(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi mummies,

I am creating some flashcards in English and Chinese, on powerpoint using Glenn Doman and some of my own words. I just started, currently there are "wild animals" and "birds" for you to download.

I am sharing with fellow mummies for FREE. Help me share with your friends if you think these are useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Visit the FB page below to view instructions on downloading the slides:



Jo - I'm not a SAHM.. My hub say after getting 2nd one then be SAHM.. Haaa but I not intending to have another one so soon.. Tiring leh... Quite happy with my work now too.. so not too bad lah.. Oni miss my boy when I'm at work lor..

Naf - Any idea when is the Tiger food jar promo at Taka until? I just bought a Thermos brand from Robinson last week. Is it no good..? Then I wana go get the Tiger brand too.. On top of dat Taka member hv 10%.. But i dun hv Taka member.. Hahaa but still cheap compared to my Thermos i bought..

enmummy : Thks! Nope I nvr change any diapers brand..been using Huggies since birth of bb..haizzz

Ange (angewong) / Jo (jogwyn) : Thks! Ya I hv been using water n solution frm Doc to clean...And yes Doc gave a tube of cream to apply twice a day...

Irene (siyeo) : Thks!

Bb is so kelian...the moment i need to change her diaper she will cry so hard n shiver..n it reminds of the days when she is in NICU... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I hv switched to using the Bumwear which I hope will help since it is a cloth diaper..never expect to open ceremony for cloth diapers this way... (still dun understand why bb will get infection when i hv always been changing for her)

Naf, Ahko80 > Whic part of taka having the sale? Wat does the set consist of? Thinking of buying too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ange > I don't think I hv the chance to go to the sale cos too far n thers no one to watch over bb for mi over the wkend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Babywonder > Hugz..cn understd it mus b vry heartpain to c bb lik tat. Nt sure if cn apply thin layer of the california cream to the area to soothe it n recover faster? Occasionally I do tat whn I feel the bum area abit rough. Bt jus a vry vry thin layer only.

Jo > Thks Jo. Mayb I will "steal" a little fr my sis to let bb try. Is the healthy times creal as smooth? Or even smoother?

Bluesoda > My hubby is basically bochap wan lar. He lets me do watever I wan, as long as the $ is rt. :p Mayb u cn PM mi the charges n mayb sm sample of his work? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thks.

Mommies, do you have reliable washing machine repairman to recommend? I had one before and service totally bad. Please let me know ya. very urgent leeeh...

Babywonder > don't feel bad. Smtimes we mummies do everything bt things jus happened. Jus lik whn my bb had nasty bugs bite. I was blaming myself, although like u, I hv bn diligent in cleaning his rm. Heard fr smone tat cloth diaper is nt vry gd for nappy rash. Nt sure if it is true. Y nt try using othr brand of diapers for the time being? I use Pampers for bb at nite n don't change for ard 8 hrs. Next morning, open up, bb's bum still nice nice. Nt red at all. U may wan2 consider.

Babywonder, if you don't mind washing, can use cloth nappy for a few days. Last time my bb had v bad nappy rashes and I'll use cloth nappy plus apply desitin cream. The bum bcome smooth again aft 2-3 days.

Naf, I see.. Thanks for pointing out. I would go for a better quality one.

Babywonder - There was once my boy had nappy rash too and had broken skin ard his skin too.. C liao so heartpain..Then I told my mum to always while changing his nappy, to use water to wash. Then applied Mustela vitamin barrier cream. In fact it got btr as time went by.. Last time used to only clean the bum bum with wipes and guess its not that effective. Especially when their pee is "giam" so will get infected easily. U can give it a try.. I tried moomookow cloth diapers but it leaked.. Tink my boy pee too much. Cant hold the pee much.. Haha

Wow! I almost bought thermos online. So looks like tiger is better. But we need them now to put bb porridge when go out is it? I wonder tangs sales tdy hav a not?

