(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

dewdew, thanks for the calculator. I think if i gain 15 kgs my gynae will flip and bounce off the walls. but its a good breakdown. i shall keep this in mind.


lilsunshine, i dun care le hahah i also puke in public with plastic bag also.. hahah somemore its consecutive one after another ehhe... so far no one look disgusted at me. onli concern stares/looks.

milo, it is reallie comfy le... i have to say i slept better after i got it on sat. i actually dunno why also hahaha... but i can sleep longer on either side more and i dun feel the ache/pain on my thighs when i get up.

dewdew, thanks for the calculator. I will gain 15.9 kgs - 20.4 kgs. that means i really hit 80plus. faint, i am so heavy by then

lol, crystal i think 15kg is not too terrible leh. my SIL gained only 8kg and her baby was so tiny (at least to me lah) when he came out. my cousin gained 13kg and her baby was a nice size, about 3kg. my colleague gained 30kg! she was underweight b4 P but during P she ate a lot. now she's almost back to normal size.

i aim for 12 - 15kg. hopefully i won't exceed. now i'm 55kg.

dewdew: ya lah... really super regret loh. but at that moment, i just kept thinking.. its once in a lifetime. must get something i like.. so there went $160 for a one 1 1/2 days wear. half day for photoshoot and 1 day for wedding day.

crown: me 1.65cm... but weighs like a giant.. wahaha..

Eoneon, you are taller than me and you weight 65kg nia. i am the giant here sia. cham la, i really have to control. i think i eat too much.

dewdew, wahhh 8kg is too lil liao ba? i aiming for 10-12kg max... cos i very scared my bb too big hahaha later got to c-sect hehe... i'm now 48kg.

Thanks EonEon... Think my MS subsiding...Dont feel as tired today as last few weeks... WEnt for my Oscar at TMC and the whole process ended in abt 10 mins... the sonograph took measurement in silence and when my hubby comes in she only says this is head, here is leg.. And i very bodoh..left the room without asking her how was everything..e clinic calls me abt 4 days later to inform me of result..luckily everything is okay..Low risk..

those of you looking for ginger candy, if you have frens/ppl going to macau can ask them to buy macau's ginger candy for you. its more like ginger nougat and its not very sweet but it packs a punch. i find it quite effective.

crown: i weight 70+kg arh... wahaha.. how i wished im 65kg nia

jol: huh, hope i dont kena that sonographer loh. i also very bodoh de. will always forget to ask until im out of the room... i pray for a detailed explanation from sonographer tomorrow.. hhehe..

congrats on your good result.

amelia, u can only gain 7kg?! sure or not? maybe that one a bit salah...

crystal, yah lor, my SIL's 8kg is really very little. and she was slim to begin with, see the baby so small also quite poor thing. but healthy can already lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crown, abrasion behind the thighs or between? i get between the thighs 'cos i have thunder thighs! i wear tights occasionally to help with that. :p

I'm oki...cos i understand we dun purposely puke infront of people. Just that i happen to see, then i have the nausea feeling with me throughout the day. It's getting better now.

hi mummies,

juz cm out of e clinic...gt my blood test & OSCAR test results, doc say everyting is ok except my immun for Hep B is vy low so gt to go for jab after birth


ya...i bought a lot of tings frm e sales...i bought a front opening sleepwear since nd to prepare 1 set for e delivery so buy nw.

PSH, good that everything is ok. i hope when my turn this fri, doc can tell me that. i am so scare and eager to see my baobeis

crown & dewdew: i have abrasions occasionally too. so i am scare with my weight increase. it will be soon before i have to replace my thighs cause too painful le.... i have elephant thighs....

psh: good that everything is ok.. you get to know your result so far de arh?

im still thinking hard about my front opening sleepwear. where to buy such big size one to wear.

Eoneon, i tried applying powder but no use and i sweat alot so it is painful lor. i was thinking i should get pants instead of skirts

crown, dewdew & eoneon, i hv abrasions occasionally whenever i put on weight in between of my thighs ... i hv a super elephant thighs .. my father used to make joke of me that i m like a cactus planted on a big pot ..

amelia, i think they estimate the weight gain based on our current weight. 'cos if now we're already overweight, we shouldn't need to gain too much 'cos already have the fats on hand, so to speak. but as long as you eat healthily i think u should be ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your gynae should be better able to advise you how much u should be gaining, just take this as a rough estimate.

amelia, crown & eon: haha, we're the thunder thighs club! i know exactly what u mean. i just mentioned it to my hubby the other day that i can feel my thighs rub against each other, he just laughed and laughed. haizz...

crown, i think pants will work better than skirts 'cos they allow some protection from the abrasion. that's why i wear tights. or maybe u can try stockings if u want to wear skirts, also a form of protection.

