(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi, mummies

Nice to see mummies & babies at little gym trial class. Hehe..... my husband and I gets tired after class, we didn't sign up for more classes.

I only know Diana, Jac, and Joo who had dinner together last Aug at Nov mums' gathering; couldn't recognize the rest. Who else is there with babies' names?


Saw photos at facebook. Thanks.


I saw that u are selling car seat. Better check that it's the approved type and be able to produce proof of certification. Otherwise you could get to the wrong side of the law.

1) Vividip / Veron Lim [email protected]

2) tubao /............/[email protected]

3) HPC / Eunice Soo / [email protected]

4) junjun / jun lim / [email protected]

5) chris / Christine / [email protected]

6) monyetnakal / Mona / [email protected]

7) piggypang / Sharon Pang / [email protected]

8) angewong/ [email protected]

9) Bam / [email protected]

10) oneegg/ [email protected]

11) chingkhoo/ [email protected]

12) rxsti / [email protected]

13) babywonder / [email protected]

14) VT (Mrs Loo / [email protected]

15) ptb (Esther / [email protected])

16) Bluesoda ( Diana Phoo/[email protected])

17) Jen(cookiemonster) / Jenny wong [email protected])

18) Happiee / [email protected]

19) Cherry / [email protected]

20) jovialz / Esther , [email protected]

21) strawberrys79/ Lynda, [email protected]

22) Evelyn / [email protected]

23) Wendy / [email protected]


I'd asked Traffic Police before but I'd since deleted that mail. . It had to approved to United Nations Regulation ECE R44.03 I think. Better email TP to check.

Jovialz: Yup. I have just got a reply from Traffic Police. I got the list of Standard Cert numbers from them, and had emailed my supplier about it. Now waiting for his reply. Thanks Jovialz for raising this issue! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, I notice a lot of mommies here didnt spell my nick correctly many many times lol...

can be neolette,neltotte,nelottle, etc etc.. lol


i tink shan means using CPF to pay ixxit? PCV7 can use CPF to pay. Since my son is below 1 yrs,so will need to take 3 jab. 1st jab - use my hubby CPF to pay, then 2nd jab - use my cpf to pay.3rd jab - will use my hubby cpf to pay 140 and 20 by cda (the reason being that there is a celling cap for this PCV7, onli can use up to 300/year for ea single parent.)

bam: jia you!! *hug* hope ur bb recovering soon!!

shan: the pneuomoccal jabs cost, u can claim via medisave of up to $360 if i dun remember wrongly. if u take at polyclinic, they will give u a form to fill in then submit together when making payment for the 6in1 or 5in1 jabs and they will proceed the medisave claim for u.

re: lil gym class

saw the video n pics from FB and all mummies and bbs are enjoying...must be fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but saw one of the move seems challenging..

the other one showing bb like doing push-up posture..tat one seems interesting..and din know bb tat young can do that..really fascinating! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan: correction -> the pneuomoccal jabs cost, u can claim via medisave of up to $360 $300 per calendar year . if u take at polyclinic, they will give u a form to fill in then submit together when making payment for the 6in1 or 5in1 jabs and they will proceed the medisave claim for u

jovialz: here is the reply from my supplier. But before this reply, he said that the car seat is approved with the European Standard. For me to get the cert, I need to pay for $50. So I asked him whether we need to supply the cert to show traffic police or maybe the standard is printed in the car seat. Below is his reply:

It is Portable baby car seats, not real baby car seats. Portable baby car seats do not need certificate, because it is only as accessories to enhance security.

You can think, if parents do not use portable baby car seat, their baby or kids also can sit on car. But why when they use portable baby car seat, their baby or kids can sit on car when portable baby car seat has certificate ?

All in a word, portable baby car seats do not need certificate, because it only as accessories to enhance security. If parents do not think they are necessary, they can put their kids on car without it. But if without it, the security is lower.

I feel my explain is too confuse, hope you can understand and forgive my poor English.

Does it make sense? hahahaha. I'm confused myself... :p

Bam, hope bb A will recover real soon. Jia you k

Tubao, finally can see ur twin girl! So cute to have twin. I hope to have twin too but no gene in my family.

Monyetnakal, I was sitting beside u, ur gal touched my girl's face..

mummies who interested to join the little gym class, this sun they offer another introductory class for us. Not sure how many pax, Mayb can check with Phyl if interested.

Recently my girl starts to whine, make angry sound (uhmm uhmm..) when she can't get what she wants and wil cry if we can't fulfill her. Headache.. Don't know where did she learn from.


Problem with surfing using tiny screen of iPhone. The 1st I'd actually got it correct (with a capital "O" thou). [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I believe your supplier is not local. Likely in their country, there is no regulation on the use car seat / child restraint so to him, there is no need for certification. In his point of view is have portable car seat is better than not having anything.

