(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi piggy, don't worry. Just don't take milk now till you are better. Don't force too much when doing big business.

Your previous pregnancy was due to baby not healthy, that's why. If healthy baby would be intect in the womb. Cos when we do big business, one hole open, the other will close. Don't worry too much, not good for baby.

PSH, don't be too stress tomorrow ok. Stress will cause more gastic.

piggy: oh, rest more and if theres a need, see gynae for assurance.

oscar scan is to scan for any abnormality of the foetus, such as down syndrome, cleft lips, etc.

ya... i m doing for it on next sat... includes the blood test oso... cos my hubby kasu.. but i m worry...abt the results... havent test alrdy worry... haiz...

piggy: normal to worry de. im sure all the mummies here are worried of the results cause we love our beanies. but dont let the worrying get to you, else will be very stressful and wont be good for beanie. try to distract yourself from thinking about it.

eoneon - ya... i know... u going to bb fair at expo this week? my friend ask me to go because she said if i want to sign up for motherhood magazine... is better to go and sign up during the bb fair...

Hi Piggy, don't worry too much. Everything will be soon soon one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As what Eon Eon suggested worrying is not good. Happy Mom=Happy & healthy baby okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WOW... u ladies seem to be taking so many pills. My gynae only gave me 2 to take. Obimin and folic acid. Other than that I drink milk and eat fruits... nothing extra.

Crown: i think your sis only means well and is excited for you la. I agree with milo that we need to recee the prices. Maybe we mummies should help each other out in recee-ing. Start a good spreadsheet or something the we can see where and what and how much.

About DOM:

I heard if breastfeeding for the first month cannot take right. Will the alcohol content harm the baby?

H1N1: Yes its back. All mummies take care ya. I find that whenever someone sneezes or coughs nearby I will cringe and move away. Tend to be very sensitive to these nowadays.

Lovebyte, Dr Tan only gave me Obimin, then the nurse told me inside got folic le. So I am taking 1 pill only. I waited 2 hrs to see her on Tue, wait until my backache, she is really too popular.

piggy: i cant go as still sick. cant afford to mixed with a lot of people cause immunity low.

lovebyte: maybe your gynae see that you are absorbing enough nutrients from your daily food intake so never prescribe more loh.

yes, starting a spreadsheet will be good. but sometimes some offers only around for a few days.

hmm, must check with mum is breastfeeding can drink DOM mah le.

i think its more to motherly instinct, cause now we have a little one inside us so we are more careful bah. hehe

i had yong tao fu for my lunch .. half way, i stopped .. cant take in anymore ..

i cant wait to do my scan next Wed then i m into 2nd trimester already ..

lovebyte, think dom still can take cos after cooking, alcohol evaporated? else will be eat le wait later then pump?

piggy, rest more ya... everything will be shun shun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looks like quite a few mummies on mc. Take care gals!

Rainbow, my dad keep asking me to paste the medicated plaster. But to be safe I didn't.

I think all my lying down has worked. Back pain subsided quite abit already.

hey girls, thanks for all your encouragement! That really cheered me up... no news on the transfer yet, and I'm praying everyday for good news.

Just wondering... how come so many of you had a sonographer take measurements for you? I had my oscar test done by my gynae. She did the scan and measurements (thank goodness kiddo stayed still while measuring and started doing somersaults the moment measurements were done!) and blood test (5 vials) were done by the nurse. Total S$380.

Well, the results came back and all is well. Phew!

Been so tempted to check out the motherhood expo but decided to check out what hand-me-downs I can get from friends first.

Weekends is almost here... hang in there!

Meantime, for those wondering if putting lappy on tummy is ok. DON'T. Read a research that says it's not good for kiddo... anyway, it's better to be safe than sorry.

I went for my Oscar on Tue, but a 10 mins procedure became 4 hrs bec the baby refuse to stop moving.. After 4 hrs Bb still dun want to slp thus still no result, the doc told me to go back n rest n come back this sat.. sigh.. which means Sat i will have to go again...

TenQ: rest more on the bed, it will really help.. the last time i had prob with my back, i rested 2 full days in bed.. it really helps... But i could use medicated plaster the last time cos not pregnant. now pregnant better not use...

BTW mummies.. check with u all, when does 2nd trimester starts?? 13th week or 15th week?? confused...

I think I'm the last few Q-ing for the scan and waiting to go T2 .. still long time for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just now I look at myself in the toilet & got a scare. The face is white & dark eye ring is black .. look like real zombie *_*

hiaz...feel so xinku now, headache n no mood to work, keep zzing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ling, your baby so cute, refuse to stop moving. i hope next fri, my 2 little beanies can cooperate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal .. yah is there anything wrong wif us? I feel very sleepy today even after an hr of nap.

