(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Bam> antibiotics in syrup form right? my niece also took it around 7mo...dont feel sad...at least now after hospital tests u found the cause? did u had UTI last time?

Mummywong: nope I never had UTI history.

The antibiotics is in loose powder. Had to add water to make it to solution myself.

Praying that my cheeky cheerful little baby recover to her norm soon..

Seeing her always crying, restless, 两眼无神 , I feel so heartache!

I'd also ordered PG cake for my no.1 birthday. Good feedback. I'd book the NSRCC bungalow for my girl's 1st birthday celebration with my close family relatives. Intend to get cake from PG cake too.

If you see my FB, I'd post a Thomas the train cake by PG. The toys are provided by myself thou.

*hugs* bam.. She ll recover soon since identified the root cause..

My baby oso had his antibotics during 3m+, coz was coughing for v long & quite bad.. So pd gv. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

u tk care your lil darling will b well v soon..

Hugs Bam...take care...how long does she need to take the antibiotics?

Just recalled that if bb suddenly has fever and no cough, flu, or other symptoms, they willtake urine test...saw a couple of bbs and toddlers being checked on thu when brought my younger boy to pd due to chin bleeding...

Bam, most importantly is to find the cause n cure your little girl which the hosp did last night. Be glad for your baby will recover ;)

Bam: hw's BB Aly now? please take good care of urself as well.. remember BB need u to recover... press on...

Jovialz: where u buy those accessories for the cake from?? i remember they dun provide de unless its certain cartoon characters..

Jen: did u bathe bb when he came up of the pool or just wipe dry???


I buy from BP. Start to keep a look out for those party BP or cake deco BP a few month ahead. If no toy type deco, PG is able to do cream type but likely they'll charge more for art work. You can email them and ask for pictures of the cake of the theme you want.

Hi Bam,

You may want to watch out for loose stools due to the intake of antibiotics. My son had diarrhoea n his nappy rash was so bad after the course of antibiotic. Same as you, I need to put water into the powder.

Take care! Do take some vit C to up your immunity. Baby needs you now. Hope your baby get well asap!

Bam: good to hear all is well now. Hope she will recover soon.

Sorry, my earlier msg may be misleading; my "teething tough times" meant difficult period, not the literal "baby teething".


at least Alycia will feel Better after taking med. Will be praying for her. U take care too n be strong for her. Jia you mummy!

I have been googling about UTi and the reading is really tramatising. Ytd doc did not tell me any about leading the kidney problems. Neither did he mentioned about MCU test to see if kidney is affected or not.

Should I feel relieve or not as he never mention this?

Till now her fever is still up and down.. Any idea how long usually this will last? I'm really so worried cos I really have no idea what will happen next. Will she recover soon? Will she get better? I am so lost.....

bam > u shld b able to call the pd to ask more n let him knw bb fever situation. Thy will usually hlp. Tak care.

Little gym > jus came bk. Wow! Really gymnastic, both for mum n bb. I hv nvr carry bb so much in 1 hr. Cn feel muscles growin liao. :p i signed up for nex sun class too. I tink my boy generally enjoyed. He meet alot of bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] phyl's bb, megan, if didnt rem the name wrongly, vry impressive. Cn crawl vry fast. N sit well. My boy is the most lazy. Always tink of lying dwn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bt i m stil proud of him. He seems to b ok w such playgroup. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dunno who's who yet... Only know the baby next to me is Charlotte.. Hee! So fun, i prefer this than gymboree coz more activities and action!

Bam, did doc say to go back for review after finish the antibiotics? I can understand how you feel...if find this doc not good, go for 2nd opinion...

I jus did the ultrasound scan for my girl 2 weeks ago to check on kidney...haven't decided abt the mcu yet

Bam: check with your pd, he can treat UTI. Sometimes viral fever will cause the bb's temp to fluctuate up and down. It will be a span of 5-7 days, and the temp will spike at night. Jia you! Praying for you too. Take care.

Ueno - ok... U did the same during Leroy time too? How did you introduce normal veg to him later stage? Heard from my cousin in law that her friend did that and after 2 years old, introduced normal veg and the kid cant take it and broke into rash....