Naf>Can you get one for me (preferrably "girl" color)? We can meet at theses places - Serangoon Nex/Macpherson MRT/Paya Lebar Mrt/Aljunied Mrt. Once you bot it, pm me ur bank acct no so that i can trf to u. Thanks so much!

Had been in Melbourne the last 2 days, finally am back in Singapore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


There is possible that baby prefer something not as watery ? Try make 30ml of milk. But add only say 10ml into the cereal (just enough to soften the cereal). If too dry, slowly add a bit more. Try out with baby. If baby find it dry, slowly bit by bit to get the consistency baby like.

Baby wonder,

Heartache to see our little suffering from pain. Personally I find washing butt with cool water less painful for baby and use Desitin ORIGINAL (purple packing) the fastest to clear rash.

Feeding Chinese Medicine to young baby.

I would not recommend buying of the shelf Chinese medication for young baby. It might seem to clear the symptoms but there is a possibility of medication get retained and not cleared out of the kidney. It's better to see a certified TCM since our baby is so young.

Poor Immunity,

For me, I actually find myself stronger after each pregnancy. I'd sore throat since Sunday morning (recovered liao) but from my doctor's record, the last time I'm sick was last year Feb. I would think this has to do with during pregnancy I take Cordycep. Cordycep is known to be great to boost immunity but it's expensive lor especially if you buy the Tibetan wild Cordycep (more than $1000 for 1 "liang").

I prefer to buy the box ones compare to the bundled ones . Bundle ones you cannot see those inside. As Cordycep LOOKS LIKE (and it not) worm, choose those with 8 little feet like stumps. It should not be very dark brown too.

Each time I (or my mum) will double boil with lean meat, about 5 pieces to make 1 bowl of soup. You can eat the would the whole Cordycep (including the stem).

When baby is older (I try after 1 yr old for my no.1), I use slow cooker to cook the porridge and I would 1 piece into tiny little pieces and add into the porridge (if your slower is the type that can heat up over stove before putting in the external pot, add the Cordycep only after you'd transfer to external pot).


Cordycep = 冬虫夏草 or 冬虫草 or 大母草 (on EYS packing for the Tibet wild ones).

If intend to buy from EYS, go to airport to buy cos absorb GST.

Food jar,

I'm using the thermos FOOGO. It was great ! Pour in the food after it's cooked and it remained so hot after 2 hours. My testimony is when I brought my son to Melbourne (along with my mum) during one of my working trip in Dec 2009, we go for day trip on weekend. I would cook 2 portion early in the morning at 6am. Put into 2 FOOGO jar. The lunch time portion is still quite hot, need to blow before can feed my boy. The dinner portion is not hot but not cold either, luke warm enough to feed him.

So far my FOOGO never leak and still in use whenever we prefer to bring my own porridge for my no. 1. It's of a just nice size. Food jar cannot buy too big. The bigger it is (with more air space remaining even after filling with porridge) the faster the food will cool.

Oh, forgot to add about Cordycep. The bigger the piece, the lesser you need to put. I use the $1688 ones from EYS thus I only put 5 pieces. If buy the smaller pieces one, you need more pieces.

Irene: salmon, threadfin, batang fish, snapper and the raw fish- always eat at porridge stores? I can't remember what kind of fish is that but can check with the fishmonger. Steam and blend for now, want a bit of texture, just don't blend too long.

Chris: the healthy times one is ok only, there are better ones. And the eys one is smoother.

i think these days.. my gals appetite has increased after falling sick for that 1 week..

Nowadays. i feed her porridge at noon and dinner. but after porridge she still can take about 100 - 120ml of milk before she naps.

And ytd, last feed.. she can take 200 ml of milk.. at 2.30am, can still wake up for milk and drink 150ml. This morning.. drink another 180ml of milk at 5.30am.

Jovialz - Oh I didnt know abt that.. Lucky oni fed with little portion of the "Hou Ning". Wld be scary if the medication gets retained in the kidney.. Hopefully bb will not fall sick again..

