(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies

I have 1 can of Friso Gold 2, 900g, $18.

Mamil Gold 6 months and above, 400g, $10.

Self collect from Sembawang MRT, after office hours / weekends.

Possible to arrange for lunch time collection @ Novena MRT on weekdays.

Please PM me if interested.


Orangebb, ya organix one also has small pack...saw at cold storage earlier at $6.50 & the other day I saw at four seasons selling at $7.70 and I bought one rice cereal with apple fruity at $7.70 where cold storage sells $6.30, cheaper by $1.40! Kept thinking their price should be same or cold storage more ex but turns out four seasons more ex...

Am going to try carrot tmr...keeping fingers cross too..btw how many times do u feed him now? Lunch and dinner?

Bam: no worries! I think you really handled it well, that's why you are back to work! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, use normal temperature water will do, don't use warm water to wash bum cos bacteria thrives best at warm temperature.

Both my kids also have diapers on for 12hours, no problem at all. Am using Goon. FYI.

OrangeBB & Naf - y not mixed and match the food? mayb baby love variety? like instead of juz carrot, mix carrot and pumkins? or is this not adviseble?

I mixed and match the food. Eg :baby will have main course of bellamy rice porridge w/carrot, follow by desert of banana w/apple puree.

My mum oso started cooking zhen zhu rice (duno what that in english) w fish and veggie (like sweet corn) and my son love it. So far, he has no prob in it..

My son hates peaches,prunes,apple and pear. lolx...he will boo boo,then everything end up flying all over ..

he is 6mth and 2 wks old. standing at 9kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe, I can't do tat yet as need to wait for 3 days when giving new food to see if there is any allergy...probably only later stage then I can mix...Probably she is still trying to learn how to swallow food as notice sometimes her tongue tends to push food out

Ching: little gym can help you to help your bb. They will teach you what exercise to do with your bb so you can do with her at home. In that way, bb will be stimulated to crawl, flip or whatever. Some babies also are more visual, they see others do they will follow.

Sheepysheep: don't drop your milk feeds till much later, like feeding solids become established. Feed your solids in small amounts, increase as you go. You can decrease slight quantity of milk but not advisable to take away milk feed cos they need the milk.

As for cereal, start with 2 tablespoon first. What kind of cereal are you feeding? If you are weaning, then feed the cereal via spoon. By adding it to milk and feed through bottle only weigh the milk down so that bb doesn't regurgitate; it doesn't teach bb to eat off spoon. Hope info helps.

Irene: yah my boy also same as urs.. one more week to 6 months...can flip either sides but just one way onli haahhaa... also can kick violently but cannot crawl... his weight at 4.5 months was 8.1kg and 65cm... so i suspect that is hindering him...

PTB7476: sorry is 4.5 months at 8.1kg and 65cm... this was last measured at PD....

HPC: try the detinox teething gel... my boi has been very cranky and i bought it for him.. it realli helped to smoothe him for at least 15-20 mins before he start to put his fingers into the mouth again...

Baby2010: yes my boi used to be able to sleep through... now these 1 month he has been waking up for milk... i dun make full feed cause he cant finish... abt 120ml at 2-3am then abt 8-9am wake up again.. my boi used to take 170ml every 4 hrs.. now reduced to 150ml and sometimes abt 120-130ml onli...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jo: wat program is that? any agenda?

bam: my bb also on mamy poko overnight for the last few months...i never change her for about 10-12 hours at least...mamy poko never fail me so far...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i oni put on a little barrier cream for her after every evening bath...btw glad to hear that your gal has recovered!

ching: my gal also cannot flip yet but she is about quite average weight ~ 7.5-8 kg...she seems to want to lift her head these few days to flip but her fat shoulders hinder her...haha...but she can sit very well on a high chair...hmmm...most babies should have been able to flip by now.... i wonder if i should be concerned too? by the way if you are bf...do try to eat well so that the nutrients go to bb....its not a matter of giving BM or FM and even BM babies can be sumo size...guess your mum is pro-FM that's why she say that...

sheepysheeps: i tink my schedule quite similar but i give lunch and dinner...something like that..

