(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Chris> I tried to limit the no.of guests tis time round as we did a grand one for my gal's full mth. Erm hope to have a bday theme.. But have not decided on which theme.. My hubby himself is a part time photographer .. Yes helium balloons is a must! Ya u r rite, I may need to do a budget planning.. So that I wun overspent..


PTB7476 - Haha chinese dunno how to write.. Its pronounced in chinese as Hou (2nd sound) Ning (2nd sound).. Whahahaah... But the EYS physician will not recommend this if you are seeing them. It is only sold off the shelf. If you see the physician in the rooms, they will specifically prescribe a concoction of med made into powder after checking the baby. (Coz depending on baby's symptoms, will need different med concoction.) Btw seeing the physician is actually cheaper than buying the "Hou Ning".. Whahahaa

Sharon - I went to the EYS at Tiong Bahru..5th Level. Its a Lady physician. Dun rem her name.. Pai say.. She is the senior physician. There is oni 1 guy physician and 1 lady physician in that clinic.

ange > whn my boy cant poo, my mum giv him barley water. Sy wil soften the poo.

Bluesoda > oh, mayb cn engage ur hubby to b our photographer? Pm me the details if its ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thks. We didnt do anything for my boy for full mth. So nw we wil lik to compensate lor. Stil sourcing out the venue. We shld hv minimum 50pax bah.

Good Morning Mummies ;o)

I've many tins of Mamil Gold Stage 2 (400g) to exchange for Similac Stage 2. Pls PM me if keen, I'm open to sell the Mamil Gold as well.

Preferred collection points : Orchard MRT during lunch hours, Jurong West & Bukit Batok

Ange - Your baby taking semi solids already.. maybe can try pureed fruits. Water is also a must. My boy luvs milk but hates water. Oni drinks water if i spoonfeed him.

PD told me to chng to enfapro oni after 9 mths. So to play safe, since enfalac is still gd for him will oni chng over to enfapro after 9 mths.

I hv been giving her water n apple puree. Just find it funny that her poo are solid. This morning was 2nd time having solid poo. Saw hw she 'gek' sai i very heartpain. Dunno shd bring her to pd or not. Evelyn, did your gynae explained y change to enfapro aftr 9mo?

Evelyn It is 喉宁散。 I asked my mom and she knew of this product but she said dun use this until last resort. Maybe she find that expensive and it is off the shelve haha she rather spend the money to see the physician and get medicine that deal with the illness according to the symptom haha

Ange - PD just say if bb is taking enfalac well now. No hurry to chng till he reach 9 mths leh.. Then i oso scared when chng, the contents slightly different may cause his poo poo to hv changes.. So i kiasee dun chng 1st.. I nvr really ask in detail why though.. Haha.

PTPB7476 - Ya ya correct its that in chinese.. ya coz initially nvr tot of gg to see the physician then my cousin intro n said its gd so i went to try.. But then feel super ex lah.. so stopped at the 2nd bottle nia... keke

Afternoon mummies!

It been sometime that I haven post here. Catching up with the threads posted here.

Let me update my bb status here, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She turned 7 mths in this mth, weighs 7.8kg n about 69cm tall. She is at the 50% tile of the growth chart.

She has already in her 1st stage of weaning process. Food she had tried:

Veg - carrots, pumpkin, spinach, cauliflower, corn, potato, sweet potato(yellow n purple)

Fruits - apple, pear, banana, mango

Carbo - rice cereal, brown rice cereal, plain porridge, yogurt

Btw, try not to give carrots, payaya for bb for too many days, bb skin color may change become 'huang lian po'

Ange: it's because the cereals are fortified with iron and that solidifies their stools. Just balance your portion of fruits and veg, plus water intake, everything should settle soon.

Evelyn, Sharon: I know that lady physician at EYS! Qi Xiao Yan, she's been there for at least 7 years already. Saw her for my painful knees during preg. She is good and reliable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok. Thanks Chris. Aiyo, I threw so many of them.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jo - Oh cant recall her name now.. She quite old right.. Haha but I find her quite "ya ya papaya" type leh... Maybe she is good but I find her not very friendly leh..

hi mummies,

for those who stay in house w open balcony concept, meaning the balcony is until our waist area and there's no railing on top of it, what do you do to make it child safe? (say installing grill is not allowed)

a)put a safety gate at balcony door? meaning we cant open the balcony?

b)dun open the balcony?


d)bb can only be in playyard?

5)installing invisible grill?

Orangebb you stay condo har? Else hdb allowed grills . Invisible grills seem like in thing now I saw a lot of hdb unit in sk installing them

For me I have installed grill since I moved in so no issue but then I won't let my boi go balcony until he is much old cos I have plants there and dun want him to get hurt haha


U can install sliding or door grills before it touches balcony. That's yr own space n doesn't affect the facade. Alternatively, u cAn put a safety gate but usually balcony width is quite long so the gate might not be v strong so when bb is older might be able to push the gate Down.

Evelyn: I'm not sure about friendliness, she did talk and smile when she advised what she wants to do to my knee. After that didn't see her liao.

Monyetnakal: nope, I live in the west but not TB area. You live around the vicinity?