Jo > Thks. Will u b able to recommend the better ones? I m a FTM n so far I hv only heard my mum n sis feeding the rabbit brand n EYS si sen brown rice powder. Btw, do u also happen to knw hw to mak ikan bilis into powder form , so tat we cn add it into the cereal? The nurse at the poly mentioned to us, but we didn't hv a chance to ask in detail. Many thanks in adv!

Bam > Wow, wish my boy will b lik ur girl. So hw much milk do u mak at each fd? Cos smtimes ur girl mayb drinking more than u expected?

PTB: dun think I can install grill.

ueno: wat is door grill?

the balcony is something like this:


and I live at #34

Chris (christine77sg): U r right lor...we mommies tend to blame ourselves when things goes wrong.. haizz..Thks I will go get it for bb..but does Pampers hv many type..aiyo i dunno abt Pamper brand...thks

Thks Nana (nana17) / evelyn (evet) / Jovialz (jovialz) & monyetnakal : Thks! U gals are right ..see le so heartpain..can u imagine she's so much in pain till she shiver... haizz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chris> u got mail!

Babywonder> understand how you feel..my gal also has nappy rash when she is 1mth old..everytime when i change diaper for her, my heart will sank coz her bum was so red ..no wonder she always cry den..but after apply the desitin cream (purple) for 2-3 days, her bum slowly heal...

Leelee> Welcome!!

Porridge> when should i introduce porridge to my bb? now she is taking 4 scoops of cereal and 160ml of milk...issit too much for her? But her weight is ok...she is now 6mths 1 wk - 7.8kg and 65cm

Hello Bluesoda,thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] happy for u that your girl is growing good.. My boy is coming 6 months and he is only 6kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so small.. Maybe partly he's premature 1 month earlier and was born 1.825kg..

btw whats the difference between blue and purple destini? i've been using blue.. I heard purple is more harsh..

Leelee> yes the purple desitin is used for severe nappy rash.

monyetnakal> me too, i buy my bb stuff eg diaper and FM from Kim Sang.

Re: Weaning

Hi mommies, i need to ask.. Im a working mom, hence weaning becomes abit difficult during wkdays.. I can only try food during wkends. Understand that there is a 4-days rule for each food.. How ah? By the time i reach home, it's dinner time and bb has already has her milk feed le, no way to intro food to her.. Can i try different food every wkend - 2days rule? Any working moms face the same probs as me?

hello mummies,

i noe 1 mum here is a Gmarket fan and guru.

I wana bid for sth in Gmarket,

1.how to i go abt doing it?

2.how to i noe if i won the bid?

3.how to i noe if the seller is local or oveaseas

4. Nid to register a ID?

haha i wana buy the fujifilm instax camera.

I oso do buy frm KIMSANG. But their enfapro is more expensive as compare to milkmilksupply.but good thing is there is foc doorstep delivery for over $200 purchase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]They sells household items too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

should mummy be keen, can take a look at http://luvbabies.kimsang.com.sg/

Evelyn, tat is my experience for my 1st 2 boys...how much did u get urs?

Chris, the set consist of the 0.7L food jar& spoon & pouch + 0.35L double stainless steel bottle at $49..

Babywonder, Understand how u feel...*hugs* my boys had bad nappy rash twice...aft applying diaper cream, I let him air try and din wear diaper...only put cloth beneath in case pee...

Bluesoda, this one no colour one...I know the foogo tat jovialz mention has blue or pink lid...

Jolyn: who is taking care of ur bb for u? For me, during weekday, my maid will feed my bb the solid boy. I decide wat food to be given for my baby n I did a 3days rule.

Naf - I did not buy the blue or pink lid one.. Its slightly bigger than those. If i rem correctly, RP $65 or $69 then have 20% disc..

Apparently it writes can keep food hot for 7 hrs instead of the pink or blue lid ones that can keep food hot for 5 hrs. That was what is written on the tag..

