(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

yugal, i tried searching it at major music store but couldnt find it so last resort... order from amazon.com [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


raspy, ya i've been trying to shift the baby but not much help hehe...normally will only try to shift outside coz will make me wanna pee alot...at home normally its ok coz toilet is convenient..

nevertheless, i will try out yr method and see if baby does get shifted hehe

cindy: haha, then in that case, hubby really have to sleep outside le. cause we cant have the temperature tune too low.

mummies: me too.. i think baby loves resting near my bladder. i keep feeling urgent even though i just pee. the urgency just never stops.

candycanes87: welcome ^_^.. i think thus far for cheap and comfy nursing bra, you can try eternity and impression.

cherrry: i have eaten prawn noodles a few times. never hear of any bad thing link to it. hence, should be alright.

muddypaws: oh mine! i had 2 accounts of bleeding too a few weeks back. damn scary hor? do drink more water and eat more fruits and veggie.

eileen: i have already engaged mine. its a recommendation from Win, one of the mothers in this thread.

raspy, did u engage your CL through agency? I originally engage a CL who did for my fren last year, but in the end decided to drop her cos was very troublesome as she insisted on being paid the deposit first. I probably will go through agency, think safer.

Muddypaws, drink more water and have more fibre stuff, i had piles too..take care. Btw Robinson expo sale now on? I just went to Metro Expo sale last weekend.

Anyway saw some of you discussing about the menses after giving birth, something like 9 months of cramps in 1 week. Scary man! I used to have painful cramps, can't imagine after birth how...;/


i had javanese massage for my 1st ,5sessions.

Will be using the same javanese massage place this time round.

I find 5 sessions are more than enough.

Yes sharon thats me.Dont mean to scare you,hahaha.But thats really how i felt hours after i gave birth,when my uterus shrinked slowly back to its original form,and the first 2days of breastfeeding as our uterus contracts while we breastfeed so it was agonishing.


Most Cl , will need you to pay a deposit first.. This is to secure a slot.. If those Cl who dun request for deposit better watch out coz my friend's Cl last min no show coz never give deposit..

I dun trust agency. They are ex an Cl so so only..

Good evening mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now listening to Mozart Sleepy time, very nice and relaxing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

its FRIDAY!!! This weekend will be a super busy one... there are 2 delivery on saturday afternoon and evening we are going to a friend's son and daughter's birthday celebration at aloha loyang. sunday will be going to marina barrage to fly kite then going to marina square for steamboat.

hope everyone will have a fulfilling weekend too ^_^

yugal: if you dont mind, can share? more music for my princess too. hehe...

Morning everyone!

Wow Eon, sounds like a super packed weekend.

Yugal, immediate reactions sound exciting. This, I must try as well!

Muddypaws, take care of yourself and don't be too stress. Eat well and drink lots of water.

morning mummies and daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] having my meesiam for brekkie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yummy!


i am taking Nature Care's DHAxtra fish oil, i got them from my previous gynae. will be finishing soon thus haven gotten anything from dr heng yet. $30+ for your fish oil sounds ok, mine is $58 each pack of 30 pills.

good morning all!

eoneon, hubby will most prob be slping outside le haha see if he complains later ba :p

wa u still have lots of energy for the many activities hor hehe..weekends when i go out normally spend time at cafe eating desserts/drinks and let time pass only lor haha

not much strength to walk too much liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd morning to all!


last night saw McDonalds advert about the $4 brekkie. so decided to have it just now. quite shiok!

how early we need to book the massage lady?

TGIF to all Mummies!~

Eon & Amuro, Can u provide me with more details of your Javaness Massage lady? Contact? Package? and review if possible. Thanks!

Yugal: Will be interested in the mozart for relaxation pieces.

I just had a funny thought that popped in. Imagine if we all went for a gathering after the babies are born. The we put them all in their strollers and play mozart pieces so they will all fall asleep. =) Like that we can have our own chit chat time. =) But if one cry all cry then we jiat lat. =P

Morning Mummies, I have posted the link in our facebook group, can grab it from there. Enjoy!