Orangebb: do you mean patio instead of balcony? Sliding doors, those tempered glass ones; but do shaded ones- cover sunlight and prevent bb from walking into the glass? Do you plan to use the services of an ID? He should be able to advise.

Jo - I oso see her once ONI.. My boy got well so nvr went bk to see her again..

Monyetnakal - I staying depot heights.. Quite near to TBP. U staying ard here too.. ??

Orangebb - For btr safety tink it's btr to get an ID to suggest some ways for u coz bb safety is very important ESP when they start to learn how to crawl n walk..

Evelyn: ya, such people better see once only! Don't want to keep seeing her! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] are you Sahm?

Hi mummies

My baby keeps farting recently after i start her on brown rice cereal.. Is it norm? And it s abit smelly.. Or she is not ready for cereal yet? She is 7mth old now

Eve: will try out...

Ching: i got the same problem with my boi... and my PD said is ok de... my mum was saying that its a way of releasing wind from tummy... so kinda of good...

taka having the tiger food jar set with thermo flask at $49....good buy as the food jar is good for storing porridge...

Jo, which supermarket has the frozen spinach and peas? Happened to be at city square mall earlier and the ntuc finest don't have...only Long beans...

baby2010: my baby going 7 months already this week...so i thought of introducing fish to her (cod and threadfin so far) first before meat....was wondering whether she will find it very fishy but she actually likes it leh...haha..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...maybe because i mix the fish with mashed pumpkin/ carrots to tone down the taste...glad that she can accept fish so far...going to let her try salmon too...

bluesoda: i intend to switch my gal from enfalac to mamil gold soon too...how is your bb taking it so far? poo habits got change after switching?

ahko: your bb also very good eater...tried so many kinds of food liao...hehe...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies, my bb has got diaper rashes...a little broken skin here n there...red patches here n there... me n hb so heartpain...went to the Doc n he says its infection...due to hot n humid weather too (even when im very consistent in changing diaper bb still get it..haizzz)nw im so afraid of cleaning for her cos she will scream n cry but its impossible nt to clean...really dunno how...heart broken into pieces... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babywonder: pat pat...meanwhile you can clean her nappy area with cotton balls+water instead of wipes which are harsher...slather desitin cream to treat the rashes and when she is better put barrier cream to protect and prevent...or if its possible air her litte butt whenever you can...any chances you let your bb try new brand of diapers recently? that could be one of the reasons too...

Babywonder, try cleaning her with cotton balls with water everytime u changer diaper cos its cleaner than using wipes.

Chris, there's a philips sales going on this weekend. Chk it out. Blender might be cheaper.

Hv bought 4 tins of enfapro. Nw dunno shd change bk to enfalac. How? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

My baby seems to hv poor appetite due to teething. Her usual daily consumption of milk is abt avg 900ml. These few days she hardly touches 400ml. Very sad. She lost so much weight. Thur she going for last jab. So worried aftr jab her appetite will be affected again like previous jab. Sigh!!

I would like to let my baby try avocado later. How shd i go about doing it? Do I mash with a fork orput into blender? How do I store the remaining?

Chris: I tried. It's good but must cook otherwise taste very raw.

Naf: cold storage, market place sure have, they have some organic range as well. As for NTUC, I have seen them at finest but variety not as much as in CS.

Enmummy: was going to tell you that threadfin is ok but sea bass and cod, you may want to hold first cos they are the highly allergy group. Guess your girl took it well. My friend introduced cod too early, her girl vomited and had bad diarrhoea. So start your seafood slowly. FYI.

Babywonder: oh dear... *hugs*... must be painful. use nothing but just cool water to wash, best is cold water direct from tap

as warm water will make it worse. Use doc''s cream after that? Did he give you any?

Enmummy> so far, my gal poo as normal. No problem taking mamilgold.

Chris> my hubby has not tried taking photos on children bday party b4. He had experience in taking wedding photos. Mayb u like to discuss with ur hubby n let me noe whether u wan to engage my hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Took 2 months leave till July and stay at home. Really enjoy the time spend with my little girl. Dont know how to describe the feelings, it's just so precious. Really hope I can be a sahm... But impossible...

Ange, you just choose a ripe avocado. Scoop the flesh out and mash it using fork/spoon. Very soft texture and no need to blend. I add a bit of milk to get the consistency I want, otherwise it is very 'dry'.

nana> wow so good..like u, i hope i can be a sahm too..but cant..

Tiger Food Jar> Anyone getting the food jar? When is the promo ending? As im nt working in town, is difficult for me to buy...

babywonder: oh...hope ur bb recover soon! take care!

nana: so envy..hope i can spend more time with my girl too.

enjoy ur precious time w ur lil one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jo: can check then beside threadfin, what other type of fish can we give a 7mth?

can also check for fish, how to prep it for bb consumption? is it to blend it or just mash it will do then add to cereal or porridge?

btw when can we start giving our lil ones the fish oil? is fish oil good for them?


Bluesoda, I am goin taka tmr...where do u work and stay? U wan me to get for u as I am cardmember and has additional 10% disc?

Nana, last time #1 I used thermos, din keep warm aft 2-3hrs but tigers does...as I bought it for my #2...tat is my experience. Any other mums can share?

