the vita kids. paiseh... 有心无力。 dosed off thinking of replying...

Yup i heard squatting will engage baby too. but cannot do too early. must after 37wks.


ONZ!! yayz~ Finally, u mommies r makin a little dream of mine ocmin true to eat there hahaS, although no durian stuff inclded but both ur presence r bonus le! oH Esquare juz sms me, she says high tea startin @ 3pm, so she's askin whether shall we go shop @ Isetan 1st then to eat, woo..how how?

cindy, yes yes ahhaha those blue/pink kind? hehehhe cos its big and it doesnt move ahhah and its surprisingly not hot le altho its made of rubber/plastic hehehe

eoneon, wa i missed u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha my hub ang moh type, so i get to eat wat i want, seldom restricts me LOL

so i just act act eat 1 egg instead of 2 :p

tea i drink at least a cup a day, coffee seldom only hehe...sips ba :p

Yuening: I'm really super emo today... I started crying when I read your post to Bubbly on how to show hubby that she loves him!


Oh Esqaure juz read ur post, so we stick to ur plan, steady k?

Cindy: u're here =)Oh i see, aiyo pls B careful n rest ur swollen feet well ya?? Ya i thnk if baby's engaged n position is lower le, our pelvic bone will start to widen and thus causing us pain ard our buttock, n V area, tat's Y im limpin n when i see my gynae, he says there's nothin much he can do cuz we can't take many types of painkillers too, but until baby's out le, we will go back to mormal le..=)

Jiahui, ur fren v unfortunate. Hope she will get over this tough period. Since you cannot do much for her at this stage, concentrate on giving birth for now.

Does anyone get a stomach ache before pooing? These two weeks seem to have this symptom.

yuening, ohz.. then we stick to what esquare has smsed. easier for everyone.. hehe...

nvm, next week we go somewhere with durian pengat.. hehe... den can meet andrea for lunch too.. if i nvr remember wrongly.. andrea working at parkway right?


Aiyo~~ Hugz hugz...Don cry sweetie.. aiyo... u're makin me cryin too.. wish i cld give u a bear hug too.. sayang sayang ya? U can do tat to ur hub too k?? and then once he felt loved, remind him he gotta reciprocrate back to u hahaS

yuening, eon and cindy, actually i am also clueless leh. cos last time kaeden was never engage so i dunno how it feel. dun remember ever feeling soreness in the V.

cindy, enjoy ur shopping today! been so tempted to go out too!

eon, nice meeting u yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, do we have to fetch CL to our hse huh? or they are supposed to appear themselve leh?

Good morning mummies..

Wow e thread moves really fast!!

Andrea, am still ard hehe... Will check e cramp with my gynae this fri but dun look forward to ve check;(

U feeling better?? Dun take banana & grapes cos they causes phelgm... Better rest well.. Dday approaching soon.

Brb, gonna read e thread...

klitz, Esquare:

im confuse la, whcih plan shall we stick?? hahaS she say stick to ur plan, u say stick to her plan, im okie w anyhtng leh.. hahaS

crystal, haha maybe mummy should use the mat b4 baby use :p

mine still in plastic in my cupboard! haha

yuening, think sat and sun i run ard too much though feet not yet healed..haiz..now abit limping haha..

now i feel baby seems to be lower, even mum say my tummy like lowered zzz

when i sit, my tummy seems to be 'lying' on my thighs hehe

milo, my doc nv say baby engaged though i got this feeling like 2 weeks ago..haiz

i also tempted to go out since hubby on leave, duno my feet can 'zhen qi' anot...ytd walk until i abit 'ka neng' liao haha

Hi mtb,

Anyone feeling suan suan sharp pain at area below your tummy? I have this feeling today, abit worried... esp pain when baby is moving.

I am at wk34++


ya i thnk u myt haf walked ard too much over e wkend too, tat's Y will swell more n prob ache more too, try to prop ur leg up while restin or watch tv k? may help in reducin e swellin..


wat time shall we meet? shall i pick u? or i wait for u to come?

