(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

cherrry, mine hurts leh, it's not just uncomfy feeling, it actually hurts! haizzz... then gwen inside still turning and squirming around, really makes me wanna scream liao. i'm so so so very irritated by it all.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hi mango,

Most mom i know did mix in the bm with fm after baby turned 3mths old. So even co feed right from the start so that baby wont reject once they start work after the 4mths maternity leave.

I was advised by some oldfolks too but i was a persistent mom, so i didnt mix at all.

My husb told me once e umbilical cord is cut, theres goes our sleep. Which was soooo true!!


ThkQ for ur encouragement, will continue to eat n pray also, hopefully can beek up baby inside me,will keep u mommies update after my gynae this Thurs, we muz all JiaYou together k? =)


Benny thnks its quite gross to cut e umbilical cord, then my another guy fren who's a father of 2, also mention like imagine u're cuttin a pc of cotong..its e same! hahaS =)


here's my add, Blk 109 Aljunied Crescent #03-74 Spore380109, loads of thanks Dew! =) can i B transferrin u e post fee via bankin? or i juz pay e postman direct? how to i go bout payin?

andrea, which aussino u went to? i went to bt batok one, if u want the tiger one, maybe u can call them up and check if they still have? think i saw 2 sets last night ... what's a hooded towel?

hi yuening, got your address. i'll make arrangements to post to you then u just transfer the cost of postage to me can already. thanks!

Hi Dew,Alrightey thanks alot, my apologies for any inconveniences caused =) i'L ask u for ur account no. again after i've received e postage yea? =)

Bubbly7 / Andrea / Dbaby : Sent you the link already. I fell asleep after the last post that's why took so long. =P

Re: Storing of breast milk in fridge

Hey mummies who will be breastfeeding, just wondering how are you going to store your breast milk in the fridge? Looking at my mum's fridge (looks a little like the great wall of china) I really dunno how I'm going to put the milk in there. Sometimes the maid exposes raw food in the fridge before cooking as well. Looks like there is a lot of bacteria floating in that fridge. Contemplating getting a small fridge those mini ones like the ones u find in hotels with mini bars. Do you think the coldness of those is sufficient to store breastmilk? As for freezing breast milk. I might but the bottle or milk bags in lock lock containter then put into freezer.

lovebyte, maybe you might want to consider getting the mini fridge commonly seen in hotels after your milk supply is stable? Thankfully i have a fridge like this. It was a wedding gift from my Godmother that i find would be useful for storing EBM. It's more cleaner and hygenic like this rather than storing the milk in the fridge with the cooked/uncooked food. My SIL currently puts some of her EBM inside that small fridge of mine also and we try to keep the fridge very clean to reduce bacteria. The coldness is sufficient to store the EBM according to what my SIL does. It's quite cold but the milk does not freeze with the mini bar fridge.

dewdew, are you the mummy that has heartburn occasionally and takes Gaviscon? Can i ask how does Gaviscon taste like ah?

hi lovebyte, i plan to put the BM in the freezer together with the other food. They'll be in bottles/milkbags anyway so they shdn't get contaminated unless the bags or bottles are not sealed properly. my SIL is currently doing that and there's been no problem so far, but my mum doesn't have the habit of exposing raw food in the fridge so that could be sometime u wish to look into. else getting a small fridge might be a good idea. maybe can ask your antenatal class teacher?

debbie, yes i'm the one who gets heartburn (but after i have stopped taking tomato sauce, the heartburn has gone away). gaviscon tastes creamy and minty, not too bad. a bit chalky but still bearable. can wash down with water so not too bad.

dewdew, must relax okay. take deep deep breathe when BH happens. try to sit down and rest a while, do drink more warm water, i find it helps.

yugal, counting down liao. you looking forward to cut your baby's cord? Your baby's weight is good, so more fan xin liao right. Jia you. Finally leap liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so excited right.

Yuening, my herbs is for soup. I am not using any herbs to bathe. I will use normal water to pong pong and wash hair. Will just bu with the herbs. Ha! Ha!

