(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Ptb > yes.. take more vit c.. it should help to increase your immunity. Totally agree with enmummy tat we fall sick easily due to lack of rest & rest... rest when u can too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


btw... does anyone have any part time cleaner / helper to recommend? I m staying at upper east coast road. Think i need someone to help clean up the place.. really no time to do it...+ super tired from working!

I took fruit juice and milk everyday but yet I still get flu every month. The thing is I dun hv night feed anymore so I shld be getting enuff rest except once or twice so I dun understand why I still fall sick easily and yes i get sick more than my boi thank goodness my boi only cough and phlegm..

And what my colleague said is we did not take good care of ourselve during confinement that is why we are weak now not sure how true

Hi hi,

Wow, I read thru most of the replies on the cereal and I'm glad I did!

So far, my girl is purely on cereal + milk powder. I try to give apple/pear puree daily. So far so good.

And its really difficult to make her drink milk, hence I did the 5 + 5 + water. Less painful to feed via spoon than bottle.

I called and asked the PD abt this. PD advised me to feed her lots of water if I'm doing this. And since, her poo still seems normal, need not be too worried but PD also tells me to intro. more fruits & veggies to make her diet better.

Sharon - Try bringing bb to go see Yu Yang Sheng for his phelgm..

Bought my bb there coz he have been seeing the PD for his previous cough n phelgm which lasted more than 2 weeks. Didnt want him to take so much western med so decided to take him there. N somehow it was good.. his phelgm started to decrease and soon was gone. But it's chinese powdered medicine to mix with water and he had it everyday for 5 days.

My boy hv funny tastebuds. I spoonfeed him the bitter chinese med and he loved it. Not sure if your bb will like it though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe - i tot the enfa milk series just increased their price.. Its gonna increase again !!!

Then maybe I gotta go stock up too... Haaaa my boy loves to drink milk... can finish a 900g tin in abt 7 or max 8 days... Whahaa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Evelyn me too brought my boy to EYS and they suggest buying 保婴丹 and 珠 something ... My boi took the 珠 medicine and his cough and phlegm Got better . Traditional medicine is far more effective than western medicine cos my boi took pd med for a week din get well

But Chinese medicine he got well in 3 days

PTB7476 - I oni bought 2 bottles of bao ying dan to try.. then lata decided to go to the physician at EYS...

I felt they can diagnose btr exactly wat my boy needs coz bao ying dan may not work for everyone.. Wah the physician mixed abt 10 different types of chinese meds to form the powdered mixture. My boy took that for 5 days..

Jus cam bk fr poly. Brgt my boy for his jab. Its gonna b anthr tough nite for mi today. He always hav fever after his jab. He is 6mths nw n is weighing at 7.9kg, 67cm ht n head circumference is 44cm. Wt n Ht is average, bt his head is 75% percentile. Wonder if tat is he is nt so stable. Head too heavy liao. Gt big head lik his mummy...haha. :p

Oh, jus to share. Was asking the nurse abt starting solid. She mention I cn start cereal or brown rice (watery for the beginning) for 3 days, thn add protein to the cereal, aka fish/ikan billis(w/o head), thn veg/fruits. Shld b introduce in this sequence. She recommend tat I made the ikan bilis powder myself. Wash thm, remove the head, air dry it n stir fry thm over the wok(w/o oil) till light brown n grind thm till powder n add to the cereal. Sy it is vry gd for the bb. Got calcium n protein. Is anyone doing this? Cn the philips blender do this? Or cn I ask any shop to do this for mi? I will lik to introduce cereal to bb this sunday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So looking forward to it.

