(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Esquare: Read about your fall. Monitor the situation. Do be careful next time okie?

lovebyte: my nose is also getting bigger! My fingers are getting puffier too!

Sharon: I understand your problem with your in-laws. It's always a touchy issue that needs to be handled with care. At least you have the master bedroom for you and your hubby. I was in a similar situation as you early last year too. I stayed with my FIL after i married my hubby. As my FIL was mainly in the living room and dining room, I kept mainly to the master bedroom most of the time. I couldn't cook the stuff I wanted to eat cos we had 2 maids, and eventually we decided to move out for sanity purposes.

Bbribena: You would prolly have delivered by now... jus wanna say that I'm really excited for you!

Mommies: Hope your weekend hasn't been marred by the rainy Sunday. Yes, I'm up a 2plus am now eating chocolates. For some unknown reason, I'm extremely hungry this evening. I had a huge steamboat dinner, dessert, a huge glass of milk and now chocolates!

Hubby got me my Xmas prezzie. He noticed that my current 3yr-old bottega wallet is a little tattered (which I didn't even noticed!), and decided to bring me down to the Ion outlet to get me a bottega wristlet and clutch bag. Said that with Liz next time, I would have less chance to bring my fancy bags out, and would likely to be using a simpler all-purpose one. Really touched by his keen observation and gesture but feeling very very very paiseh about making him spend that moolah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Shucks, now I don't know what to get him for Xmas. Told him I would wrap Liz in red and green ribbons and present her to him! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


muddypaws, u are soo funny hahahah wrap liz up in red and green ribbons to give him? hehehhee... but thats a good idea hehe... i tink our DHs this yr will wan nothing else besides our bbies haah..

Equare, please be careful careful X careful...

milo, i super scary berry now le hahaa last nite was still toking to DH does he tink i will have a meeni meeni chance that i no need to deliver ethan? ahahha i dun wan our 2 person life to change arghhhh... ironinc thing is i planned for ethan down to the month he's due but its like suddenly soo near i getting uber cold feet. i have everything that i need but i still feel like i'm wandering in the dark. aiyoh how???

Good morning mummies!

muddypaws, yes I told my hubby the same thing about tying ribbons on baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I bought his Xmas pressie online already. And Liz must have been really hungry at night, woke you up for chocolates! I find myself very into chocolates these days too and I eat a lot more than before.

Andrea, hope you are feeling better. You sounded really miserable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Rest at home and don't move about too much.

crystal, you are so cute! What 'meeni meeni chance' that you no need to deliver ethan?! Of course you must! Hahaha... you will fall in love with ethan the moment you see him. I am also afraid that our 'er ren si jie' will change but I'm sure a baby will open a new chapter in our r/s.

What I'm really afraid of these days is losing weight. Feeling so humongous, don't know if I can succeed in losing or not... Sigh...

joyfulbliss, ahhaha i spouting nonsense la hahhaa... where got such a chance rite? hehehe i guess cos yest was at borders reading a book "how to maintain your marriage after kids" hahaha...

OOO weight loss.. hmmm i also dunno if i will be able to succeed or not.. i giving myself 2 months to lose le... stress.. gynae said its possible cos i did not gain fats in tummy but depressing looking at the scales everytime. ahha

happygal is aka mangogal, yest log in my old id :p

athena ya maybe i go dwn gap sales during lunchtime later,hehe

cindy,wah gd gd eat wat ur gal like!

Esquare,take care n be careful!

Recently been so blur, clumbsy n forgetful,argg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] need to top up my fishoil more n even after birth

Shirley: pls go back to ur gynae n ask for cream or medication for ur itchiness k? Else u'L B v "xin ku" =)

Esquare: u B careful k? U alright now frm e "split"? If still feelin painful,then we can change day or smthng?=)

u all mummies so thotful to ur hubbies! Haa i hv nt bought anything for my hb for wedding anni n xmas present this yr cos he is nt a gift person, so i wonder will he buy for me too? Prob we just go for a good dinner

me and my flea memory, i remmeber a mommy mention soemthing bot clarins firming cream or soemthing for use after delivery? can the mommy post the name of the item again?

yuening,, i am nt gng for the hi tea, working leh...u all njoy hor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water.

