(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

I got a pack of sacred tea (opened) to give away. I only took 2 scoops and still left alot coz I dont intend to increase milk supply liao. Any mummies interested pls pm me.


Nana: yah suspect he is teething.. but haven seen anything lor... thanks for the info... less worry after reading the article...

PTB: dunno if he is consider big... he is 8.1kg at 4.5 months....maybe will call school to check...

Sharon that means u are doing a good job

Alot of parent long to see that kind of weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And I aso heard some bb will skip certain stages

Sharon> oh yr bb is big i think, my boy cant sit unsupported too, he only flips 5.5mths i think, so he's like yrs, cant crawl cant sit..just like i feel he'll soon turn to crawl from his behaviour..and he's lighter than yr bb, so like PTB said, u are doing gd job! dont worry abt milk strike, on and off bb has it. has he started on cereal? but do monitor the milk strike, think it might last few days at least, should be normal.

Hi mummies,

My boy didn't flip till abt a year old, don't crawl n stand unsupported only at 14 months.

I was so worried that he can't crawl that I brought him to see an occupational therapist. Was 'scolded' by the OP that I pampered my baby too much thus can't crawl. Meaning, I take all toys for him n didn't give baby chance to be independent n crawl to those things that he wants to take. I never give my baby a chance to flip cos I always put 2 pillows beside him while he is sleeping.

I even suspected my baby to be autistic! Luckily he is fine n enjoying his childhood now.

Thus mummies, do give your babies a chance to develop or reach their milestones by encouraging them to explore. Not like me who hinder his skills by over protecting him.


Sorry to have missed yr question. Think enmummy had replied for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Surprise that the occupational therapist scold you. I'd asked PD and she say Crawling is not a milestone cos My no.1 didn't crawl, he goes straight to stand and walk a few steps unsupported on the day he turn 1. Understand from my mum, I didnt crawl too.


Can check the health booklet to know if baby is on the big side. there are some charts for you to plot to monitor baby's height and weight gain.

I like to once in while refer back to health booklet. It's help to check for milestone to look out for. Crawling is not listed inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon: wow your boy is big. Mine is only 7.5kg at 6 mths 1 week plus. He can't crawl forward yet but can push his body backwards. He can also do yoga downdog position, pushing his butts pointing upwards and lifts one leg up like dog peeing. Maybe cuz he's lighter?

I don't think crawling is a milestone. Heard some children do not crawl. It's up to the individual. Do you leave your boy in

the cot or bed? Maybe it's soft so its difficult for him. I realize

my boy likes to practise on the bumper mat. Can try? My boy can sit for awhile unsupported but after awhile he tends to lean forward so I daren't let him sit unsupported for too long even in bumbo seat.

Guess our babies will grow differently. That's why I didn't wanna bring my boy for the gym. Later I get stressed seeing chubbier babies. My boy drinks v little and likes to play.

DIY food - bgt the Phillips steamer and blender on Sunday. We made apple purée and carrot and sweet potato like those pre-packed ones. But my son rejected them! He is too accustomed to those raffertys garden and Heinz ones that we gave for few weeks. So sad. We followed the recipes and textures are v smooth too but he could tell the difference! He cried and cried. Like we were torturing him!

Sharon: *hugs*... it's never easy to look after bb on your own, but I think you are really doing fine. Your boy is of a very healthy weight. Crawling is not a must, my girl also skipped crawling. She scooted with her bum, does leopard crawling and stand and walk. And yes, you can go little gym cos they teach you how to help your bb use the right muscles to move and this aside, it's also socializing for the bb. Some bbies are just more visual, they see others do, they will follow. I encourage you to go, time out for both of you.

I'm sure the mummies here shared their bbies' achievements out of excitement and joy, not to compare. So in the midst of being happy for them, don't add pressure to yourself. We have come a long way, 6 months of hard work! You too, have done very well! So, don't give up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon > wah, i tink ur bb abv average. I feel bb who is heavier wil develop slower in tis sense. My boy nt tat heavy although he is quite chubby, is also slow, nt to mention lazy. :p the gym class has sm activities tat hlp to encourage bb to crawl. So in a way its gd for bb who hasnt crawl yet, lik mine.