Hi morning mummies!! hope everyone is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena: take good care & jiayou .. cheers & all the best to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws: our maid not here yet, hope she'll arrive end of the month, in time.. hehehe.. see I worried too much abt her, scared she not used to celebrating xmas away from home.. and we will not set up xmas tree, maybe bring her out for a xmas meal bah.. wow, you have premonition, all prepared liao?

yuening: can't help laughing imagining what u asked me to do.. ya, i do tell him I love him, often.. and I also always ask if he loves me, sometimes, he says "didn't u just ask me?" hahaha..

Eon: got my binder from Guardian...

Klitz: ya thanks! can only appreciate every moment with him.. he is my choice, so, no choice.. hehehehe...

Jiahui: i only kiss hb bye everyday when he sends me to work.. hehehe..

cindy: ur hb also all excited liao.. hehehehe.. will be he in SG all the time from now on?

muddypaws: **pat pat** it is such a sweet thing to do to hubby hoh? with yuening's expression and etc.. dun cry ya...

milo, my CL will appear by herself. but i do noe that some CL will ask u go and fetch her.

cindy, ya hahah dun waste ma hahaha... maximise the use ehehhe... i suggest u take it out and air le the plastic/rubber smell is quite strong

maybe u can ask gynae at next visit if bb is engaged?

yuening, think i walk too much, sat and sun almost full days for me, now i suffer zzz

yup, will try to prop my feet up more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks hehe...just that sometimes tend to forget until i see my swollen ankle zzz

bubbly, hubby for now is booked on flight back next tues, not sure if will entend or shorten coz will wait till tml's visit to gynae before he decides [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun think too much on age etc to upset yrself now...emotional period once again for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bubbly, muddypaws:

wheneva i ask him do u love me, he'L reply a flat, straight ,"no" leh, juz to irritate me.. how annoyin right?

Klitz, im gettin ZZz hahaS, u mind smsin me e final plan? n wat time n how shall we meet okie? =)sorrie nd to quickly get sm nap else will "hin" latr =)

yuening: haha, thanks wor. i think yvaine is busy with work and preparation of her baby. hope her whole family has recovered liao.

klitz: haha, no worries. luckily hubby never blamed me for the wasted trip. maybe also cause our last time there was 10 years back so yesterday was a good chance to explore again. but parking was madness. felt like caught in the causeway jam like that. haha.

cindy: thanks thanks.. i was busy the last week doing handover thus never online till friday. then i disappeared again cause need to do up Cheyenne's nursery. half done liao. then sunday was busy running from north to west to east to central and back to north again. wahaha...

my hubby is the paranoid kind. so certain things which he is paranoid in, i will not do else he will nag non stop. i guess this trait he inherited from his mum. im always telling him that. wahaha..

milo: regarding the vaginal soreness, i have been getting that on and off. dont know why and im very sure for my case, not due to engagement loh. since my tum tum still so high up.

nice meeting you too. your Kaeden is so sweet loh. haha..... paiseh didnt realise you will be so fast so went to grab baos. hehe

cindy: understand that you would want to "run" around since hubby is home. but do take care of your leg arh.

win: long time never see your post le.

yuening, klitz and esquare: enjoy your high tea ^_^

yuening: haha, your hubby is like me leh. my hubby loves to ask me if i love him. i will tell him "no.." just so as to irritate him. me bad hor!

Yuening/Bubbly: Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Super hormonal imbalance today.... anyway, Hubby always goes "Have I told you today that I love you?" and he would always kiss me in the morning before he goes to work.

Bubbly: Don't think about the age! My hubby does the same thing... he's 5 years older than me, and when he found out that I was pregnant, he decided to get all his insurances in place so that Liz and I are covered if anything happens to him. I was like "choy choy choy!"

Oh, I thought your helper came in already. Which province is she from?

Cindy: Please do not attempt to hobble around with your swollen leg now. Have plenty of rest okie?

Win, is the suan suan sharp pain like near the pelvic area? I feel this suan tingling feeling there sometimes. It's not painful to me, just feels weird. It's the baby moving down? hahaha i dunno but we will feel like this as we get nearer to our EDD. You might want to just inform your gynae during the next vist [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws, my hubby always kiss me in the morning before he goes to work too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haha i feel happy thinking about it now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yuening, haha your hubby like to tease you and annoy you for fun hor? We all know our hubbies love us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy your hi-tea k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