Philips steam n blender:

Hmm.. rem someone jus bgt it fr kiddy palace at $159.. Tody i wen to chk (tot of buying, n probably no chance to go to philips sale). Wah! Packaging change liao n price also change! Nicer packaging w more n better material used, bt all these r charged to us consumer. It is $179 nw n it is an offered price. So no more discount. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] The price seems to b increasing. Last time offer cn get at $139, thn $159, n nw...$179! Haiz...I m still considering whether to buy. Vry X leh.

evelyn > wah, envy u leh. Ur boy really love his milk. It is getting sooooo difficult to fd my bb milk. Last time still cn "hong3" him to finish his milk. Nw he is smart n playful. Don't wan means don't wan. Even put it in his mouth, he also don't suck. Thn he will play w his milk n "blow" it all out. He will also talk w the teats still in his mouth, thn he will get choke cos he nvr suck n drips of milk still flow out. Haiz...don't knw wat to do.

Getting sick :

I hv bn on leave for the longest time n by rt I shld hv enough rest, cos most of the time I will tak nap. Bt I still get sick quite often. Although nw is getting better. I try to tak healthy fd n mak gd soup.


Re: bb play with milk

My bb also likes doing that. But when I spoon him cereal or fruit mixed with milk, he loves it. Open mouth big2 and swallow, and not patient sometimes, keep opening mouth to have another one ahahaha. Then midway, I tested and stopped giving him with spoon, put the bottle into his mouth(with just milk), he plays again with the teat. So I poured all the remaining milk in the bottle into the cereal bowl and gave it with spoon (with the fruits in it), he loves it and finish the whole thing lol.

Btw, I can check the price of the philips blender for u. And if u want I also can buy for u first, then u can pick up from me in town or something.

nelotte > hw much does ur bb drink per fd? I m giving him 150-160 ml. If spoon fed, is it gonna take vry long? Mayb half hr or more? Thn the milk will turn cold? My mum discourage me fr feeding bb cold milk. So nw, even bottle feed, I will wrap the bottle w napkins while feeding. Cos my boy perspire easily. We nd to on the fan wind speed to quite high while feeding, otherwise he will also get cranky.

Hey, thanks for offering to help! It will b great if I cn get it for a much cheaper price at the sale. Hwever, if the price different is less than $30, thn mayb wldn't wan to trouble u. Let me knw, ok? Btw, r u using the blender? Cn it mak ikan bilis powder? Hmm...wonder I cn I do it...

is it ok to mix 2 diff brands of milk powder together?

my girl already 7mths+ has been putting her to switch from similac 1 to 2 by mixing the two, but seems similac 2 she dun like the taste of it and has been on milk strike.

thus has requested for friso 2 samples and has started to mix friso2 with similac1 for her to drink. she seems ok with it..at least no more milk strike but poo is ~2days once.

i seems to see most of mummies here is getting enfa for ur bb.

is enfa a better milk choice?

Hi Irene,

I asked PD abt the mixing of milk powder before.

Same brand, from 1 stage to the next, ok. No issue. Just mix 50-50 then slowly slowly lesser of the earlier stage and more of the later stage.

But different brand, not encouraged to mix together lei. PD says can feed old brand 50% of the usual feed. Then make another bottle and give bb the other 50% of the usual feed. OR can 1 full feed of older brand then next feed new brand lei.

I personally think, there is no "better milk choice" as long as the child takes and gaining wt is ok.

My girl taking Enfa as well but tat's coz PD recommeded and since no problem then I also no change. But my girl is getting harder and harder to feed via bottle. While spoon fed, ok.

Irene > My bb is also taking enfa ever since we intro FM to him. I think he prefer BM..haha..but no choice no more for him. I hv never tried othr brands. Cos to mi (jus my own judgement lar), enfa is one of the most expensive one, which shld mean it has better nutrients inside. I also heard sm mummies comparing the ingredients inside, apparently, enfa does hav more or better stuffs in thm ( Bt I nvr do the comparison). Also fr my observation, enfa has never or seldom bn on promo/sale. It cld also mean it has gd sale, many bbs r feeding on this, so no sale require. Just my own opinion lar. Oh, heard fr my mum, Friso is kind of sweet. Bt anyway, BM is also sweet. :p

sheepysheeps: oh really ah, better dun mix diff brand together. ai yo..i have been mixing for ~1 week liao...so far seems ok...just tat poo is not tat regular (ie. not daily).

