(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


The price is tempting. But radiation might not see harm immediately. It's the unknown long term effect lor.


ytd Alycia's temperature is on the high side. 37.9. and her hands and forehead was warm..

No cough no flu.. just high temp.

This morning also have not subside. 37.5.

then late morning called my maid.. she said temp went down to 36.5. after lunch.. maid said temp went up to 37.5

Wondering is it the teething that cos the fever?

Or is it the weather that is causing the fever...

Bam: at which month u bring bb to swim? roughly hw long can he stay in there? Btw i think our bb is in the teething stage... my mum told me some bb will feel feverish and subside.. if bb is still active and temp go down should be ok... my boi also sometimes go a bit higher but after a while ok liao.. let ur bb drink more water...it helps else barley...

Jovialz (jovialz) : how many time u brush yr baby's gum n teeth per day? did u buy happy bellies for your baby? if yes, how much should we give to our baby at 1st time start to feed them rice cereal?

Sharon Pang (piggypang): i oso thinking bring my son go public swimming pool but i worry the water is too cool for him..so thinking buy a small pool put at home let him play..heee..

Hi Mummies

Sorry to disturb your thread.

I have 4 packs of Huggies Ultra L34 (Purple Packaging) and 8 packs of Huggies Pull Up L12 for sale or exchange.

Looking to exchange to:

1. Huggies Pull Up M size OR

2. Huggies Dry Comfort M size (Red Packaging) OR

3. Mamy Poko M size OR

4. Kodomo Cleanser for Baby Bottles and Accessories

Self collect at my house- Bt Panjang (Fajar). If you take all 12 packs, I will deliver to your house.

If you are interested, pls contact me at 8421 5286 or PM me.

Was told that for baby, 37.5degree not considered as fever. Their temperature is higher then us due to high metabolic rate.


How much to give initially , guide is baby's tummy about the size of their fist. Take cue from baby, it should be for fun thus stop when they refuse.


Didnt bring to swimming pool yet cos I'm concerned about chlorine level plus hygiene (heard of people relieving themselves inside pool years back, dunno now still have or not). I remember ST james swimming pool has heated pool. Some of my 07 mummies also suggested prepare warm milk to feed straight after swimming.

1yr bday >i tink smone was discussing abv tis sm time bk. Hee, nw is my turn to ask. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone has any gd suggestion on bday party? Whic venue? Cake? caterer? Entertainment? Party bags? Anythin? I wil lik to start tinkin abt it n mayb start saving too. Haha, :p i tot of doing it abit more "grand", since we didnt do anything much for his full mth. Sort of compensate bah. Any suggestion? Or anyone alrdy plan smthing? Dont mind to share? Haha, mayb we cn also all meet up in nov too.

Jovialz, yea I know..about the radiation thing. Also worried if she catches a cold or weather too cold the sick cos summer soon etc etc.... that's why it just remained as a "chong dong feeling" lor

1st Bday ...

Anybody want to have 1st bday bash for our Nov babies?

Chris, I ordered my cake from Pine Garden for 1st bday bash fro my boy. Venue is at condo function room. Not so grand, just simple celebration in my case.

RE: Blending of Potatoes etc (Just for sharing)

Somewhere i read that anything that is starchy we should mash it instead of blending as you will break down the enzymes and get sticky starch which might cause stomach upset and change of taste. Not very gd for babies. It's better to try to use fork to mash, blending should be the 2nd alternative [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Above info is extract from a fren's blog..

Hi mommies, does teething cause diarrhoea?

Happens to start bb on 2days of healthy times cereal, but stools become watery.. Have to stop and try again to see if cereal is the case.. Was wondering if she is teething too that might caused it..

chris...what my friend did is she take out the mattress then spray insecticide on the bed frame and leave it there for a while then clean it ... she say by doing so can kill whatever bug that is hidding there...and it works for her... so you may wan to give it a try

nelotte if it is 16 nov 4pm then it is me hahaha....

Jolyn i dunno read from where teething can cause change in stool too...so not sure is yours related to that...anyway u observe bah btw is she cranky and want to bite things if yes likely teething else maybe it is the cereal

i also thinking of bring BB go swimming but i scare public pool on weekend too crowded and high chances of catching cold /flu from the crowd anyway will see abt it hehe


Teething does not cause diarrhea. But due to teething, baby tend to touch here and there then put into the mouth, that might cause diarrhea.