Andrea, poor mine. Do take care. Take some MC and rest. Sayang sayang. Drink more water hoh.

Crystal, milo, don't scare. Things will work out siew siew one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you.

Dbaby, wow nice. Must keep your mood happy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good for baby. Your BBT sounds nice. Good good, keep up in the good job in makan. Final few weeks before poping. Can eat sashimi lah. In fact good your mommy and baby, just need to find good source. I already ate smoked salmon when I went GWP high tea. Wow shiok man.

Ask your baby not to come out one Tue, must ren till daddy comes home[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

athena, pack your hospital bag first. Washing of baby clothings can do this wed, since PH.

Link as per request.



Cindy, good good. If you want to eat yakun some more just eat. Since the turn-over in Compass point branch is quite fast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wow I am going to eat some more softboil eggs liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovebytes, can eat softboiled eggs, no problem. Just make sure that place turn-over is high. I have been eating few times liao since 2 nd trimester. So far no Lau sai.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Imagine with Kaya toast drip in softboiled egss, wau lau, really heaven man.

Muddypaws, just let your hubby buy lah. For what you know, he would get more stuff for Liz once you pop. We will be no. 2 liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies, enjoy your high Tea hoh. They have smoked salmon, nice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], the scorns also nice, but don't eat too much cos very filling. I keep attacking the prawn pastries, sandwich. Hubby attack the Foie gras pastries. Then no need to take dinner liao.

morning everyone!

didnt slp well last night cos milo been scratching at my room door and barking... aiyo, so tempted to throw him out of the hse!

crystal, haha u so cute! i have also been telling hubby how scare i m now as we are nearing the day... he couldnt help laughing at me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i guess changes are unavoidable but with some getting used to, having children really complete our life. now i m so used to grabbing my own bag and a pack of baby wipe and out we go.. couldnt imagine going back to those days where i gotta pack so many stuff machiam eloping!

esquare, pls be careful! ur spilt sounded painful.

mummies, do we feel soreness at the V area when baby engaged? been feeling that for the past few nights.

Aiyoh, poor mine E square. Be careful, must be very painful right. Take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, your milo just wanted more attentions from you lah. My ginger keep asking me to sayang her. Last time I have be with her then she let me sayang. Now I just call her, she will walk over and let me sayang, she knows her mei mei come to the world soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have the sorenss when I pee. Other than that still ok. Maybe you check with Dr Ho during your next appt?

milo, hahah ya eloping hehee...

i tink i also quite sian hehehe... hopefully can cut things to bare minimum when going out.

i tink milo wans attention. my doggie also quite manja now.. i feel soo sad wondering how he will be during my confinement time and he's boarding with the groomer. hope everything will be fine.

Stefie, my milo so big boy liao still so manja! Haha the only consolation is that Kaeden is immuned to his barks so wont wake up at all else i will really skin that naughty boy sia. Ur ebi also like that?

Okie, will ask him on thurs when i see him. Frankly hor, i am so tempted to tell Dr Ho let get baby out on Fri! So xinku now! When is ur next Woody's visit?

Morning mummies

I was on MC, to have a rest at home since thursday.

Missed quite a lot of thread.

So I believe Bbribena has delivered. Congratulation =)

An update of my checkup with Dr Woody on Friday.

Baby is 34 weeks. Weight 2.1Kg. Everything is fine.

Taken blood test, result normal.

Initial date that I decided for scheduled C-sec was 20 Dec.

But Dr Woody ask me to consider ealier date.

So if I were to bring forward, I might choose 10 Dec.

Now I'm still considering between 10 Dec or 20 Dec..

Apologise to share a sad news of my friend.

This morning I received a sms early morning from her.

Her husband just passed away due to heart failure.