However, you'll be worried if touch wood anything happen ad the person point to you as seller, then you unable to prove it approved type. Somehow I also worried that the supplier would "everything also have" but actually it's not certified. I think for certiicarion, it need to tested to ensure the item does not give way, tear etc during car accident impact which the forward momentum force can be quite strong.

Jovialz, i will try your method 2'mrw. Thanks! Hope it works.

Ya, i also saw the photos on the little gym.. Looks fun. Think i want bring my baby to the trial class also.

Hi, Nana

Haha.... your wish may become true.... no genes in my family either.

my husband and I still slowly accept the fact of being parents of twins. We kinda of suddenly become a special group of people.

sorry ladies.. hehehee i don actually know abt the claim etc.. but i know can, coz during #1,his pneumoccal jabs are from our own pockets de..

ok thanks gals for the info.. hee i think i will ask my PD's assistant oso. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u ladies are still gg coming sun?

my Hubby is out of town, if no one to go w me, thn gotta be tough, coz i got a infant & a 5yr old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hey hey! Its easy to recognise me at little gym. Coz mine cried the loudest n 80% of the time he's there....or is it 90%???


Hi Jovialz, sorry to trouble u again ;) Can baby eat pumpkin now? How long do we need to steam the pumpkin? So far i only let baby eat apple, apricot n pear..

Hi Jovialz, sorry to trouble u again ;) Can baby eat pumpkin now? How long do we need to steam the pumpkin? So far i only let baby eat apple, apricot n pear..

Naf> my gal is taking healthy times brown rice cereal. So far, she is ok with this. I find it quite smooth. Have nt tried other brands, so can't really compare

my boy 's pneumccoal jab we used cda. We din pay a single cents. I just found article that say can claims but since cda can cover it we dun bother to claim


hi all

long x no postings... hope all r doing well

s far s i know to claim pneumococal jab thr medisave oni can be done in polyclinic. if do it thr pd or gp cannot claim medisave oni can use cda acct

btw kiddy palace having 15% disc n 20% disc for members til end June [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

naf: healthy times brown rice cereal is very smooth in my opinion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...but you need quite a lot of flakes to make a small amount...haha...my gal likes it...now i let her try oatmeal cereal too (not as smooth as brown rice) for variety...

ching: pumpkin is a good first food for bb...very easy to prepare...just steam abt 15 min and mash with a spoon...i love the gluey and smooth consistency...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you can try to give bb sweet potato and carrots too but must steam a bit longer...

pneumoccocal jab

my bb took hers at gp...total was $480...we could do a full medisave claim...hubby deducted $300 (max per person) while mine deducted $180...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bam: hugs hugs for you and your bb...hope she recovers very soon...and you must also take care too...

had a big scare this morn...my gal fell out of her yaolan and knocked her head onto the floor...

suprisingly, she din cry very long.

is really my mistake...

Mistake No. 1- i should have carry her to her playpen at nite...but after seeing her sleeping so soundly, i decided not to carry her.

Mistake No. 2 - I should have zip the yaolan. Somehow or rather, I overlooked it...

I nearly burst into tears after seeing her on the floor this morn...so mummies, do take note and remember to zip the yaolan whenever your baby is sleeping in yaolan. Coz at this stage, they know how to flip and about to crawl...and may fall..dun make the same mistake as i do...

Bluesoda, do check if she's ok like appetite normal or develop fever as was advice by older people.

Now I put my boy to sleep on the floor. Cos he will flip n toss on the bed. Got experience in falling to floor from bed also wen he was 3 months, scared me siah.. As for yaolan, he keep flipping inside n wana sleep tummy down, I scared he can't breathe well inside since the cloth is self made like mattress type, cant see through one, which my mil insist to use. So I prefer not to let him sleep in it.

I feel more ease putting him on the floor with 2 single adult mattress for him to sleep n flip n toss. Apparently he likes big space. But abit ke lian when I see him from my bed. Like so lonely there.

orangebb >oh, tats u? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur bb mus b overwhelmed w the many ppl n loud noises. He wil gt ovr it. Jus nd time n reassurance fr u. I m 1 bb away fr u on the rt. Who is the bb boy on ur left? I was super impress whn i c tat he was able to hold the milk bottle by himself, cn also drink w the many distraction. Hw i wish my boy cn also b lik tat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yah the tiger bb is getting more n more active so really need to be careful ESP when they can flip here and there like roti prata. I either put my boy on platform to flip and roll or on our master bed but with one of us by the side watching and if he is at my mom place my mom will put comforter on the floor and he will be flipping on the floor

Bluesoda take note if bb has any

Abnormality such as fever vomit etc

bluesoda, actually me too...last weekend, she flipped, turned and all of a sudden she just fell off our master bed and onto platform then onto the floor... we heard a sharp scream and hubby quickly dashed in and shouted for me....it was a terrible shock for all of us... feel extremely gulity..

now we surrounded her with lots of pillow when she sleep on our bed...