Jolyn you are right about the blending of the potatoes cos I steam and blend, it became very starchy. My Bb ate it and he was very restless and cranky after which I guess she's having tummy upset cos she leaned backward.

Jolyn: thanks for info. I used to mash for #1, cos didn't have effective blender cum steamer then; last week when I prepared for bb G, I used the blender, texture looks ok leh, enough moisture and just before I served, I added ebm. So far bb G is ok, poo is normal. Because, now I'm testing out, I didn't let him eat many times in a row, so maybe that's why nothing happen. Anyway, thanks, shall monitor. Also for your info, potato can be shelved till when they are 8 or 9 months. They need more nutritious stuffs more than the carbo from potato.

Jolyn: oh ya, teething and diarrhoea are not not correlated; it could be other things that caused his unusual stools. If you have started on fruit puree then the fibre may be working on bb.

My little one's temp is still not subsiding.. Always floating ard 37.5 - 37.9... But she's still active.. Eating and playing.. Sud I proceed with little gym if she's still high on temp on Sunday?

Bam: no, shouldn't go if temp still high. They won't let you in also, they take temp and do hand checks before each child enters.

Oh no... She hit 39.1!! Haiz... I jus gave fever medicine and applied cooling pad on forehead! If morning still having fever.. Have to go PD... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she jus recovered from her fall leh...

PTB > Tats a gd suggestion. Bt the day bed is placed in bb rm. Is it save to use insecticide? There may droplets/vapor of the spray landing on the table wher we prepare bb's milk n it may also land on bb's bed?

Bam > Ur bb fell dwn? N nw hv fever? Better to c PD. My mum sy if bb fell dwn n develop fever or vomit, MUS c PD leh.Hope ur little one will b well sn.

Monyetnakal > I second the idea on Nov's bb bday bash. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I don't sty in a condo leh. So can't gt function rm. I heard many mummies getting cake fr pine garden. Is it gd? nice design? I m thinkin of holding it in a hotel. Wonder if it is costly. Anyone has experience?

The fever only develop later. Which cud be due to some infection.

I can't make it for little gym tomorrow already. Any body wants to take my space?

Chris if u cant bring the day bed to other place to spray then u have to spray in the bb room and do one major cleaning up after that so that no residual of the insecticide remain. Look on bright side maybe like that spray all other bug in other area also get knock out too so this one major cleaning up already

I ordered PG cakes for my elder boy's party too all v gd feedback n I'll cont for #2's too..

Yup nov bday bash! Sound fun!

Bam hope Alycia be fine too must b hard on u. Tk care!

Yeah Bday bash sounds fun n exciting...

PG cakes are good... got alot of good feedbacks on their cakes. The lychee martini that contains alcohol or the triple layer choc cake which is alcohol free....

Bam: could be the fall that cause the fever? if still dun recover better see doc cause 39.1 is definitely high fever...yah my mum was telling me anything after 6 months is ok... i think i better wait then. My boi is onli abt 5.5 months.

Jovialz: the hygience is what i m concern also.. pple urine into the pool... when i am there myself i hear pple/parents telling their kids to do that as well.... will prepare milk for him after bb is up. But do we just wipe dry bb and change or have to clean through with water...

Baby2010: i thot of getting the pool thingy but thot like it can onli last a while and kinda of waste water....

Jolyn: teething will cause the texture of bb stool to change as well.. this is what my PD told me...

I reallyvhad a tough day! After PD I bring her to collect her passport first before heading home! Who knows when I reach home... She's running fever at 40.4deg C! Her hands were cold..But her forehead was burning mad!! She was extremely restless.. I quickly gave medication and apply cool pad on forehead and armpit! I had to carry her the whole noon cos once I put her down.. She cries... Then I fed milk while carrying her but she puked everything including her medicine..

At the moment.. I was sooooooo afraid of losing her.. I was sooooooo afraid that something bad will happen to her. I cried...

Bam: take care. It happens to other kids as well. You must be strong to persevere. Hang on, all these teething tough times will be over soon.