cos my mix is still similac1= 80% and friso2=20%, and tot going into her stomach seems all also mix up ;p

maybe i will try ur method of like 1 day= 5-6 feeds...only 1 feed is friso2, rest of feeds is similac1.

chris: oic..ya enfa seems one of the most ex. maybe i can request for 1 sample to try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: my bb drinks 180ml. Yes it takes 1/2 hour to feed hehehe. Milk surely turn cool, but not cold lah. I read in the net that it's ok to give already cool milk. And so far my bb is ok with it. Read that the reason for warm milk is to imitate mommy's breast. When drinking straight from breast, the milk is warm mah. Some baby reject cool milk, so thats why.

Abt the blender, u can PM me ur number. So when I'm at the sales, I will sms u with the price etc. See if you want to buy or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm not using the philip blender/steamer. Maybe other mommies who have it, can give the ikan bilis thingy a try?

^5 Chris same monkey see monkey do haha I also read here and there so in the end gave my boi enfa. I read somewhere similac produce bigger baby cos of the sweet content and based on observation it is true similac bb take to Weight more heavy

Irene u can join enfamama club and they will

Give you 400g of enfapro stage 2

Btw I compared stage 1 and 2 . Stage 1 indeed more

Nutritious than stage 2

Nelotte > u hv a PM. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 180ml, half hr. Hmm..mayb I cn giv it a try. It will definitely lessen my stress in feeding him.

PTB > High 5! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cn share, wat does stage 2 has n stage 1 doesn't hv? Protein? Iron? Thn if we stick to Stge 1, mus supplement w solid fd tat has these missing nutrients?

Chris - Yr baby so cute.. keep biting on the teats and playing.. maybe he is teething. Dats why.. Mine is a fast drinker, he always seem to be asking for more after every feed.. But i scared overfeed him so only give him 6-7oz per feed and he finishes within 10 mins. Cannot miss his milk time if not he will scream the whole hse down.. Hahahaa ya and till now if i rem correctly Enfa has the least promo too..

Irene - PD did mention that its not good to mix 2 different brands of formula together too..

PTB7476 - Sorri I bought the "Hou Ning" from EYS. Haha its not "Bao ying dan...remember wrongly. Apparently "Hou Ning" is one of the better grade ones for phelgm. Usually its out of stock so must order 1st.

Irene - My bb also taking enfa.. But its more to baby preference and if he is taking it well. Thats more important too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: btw I lessen the milk when I mix with cereal/fruit leh. Coz if I put 180ml with cereal, surely my boy wont finish coz a lot. Usually I estimated lah, around 130-150ml depending on how much the cereal/fruit.

Hi mommies,

I have a brand new mama love sarong sling carrier w/o packaging for sales.

Selling for $25 (RSP: $60+ at kiddy palace)

can contact me at [email protected]


Chris let me go find the paper haha last week I printed stage 2 nutrition info and tick against stage 1 haha if I din remember wrongly everything same except the dosage in term of m.grams diff for each of the nutrients

Evelyn EYS din intro hou Ning to us. They only tell us for infant best to take 八宝散 or 保婴丹

PTB7476 : Hou Ning was intro by my cousin not by EYS..

Apparently one tiny weeny bottle cost $66.. For infants its taken 1s a day. Half bottle each time. So the med can only last for 2 days.. EYS dun usually recommend this as they are always out of stock. need to pre-order. So they will juz intro the common ones like 八宝散 or 保婴丹. Should any mummies's bb hv alot of phelgm. Can give this "Hou Ning" a try. Just FYI [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nelotte > Ok, I havnt intro cereal to him yt. Mayb I will intro cereal to him this sun. If he is taking it well, Mayb I cn smtimes try feeding him milk w spoon.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thks for helping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nelotte, Jovialz, Chris: Last sunday..i tried to mix milk with browrice to my son.. 30water n mild power + i teaspoon of brownrice,..whcih is very very waterly.. i feed him but he cannot fully eat all ler... and up left abt 15ml he dun wan... so i make milk to him...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

baby2010 > Huh? i was filled w much hope to fd him milk w cereal. nw my hope is clashed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hw? Yesterday he only manage to drink ard 600+ml whn usually he shld b taking 900+ml.

