(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Talking about weird dreams, I dreamt my baby become quadraplets (4 babies!) and the first baby head was coming out! Wahahaha... I don't think I want 4 at the same time!


Cindy, don't worry too much, tell your princess be good girl and be in the right position.

Poor Aiko, do rest early tonight. Later during lunch find chance to nap abit okay.

The cloth diaper bought liao then use. Don't think too much about it. I also thought all about the same, until last week's anternatal class.

Thanks Amelia! yippee something to look forward to;) you going too?

NateM - i agree about the creams. desitin is very thick and i've one tube from 2008 (my gal's birth) until now, so using! not even half way done yet. thankfully my gal hardly has nappy rash and even when she does, drapolene usually does the job quite well.

milo - wow great job! u have a list of things to buy/prepare for bag? i think i lost them all liao. i've been happily shopping the last few days, think spent a lot liao. but not just baby but for me and my gal too, hehehe. i think more or less the main things are there. just need to get the spare parts for the pump, the milk bags, the additional carseat... and some small miscellaneous things i guess. if you have the list, or anyone else, can share share? to make sure i haven't left out anything...

Stefie, for milk bottles the good ones I knw of are Avent, Medela, & NUK, I buy BPA free types..

I am using medela and pigeon brand, forgot to show u my sterilizer on sat :p I am using pigeon brand cos it suit all brands n types of bottles.

Some parents scared bb will get colic, so in market there are also anti colic bottles selling all babysection n shop...but I didnt buy la, it is up to individual preference..I will prefer BPA free lo

Hey, ur hb can cook, next time our hubbies can xchange tips[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine like to cook ang mo style dishes. So capable urs is gng to cook confinement dishes

stefie- your girlfriend sounds like me in my first pregnancy... i was merrily shopping all the way to just 1-2 days before i popped cause that time still very energetic. now i think cannot make it liao. shopping still gets me all excited, and i've been shopping, but i think by end nov i'll feel a lot heavier liao...

Yvaine n NateM, cos mine been attending infantcare since 10 months old so she she adjust better...if today is her very 1st day, I wont be here chatting wif u all liao, will be pacifying her in ctr,hehe :p

Milo & Steife, ok will update later n gng soon now...get ready now then to see my gal n my boy boy later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Use hp to chat later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for bb stuff, I will make a trip down to cheong choon n get it, top see if I left out anything[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hospital bag, will pack n get ready by week 34[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I like stone stone and floating in the air. Really can't wait for ML. Man, my colleagues keep asking when when I be taking the long break, ha! Ha! Make me more looking forward.

Thanks mango[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will get one of the brands, really not comfort with those old type of plastic milk bottle. I also prefer bpa free bottle. Sterlizer really cannot save the money, would be good for night feed, instant of boiling the water.

Want to save money mah, and he love to cook, so let him lor, see how long he can take it. Ha! Ha! Cooking plus washing leh, cos I can't stand up for too long. As long as hubby willling to cook good already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your hubby also capable mah.

stefie, avent is quite a popular brand for milk bottle. i got 2x260ml and 2x125ml. i think steriliser is really useful.. hehe u wouldnt want to be boiling milk bottle in the middle of the night.

yvaine, haha i dun have the list also! dunno put where liao. jin cham! we shld try and list down and counter check each other list!

anyone stocking up on confinement stuff also? cannot be wait for CL to come then buy right? cham sia, so many things to prepare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning Mummies,

I too had funny dream last night. What happened was in the afternoon I was playing around with the breast pump that was handed down to me by my SIL. I wanted to try to get it fixed together to see which spare parts to purchase. Ended up dreaming about expressing milk. Soooo funny. I realise nowadays that whatever I do in the day affects my dreams in the evening.

As for those mummies who have yet to purchase their breast pumps, my lactation consultant mentioned that don't need to buy the pumps so early. What we should do is wait untill delivery then wait and see if got milk then can try the machines at the hospital before going to purchase the one you need. Anyways for the 1st month you will always be with baby so may not need the pump so early unless you have overflowing milk. =)

Yesterday I went to Mothercare to look look see see. Saw this pair of pre-walker shoes... so super cute le... but it cost $25 dollars and can be worn till 3mth maybe i should get the 3mth-9mths one instead.

Morning mummies!

Aiko, must also bring ROM cert, cardigan for yourself, jacket for your hubby, breastpads, hp charger, camera, NRIC too and maybe an extra set of baby clothes and mittens if you want... Mrs wong boh boi said it's best to let your baby wear a cotton baby cap when you and baby are discharged from hospital..

Woah, Thanks a lot for the list lovebyte! And other mummies for the suggestion. Better save the list somewhere... hehe

What's the difference between labour bag and hospital bag?