Raspy, no need to envy when you see my size, ha! ha! as long as baby is growing well no worries about makan. I think partly i am very happy also, tha explains my siao siao makan mood, happy mommy=happy&healthy baby. i don't actually worry much in my pregnancy, just take everything easy and relax. it really helps in baby's growth also. just be happy and relax, makan mood will also be good.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Debbie and Dew Dew. Will consider getting those hotel mini bar fridge. As for freezing EBM will probably put them in bags then into a lock lock container then into my mum's main freezer.

Yuening: I was at Hock Hua medical hall the other day and I asked about the herbs for showering. They sell 1 pack for $2.00. According to the instructions on the pack, you'll need to boil the herbs for about 10-15mins. I didn't buy the herbs cos my mom and mother in law say last time where got such thing. They used Chang Mao (lemongrass) and ginger or something boil with water to wash hair. Other than that use warm water to wipe /shower. Today my mum say after 3 weeks must wash hair. She also mentioned how can dun bath when you have like menses. She say just try to avoid water on your back bone. For back use cloth to wipe. But breast and the V there must wash. Heng I'm doing confinement at my mummy's.

hi mummies,

re: cutting of the cord

If i din remember wrongly, u must inform ur gynae in advance if u want ur hubby to cut the cord. they will then brief ur hubby on how to handle it cos i heard it's rather slippery and not so easy to cut.

re: herbs for bathing

i bought the herbs from fu hua or zheng zhong ping during 1st pregnancy. it comes in plastic packaging. my cl will boil and then i will bathe using it. but i do mix some warm water with it cos 1 bucket's not enough.


must wash v everytime u go to the toilet. remembered the nurse at kkh told me to do that for hygiene reason. can get infection very easy especially when u have lots of lochia.


Ya lo. Same same.. Keep feel like eating but either cant eat much or eat liao wan to puke/heartburn.. Anyway another less than 1 month to go.. Jus hang in there..


I also dun haf the habit of storing 'exposed' raw food.. Usually all food is packed into tupperwares before into freezer & i will specially allocate a particular shelf jus for my breastmilk for freezing. And also i put with my breakfast cereals, milk at the 'normal' side for those tt i am keeping for less than 48hrs for BB to drink. So long u properly seal them, make sure dun put raw food etc on top or near, shld be fine ba.. But if ur mum/mum's maid put exposed raw food then maybe u wan to consider a mini fridge if u haf a good supply of BM..

Dec Mum

Ya, i also heard its fishy.. But i nvr try before la.. Ahhahahha..

dewdew: just like ur gwen, liz is moving non-stop d whole day... her kicks n squirms are super painful n making me very uncomfortable. I just want to scream out loud out of frustration!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying to sleep now n she is still at it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh Lena

The Tofu Fries, BBQ flv is nt bad but a bit saltish la.. Its those 'tau kwa' cut into strips & deep-fried.. Something special.. Yum yum..

Dbaby, ohhhh ic!! Hee.. Didn't know it has fishy smell. Maybe if we eat fish oil supplements will have a bit. SIL told me her BM super sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raspy, my feet also super swollen these 2 days and I can really feel the difference, quite sad to see it so swollen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Muddypaws, my boy's kicks also super powerful sometimes, so painful....

Hello Mummy,

I have opened unused MEDELA SWING (USA set) offering at $$150.

Kindly PM me if interested.

What's in the Box

Two each of collection containers and lids, one container stand, one valve, three membranes, one SoftFit breast shield, a carrying bag, Breastfeeding Information Guide, tubing, AC adapter, battery power option, neck/shoulder strap and Instruction Manual.

Two-Phase Expression Technology

The Swing features two-phase expression technology, an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm. This system works in two modes: the simulation mode and the expression mode. The simulation mode simulates your baby's initial rapid sucking to start your milk flowing, while the expression mode simulates your baby's slower, deeper suckling to express your milk gently yet efficiently. These modes work together to make pumping a quick and painless process.


Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water.