Chris - I missed the class on Sun too coz my boy was running a fever after his vaccine jabs.

Will most prob be joining this Sat class if my hub is not gg for business trip. yet to be cfm. If not I will prob go for the class on nxt Sat 03rd Jun liao.

Planning my boy's bday party nw. I tot I was kiasu...bt I called up a few of the hotels, all function rooms r taken up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Nw gotta try those less popular hotels. So disappointed. So mummies who r planning for their bbs bday parties, better to b kiasu n plan it sn.

called Marriott n Mandarin so far. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think cos the date is a hot date. All function rms taken up for wedding or solemnise. 20 nov 2011 aka 20112011... I shld hv knwn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chris> no wonder...Me 2 have thought of my gal's 1st birthday...most prob will organise her bday at chalet coz my hubby can get it at staff's rates. my gal's bday is on 18 Nov (2 days b4 urs). So have you thought of the bday cake, decorations eg bday themes etc? Anyone has good catering to recommend?

bluesoda > Wah, so gd cn hv staff rates arh? I mayb DIY bday banner. Thinking of bring sm toys to the venue. Or/N rent those bouncer castle (or wat is it called?) Shld buy cake fr Pine garden since many mummies here highly recommend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Shld b getting lots of helium balloons. Hmm....wat else can I do? As for food, it will depend alot on wher we end up celebrating. Hw abt u?

Mayb also get a mascot, photographier, balloonist? So vry excited. Oh dear, I hvnt tot of my budget. Haha unlimited budget for mi....think my hubby is gonna kill mi. :p

Dear Mummies, I have 4 tins of 900g SIMILAC STAGE 2 FOLLOW-ON FORMULA ADVANCE EYE Q PLUS W/IMMUNIFY Expiry on 09/09/2012 for sale.

Selling at $36 each. Buy 4 @ $35 each.

Interested mummies kindly email me at [email protected]

Thank you!

whim: thanks... that's my worry since i know that maybe will just mix it into the porridge...

enmummy: yah... i think will try different variey to him... cause the first time he was ok and can take more... yes he is still on medication since Friday afternoon. i have been feeding him cause still slight cough...

PTB7476: yah i agree with u most likely we didnt do our confinement well... i am easily sick also now...my boi took the pearl powder and his phelm was much better...

Baby2010: yah i am letting my boi sit on walker...i think u can let them start on fish at abt 5 months...

Evekyn: which eu yang seng u went to? and which dr?

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb your thread.

I have 25 packs of EBM to give away (dated from Early April 2011). Reason for so is I am expressing my milk daily and now, my freezer is full- gotten clear space for newer ebm.

Just some additional information:

- I am a chinese mummy who delivered my daughter on 18 Jan 2011

- Since birth, my daughter is on total breast milk. Cos of that reason, after latching my daughter, I pump out the balance milk (to store for rainy days esp when I go back to sch)

- FYI: I am a non smoker. Besides that, I am strict on my diet: no coffee, no tea and no spicy food and I take fruits daily

- The breastpump that I use is Avent and I sterilize it using Avent sterilizer before pumping. And after pumping, I use Kodomo Cleanser for Baby Bottles and Accessories to wash the breastpump

- As for the breastmilk, it is stored in Boots milkbag

- On average, 1 milkbag contains 9oz of breast milk.

Self collect at my house- Bt Panjang (Fajar).

PS: Pls bring along your own cooler bag and ice pack.

If you are interested, pls contact me directly at 8421 5286.


Oh no.. These 2 days my baby's stools are solid. Why is this so? Tot baby's stools are supposed to be mesh or liquid form. Dont know is it bcos I hv just switched her to enfapro 2.