Hi OrangeBB, my mil is taking care of bb.. I would prefer to feed her on my own.. And hor she always suggest that i feed bb with cereal in milk bottle.. Right now my bb is still trying out cereal, few mouthful she will try to push the spoon away with her tongue and sometimes 'boo' out the cereal.. Was thinking that once she is alright on the cereal then will proceed with other food.. I find she dont really know hw to swallow as yet, or dont like the cereal.. *Headache.. So i would prefer myself to experience the new food she takes in..

Will it be a concern if i just try a 2days rule every wkend only?

FYI my girl is approaching 7mths next week le..

Jolyn> i am also FTWM, same as u, i have this problem, i'm only letting my boy try out food on weekends as during daytime, my MIL maid is helping to look after my boy, which i bu fang xin her to feed my boy as i wanted to supervise, i saw her tried feeding once on weekend under my supervision (cannot make it for the first time), thus i refuse to start on weekdays cereal yet. i tried the cereal/puree on weekends and i would say cereal are quite safe so i did not do a 3days rule (i'm testing my luck...) i feed my boy consecutive the same cereal over few weekends, sometimes brown rice cereal sometimes plain rice cereal. as for cereal, i also let him tried once without trying same food for 3days, so during the 3days which i never feed him i observe if he has any allergy though i only feed him once..of course it's dangerous if touch wood yr bb has allergy reaction. i should be starting my boy on daytime (everyday cereal 1 feed) soon as i have supervise the maid feeding for 3times, thus i think should be ok, ELSE u can try asking your mum to feed the cereal on your rest day so you can teach her?

Baby2010: try washing bb backside with water and cotten... then puts a thick layer of desitin... repeat for a day or 2 will recover de....

OrangeBB > Wow, nice view u hv gt. U stay in Jrg arh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babywonder > I m using Active baby, green packaging.

Jolyn > Actually it is a 3 day rule. N the nurse in Poly advice mi to try new fd only in the early day time. Reason is tat if thers any allergies, we cn c it n react to it faster. PD will also b available. I thot it maks sense.

Bluesoda > Thks. Will chk it out.

Jolyn, do you consider to let your family member or caregiver to feed your bb? You can prepare the food before hand every morning before going to work or the night before. For now I think bb getting nutritious food is very important e.g iron, protein etc. You can try those food which are low risk allergy eg sweet potato, apple, potato, avocado


door grills u can put inside living just where the sliding door is. No nd approval cos it's yr own area n doesn't affect condo facade. But it's not so nice looking. U can ask the contractor n they will understand. Yr balcony doesn't look too wide, u can consider safety gate. But make sure yr helper close the gate all the time. I mean when we look after ourselves we will definitely be v careful. I'm concerned when it's the helper that looks after bb.

Hi nana, the prob with mil is that she wants bb to be fed with cereal in her milk bottle.. Afterwhich when bb is ready then straightaway eat porridge le.. So now actually I'm trying to introduce bb cereal and when she is ready to swallow and etc then at least I can get her to start feeding cereal.. Haiz im really worried that I'm robbing the nutrients of my bb. Afterall milk should still be the main ya? My plan is start bb with cereal, ready le then every wkend will try her with new food.. But that will be a 2days rule instead? Will that be ok?

Hi mommywong, that's what I intend to do.. Until bb is ready for cereal then will start off with 1 feed per day.. Don't want mil to use it as an excuse that bb don't know how to eat with spoon and she go and use bottles without my knowing.. Now my girl will boo the cereal out if not a few mouthful she will start pushing away with the tongue.. The woes of a working mom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

Chris: Ella, Rafferty's garden, baby Nat, bio bb, bub's, Bellamy, organix, are some of the better brands. I've tried these and except for Rafferty's garden, the rest are available here.

Homemade Ikan bilis powder:

1) Ikan bilis at your preferred amount (300g-500g) buy those headless and tailess ones.

2) wash and drained them.

3) spread them on baking tray and bake them for 10-15 mins.