7-8 plus: morning milk feed (150ml)

11-12 : lunch (cereal with veg/ fruit)

3-4: afternoon milk feed (150 ml)

6-7: dinner (cereal with veg/ fruit)

9-10: last milk feed before bedtime (150 ml)

sometimes i sneak in a snack (fruit puree - apple, pear, banana, etc) in between the lunch/afternoon milk feed or afternoon milk feed/dinner...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haven't progress to porridge yet but think i will be starting when she is 7 months...today gave my gal some cod fish with carrots and she seems to like it...

Sharon: it's bb gymnastics. As the trainer take you through the class, she will explain how each each exercise will benefit the bb and what exercise is good for helping the different different development. They have a weekly theme, but I'm not sure about the holiday program and term 3- what themes. Trial class is overview of lesson what they will do. Some mummies have gone and posted pics on fb, you can take a look. I think they are going this weekend again. Maybe you want to join them?

Chloe: I am doin allergy test too. So I only mix food that he have ate b4 sometimes. But l am letting him try variety of food on 3 days basis.

Naf: Now he's given solid once a day... and that was difficult too. Anyway he ate very little of those most of the times.

I think I am having a fussy baby... I am trying to let him try more on FM.... I think he dun like enfalac n Nan Ha... but seems ok w Similac... am getting Simmilac later.. *cross finger hope the emperor likes it plssssssss

Nelotte, the bundle pkg

: steamer cum blender

: 4VIA cups

: a non spill water bottle

: a feeding bowl

Abv at $159

Ching, don worrie perhaps ya gal's birth wt is light oso. As long as pd din mention anytin it will b fine. Some babies slow later part of live will develop faster. Ie taller etc.,

Cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phillips carnival sale 2011

28-29may11 9am - 6pm@tpy HQ ;)

Gd time to buy the blender cum steamer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies, my gal going for jabs tmr. I rem someone told me to give her pao sheng water b4 gg for jabs. I jus wanna cfm issit pao sheng?

Read somewhere (I forgot where) that baby main food for the 1st year should be still milk. So I give solid as additional to the milk.

7am: BM 140 ml

9am: BM 50 ml with 2 tablespoon cereal / puree

11:30 am: BM 140 ml

2:30 pm: BM 140 ml

4:30 pm: fruit/veggie puree

6:30 pm: BM 120 ml

10:30 pm: BM 140 ml

hapiee (beehappiee) , enmummy , Jovialz (jovialz) ,Sheepysheeps : i would like start to feed my son cereal on this coming weekend but i am not sure the qty should give him. his currently feeding schedule roughly as below.

6 am , 9 am , 12am, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm . 130ml per time, every 3 hours each.

if i start cereal for him so thinking from 2nd feed 9am and 5rd feed 6pm.

is it 60mlof milk + 60ml of milk mixed with cereal? because i saw mummy Sheepysheeps, her one is 150ml of milk mixed with cereal.

wht should i do? is it we feed him milk first or milk mixed with cereal first?

But i heard say better start one time per day for cereal first wor..

so how? please advise and share your experience with me...

monyetnakal (monyetnakal) : when do you start to feed your baby puree and cereal? 6months or 5months, the schedule is the one you 1st time to feed yr baby? i am thinking not sure my son can absord or not if let him eat cereal n pureer in one day ler.

Think my baby girl still considered small... she's abt 8 kg for 6 months. Am thinking to introduce breakfast to her tom. So far, she's eating just a bit of food for lunch and dinner, still giving the same amt of milk.

For me, giving her the food is just to let her get used to breakfast, lunch & dinner. Still giving her single foods so far.

HiHi...just check with you all ..injection 6 in 1 is it including MMR and did your baby inject pneumococcaal? so 6 in 1 total inject 4 times..the last time is at 18months right?

Baby2010, I started off by giving cereal close to the lunchtime feed. For you, it might be ard 11 or 11.30 am. Subsequently I still give milk. Only after 2 weeks in, I gave her a second feed of solids.

I fed her cereal mixed with BM, very watery at first, then slowly thickened it over the next few days.

whim (whim) : hi yr gal 8 kg for 6months consider small? then my son is smaller than yrs ler.. 5 months 1weeks is 7.3kg only..usually gal weight will lighter than boy one... next injectoin hope he can increase to 8kg+ that time is his 6months 1 week.

Baby 2010, start cereal few days before 6 months.

Start with only 1 time, give BM + Cereal. the amount also very little for start, begin with 20 ml BM and 1/2 table spoon of cereal, then slowly increase the amount and thickened. Only start puree after around 2 weeks and just start the 2nd puree.