I've been puking & not eating much this week. Can only survive on Meiji cracker & hot water.

Oh. it must be amazing to see the bb move .. so touching [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilsunshine, no la..is the hormones that cause us to be so tired now, think 2nd tri will be better

these few days I didnt puke alot but taste bud very blend cos I just recover frm the flu, so sian n tired...

crown: yah I spend my weekends doing nothing but sleep & eat & sleep. I did not have urge to go out either. I love rest days now.

Really envy those mummies who are vibrant, energetic & looks so good.

i also like to stay at home and lie down only. you ask me to walk, i faint..but my dh dun seems to understand, keep bringing me to crowded places.

Ya Amelia, I was puking quite bad until the flu bug came so everything taste very blend…think I am recovering n puking is coming back again liao..thks will buy glucose drink tonite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crown, tell ur hubby u hv to avoid crowded place as not to catch any flu bug...that is what my gynae told me..

mangogal, weekend is coming & have good rest. Hope you get better soon.

As for the taste bud, I have long time nvr taste anything delicious ler. My tongue feels quite tasteless.

Didn't have appetite to swallow much food. Just nibble on plain crackers when the hunger kicks in.

Aiko, I drink cranberry juice if I cant take plain water

Lilsunshine, ya hope I can rest more, wat a pity I am gng to miss the mothhoodfair[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

muddypaw: great to hear that your oscar result is good. one worry less.

ling: dont sigh.. take it that you can see beanie another time within such short time frame. and also take heart that beanie is very active. hehe..

but i hope my beanie will cooperate as hubby hasnt seen beanie for a long time le cause he happened to be outstationed. so this time round he immediately requested for leave so he will be flying back one day before my oscar to go together.

lilsunshine: me too look terrible loh. plus all the breakouts.. but will be over ^_^

mangogal: *sayang* *sayang*.... maybe shut your eyes for a while. see if it helps.

crown: my HB is otherwise. Somemore I look like a sicko .. plus got motion sickness .. I'll puke & get breatheless after walking for long.

He got bad experience wif me liao .. so I dun go out nowadays. Outing becomes a challenge for us .. LOL!

mangogal: rest well first .. maybe you feel better & can go to the fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Those going to fair, can also sign up TMC FBI/SBI card there, they having discount ($108 for SBI). But if you have Standard Chartered Credit Card, then sign up at TMC information counter also has the same price. Just called them to ask.

lilsunshine, I also 2 wks to go b4 reaching 2nd tri, face pale & dark dark eye ring too... feel so ugly now.

Eon eon, can scan for cleft clips le? but they didnt scan the face leh. hehehe..

piggy normal de, i also so worried till i so stress when go for the scan. so relax relax okiee..

stefie! our positive ion! lol~!!

you all can take pills, so good. i got phobia to swallow since young. tried to swallow again last weekend but almost vomited. sob... i hav a colleague told me she dont dare to swallow pills too, she asked for capsule for the multivit, prob i try to ask for nxt visit to gynae.

ling, ur baby so active! lol~!~ T2 starts 13weeks 1day (week 14)

aiko: ever since 5th to 6th weeks, i have not tasted the taste of real food.. all food tastes blend and strange with the metallic taste.

crown: agreed with mangogal that we have to avoid crowded places as much as possible.

Eon: now you mention abt outbreak .. gosh I got one BIG pimple just popping out right at the edge of the mouth opening. Must be the puking! It's painful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yah, I oso find plain water yucky tis week. I bought ginger sugar for a hot quick mix at work. At home, I'll make the real ginger brew.

oh win, so I'm not alone .. I suddenly became worried abt my terrible look. Cos a bit drastic today. I told HB my blood was sucked dry by beanie liao ..

Really wanna become red chubby tomato face again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilsunshine: my whole face filled with dou dou loh... just keeping fingers crossed that all will be over soon.

crown: it suddenly dawned upon him that he is going to be a daddy to two liao arh... haha... my hubby is quite disappointed cause we are not expecting twins. he must be mad! one already i dont think i can handle, he still wants two. haha

cherrry: i read somewhere that cleft lips also involved in the oscar scan leh. but so far never hear any mummies, now that you asked.


Ya avoid crowded places...then make ur bed to be ur bestfren now! Cos once baby born, u will miss ur bed terribly :p

Actually to scan for cleft lip is more for detail scan ard 20 weeks

Crown,haa...u having twins so must choose good quality stroller