I read from somewhere it is important mummies enjoy the music then the bb will in turn feel relax as well; quality bonding session.

Do share here if your Prince/Princess has any reacetion as well... excited to know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, what does the massage lady do?

is it the one with the wrap?

lovebyte, haha it will be fun with all the babies! if have to travel from place to place in MRT, all MRT will be packed with strollers also haha!

yugal, thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy: i think if your hubby complains also no used unless he can take temperature ranging between 25-26 degree celsius in the room.

haha.. cause hubby will be the chauffeur mah. i just need to get ready and off we go.. haha.. cause one is a birthday celebration and the other is a gathering with his younger brother and gf mah so cant missed. seriously i cant walk much nowadays but i dont wana be coop at home too. so gona go out. and since those are merry events hence all the more should do.

eileen: the one i am having is $40 per session and at least 5 session if im not wrong. i will pm you the contact. no review from me cause using her for the first time but Win was saying she is good.

lovebyte: haha.. thats a good one. imagine all babies sleeping together and waking up together.

yugal: thanks for sharing... will go grab from facebook. hehe

really? we must like the music so that babies will like. hmm.. then thats strange leh. i like those music but no reaction from my princess wor.

cindy: mine is the type with wraps. apparently it is said that the massage, oil and wraps they used will aid in getting rid of the excess wind in our tummy.

Cindy, I have seen how effective the post-natal massage is! My friend lost flabs after just one massage. I was totally sold. I don't know much about pre-natal ones though I will wanna find out.

Yugal, can I join the FB group too?

oh dear muddypaws... take more fluid and up ur fruits intake. its really painful eh. i shld prob go robinsons to look for the eternity bra this weekend! thanks for the update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks eoneon, i shall go eat one of these days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea, i saw the mcdonald advert last night! hahhaaa.. shall get it one of these days.

thanks yugal for sharing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, ya lor...maybe after being 'left out' of me n baby's private time he will give in to MY temperature haha

ya i find my stamina also getting bad liao...not as good as last time where i can go walk whole day...now abit i need to sit ard haha..sometimes also paiseh when i ask frens out then end up we 'rot' more than shop ard haha!

eoneon/joyfulbliss, the wrap is the malay type right? my colleague say hers was for a mth, then one day wrap twice type...not sure if its the same?

joyfulbliss, i think for my colleague, she ballooned keke..

but i also heard more pros than cons abt the wrap....how long do we have to weap? 1 week or to follow the malays 1 mth?

Eoneon, is the wrap service you used effective?

After reading raspy's post on CL, I am having 2nd tots not to employ one. Initially I was thinking the Childbirth Education Course + my mum's assist would be sufficient.

Can mummies share your experience on the "chores" after delivery and when does CL's help comes in?

joyfulbliss, can u give me ur email add to add into our FB group?

eon, i cant walk much too. jus 1 hr+ walking at taka already made me so shag. still thinking if i shld join my hub & kaeden at universal studio! i think i will sit down more than walk ah :p

eileen & aiko: i tried to pm you but your account doesnt allows pm leh. how?

cindy: haha... maybe he will have to sleep with only boxer on nia loh. haha

i think it is normal to be feeling tired after walking for a while for us. dont have to feel paiseh. your friend will understand.

eh, the malay type of wrap. as for the duration/no. of sessions is really up to individual de bah.

yugal: i have not used before. but apparently it is recommended loh. to remove excess wind mah. but this therapist which i engaged, she keep stressing the wrapping is not for losing weight. more for removing the excess wind.

milo: ya loz.. shagged loh! i can feel the aching and tiredness after walking for a while. join lah. but whenever you are tired, take a rest loh. dont miss the fun. hehe...

joyfulbliss, my colleague did 1 mth of wrap, 2 times a day..still balloon...zzz maybe doesnt work on her keke...

but i heard from most mums who did the wrap say its good and effective but also some plaint very pain/restrictive...i duno how long to do also...coz if have to book early plus have to confirm the period, how ah?

yugal, after reading raspy's post i tot all the more i should get one...hmm different point of view..how come u have 2nd thoughts abt a CL after the post?