Just had my Lor bee hoon + Hum chee beng + Milo kosong for BF, super hungry early in the morning.

Had BH contractions at 4am, then cannot sleep till 5.30am. Really tired now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will take a quick nap during lunch hour.

morning to all the beautiful mommies! feeling so sleepy now...

Am 37 weeks today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I went to see my gynae yest. did the ctg and VE too... gynae says baby is about two to three fifths engaged, so she estimates baby to arrive around 1-2 weeks' time, i.e. when I'm about 38-39 weeks. so exciting... this sat is the Daddy's birthday, but i don't think she'll arrive yet.. hehehe...

went to Kiseki at heeren for japanese buffet lunch, not bad in terms of value for money. except i can't take the sashimi.

oh Robinson's has cardmember preview sale today, anyone going? i'll be going to get the raycop vacuum cleaner (the one that claims to kill dustmites) and hopefully the car seat. dunno if there's further discounts on these items though.

Morning mummies,

Hubby had fever yesterday and got to come home from reservist, but he got to go back tonight. However, he has been having diarrhea the whole night, maybe he might go see doc and get MC for another day. However his reservist is for a week, if he MC for 2 days, he is concerned that the other days will not be counted and he got to redo the reservist.

stefie: Super hungry since last night, think I ate too little. When I took my blood glucose also lower than normal, but tried not to eat any supper. This morning indulge in Old Chang Kee nasi lemak, no choice it's the only stall opened early.

yvaine: Looks like baby's going to come anytime soon! So exciting! How much is the Kiseki buffet? I want to eat sashimi after I deliver! I miss swordfish sashimi!!

Morning everyone,

Just have my fried noodle as breakfast. Woke up by my dog this morning. Later this afternoon going to my mum's place to eat bird nest. yummy yummy!

Aiko - oh hope your hubby recovers soon n will not need to be penalised to redo his reservice. that'll be a bummer. the buffet is quite decent, 19.80+ so it's about $23 we paid per person. not sure if there's swordfish sashimi though. i didn't look at the sashimi counter cause cannot eat, have to look away else so tempting, hahahah.. yes me too, i want sashimi after i deliver. hubby says he'll bring me a big plate to the hospital fresh from Fassler's after i pop, hahaha

dec mom - enjoy! me cannot take bird's nest, esp the bottled kind, cause will LS after that...

wow Yvaine, Congrates, counting down few day liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So excited for you

I crave for Japanese food. Maybe will eat before I pop, really like not enough time for all my fav makan. Salmon sushimi is good for producing quality BM, that was what i overheard from some mommies during my gynae visit, I guess hubby will be the happiest person cos we can pig out on Sashimi once I pop. He said he will get from Fassler's at Woodlands. Ha!! ha!!!

Aiko, dinner can eat more, if not by morning no energy to walk liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Once a while indulgence is okay. Must be happy okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec_mum, wow ai xin BN, enjoy okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies,

i had a really silly dream last nite. i dreamt that i delivered and the doc handed me a blackberry and said here's your son. i was laffing away and i woke up.. going bonkers liao ahhaha

yvaine, same same i'm 37 weeks today i will go and see my gynae later today hehee. so far i tink ethan is not engaged yet.. heads down only. hope he has put on some wt hehehe

Crystal, too much work is it, that's why your dreamt about your blackberry. Ha!! ha!! Cute leh.

Enjoy your appt, do update us on ethan's weight[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies!

Just went for my check up and my princess is 2.1 kg at Week 33. Doc predicted that she will be over 3 kg at the time of delivery. I find her very heavy already. Tummy hardening more frequently and feel bloated easily. My balancing is also going off and I end up walking crookedly sometimes.

stefie, i tink so also hahha... i shld just call ethan, bb in future hahaha...

O mommies looking for cute alphabets for decorating cct or room, can check out this store called "the better toy shop" they have outlets in ngee ann city, tanglin mall and raffles city. its cheaper then what page one, or taka will carry and they have more designs as well.