She is staying a few blks away from my blk.

2 years ago we were sharing about wedding preps.

This year, when they were about to plan for baby and we have been sharing a lot,

her hubby suddenly gone.

I really feel sorry for her.

My hubby and I were so shocked and sadden by this news.

But i cannot go to wake due to I'm pregnant.

Not sure got superstition that hubby can go on my behalf or not.

Can't help crying in hubby's car just now.

Rite now in office I endure. Pai seh... monday already so blue.

Hope my sharing won't dampened every mummies mood.

morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] on mc today, my fever just went off but i was coughing like mad, cant even have a good rest in the night. either i woke up and hold my tummy and cough or i need to pee. just went to market to buy some grapes and banana for bf as i read that grapes are good for cough? i hope they do help.


thanks for your concern mommies. really pray that this cough thighy will go away before i go pop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have been wanting to reply your about your question. i think the soreness is because your baby has engaged and that his head? wru btw? or have you gone to pop? :p


equare, do take care and enjoy your hightea with the rest. how i wish i can join you mommies but too bad haah!

andrea, if not wrong, i think both grapes and banana are nono for cough wor. u better hold it first! i m also coughing... sigh, been so long. wonder when will it go away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good Morning Mummies!

This thread is really getting exciting especially with 2 mummies already delivered!

My wife's 1 & 1/2 months of bed rest finally came to an end after our visit to gynae last Friday. Now is the period of time she needed to walk more. BB currently at 2.6kg.

Hospital bag on standby in the living room. Everyday anticipating the arrival of my BB gal... hehe.

Milo, only my ginger more manja. Ebi has been manja to me ever since she came to our house 6 years back. Now I like to carry her like baby, ginger will give me that kind of I also want look. Ha!! ha!!

I think Alexis is immune to Ginger's bark liao. She does move more when Ginger bark, at least I know Alexis has perfect hearing ha!! ha!!

Don't be tempted lah, just wait till Dr Ho says so, let your Ash enjoy more good makan first and more peace for you. Plus the weather siao siao now, not good for mommies also. Hot too hot, cold too cold.

My next appt is Friday, I would go alone, some will take 1 hour Time-off to see him, I don't want to queue like nobody business, wait till 9pm. So i will leave office at 4.30pm.

Jiahui, Don't be sad lah. Things just happen. It is good for you to share, don't bottle up your saddness okay.

Why do you need to take blood test? Only C-section needs to take blood test? Sorry hoh, just wondering. Cos Dr Woody seems to have different test for different mommies leh.

Andrea, grapes, banana will have more "tham", cos sweet. It will take longer time to clear up. Drink more warm water and use warm salt water to gargle. I find it helps alot. Take care and rest more.

Yugal, very happy for you. Your wife started her ML already? Do walk more, it wil helps in delivery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yugal, u also started ur counting down? Exciting right? Make sure u are contactable at all times [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nowaday when i wake my hubby up at night for watever reason, first Q he asked me is always.. IS IT TIME? LOL

Stefie, last time Kaeden dun even bother when Milo barkED! Heng hubby took the hearing test in hosp for Kaeden else i would haVe tot something wrong!

Saw Ribena posted in FB that as of 6.28am, she is still waiting...

Andrea: get d cough syrup for preggers from d gynae. It's green in color and it works wonders!

Crystal: I understand that fear about how things may change after the little one comes out... I was eating rojak that day, n munching on all d tau-pok n you-tiao n Hubby teased me about how selfish I am n if this is how I wld teach liz next time to eat rojak too! I broke down in tears n said that it's my last chance to be little kid before liz comes. Next time must give everything to liz first, n Hubby wld sayang her first too... Hubby assured me that I wld always be No. 1 n liz No. 2. Makes me wonder if I'm truly ready for motherhood n if d marriage is baby-proof.

Shirley: I have that itch on my tummy too... Don't scratch else you wld have scars! Put some aloe vera gel to soothe d itch.

Jiahui: I'm sorry to hear about your friend's loss. My condolences to her.