Thus, thinking whether mixture of organic and normal type to intro to bb cuz last time I didn't intro organic at all to my boys...

Chris: fun right? Don't worry, your boy could be just observing first, I'm sure he will show his skills soon! Afterall so many pretty girls for him to impress! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so you guys confirm signing up for weekend class huh?

Wow, Saw the short video n some photos uploaded by some mummies, seems like all the babies are enjoying their gym class! Hope I can bring bb to trial next time.

Brought my bb to babyspa today n he seems enjoyed it alot!

Naf: doc did say to review aft 2 weeks.. Did u go KK too?

Jo: I duuno I sway or wat.. Her pd is closed for this mon -wed. Think he's away for holiday.. Her fever started on thurs. Worsen only on Friday up to now. So should I say by Friday she's still not well.. Then I need to action again? She only started her antibiotics today.. So I should not get too worked up right?

sharon: Yes... bathe him after the swim. Cos water in the pool is dirty so I think must bathe him. I brought him to the children dressing room and bathe him in the hand basin area.

bam > since medication starts today, mayb nd time to tak effect? Bt u monitor closely. My mum also sy fever usually wil shoot up in the wee hrs. Jia you!

Jewel >haha my boy is actually lazy fellow lar. I didnt knw its u. :p too busy keepin my boy's hand to himself. Keep wanting to disturb the 2 pretty bb gals beside him. Megan n the other bb, i didnt gt to ask for her name.

Jo >ya, it was quite fun. Bt i guess thy pack so many activities in today class bcos its a trial class? Ya, my boy is an observer. He is vry attentive whn ppl talks. Or mayb he is jus a lazy fellow. Hubby sy it seems lik my boy develop the slowest. Cant sit properly, dont knw hw to crawl..

Bam: *hugs*... I know what you mean. Just make sure the antibiotics is completed and monitor situation first. If you are really anxious and can't wait, then find another reliable pd to check? The fever will continue to go up and down but should be under control soon since under antibiotics, so give it some time first unless something else happens(touch wood!). Keep sponging her, keep her cool, barley water, can have cool shower also, fever pad, all these are safe to do for now. So do what you feel comfortable with.

Chris: all kids develop at diff pace lah. When the time comes I think you will miss his quiet moments! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Trial classes usually give you an overview of what the class will consists. The actual class does have a theme weekly and they will do different things and concentrate on training specific areas. If I'm not wrong, the term will end this month and they will start their holiday program. I think they may or may not have holiday program for the babies, depending on demand. The weekend classes are always packed.


*Hugs*. Take care and don't over stress yourself. Did the PD find out what could be the possible cause ? My no.1 had UTI once previously. Did a test to check it's not urine back flow or have some sort of blockage causing it not fully cleared. hope this is not the case. I would go for 2nd opinion since baby is still so young and PD is going out of town.

Hope its just a minor case cause by improper cleaning. Do remind whoever that it taking care of your girl the proper way to wipe her buttock is from front to back especially when cleaning poo.

Chris, don worri abt ya boy being quiet.my #1 oso lidat, like slower & quieter compared to his peers ard age 2.. But see nw, 4+ everyday like tearg the hse down.

Hahaha parents r lidat too active u scare too kwai oso scare.

My #2 oso lazyboy..

I saw the vid by nana.. Looked really fun.. Ya vividip, from vid only, I oso feel more fun than gymboree ..

Hope To go for trial next time.. Anyone else planning?

Btw, ytr 6in1 jab.

8kg, 69cm pd say slightly abv ave.

Pd recommend to tk pneuomoccal b4 1 (3jabs).. I actually planned to do it aft 1 to minimize the jabs (2 jabs).. But she tld me since my darling easier get cough & pleghm it's advisable to tk early.

Anyone knows hw to claim from govt? Gotta find out..

Bam.. Jiayew.. Don be too tensed.. Monitor her fever closely everytin will b fine soon *hugs*


give the med a few days to work. Just continue monitoring her temp. Better bring her to consultyr pd when he's back on thurs.