Joyfulbliss, congrats on ur princess' wt, i tink its part and parcel we will sort of waddle soemhow.

Crystal: What a cute dream! If it's my hubby he will dream of an ipad! He is still deciding if it is a need or a want. haha

Joyfulbliss: Sometimes I also wobble. Like pu tao wong. My hubby says I walk like a bear. And he kept saying I am a ball. $%$#%@#$%@#$%

Crystal: Are the alphabets in sticker format or wooden kind? My nursery is kind of plain.

Crystal and Aiko, I really feel like Humpty Dumpty now. The other night I tripped over wires at night while on my way to the loo, luckily fell against the bed. Soft landing. :p

joyfulbliss, woah please be careful and walk slowly!! luckily you fell against the bed. Falling is no joke for us mummies!

yvaine, very excited for you to be likely to pop in 1-2 weeks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiko, hahhaha.. ya its possible hor hahaha but at least dream of an ipad quite worth it le its bigger? hehehhe my blackberry so tiny hahaha...

the alphabets are the wooden types, quite colorful with clowns or animals or cute characters. like eg, E comes wtih an elephant head, the body is the alphabet, got the feet also lo. pricing range from 2.90 - 4.90 per alphabet.

joyfulbliss, do be careful keep teh wires? or tie them up?

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ytd's scan was not too good, baby did not grow as compared to the scan 2 weeks ago..

doc says baby is well, but i'm not too convinced..

have called up another gynae to check, his advise was not to be worried or feel stress as these affects baby's growth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

as i'm scheduled for another scan in a week's time, hope that baby will grow..otherwise i think she might be better outside.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning Mummies!

On leave today, going for my appt and ctg scan today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal - so cute your dream! I dreamt of candy empire yest. Was looking for chips. haha

joyfulbliss - I'm also like humpty dumpty now!

Morning gals.

Mangogal, I also find my bb's movement really uncomfortable. Some more yday she like purposely choose to move a lot at night which affected my sleep.

Joyfulbliss, my tummy also very hard n heavy the whole day yday. Very uncomfy loh. But good to know it's not sth only I feel.

My bb seem to be hiccupping 3-4 times a day. Is tt normal?

cindy, dun feel too stressed.. maybe when u go back to dr kek next week see wat options u have lo? sometimes its better for bb to b outside then in ba.. u can fatten her up outside rite?

melissa, hahhaha u even better hahah dream of candy empire ahhaha i tink if i dream of candy empire i will prolly end up drooling on pillow ahhaha

Cindy, just read ur post. bb nv grow in terms of weight? Weight is estimatEd using thigh bone length right? Maybe ur bb is accumulating fats but thE weight gain cannot be measured. Don't worry too much k. Drink 2 glasses of milk daily, eat egg daily n eat more protein in ur meals. That's what I'm doing to help my bb gain weight too.

Cindy, don't be stressed. Monitor your baby's movements as usual. If baby is moving regularly, should be ok. Anyway, the due date will come very soon so wait for the next appointment for doc's instructions. Don't imagine things or baby will be affected, trust the doc.

TenQ, my baby hiccups more than that, so I think should be fine. My tummy not very hard everyday but these days the hardening is frequent. Baby must be running out of space.

Crystal, yar lor, must really tie up wires, such a hazard!

Debbie, thanks. All of us are very 'fragile' now. Must be careful.

crystal, hee i was the one who recommended she come out earlier...gynae's advise was that my EDD might probably be delayed to allow baby to grow...

i also not sure wats the 'problem' (if any) haiz

next week i'll be doing the strep b, VE and be hooked to CTG...


tenq, ya my baby was exact same weight as 2 weeks ago T_T

i not sure the method used to measure weight, but when i heard the same numbers, i too shocked liao T_T esp my weight also dropped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i will up intake of protein also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but thru soyamilk, milk i cant take :p

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joyfulbliss, yup i'm just monitoring movements since nthg much i can do le haiz

i hope EDD wun be changed too far later if not i have to reprogram my timeline :p thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