Mommies: do u know where I can make one of those collage photo travel mug? Intend to make one with liz' photos on it for hub for xmas.

Ha!! ha!! I think Alexis is light sleeper like me. She has more time to get used to her notti jie jie when she pop. Ginger bark, Edi doesn't Ha!! ha!! Funny right.

Jiahui, Do take it easy okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks. Is Dr woody okay with 10-Dec C-section? I saw his calender like very full like that. Ha!! ha!! Busy Gynae.

muddypaw, hehe i m one selfish lil kid too. as an only child, i m so used to only having the best. dun need to share and dun really know how to give in till i had kaeden. he so happened to share the same taste in food as i do! so u can imagine everytime he eat all the liao n i eat all the rice! somehow as mummies, we will become more chin chye [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its really a good learning experience.

Thanks for all the concern..

Split do feel

Painful but today seems fine Liao.. Maybe thinking of high tea and shopping.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirley, I also have itch at my stretchmarks, especially yesterday night woke up by the itch. Had to get up and apply more cream. If not will keep scratching like nobody business.


Thanks on her behalf.


I'm fine.. don worry

U saw his schedule full? Coz i haven't ask him yet.

Oh dear...if that the case, then I might stick to 20 Dec. Hope baby wait until that day.

Coz shifu gave me 4 dates.

And only 2 days is morning. the other 2 is evening, which is out for me.

Coz i want c-sect to be done in morning.

jiahui, that is very depressing news. Get your hubby to go on your behalf lo... soo sad to hear this. Do take care oki?

Andrea, your cough sounds very jialat le, i'm not sure if u can take bananas or grapes tho.. maybe the toher mommies can tell.

Jiahui, maybe I am wrong, he was putting a "x" on his calender (end of Nov) when he told me would be end of the month. Ha!!! Ha!!! I assumed that's my estimated date bah. Maybe check with him first. 10 days difference like alot leh.

morn everyone, so nice to slp enough and enjoy my ML.

Jiahui, old pple say its best to born tigers in the morn den at night. less fierce.

Esquare, are we gg to the high tea at the coffee lounge, or the chinese restaurant? mayb we can call there and check as well as make the reservations?

Stefie, my wife not yet on ML. Planning to work 2 weeks before starting ML. EDD Dec 5th but gynae said usually will arrive earlier, making us even more excited... hehehe.

Milo, yeah counting down everyday with my wife.

About itchiness at stretchmarks, my wife was just complaining last night it is getting more and more itchy. The only she has and can do is apply more anti-stretch mark cream hoping the itchiness will go away.


ya..I heard before.

Even shifu "hinted" to me to choose morning as priority. haha....

Coz evening time chosen is 7pm, which is quite late for me.

Yugal, Wow ask her to take it easy okay. If she needed MC just take, really need to relax before popping. My EDD is 08-Dec, my gynae said would be end of the month. I am also very excited[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Counting down each and everyday.

muddypaws, yes yes my sentiments too.. its like will we "forget" bot being a wife and become a mother only. I told DH that i DUN WAN to be called "mommy" by him. And i wont call him "daddy" ever.

you can consider the bodum mug, they have a photo mug, whcih u can "slot" in printed pics around the mug so u can change them as well.

Morning Mummies,

Wow.. alot of posting over the weekends. Hee.. think everyone getting excited as we approaches Dec soon. We spent our Sat on movie and dinner instead of bb stuff. Hee.. Really enjoyed ourselves. I thought its great to have some couple-time before we popped.

Melissa: Great to hear that you're going to discharge today. Must share your experience with us. Hee..

Ribena: Congrats and Jiayou! Hee.. must be shocking when your gynae suddenly tell you to admit on Sun. Your bb size is good. We also waiting for your lovely bb pics!