Erm not much difference. Can put all into one bag. Just that the ones listed under labour bag are the essentials you need when you go into labour. The rest is for your stay at the hospital.

i m nt sure due to what .. i m feeling dizzy today .. i scare i m going to faint anytime.. i m having sorethroat and a bit of coughing though and the worst part i dont think can take medicine ..

bubbly, ur CL so good leh. mine is my friend's aunty. till now also never say need to buy wat wor so can only get the general stuff... btw ur CL will come over after u discharge or?

thanks for sharing your lists Debbie and Lovebyte!

milo - ya must collate, but it helps to have a list like lovebyte's then can add on.... hahaha... if i manage to collate i 'll send to you ;)

Lovebyte - think no need clock. the moment you're in hospital they'll put you on the ctg nmachine which will then monitor the contractions ;)

but snacks, YES! they didn't allow for food in case you need emergency c-section but that time i was only 1-2cm dilated so my hubby smuggled snacks in for me, too hungry liao. and if hungry, where got energy to push??? heheh

crystal - sounds bad. takes lots of isotonic drinks to prevent dehydration ya!

I haven't book my CL yet... wonder if they still allow bookings? Hubby wants to get from Thomsom parentcraft as he think they are trained by Mrs Wong and will know all the proper dos and don'ts.. but it's quite expensive to engage from them.

milo, dont tink so.. jsut after every meal will feel tummy ache and go toilet... sighh.... sleepie sleepie...

Thanks lovebyte for teh list, i shall go home and counter check against wat i've packed.

morning mummies! wow.. so many posts in the morning! hehehe...

first time dreamt abt baby too, dreamt tat she's sleeping inbtwn us on bed. so cute. maybe bcos before i went to bed, i was arranging her clothes and keep dreaming abt her wearing them. hehe!

mango, enjoy ur ME time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its really nice de.

bubbly, no worries le, cos bought the pump le, then ya, hopefully tat be the thing to carry and not laptop to work oh. me v jialat one, abit heavy, also cannot take it. hehee..

stefie, i bought the pigeon sterilizer set, so it comes with the bottles too. and i think the breastpump from medela also giv bottles. heard pigeon steriliser is not bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, i jus asked my hb to ask mil to buy the red date tea stuffs, she say too early leh. so i also dont knw when its the right time to buy. cannot wait for CL le, or not we hav nothing to drink. lol... but the other stuffs, wat else are needed? i dont knw wat she be cooking and such, and i also wont stock up on food right?

ya, rainbow, i also got my friend to bring back the freestyle for me from US. 299 hehehe.. but i didnt knw abt the extra funnel. so will get it when the time comes.

crystal, i don't think need apply work permit for them leh.. Mine didn't tell me that. i only know they allowed to come for 28 days in singapore only and that we are supposed to give them angbao when they come and leave as a form of giving them transport allowance..

aiko, better book your CL soon!! I booked mine 2 weeks ago and i felt it was super late already. Had a hard time getting one that is good and available.

yvaine, heh that's not my complete list but you're welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia: Ohs.. maybe then apply some hong yu on your temple area. Take your eyes off the comp for a while or even lay ur head down to rest for a bit. Cos i find with headaches and giddyness, looking at the comp marks it worst.

cherrry, your CL got ask you to buy some chinese herb called "da feng cao" or something for bathing?? Mine ask me to buy before she comes.. Maybe stock up the red date tea stuffs one week before your EDD? And i also dunno what CL will cook for me so i guess my MIL will help me stock up some pork, fish, ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, wine etc..

Amelia: pls take good care.. don't make too sudden movement.. have u eaten breakkie?

crystal: I am not sure if it's true, but the CL we booked told us there is no need to apply permit.. nowadays, the custom stamp is 30days worth instead of 14 days like last time woh..

milo: CL told hubby to call her when I am admitted, and inform her which date I'll be discharge, then she'll take bus over that very same day.. she says not worth to come early coz the 28 days will start counting once she arrive..

Aiko: how much is the Thomson's CL?

debbie, ya that's wat i thot also but then my DH's col was telling him this is a new ruling.. if nothing happen fine la.. if we get caught dunno got penalty on us or not... sighh..

Amelia, go and see doc and ask for medicine that is compatible for pregnant woman. I had cough and sorethroat a few months back, also can take medicine.

lovebyte, thanks for your list!

Mummies, no prob at all. Glad to share. If i missed out anything let me know. =)

Haven't started packing yet though. Latest buys I got was Huggies NB and some maternity pads. I feel so slack!

Good morning mummies,

Sorry ..me again...

I still have 2packets (72pcs each) S size mummypoko to be sold. Deal at admiraltly Link only or sembawang mrt, lets accomodate a date and time.