Hi PSH, Glad that everything is okay for you. Now more relax liao right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, thanks for the calculator, I can put on 13.6Kg. I guess my Pre- Pregnant weight is okay for my height, cos I am 1.63M. Ha!!! Ha!!! I am average for American size[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I Love America[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also have huge thighs, hubby always make fun of me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now I make fun of him, cos he is almost 94Kg, fat fat hubby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amelia, crown & eon: haha, we're the thunder thighs club! i know exactly what u mean. i just mentioned it to my hubby the other day that i can feel my thighs rub against each other, he just laughed and laughed. haizz...

crown, i think pants will work better than skirts 'cos they allow some protection from the abrasion. that's why i wear tights. or maybe u can try stockings if u want to wear skirts, also a form of protection. also the skin darken due to repeated abrasion. rbr to apply moisturiser to lessen the abrasion.

I told my dh abt the abrasion and he laugh at me say I fat la, then say eeee when he see the darken skin. He is a pig lor

dewdew, weather so hot, i avoid wearing stocking, keke. my other forum friend said she is gg to pass me some big pants, see if i can wear or not

crown: i cant wear pants.. it will only make my elephant thighs look worse. so i stick to dresses. hehe..

amelia: my paternal family relatives will always teased my dad. cause my dad used to laugh at his youngest sister for having elephant thighs so now retribution, his daughter has elephant thighs!

dewdew: yes, the thunder thighs club!

I am lucky cos my hubby also experienced the abrasion before cos we are from fat fat club[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. He said wearing boxer short helps to reduce the friction.

crown: my hubby is very sensitive of my feelings when it comes to that. he knows i will feel very hurt if he laughs at my elephant thighs. if he dares to, i will cry for him to see!

i am a very sensitive person but my dh is super insensitive.. before i got P, my in laws keep hinting to me to lose weight. Not as if i dun wan to lose weight, it's my prolactin prob that causes it

Wow.. so many posts today.

Dewdew: I got my cherries from a fruit hawker near my place. But I think they only open in the morning til afternoon (cause they kinda wet market business).

Eoneon: Yah, lychee seems to be in season now. But don't take too much, my mum says lychee is very heaty. Think our body already very heaty with bb, wait over-heated and we cant take those too liang stuff. Hee..

TenQ: Me opposite from you, I used to take quite a bit of chillies, but after preggy, my chillies intake reduce quite alot. Nowsadays order food, when asked whether want chillies, I got to think awhile cause don't know bb want hot anot.

Amuro: Great to hear that you had a good time during oscar. Lucky you and hb to have the professor inside for 10mins.

Crystal: I also found that my back aching everytime I get up from the bed. Hb have asked me to sleep sideways 2-3weeks ago. I'll use a pillow inbetween my legs when I sleep sideways. Its alot better now. Think cannot sleep face up, last time I used to sleep face-up.

Ethan & lilsunshine: Gosh, hope you two feeling better. I bought the skittles (sour flavour) recently and pop 1-2 inside my mouth each time I felt abit weird/nausea. You might want to try that. Its really sourish at 1st taste.

Dewdew: Nice sharing on that calculator. I played with it too. It says 13.6kg gain for me. Hope I can keep to it. Hee..

I have been feeling some little cramps around my sides today. Its not really painful, but I don't like the feeling. Like something disturbing me. Hope it goes away soon.

Milo: Gosh, hope your mum get better tomorrow. Your next visit is earlier than mine. I still got to wait 2 more weeks for the next one. How come the glucose tolerance test's a pervent one? What do they do during the test?

Crown: I also starting to feel the abrasion between the tights just yesterday. Sigh... I really hope they don't expand at that area.

Just wondering...anyone knows which catering do cater confinement food? My mum can't really cook confinment food so perhaps looking for alternative instead of engaging confinment lady. Save some $$.

raspy, i am thinking of asking dr ho if i can see him once in 3 weeks instead else very siong for me.

gotta fast the night before from 10pm onwards then...

8am - draw one tube of blood + urine

drink 250ml of carbonated orange drink

9am - draw one tube of blood + urine

10am - draw one tube of blood + urine

pervert or not? i think abt it i also wanna faint!

Now I munching sandine sandwich. Hungry again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Milo, hope your mom will recover faster, if not really poor thing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crown, you are wondeful mommy, carry 2 babies. So must be happy with yourself okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mei Mei Mommy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ethan: Yah, I also heard that catering confinement is not nice and expensive.

Crown: Aiyo... I really hope that everything just goes to my tummy. But doesn't seem like the case.

milo, ur test schedule shows super SCARY!!!

hope ur mommy get well soon.

raspy, i read in a bb mag that we CANNOT lie face up i cant remember why we shld be sleeping on our sides now.

Ethan, confinement food is not cheap. i tink there's some post in motherhood forum bot this pretty yummy confinement food place. If you have ppl to help u look after bb during confinement time, u can engage these companies.


Ethan, i was thinking of ordering confinement food too cos my MIL also duno how to cook but my colleague ask me dun waste money

stefie, you are making me hungry..:p

raspy, i also hope everything goes to my tummy but my thighs, arms, hip all grow liao