Lyn >ya, u reminded me tat my hubby also sy tat we ovr protect my bb , tats y he develop slower than others. I ovr remind myself nt to pick up toys for my boy liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thks for sharin w us.

Cherrie: my boy is lighter than yours. He eats very well and sleeps very well, but I wonder wher his weight go to.. I asked my pd and she said he is a happy, healthy little boy to me; he is just on the lighter side( 25-50 percentile). Ok lor...! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I believe all mummies here are to share experience rather then for comparison [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No matter how fast or how slow their development are, as long as they are healthy,i believe that the little ones are always mummies n daddies precious gems [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now, no matter how tired i m after a long day wrk,i would say baby smiles kill all the tiredness in me..and juz like some SAHM, i wish i m one too and able to witness my baby milestone..

Cherrie , hw much u got for the philips steamer & blender & where u get from? I wanna get 1 too, these few days I steam & mash but I feel lumpy leh nt smooth engf.

Cannot prep food infront of him, yell cry shout Mk me so nervous.. I alone no one to distract him. Sigh coming weekend hubby oversea, alone w 2 kids.. Gd luck to me..

My 6m1w boy oso can't crawl can sit unsupported for less than 5 sec, slower compared to peers too., but every kids r diff.. U r nt alone.. Mine oso lazy bum on tummy for morethan 1 mins he scream liao then nap only 20mins.. So bz e him ..

Sharon: yes, no warm water but the basin tap one is considered room temp compared to the shower tap so far I think bb quite ok. Btw you staying in west also right? The pool at CCK is quite good compared to the Jurong West one, maybe you wanna try there too if you are keen to bring your bb for a swim.


U can chk the Philips steamer cum blender in kiddy palace s they r having 15% disc for public n 20% for member. The bundle pack tat comes wif some feeding accessories works out to be $159. Chk it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: ya my lil one is overwhelm n piss w the noise coz he's sleepy. On my left is evelyn n lil jayden.

Sharon: Simmilar to Chris baby, mine dun really like tummy time too. After a while he'll flip over. Think he'll take a while to crawl. He likes to sit (getting better) n walk (w help) though.

I guess giving bb the environment n encouraging them to learn to sit, crawl n walk help. Though I'm not at home, I told my maid to let bb prawl on the playmat till he cry of flip over n try not to hold him when he sit, etc.

I've bought many toys to encourage him to crawl but normally he uses his "carebear stares" skill n then give up. Urghhh lazy boy.

Re: Hair fall

I remember this has been discussed in the forum a few months back. Now it happened to me. Hair fall like crazy. Anyone has tried any solution and it works? Care to share?

Hi Mummies..

Need your all help to advise.

1.i feel my son keep hungry since last 2 days. normally he drink 120ml for each 3 hours. but last 2 days i feel he keep easy to hungry like 2 hours+ then cry for milk .and night time..usually last feed on 1:30am then will wake up cry for milk at 5am+ or 6am but last 2 night.. 12:30am, 2:30am 5:30am... since like 2 hours+ wake up once....tiring..wondering if he is ready for brown rice and purees?

2. My son can flip but hvn't start crawl yet he is 5months 3weeks now.. he abit different with other bcos he keep to use his back head and leg to push forward ler..somemore very fast one.. usually body is facing down and use leg and hand to move forward..but he is opposite ler..body is facing up...which baby is same like my son?? i am thinking bcos of this so maybe my son not easy to know how to crawl....


Take care of yourself also, eat more, ask help. My older girl was hospitalized twice for around 2 days, due to flu at 2year, and 2.5 year old. I feel that I aged for 10 years just because of going thru it for two days, luckily, I regained the youth afterwards....Haha........

Getting a good doctor and health shield can get us more peace of mind.

nelotte (nelotte) : Me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] terrible ler...my floor all are my hair ler...n my head can see a "white line" in the center....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

If ur bb don like the cereal that he/she is eating, do u change brand? Kinda of pricey to do that huh.