My girl is 7.5 kg at 6 months.

aiya Chloe, got carnival coming up? too bad i got it liao.

bluesoda, some say paosheng, some juz gv barley water.. for me i gv nothing :p lazy..

u gals' babies hv good appetites..

mine still drink 80ml every 3hrs only.

my girl is only 7kg at 6mths..

when u all add cereal, does it mean, u prepare say 100ml of milk then add in cereal to the prepared milk?

I din do it this way lei.. i just scoop (using the scoop provided in the tin) 5 scoops of FM + 5 scoops (same scoop provided in milk tin) of cereal, mixed in bowl and then just add a bit of water till it reaches the constiencey that I want.

Hence, for now, every feed, she is taking in 5 scoops of FM (min) but the 2 day feeds will be 5 scoops of FM + 5 scoops of cereal. Is this way correct har?

@Baby 2010, when I first started bb on cereal, I gave her 90ml of milk. Then 30 mins later, I gave her another 2 scoops of milk power + 2 scoops of cereal and feed direct.

Then a wk or so later, I reduce to 60ml FM and 30 mins later, I gave her 3 scoops of milk power + 3 scoops of cereal.

Then another wk or so later, I totally no let her drink milk, but just 5 scoops of FM + 5 scoops of cereal till now (which is abt 1 mth)

Enough not har? BB small lei.

MamyPoko: Last change before sleep time ard 11+ then tahan through the night also..I also avoid to change in the next feed ard 5am cos i scared bb will have difficulty in getting back to sleep again.. But at times in the morning, I can feel wetness in the romper. My mum said cos he flip n toss, so prob the penis position sometimes "seng ghey".. haha

enfalac switching to enfapro: I have also did the change. Now bb is in total enfapro for a week.. so far so good

Rice cereal: I have mix 2 scoop of rice cereal into the milk powder and seems like he can finish quite fast.. dunno is it becos its sweet, thats'y he likes it. And he used to drink 4 hourly at 120ml, now back to 3 hourly 150ml sometimes more..

I wanted to started solid like porridge, but gotta do it only in the weekend when no work cos my mil no patience in feeding.

My boy gains about 600g per month. He is now 6 months 3 weeks weighing 7.6kg

bluesoda, i think pao sheng is advice to drink 3 days before jab cos it's "liang", can bring down bb temp.. Barley also liang, but will cause phlegm..

I only know last month after my bb gotten the jab and ganna fever.. if i know i will sure let him drink beforehand.. So My boy now is done with pneumococal, rotavirus.. so left with 6-in 1 completion.


can we feed 5scoops of FM+ 5 scoops of cereal + a bit of water? ur PD allow u to do?

is not 5 scoops of FM + the amount of water that mentioned on the FM tin?

I thought we better follow the instruction on the FM tin coz

adding more water can stunt baby’s growth and lead to nutritional deficiencies. adding more milk powder can lead to dehydration or kidney problems. That is what I understand.

pls correct me if I am wrong.

for me, i have not start my boy on cereal on a daily basis, when i tried out over weekends with cereal or puree, i replaced the milk feed & observe whether he gets hungry, he never cries for milk so the next time i feed's 3hrs after the cereal with milk. i only used about 6 small scoops of cereal+20-30ml milk leh, but seems like he can eat more, the cereal like very little with 6 small scoops.

wah, so many mummies alrdy fd cereal. I stil hv nt. So cant comment much. Bt definitely readin all the threads to gt myself prepare.

Changing to enfapro :

as i knw enfalac cn fd till 12mths. Mummies who change to enfapro, cn share ur reason for changing to enfapro?

Wor, after hearing from all u ladies, I feel better abt my girl's weight. Was still thinking must make her eat a lot coz scared she not putting on enough.

angel, I din ask PD lei..

I agar agar.. and just add 5 scoops of FM + 5 scoops of cereal and mix with water...

Coz if i make 150ml of milk (which is 5 scoops of FM and 150ml of water) then add 5 scoops of cereal, the whole mixture is very very runny and very difficult to spoon in. Now her cereal is quite thick.

but i feed my girl water throughout the whole day from the bottle to make up..

die la... aiyoh... now i all confused


ha ha... u will be more happy if u know my girl weight. :D

she is going to be 7months in a few days but only 7kg+.


if ur PD says ok, should be ok.