Giving away 10odd loose pc of S size mummypoko.

SMS me at 93621700 for a reasonable price.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

dewdew & sharon: hope things are better between you and hubbies. i think our haywired hormones are really wreaking havoc and causing a lot of unhappiness. we must be the magnanimous ones and closed one eye to our non sensitive hubbies' behaviour. hehe... jia you!

andrea: i dont know the one i will be receiving is medium or big. but i think i need a big big bag cause i have too many barangs barangs liao.

your BH sounds quite bad. hope its better now. if not better seek your gynae's advise.

lena: dont worry, its just a dream. all the thinking about delivery caused you to have the dream. everything will be fine with Clarissa.

tenq & dbaby: congrats on the healthy baby growth. wow! great, fortnightly visit liao. me still one month apart for my visit. hope will change after next visit.

stefie: really arh? hubby was telling me they were talking about a lot of babies' stuff.. good they can get along and talk. at first i thought my hubby will be super 'dao' cause he shy mah. didnt expect him to talk so much.

i wanted to exchange the towel for the wrap but no wrap le. but the nurse said they will be bringing more this saturday. so i buy another pack this saturday and i also want to buy the wash clothes since mrs wong said very good.

but very sianz cause this saturday i will have to go class alone as hubby not in town. feel so miserable already.

klitz: so fast you bought CNY clothes. i was still telling hubby that i wont be able to get any clothes cause by the time CNY still confirmed still very fat!

amuro: great to have a staycation now to prep for your baby's arrival.

mangogal: thanks for the clothes. i have not went through the clothes yet. will repack and if theres any smaller ones like 0-3 months, will pass to cindy and stefie. hehe..

yah, agreed. my hubby learns a lot from the short session at your place.

good! you were so worried initially, now can relax and enjoy your me time le.

cindy: congrats on the healthy baby growth. dont have to worry now bah. i think only after 30 weeks will baby really turn downwards.

aiko: yes yes! i also havent 'found' you yet.

i dont think she mentioned what brand of shampoo to buy. only said to get those non rinsed.

crystal: aiyoyo.. drink more water plus 100+ or gatorade to replenish the water.

amelia: take some sugary stuff like sweet or chocolate now.

Debbie, no leh, she didnt tell me anything at all. and the da feng cao, i read from nov thread, they say v smelly and stink ur bathroom lol... so they get those ginger shampoos and etc. i hav no idea on the bathing part yet and dont knw who to ask! oh, so fast must stock the food ah. i tot can wait till she comes le, then go market buy. hehee.. but true though, can buy those basic pork, fish etc.

anyone knows if TMC provides change of clothes for the mummy during admission? the type thats nursing friendly. hoping to pack light!


bubbly: Think it is more than 3k for thomsom confinement nanny... very ex right? And I have the feeling there won't really be that great a difference from the ones trained elsewhere.

Oh just remembered something my lactation consultant said. She was saying that after delivery don't take dang gui cos it doesn't stimulate the milk supply. So for those who are breast feeding do take note.

cherry, true lor.. i also dunno wat is the CL's preference for sesame oil, ginger, rice wine etc.. how to prepare leh.

i shld be getting red dates, blue dates, black dates and longan first... the rest hor, wait for her to come then buy shld be in time right? at most for tat meal, chin chye eat lor LOL

lovebyte, thks for the list! its really helpful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, haha ya lor! so scary at popping leh!

i went to KPO also, see some mummies even update when at hospital haha..

time really flies! think the mummies due in end nov, by beginning nov might even start popping liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so looking forward!

stefie/eoneon, haiz i hope so that she turns! super making me uncomfortable, i think my rib will break at the rate she's hitting on it haiz..

having sleepless nights liao...

cherry & debbie, i didnt really like the da feng cao also. laychey leh. gotta get a pot to boil and then a pail to contain... my friend introduce me those warming shampoo/shower gel that serve the same purpose. hope can replace bah.

cherrry, omg da feng cao is smelly? oh no.. later we bathe in it and we stink after bathing. Defeats the purpose of bathing during confinement! haha. I think also can put lemongrass to have nicer smell? I hate lemon grass smell though sigh. Hmm i think it's no harm stocking up some pork in the freezer, cos no matter what we definitely need eat pork. But if you got MIL or mother to be there 24/7 sure no problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, wah da feng cao so troublesome ah.. i didn't know.. Nvm, luckily got CL to go through all the trouble of boiling it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think i will use dry shampoo also for the first few days of confinement.


debbie, ya lor. last time no CL and my hub gotta boil for me. the more i bath, the more stinko and sticky i become so ended up DUN BATH LIAO! haha