I am not sure whether my bb dun like or don know how to swallow properly yet, but one thing is for sure. His golden mouth dun really open. N he’s been fussy on his food.

I read b4 that once open, the cereal shld be used up within a mth. After a mth, the nutrients will start to deplete.

I have tried “only organic” rice cereal & happy bellies brown rice cereal, both mix w FM. I am thinking whether to buy another brand to try.

Feed milk stress, feed solid food also stress

nelotte (nelotte) : Me too! Hair falling like nobody business... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and hair is getting thinner each day.. arghhh... looking at my floor i will faintzz...


babies like to imitate adult. Try to put/carry him together at meal table and eat meal together. you can demonstrate by putting cereal to your mouth eating it and show him a 'yummy face' to trigger his interest in food.

nana: lol. My hair quite thick too. But I'm afraid, at this rate, not gonna be thick for long hehe. Any mommy has any product or shampoo to recommend?

Hi, I have 8 new tins of Similac Follow-on (900g) - New Most Advanced to let go @$18 each.

Collect between redhill mrt - clementi mrt

Anyone interested pls let me know.

Happy Baby Puffs & Bellies

Hi mommies. I've some puffs and bellies (cereals) to let go. My baby is not keen on them anymore - have been trying for the past 1 week to make her interested in them. I bought them from the overseas BP section, so am letting go at the same prices. Preference for delivery is by mail but I can meet up at MRT stations after work. Please PM me if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puffs - $4.80 (2 each: strawberry, greens, sweet potato)

Bellies/cereals - $5.80 (2 each: brown rice, oatmeal, multigrain)

Expiry: Jan-Mar 2013

Babes.. wanna ask.. i saw someone on FB posted the raffety's bb food.. who who huh? hahaha... got lobang? kekeke

Mummywong: i try adding the purees in. Mayb havent found one he like. Hmmmp

Nana: i hav an idea. I'll ask hubby to sit down beside bb n i'll feed both of them! Muahahaha!

Hi mummies,

Have been hibernating from e forum for awhile.. Just a quick update, I've stop bf since e supply has stop and started cereal and some puree.. Tried pumpkin, banana and carrot.. My girl reaction so cute and funny as she's exposing to all these food. Haha!! Somehow after banana, her poo seems to have some black substance, so I stop and let her eat plain cereal for awhile.

My girl is turning 6months tomorrow, can currently move back n forth when she's on her four.. Think she's going to crawl soon. Coincidentally, u also fall off from e bed last Friday, after a whole day of monitor, so glad to see her play and laugh like usual.. Phew..!!

Since many of us are facing hair dropping problem, why not join me in the "hair for hope" charity campaign?? Hahha!! I'm going to shave botak for this, any mummie wanna join me??

Bam, I hope your Bb A is ok now..

ive been reading silently too..but Mrs Lee ur post..whoa!had to respond!!

u serious?botak!

my hair loss is terrible too! juz comb my hand thru...i have a bunch of strands in my hand! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tried medilook..didnt work for me...$$ goneeee

Mrs Lee:

You are very courageous Mrs Lee!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But you are doing for a good cause.

My hair has been dropping too for the last 2 months...sigh...

So, apparently no one has yet found a good product for hair fall? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Orangebb - ya should share and buy as meimei seems not interested in Bellamy and no small pack to try out...only saw earth best has small packs one...

Tried giving a bit of apple puree and she gave yucky n vomit look...only likes water...*faintz*


Re: Changeover to Enfapro A+

Has any mommies started to do a changeover gradually yet? Just started mine, don't know what's wrong with my girl..introduce new stuff eg healthytimes brown rice cereal to her, her stool will become smooth like texture which is not usual from her sticky paste like poo2.. Check with pd during her last jab, she mentioned that during teething phase, bb are prone to stomach flu which is quite common.. Headache! Going to try out the nestle rice cereal this wkend, hopefully all will be well..