Bam> its not teething right? any rashes like HFMD? yes, sponge her to bring down her temp, if it gets too high, maybe you should go hospital if the fever dont come down. take care!

Bam, bring her to hospital immediately. Teething doesn't cause such high fever. Cos fever n vomitting can be serious. Don't go kk maybe mt a is better.

Bam, try to sponge or let her lie down on the cooling cushion if you have. If not, better go hosp...hope she gets well soon...u take care too

Weaning question:

Which type of normal or organic vegetable do you get for baby or every vegetable that you buy is organic?

Today finally she din spit out much cereal after I fed her and hopefully can give more than 1 tablespoon for her...she is down with running nose these few days and soooo cranky

Thank u everyone... Her fever subsided at noon thou so puked the medication. I put on long sleves in the noon and she had a good sweat out.. Thereafter her temperature went down to 37.8 from 40deg C. Now she's at 36.8 and sleeping jus that appetite have not recovered. I dun dare to feed solid. Purely milk for the day but overall she drink about 350ml only overall. But my world like collapsed in the noon when her temp went up to 40 and she was like no energy at all..

Mummywong: no rashes. No coughing. No flu. Poo ok. No diaherra. Output was solid. Mainly feverish so I really dunno wat caused the fever. Maybe like PD said.. Since no cough it could be false measle.. Rashes should or may develop aft fever subside. So.. I'm praying hard that the fever doesn't go up again tonite.. So far from 4 plus till noon her temp is maintained...

Really crossing my fingers...

bam > wat did pd sy? Personally i feel anything abv 40 shld go hosp. Hang in ther, hope ur hubby is w u. Everything wil b fine. Ur little one wil b strong.

Bam> take care! Hope alycia recover soon!


my gal has diarrhea for almost 2 weeks when she was 4.5 mths old. N after she recovered, I noticed she has 2 white spot on her gum. So I suspect that teething caused her to haf diarrhea.

Bam> my boy also drinks like 300-400ml when he's sick & on med from usual 700-900ml/day, so it's normal, she'll tend to drinks lesser, so just dont force her to drink, feed more frequent in less qty, instead of every 3hrs, feed every 2hrs. sometimes my boy drinks only 60-80ml after 3hrs when on med! do monitor her temp though. it's good that she has sweat it out! dont let her catch a cold also. ya think u should exclude solid till she's better since she has no appetite and in case she puke again..u catch a wink when she's sleeping..

Dear mummies, please add me on facebook too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See you all tomorrow!

1) Vividip / Veron Lim [email protected]

2) tubao /............/[email protected]

3) HPC / Eunice Soo / [email protected]

4) junjun / jun lim / [email protected]

5) chris / Christine / [email protected]

6) monyetnakal / Mona / [email protected]

7) piggypang / Sharon Pang / [email protected]

8) angewong/ [email protected]

9) Bam / [email protected]

10) oneegg/ [email protected]

11) chingkhoo/ [email protected]

12) rxsti / [email protected]

13) babywonder / [email protected]

14) VT (Mrs Loo / [email protected]

15) ptb (Esther / [email protected])

16) Bluesoda ( Diana Phoo/[email protected])

17) Jen(cookiemonster) / Jenny wong [email protected])

18) Happiee / [email protected]

19) Cherry / [email protected]

20) jovialz / Esther , [email protected]

21) strawberrys79/ Lynda, [email protected]

22) Evelyn / [email protected]

23) Charlene / [email protected]

Bam-> Hope Alycia recover soon. Boil barley water for her to drink... will help cool her down. U take care too.

Naf: I will try to buy organic ones for all the vege.

sharon: I bought mine to the swimming pool once too. play in the water for about 20 mins. I bought a float for him to sit on.

PG cakes: Yes, they are good. I ordered my wedding cake from there, alot of friends and relatives gave very good feedback.

Bam, glad that Alycia temp down already. For safety measure usually I will still give the paracetamol 1 or 2 x to make sure that the temp will not go up again.


Ytd was at hospital the whole nite. Only came back at 4am...

They did blood test and urine test and confirm she has UTI.

They prescribe anti biotics... Haiz.. So young take anti Botics Liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