I am just sharing what I know. may be other experience mums can help us about this.

Sheepysheeps: maybe you want to try this:

7am- milk(your usual 150ml or minus 20ml for cereal later.

9am- cereal(2 tbs mixed with hot water and 20ml milk)- the milk here can be from your 7am feed or extra)

11am- lunch (starch, veg, fruit. 2tbs each to start off with)

1pm- your milk before nap

3pm- fruit snack(optional. Next time when he is older, can give yoghurt, puffs etc..)

4pm- milk feed

530 or 6pm- dinner(starch, fruit and veg)

8pm milk

11pm milk

The original 11am and 4pm, what is your objective of putting in the cereal? Are they supposed to be breakfast/lunch and tea-time/ dinner? Once you know what are the cereal feeding times are for then you will know where to slot them. A 2 hours in between meals is ok. Just modify till you find something that is suitable for your bb. FYI, hope this will help.

Jovialz: i would like make pumpkin/sweet potato puree to my son..just want to check with you..steam the pumpkin/potato for 15mins and then mash it? did need to add any water? bcos i feel it will be quite dry if do not add water to make it watery wor..please advise.thanks ya.

Sheepysheeps: if you are a sahm, and timing is flexi, you can start with bf- no frills.

For me, I prefer to feed fruit for bf so my bf is cereal and a fruit. Cereal is fortified with iron so if you mix with fm, must remember to add more fruit and veg to bb's meal to prevent constipation.


Too much cereal & milk powder with little water will be v heaty for your bb.

For feeding, I give cereal mix with water to get the texture I wan. Or I pour ready mixed FM or BM into the cereal. But I dun mix cereal & milk powder in equal portion & add water. Think bb may get indigestion. If you are giving cereal as replacement meal then u dun need so much milk liao... I mean u want to replace the milk with a solid meal rite? If your bb need 6 scoops of milk... you can do 4 scoops of cereal for feeding + 2 scoops of milk for drinking or 3-3 or combination.

Hi mummies,

Can anyone tell me wats the difference in enfalac and enfapro.. my bb alrdy 6 mths now but not sure if wana chng him over to enfapro or still keep to enfalac now... Thks

hi mommies,

thanks for all the replies!

I am a FTWM... my mom is helping me to take care of BB.

I not enough BM hence switched to FM since bb was 4 mths old.

Giving cereal for 2 main reasons.

1) BB does not deink well.. started to reject milk since 3+ mths

2) she seems to prefer eating than drinking

I want to replace milk feeds with cereal hence 2 feeds of cereal a day.

But i kept to 5:5 ratio of milk powder & cereal coz her calcium intake will be v short if i dont do tat.

If i reduce the milk powder in cereal to say 3 scoops, she will only be taking in abt 19 scoops of milk powder VS currently of 23 scoops lor.

So i guess the challenge now is to balance the iron and calcium. *sigh*

And mommies who are asking abt the enfalac and enfapro... Enfapro has more protein content. Hence my PD says change is better.

Sheepysheeps : Thks for the advise.. Hmm so maybe i can switch my boy to enfapro now... My boys luvs milk though... he always seems to be telling me that mummy is not giving him enough milk.. haaaa

My girl is taking Enfalac for 1 month (1 feed per day), so I should switch to enfapro since she is 6 months old now?

Just now went to NTUC, there are different types of sweet potatoes. Which one is suitable for baby??

Can I check, my bb poo about 2-3 times since starting cereal and avocado.. Is this normal? Poo not watery. Normally she only poop once everyday. Nowadays she alw whine, not sure she is having stomachache or what

Called up mead johnson n asked abt enfalac n enfapro. Whether nd to change or nt. Somehw the person who answered sy smthing lik if introducing solid fd, not necessary to change to enfapro n enfalac has better nutrients. Nt the exact word though, cos she abit reluctant to advise me on this. Hmm...to change or nt to change? My boy just turn 6mths n I m left w the last tin of enfalac. Shld I buy enfapro instd? Confuse liao.


Jolyn - Thks for the link..

Chris - Ya actually I'm oso confused whether to chng or not... I'm oso left with the last tin of enfalac.. Haha maybe I will juz buy another enfalac and enfapro and mix the feed to gradually chng to enfapro as per the link that Jolyn sent.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