4) bring tray out and spread them again then bake for another 15 mins.

5) when done, put portions in the blender and blend for 30s. Use a straight blade.

6) store in air tight tins or ziploc bags.

Hope I didn't miss any steps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] p

Monyetnakal: are you working? Next time can join us for gathering? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolyn: 3 day rule is a guide. If you all have no history of allergies, bb shouldnt have also. Also, should there be any allergies, it'll happen hours after you feed bb so if you are confident enough, 2 days or one day 2 meals can do also. Nestle has this food list which they list down the different food groups- what is safe to try, which ones are the high allergy ones... Obtainable from PD's clinic; ask the nurses. You can follow the list and test out the different foods.

Jolyn, sorry if I get you wrong. You mean during weekdays day time your mil feeding bb with cereal in bottle? 

Ya, milk is still the main nutrient tt bb should get. The ideas of giving cereal is to let bb learn how to swallow and to fill up the stomach as milk is not enough for bb now. Feeding vege and fruits to give additional nutrients.

Your bb reject feeding from spoon, is it because she don't like the cereal taste? Mayb can consider to change the brand and see how? 

You don't need to start cereal as first food alw. Avocado is a v good first food too. If you worry she still dont know how to swallow, you can add in more milk to get te consistency tt is easy to swallow. Try to feed from spoon, bb wil eventually learning how to swallow. 'Practice makes perfect'

It is recommended to have 3 days rule on giving a new food to bb. unless you got family history of food allegy, then you should be extra careful. For now just avoid those food are high risk eg nuts, egg. Some food will only cause wind in bb's stomach. 

Try to communicate with you mil, explain to her your views, why you want to do these ways. I alw told my mil I followed what is said in book. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you! 

Jo, ikan bilis is for what purpose? Add into porridge? I heard it is v salty, suitable to take from which month? I have copied down your steps. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

6 month and 9 month are growth spurt period for baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I presume for ikan bilis, buy those "stomach" removed type right ? You retain the bone ? My mum prefer to saying it's good source of calcium.



Blue desitin is the creamy type, smoother to apply on, good for normal maintenance. It contains 10% zinc oxide.

Purple desitin is the original type. Thicker thus harder to apply.very good if got nappy rash problem. Contains 40% zinc oxide.

Since your baby born at 36 weeks, baby is slightly premature. Weight doesnt matter as long as he/she is growing well. Plot baby's weight on the health booklet chart. As long as maintain or go up the percentile chart, baby is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My understanding of 3 day rule is not that you must try the same food for 3 consecutive day. It meant when you start a new food, (e.g on Monday), you should not try another new ingredient on Tues and Wednesday.

I'm also a FTWM. I'll prepare the puree in feed size (using the baby cube) and give to my mum to feed each day.

In your case, if u want to prevent my MIL from adding the cereal into milk, you might want to let her feed purely the Puree. Then you feed cereal + puree on weekend. Cereal generally is meant to make baby feel full (carbohydrate). To see the benefit of the other nutrients, you must give large quantity (which is not possible). Baby's main need is still fulfill by milk but you do want baBy to be exposed to other food and let you mil gain experience in feeding weaning food.

My TCM and a very experienced GP both recommend me to give my girl Egg yolk of an hard boil egg. Start only 1/4 of the yolk for a few days and increase a 1/4 every few days. Do not give the egg white yet. They say egg yolk is a very good source in nutrient and quite high in protein which is essential for growth.


If follow Jo's instruction on step 2 to wash the ikan bills, you would have removed the saltiness. It's a good source of calcium and add taste to the porridge.

If don't have baking oven, can use toaster oven too but better not to prepare too much each time as the powder might not be as dry as using baking oven.

Jovialz: ya, because it's for eating so remove them better.

Nana: use as stock base, flavoring(alternative to salt). The stock can be used to cook soup, porridge..etc. For me, I start using this much later but I think 8 or 9 months is ok. Someone was saying her pd recommended that she can start feeding her bb now.