milo, u good le, half hour is enough to wear me off leh...

eoneon, u already booked the wrap lady? how u book? coz u duno when delivery yet ma...hmmm i'm holding back leh though i know i need to book soon...did u jus tell her the EDD? if u book for a week and decide to extend is it ok?

aiko: sent you the contact on facebook le.

cindy: yes, booked liao. oh, just let her know you EDD, once you pop, sms her. if i never remember wrongly, we can start the wrap 5 days after the normal delivery. she will contact me on the day and time of the wrap upon receipt of my sms. then after the 5 sessions (if i never remember wrongly again. hehe), you can let her know you intention to extend the sessions or not. no worries, you can always call to check with her. no obligation de.

Cindy, I meant I am considering getting one; having 2nd thoughts not to get one.

But would like to find out from experience mummies here in what ways a CL can prove useful. Totally clueless here ...

eoneon, wa then my head gonna be big with all the dates liao LOL

tonight shall discuss with hubby again...if wan CL plus wrap he gonna stare wahaha and go on with the old logic again :p 'last time ppl no need now u need all' wahahah!!

yugal, hehe initially i tot of getting, after raspy's post,i confirm will have one now, but u dun wan ma...hehe y leh? CL will still be better than a relative ba..in the sense that u can ask her to do stuffs for u, harder to open mouth to a relative [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, cos we are currently still staying with my parents and I am close to my mum. Also most probably we are hiring a maid.

yugal, i'm also staying with in laws :p

my original plan was to get a day CL (coz MIL working, thhough she offered to be on a mth leave), i will paiseh to 'boss' her ard to do chores for me plus i believe a CL's way of handling babies would be more updated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe u have to check with yr wife if shes comfortable with yr mum doing confinement for her...coz if u getting a maid also, she can do the chores..

Good Morning Mummies!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everyone's doing well!

Finally able to log in and chat with you mummies. Been super duper busy at work covering collegues on leave. Had to cover 1 more extra desk, don't have time to surf net or even check my hp! Time passes so fast and in a split second, its FRIDAY again! haha!

Talking about malay warp, must book now?

Morning Mummies!

Tantan: Yah, I think its better to have another person in-between cause to reduce the potential conflicts. Good to hear that it works out for your first one. Hope mine will be ok too.

Sharon: I engaged the CL through the recommendation of another mummy at this forum. We met up to pass her the deposit. We didn't go through the agency cause read quite a number of comments about agency CL that are not very supportive/encouraging. So decide to rely on word-of-mouth from other mummies' experience and seems like giving the deposit is a common practise to secure the period.

Yugal: Is your mum staying with you? I think if your parents are staying with you, it will be easier cause it will be less changes to their usual life. We're staying on our own, if my mum want to help out, she need to travel daily and it can be tiring unless she shift over. And she cant do her usual stuff at her own home (such as housework etc) cause she need to be around to help out at our place, so alot of changes to their usual life.

good morning mummies!

super busy this morning.. anyway, melissa i just wanted to update you. i just started on level 2 of babyplus and my gwen is kicking like nobody's business! i think the sudden change in beat got her all excited (or maybe confused?). lol!

dewdew - really? haha, my hubs read somewhere that after awhile baby's get adapted and recognise the sounds so they won't kick so much. No wonder the first 3 times when I used it, she kicked so much I tot she was truamtised by the sound.

I was worried it might be too loud and it will damage their hearing. I just found out that one of my collegue's using it too and his babyboy is healthy. He claims he's baby is smarter too. Can smile before his age or something.

I'm going on lesson 2 tom! But now she doesnt kick so much for lesson 1 anymore.

Do you strap it around your stomach? The sound still annoys me so much!

melissa, dun overwork hor, remember yr meals and drink plenty of water!

amuro, if there a difference between balinese and javanese massage?? is it the herbs they use which is the difference?

hi eoneon,

can pm me the contact no. of the massage lady? am interested too.

hi dewdew,

u r welcome.

hi sharon,

i din have very bad cramps but the bleeding was rather heavy for the 1st 2 weeks.