Sharon: Cheer up. Maybe your hb don't really mean it, just joking with you? I think its not easy to cook if your mil is the one using the kitchen all the time. Don't say in-laws, even when I stay at my own house, the kitchen is my mum's territory. I don't stay with in-laws but I hardly cook also. Hee.. lazy to do the cutting and clean up after cooking. Even so, I don't like people to mess with my kitchen. I think its a girl/woman thingy that the guy don't get it.

Bubbly: Good to hear that your hb going to stay for your delivery. I'll be upset if mine going off also. So happy that everything work out for you. Hee..

Crystal: I also having the same feeling as you. Getting abit cold feet about bb coming into our lives. Really used to and enjoy our couple time all this time, the thought of a bb and bb caretaker coming in, make me abit scare. But then, if we put bb at my parents' place, I feel unbalanced, like they take away my bb. So conflicting.

Athena: Wow.. 2cm dilated already. Is there any special feeling? I wonder if we can feel the dilation cause my gynae haven't do any VE for me yet.

Gd Morning mommies =)

Jiahui: sorrie to hear bout ur fren's sad news, hope ur fren will stay strong ya? i thnk can get ur hubby to go down on ur behalf, will smhow encouraged ur fren a little as well =) U too don B too sad bout it k? Don take it too hard upon urself=)

Esquare: u sure u're okie? can walk steadily w/o pain? else it'L B "Xin ku" for u to go shoppin leh, mayB sit down for high tea still soumds okie, we can take extra care on u, but shoppin ar, im afraid we've got lotsa "distractions" ard, cant ja ga u every min, hahaS

Stefie: ThankQ for ur food recommendations in GWP, i'm so excited, haf been wantin to go there since like last yr! but juz didn't haf e chance or right company, =D

Klitz, Do they haf durians pastries or stuff there? hahaS sorrie i'm sua gu hor, but am excited leh=D Oh meetin @ 2pm huh? so we eat 1st or shop @ GAP 1st? =)

Cindy: its betta to join ur hubby for shoppin =) he an take care of u and bring u go makan gd food, pls eat more heheh

Mangogal: a pity u cant join us,as i missed e last GWP gathering, =( but perhaps we can meet out and gather again sm time after we all pop! =)

Stefie: my EDD was on 5th Dec as well, but Dr says baby will come early as bout e next week =D am excited and lookin forward to ur delivery as well!

Yuening, sorry to disppoint you, no durian pastries. Cos English high tea plus some ang mos also will be there for that buffet. or maybe just that sat I went? If you want can tabao after your high-tea, which is opp the high tea buffet place.

Congrates, do eat as much as possible now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gosh, feel soo paisei, my cols are starting to give me pressies and ang baos liao haaha feeling stressed arghhh.... and worst thing is everyone is saying O anytime now anytime now... i'm like DUN stress me... hahhaha... i dun wan to deliver in office hahaha..

good morning mummies...

muddypaws: ur hubby so sweet.. hehehe.. Now that you ladies reminded me, Xmas is just ard the corner.. wonder how our PH maid will cope with first xmas away from home, hopefully she feels rite at home with us..

E-Square: be really careful of the wet floor nowadays.. u still dare to defy hb's request to stay home.. hehehe.. but must be really careful oh.. my hb will sure scold me hard..

Jiahui: feel so sorry for your friend..

re: TMC Dr. Talk

Can mummies who went for the talk last round share wat time did the dr. talk ended last time? It was only stated that it'll start at 7pm, but no end time de.. thanks in advance

yuening, they do have durian dessert under their buffet. just that i'm unsure is at their chinese restaurant or at the coffee lounge? i saw chinese restaurant has dim sum and dessert buffet.

anyone went for the high tea there? which one is it at ar?


AHHH!! No durians stuff for high tea??!?! sob.. thankQ for informin me.. else i'L B like clueless, lookin and askin ard hahaS but thankfully we can ta bao.. hmm.. will ta bao loads!


great, glad to noe they haf durian stuff some where n its near, hahaS can ta bao like wat Stef suggested.. Hmm.. its my 1st time there w u mommies actually, i'm fine we anythng u mommies crave for..=)