I gave him normal veg when he turned one

Hi mummies

I Need some help here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I m trying to switch my baby feed from breastmilk to formula. But she doesnt like similac. Start crying when i feed her. Which other brands should i try?

Is it normal for baby not to poo for two days? Wonder is it brown rice cereal too heaty?


I understand it takes time for the medication to take effect. But my concern is why the fever goes up and down? Like ytd.. 8pm plus fevers comes. 10plus subside.. 2am fever comes again until 4am. Then now 8am fever again...

Jovialz (jovialz) : Can i check with you what is UTI? is it serious? my son got fever on sunday morning ..is only 36.5 n 36.7 but y his hand n leg is warm..he still same as usual playing and drinking..but his left eye keep have "eye shit" come out..is it too hot ah?...tis morning i found his voice is "sa sa" that kind ..no voice.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe weather too hot ..my son dun wan drink water one..but yesterday he drink 150ml per day ler..i think he sure very thirsty..hope he can recover when i bring bk him from nanny there tonight....


Is ur baby bottle fed even when on breastmilk ? How long have you tried the FM ?

If not on bottle yet, 1st transit to breastmilk on bottle.

If on bottle already, it will take time to get used to FM. Can try spoon feed a bit to introduce the taste. As milk is comfort, they prefer something familiar thus more difficult to change.

Can try by mixing bit by bit formula into BM. I.e. 30ml of FM mix into 60ml of BM. Slowly increase the proportion.

I did these when my girl refuse FBM and I want to introduce to her. If you do add milk into weaning food / cereal, add FM instead.

Morning !

so nice to meet so many mums, dads and BABIES yesterday !

the class was fun, but super tiring ...

my hubby and I totally exhausted when we reached home...but spirit was up as we tried practise again the upside down with our baby on the bed..haha

can't wait for next week class again !!


Ching > ya maybe you should mix first...

it is normal not to poo for 2 days...

sometimes due to growth spurt they need absorb the nutrients, so it is normal not to poo.

i remember there was once my baby did not poo for 3 days, and she was refusing milk too, and her stomach was huge...keep apply the ru-yi oil on her, no choice...understand, we parents really feel so helpless...i was going around asking for advice etc...


UTI - Urine Tract Infection. Generally not serious if detected early and given anti biotic. In serious case, can develop kidney problem. Some possible cause is improper cleaning bacteria in poo get into urine tract (always wipe from front to the back). Blockage in the urine tract thus cause urine to pool inside the body. Or in adults case, always hold / control urine (allow bacteria to build up).

36.5 , 36.7 degree ? I believe you meant 37.5 and 37.7 ? Actually baby's body temperature is higher (upto about 37.8 degree could still be considered normal unless baby show signs of lethargy) due to high metabolism.


The weather is thus likely can get thirsty easily. Good that he is drinking. Keep him hydrated. Don't think warm hands can tell anything especially he is behave normal.

Jovialz, my baby is bottle feed. I tried 2 nites, she refused to drink. When i tried the milk, it seems like there s a metal taste, thot mayb becos of that she dun like. Maybe i try to add to her cereal.. I hv reduced my number of pump, so worried now that my baby dun wan fm n i dun hv enough bm for her.

Wendy, this is the first time baby nvr poo for two days. Usually she poos alot, that s y now v worried. Somemre she kept farting.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw Mommies, FYI, I'm organizing a Bulk Purchase of many items. From lightweight car seats, potty seat with steps, portable baby seat etc.

Can check it out at my BP thread here


I suggest that you try the mix FM into BM method. For example, your baby is taking 90ml, start by mixing 30ml of FM with 60ml of BM. Slowly increase the FM and reduce the BM.

If you are no insisting of the brand, can try other brand like Enfa or Mamil. Go to their website to request for sample (for stage 2, they generally give 400g tin). I'd request for Enfa and

Mamil and they deliver very fast (within a week).

If possible, don't try at night when baby is tired and sleepy. Try during day time like morning when baby is in good mood or dreamfeed.

Ultimately she'll take the FM, it's just the matter of time.



I saw that u are selling car seat. Better check that it's the approved type and be able to produce proof of certification. Otherwise you could get to the wrong side of the law.