Mummies.. saw alot of u posted pics and videos of the little gym.. seems like a lot of the bbies can crawl already... my boi still cant crawl? would anyone advise if he is suitable to attend the class?

Jen: sorry arh wanted to ask u since u bathe bb in hand basin area... then no hot water right? kinda of worried scare bb kena cold...

Nana: not just little tigress... mine is a fierce little tiger lor... getting fiercer n fiercer each day...

Bluesoda: please do check out any other symtons just in casee.... hope bb is ok now?

Sharon, my bb also can't crawl yet. But he is now learning to crawl n sit at the same time. Guess diff bb's development is different.

Mine can lift up his head at 2 months when put tummy down to sleep. Flip to his left at 3rd month, flip n toss to both side at 4th month. 5th month learning to crawl n sit. It's a bless to see his improvement month by month..

sharon > my boy also cant sit or crawl. Even whn he is on his tummy, he wil nt stay for long. He is always lookin for chance to lie on his bk. Vry lazy fellow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]so probably he wil tak quite long to learn hw to crawl.

Sharon> yes differernt bb different progress speed, i always "envy" the nov mummies bb who are faster, i do take it as a "guide" & "motivation" to "push" my bb a little (like reminding myself not to be lazy or to ensure bb's normal, not too slow), but dont stress yrself over it. bb growth is really amazing, one moment u said he cant flip, the next moment he flip non-stop & u worry he'll fall down from the bed. my boy cant crawl too, he's born 3wks+ earlier than EDD, so i take it that he grows slower (actually just to console myself haaa), he seems to want to learn to crawl now, like pushing his legs up & down, buttock up & down, but never see him crawl like the other bb so fast so far..his neck's not very firm cant lift up very long wont drop kind), so i dont dare to let him practice on those mat on the floor, i afraid he'll bump his head hard on the mat..

My bb oso cant crawl yet. He will push himself fwd by exerting force on his hand n "throw" himself fwd.

He oso show signs of learning to sit but always fail,end up forehead hit on the mattress.

My boy likes to stand n jump and stand n bend down 90 degree to pick things up.

Update.. So far my baby had fever this morning which was manageable. Subside within 1 hr.. Thereafter.. No High temp till now *touch wood* hope she on the road to recovery...

Thank you all for the concerns and motivations.. It was nice have you ppl encouraging me to hang on.. this really the toughest job on earth!

After these few days.. I lost 2 kgs. If bb still dun get well soon. Mummy probably will get in shape.. But I rather take the fats and she takes the good health.

Blue soda: take care. I can understand how u feel.. When alycia fell from the High chair. Trauma!!!

Mummies : need a breather .. all alone at hme with bb as hubby is working... BB has been cranky since few days ago... been having milk strke... usual feed abt 170ml per 4 hrs... now cant even finish 150ml... dunno wat happen to him.. and kept crying n crying....

Chloe: my boi cant sit nor crawl... he is quite slow... apparently i think he onli officially learnt to flip at coming 5 months...

Mummywong10: i reckon that every bb is different.. i wonder isit becos of his weight tat makes him harder to move or flip or develop...

Chris: my boi can lie on tummy for quite long and head is quite strong... just that totally cant crawl yet...so was wondering if he is suitable to join the class...

Junjun: was actuali wondering since my boi cant crawl ... and onli one way flip so thinking if he can join the little gym class....

sharon every bb is different i have checked with PD normally BB will only start to flip around 5 months and crawl 8-9 monhts and sit around 6-7 months so no need to worry if your BB is unlike others ...dun compare cos it will make you more worry... just let the BB learn at his own pace [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is your BB big ?...i dun think height or weight can affect the flip or development ...maybe BB is just another lazy bum leh haha..

if you keen to let bb just class just check with the school they are in better position to advise

sorry to interupt,

I've some boots milkbag to let go at $10/box.

Each box contains 40milkbags that can freeze up to 300ml each.

Pls pm me if u're interested.



Monyetnakal, yes, see you on sun!

Orangebb, ya tigress baby v fierce

Sharon, Mayb bb is teething now? My girl also v cranky and bad temper when teething. Don't worry about his development, every bb has their own pace. Mayb now Ur bb is focusing on some skills eg talking, flipping before moving into next one. When my bb is 4.5 months she don't make sound and I tot she can't talk and I went seek specialist opinion. Who knows she makes alot of noise few days after. From there I learned don't compare our own bb with others. This will put us into alot of stresses and this will definitely affect your own emotion as well as your bb.

Today I just came across an article about development, http://www.earlysignsofautism.com/possible-warning-signs-of-developmental-delay-–-birth-to-12-months/

Bam, glad to hear your gal no more feverish.

